Mafia's Side Part 2

"Actually That Jade Emblem....."

*Speck Break the Glass and Bam on Table*

Speck : "Why didn't you all Tell me Before.....So That's The reason you Choose me? huh?"

El Deeplo : "I Told you...not to Get Bad Idea...You Know I don't have Any powers, So That's Why I Need That Jade Emblem do Get Atleast one Power"

Speck : "Yeah!! The Power nobody in this world Can Achieve and Dying to get for...."

Bull : "Listen Speck....You literally Have Every Power you want...But He Didn't Have...That's why I Am With him tooo!"

Speck : "Ahhhh....That's Right....Seem Fair to me...I will Get that Emblem to you If I get a Chance....Alright?"

*El Deeplo is Gets Happy and Thanks Speck*

El Deeplo : "What's your Price?? Name it!"

Speck : "I Already Have enough Money and also you Can't Pay what I Offer so Forget it"

Bull : "Means you are going to give us that Without any Contract or Something"

Speck : "Consider it as Make up for What I Did to Previous Contract.....I'll Do it for Free"

*Both are Shocked to See that Speck is Eventually Good Right now"

Speck : "We are Done here...Lets Take a Leave for now"

*Speck Leaves the Room*

El Deeplo : "What you Think Bull...Is he Really going to bring me that Emblem??"

Bull : *Serious Deep Voice* "Actually I Don't Think so...he Didn't Do us Any Favor till now.....Also Even If he Has Every Power....He Does not have one Thing"

El Deeplo : "And That's The Only Thing that Jade Emblem can give him.....of Course he is no going to Give me that thing"

Bull : "He always care about himself....but..."

*El Deeplo Slightly Look at Bull*

Both : "We Got Another Plans too!!"

*Next Scene*

*Slams on the Wall*

Speck : "Damn it.....If I knew Earlier, I Will go Myself There"

*"Zymen" Speck Shouted*

*A man With Multiple Sword in his Cover Came to Speck Overkill*

Speck : "You Know Why you are Here??"

Zymen : "Give me Orders, My lord"

Speck : "Go Find That Fucking Jade Emblem and Bring them To me!!"

Zymen : "Your Command is my Pleasure, *Nod his Head* I am your Servant I'll be at your Service *Evil Smile Revealed*"

Speck : "Your....Power is Meant to...KILL"

Zymen : "But.....As Always My Lord.....I Want Some....Soliders"

Speck : "Do At your Will"

*Zymen Passes Evil Smile*

*Next Day*

Speck : "It's Time!!"

Zymen : "Yes, My Lord"

Speck : "Remember If You Encounter any Top Ranked Solider....*Stared Serious* Try not to Die"

Zymen : "Don't Worry, My Lord.....I Kill'em All"

Speck : *little Smile* "Hmh!! Time Will Tell"

*Zymen Off To his Mission*

Zymen : "Hmmm According to information given...The Emblem are Held to The Top Ranked Solider Dark his Own Place.....They Are indeed So Clever...*Take out His Phone and Dialed a Number* Hey Whats up Rozar!!!.

*A Beast Hand Appears on a Table, There is a Wolf Type Beast Sitting on the Dirty and Terrible Chair and Tables are Broken up...It's an Abandoned Junk Place*

Rozar : *Deep Intensive Voice* "Why you are Called me?"

Zymen : "Woah Woah Woah...It's your Buddy Zymen"

Rozar : "I know It's my old Idiot who Happens to Call me for some Help and Nothing More, You Seriously Think Living and Serving that Bastard Makes you cool"

Zymen : *Awkward Silence* " are so Intelligent I see...I need you h-"

Rozar : "I am Not Coming Whatever you are Seeking, I Can't Make my life more Worst now"

Zymen : "Hey You will with don't Worry"

Rozar : "That's the Damn Worrying thing"

Zymen : "Come on Man I am Way Powerful Then Before.....Seriously"

Rozar : "If you are That Power why you need me then?

Zymen : *Cough* "ahh.. I.....I mean We Did Many and Many Mission Together so What you say"

Rozar : "Atleast Tell me One Reason to Came to you Right now?"

*Zymen Changes his Way of Talking and Said* : "Or Maybe....Or just Maybe you can find Gore to Fight"

*There is 10 second of Silence on Phone*

Rozar : *Slowed* "I Will Come"

Zymen : "That's My Buddy" *Hung up the Phone*

Zymen : "Haha.....damn he is just to Easy....Just say There is Gore , There he is"

*Dialed Another Number*

Zymen : "Is Everyone in the Position??"

*There is One On the Roof top of Building Settled the Aiming Asset at the Dark Samurai Building...There are more to Another Building Near them*

??? : "Yes Boss All the Thing are Set Already...Just Give Orders"

Zymen : "Just Be on my Command...Rozar is Arriving"

??? : "Seriously...But He Swear he will not Work with you anymore After The Accidents"

Zymen : "Well you know.....There is Gore , This is Him...Trick"

??? : "Haha....That's Perfect Boss...Waiting For your Commands"

*After Few Minutes Razor Arrives*

Razor : "You want me huh.....Here I Whats your Stupid Plan"

Zymen : "So the Plan is.......You are Going to Go Rooftop Gate and kill Some Guard , I Will Get in From Infront and Head on, Those Snipers and Bows are Ready to Evade Solider Inside...There is Tight Security Because Of Recent Fight With Red Ninja and They Save Jade Emblem in there Some Where.....Hardest Part is 'We Don't Know Where is Jade Emblem' But Information is Full Accurate that it is In that Building Confirm by Footage we Got."

Razor : "So What About our Guys....We Have Here"

Zymen : "Some of Them will be With you, I only Want These 3"

Razor : "Ohhh no you Don't.....I Will Go Alone"

Zymen : "Well will really Be okay?"

Razor : "I Am More Powerful then you So It's Okay Stupid"

Zymen : "He Don't Miss Chance to Ditch me"

Razor : "We All good Then...Lets Roll"

*They Started to Approach According to the Plan*

*Many Solider Solid there Aim into the Building and Waiting for the Order, Razor Get to the Tall Building Near Him and All Ground guys are hide to Attack...Zymen Going infront Head on*

Chapter Continued......

Next Chapter : Hope for the Best, Ready for the Worst