Hope for the Best Ready For the Worst

*Many Solider Solid there Aim into the Building and Waiting for the Order, Rozar Get to the Tall Building Near Him and All Ground guys are hide to Attack...Zymen Going infront Head on*

*After Keep Going Two Soldiers at Big Gate Stop and And Warn him*

First Soldier : HEYY! Stop Right There!!"

Zymen : "Chill Officer! I Just Want to Meet My Friend"

Soldier : "Huh?.....Which Friend?

*Rozar Jumped High to the Building and Reach Rooftop....Snipers and Bow are Aimed Ready*

*In CCTV Camera live Footage.....Dark Samurai See Zymen and Immediately Alert all the Soldiers and Called Entry Gate Soldier*

*Ear Bud Rang up and Soldier Listen*

??? : "He's Zymen...The Swor-"

*But Zymen Slash Through Those Two Soldier Already*

??? : "Report....He's Zymen.....Hello...Hey...Are you There Soldi-"

*Zymen Pick up the Ear Bud and Said* : "Oi oi oi....Tell your Top Rank that your Old Friend is Coming to Greet" *Break the Earbud*

*Alarm Just Started to Rang up and Whole Building Lights are out Suddenly.....Emergency Lights Started*

*Zymen Ran into the Elevator and Press 9th Floor Button*

*Dark Samurai Disciplined their Students and Send them to Elevator.....*

Dark Samurai : "Tch....There is only one Top Ranked Soldier....should I call for Back up?....."

*Elevator Alarm Ranged on 5 floor then 6th Floor then 7th floor then 8th... 'Elevator TING noise' Elevator Door Opens...*

*There is No one there?*

Dark Samurai : "huh?....."

*Roof Break suddenly and A Big Beast Fist Come Towards Dark Samurai* *Blacked*

*A Black Sword is Cut Thought the Stomach of Rozar...A pack Blood explode through his Mouth*

Rozar : "How is This Fucking Possible??....That Dark Fellow's Reflex's are Insane *cough*"

*A Dragger Suddenly Comes Towards the Neck of Dark samurai...Zymen Appears*

Zymen : "After 5 years....you are not Mastered Awareness?"

*Every Student is Shocked that Where he Came From*

*Dark Samurai Starts Laughing Hard*

Zymen : *Confused* "is he Idiot or Something.....is death Make him Mad Instantly?"

*A Big Black colored Katana Get on Zymen Neck from Behind*

Zymen : *Confused and Scared* "If he's Here then he Must be a....."

Dark Samurai : *Whisper in Ear* "Yes, He is a Clone hahaha"

Zymen : *Tap on Button* "NOW SHOOT" *Shouted*

*Nothing Happens*

Zymen : "I SAID SHOOT"

Dark Samurai : "No ones Gonna do Anything Here.....Slow Down" *Clone just Disappears in the Shadows"

*Rozar fall on the Ground*

*Enemies who are Aiming on Building are Also Captured by Solider Already With the Help of Gore*

Dark Samurai : "I Really owe you one Gore!!!...Take care of Rozar Students"

Rozar : "Gore...You say"

*The Floor is Starts shaking*

Rozar : *Extreme Anger* "GOREEEEE"

*Gore Suddenly Feels Killing Instinct of Beast*


*Building Explodes*

Gore : *Shouted* "NOOOOO...Sam.....you there.....SAM....."

*Gore Turned into Beast and Jumped into the Building*

*Everything seems Smokey and dust.....There are Laying some Dead Bodies of Dark Samurai Students...Gore Immediately Call PF Association for Some Help*

Gore : "If There anyone Who Survives Answer me *cough* *cough*"

*A Fist Collab with Gore that Throws him out of the Building*

*He Stands up and Rozar Coming from the sky...Gore Dodge his Attack and Said* "Are They Alive"

Rozar : *Beast Voice* "Not Sure about that" *Aura Flowing thought Rozar's body

Gore : *Make a Hard Punch Fist* "Are...They...Alive?" *His Eyes Got red and His Body gets Bigger Also He Turning into More Monstrous Being*

Gore : "Self-Embodiment of perfection....Beast 4th Form"

Rozar : "That's Right...That's What Exactly I am Waiting For.....go all out...Brother"

Gore : "Right Back At you"

*Both Punch Each other at the Same time*

*Dark Samurai Gets up Injured and saw His Dead Students*

Dark Samurai : *Feels Awful and Sad* "Why it Happened? Why my Pupils have to Die....Why?"

*Zymen Voice Heared* : "That Because you have that Jade Emblem!!"

Dark Samurai : "You Will not Get away with this!"

Zymen : "Nobody Going Anywhere"

*Dark Samurai Take of his Both Sword as well as Some Sword growing through Zymen's Body*

Dark Samurai : "So you Perfect it don't you....you killed someone you love for that Curse Don't you"

Zymen : *Low Voice* "Shut up"

Dark Samurai : "You Offer your love to get that Power" *Approaching towards*

Zymen : *Medium Voice* "Shut up"

Dark Samurai : "Your Mind gets Blind in Hunger of Power and you Think you are the Best of Whole time huh?" *Ready to Slash*

Zymen : *Really Loud Voice* "SHUT UPPPP" *Swing his Sword named Dandelion*

Dark Samurai : "Dark Blind 7th Technique 'Dark Place of Katana'"

*He Countered with Black Slash from Both Sword. Whole Area Around Zymen and Dark Samurai Get Blacked*

Zymen : "This is Not going to Work This time!" '4th Birth of Cuts' *Many Draggers and Swords Coming from the Ground and Place Get Overlap but Grey Layer*

*Dark Samurai get Shocked and unleash his Clones and Gives a Big Slash of Waves to the Zymen*

*Zymen Domain Clearly Overlapped by Dark Samurai Clones and Falls Outside of Building*

*Both Rozar and Gore are Fighting to Each other and then Both see Dark Samurai and Zymen Fighting to Each Other*

*Everyone Stop Suddenly*

Gore : *Covered with Blood and Injured on his Left shoulder* "Listen, We Are Same Razor and Both of you are Also the same Zymen and Dark samurai....The Difference is that...you Get in Evil and we Decided to Serve for the World...It's Time Brother to Stop....I know you go Through Many....we Both Do Together....Let me Ask you Last time....That's not the Way of doing thing"

Zymen : "ROZAR!!! Don't Listen to him.....He's Tricking you.....You know ta-"

Rozar : "Shut up Zymen....He's Never Tricked Anyone...even in the Toughest situations He's With me as always....In a Fact *Killing Instinct Stared* you are the One Who is Tricking me and Brain Washing Don't you!!!"

Zymen : "Ahh..hh....How?.....I mean I am your Friend Rozar We do many Mission together Right!!"

Gore : "He Manipulating you Brother....You Never Hated me in the first Place....I know you are Angry that I Didn't came back to you but...The Rozar I know Never Hated me"

Dark Samurai : *Smiled* "haha.....So you Know gore his Powers Already even you didn't fight him Before"

Gore : "I Always Study my Opponents first"

Dark Samurai : "You can't Trick us Zymen...we Always know that you have Mind Manipulation Power also Sword Birth in a Fact the Rare one"

Zymen : "Tch..."

*Gore Hit Rozar's Head Hard that he Falls Down to the Ground*

Zymen : "HAAAAAA...You Dumb Fuck....That's Enoughhhh" *A Hard Aura Flowing through his Body and Sky Becoming White Slowly

Dark Samurai and Gore : "So it's Time..."

Chapter Continued....

Next Chapter : So it's time