Chapter 98: The Council of Nicaea seems to assemble

Momonga slammed his hand down on a table to signal the start of the emergency meeting that took place roughly an hour after the fighting forces of four, or rather, five factions withdrew from Kuoh, or in the case of Norse, were nearly wiped out.

Assuming, of course, that Momonga didn't count 'the Supreme Being's faction as one of the fighting factions, or rather the Overlord General, or count Khaos Brigade, or count Cthulhu who had for some reason been in the fight, or counted the possible rogue faction of Shub-Niggurath which had fought against pretty much everyone else.

He did a quick calculus and estimated that there had been between five to nine separate factions fighting each other, and felt a bit faint as he contemplated what would have happened if he hadn't managed to get three of them to his side, if temporarily, or had been forced to fight all of them at once.

Incidentally the last scenario was his worst nightmare in the Ero-World.

Luckily, however, it seemed that the ambush had worked like he had planned, or rather, had adapted after the Overlord General had explained his plan and Momonga had made a quick adjustment to it in order to have the ambush feed into his idea of marketing healing and wares.

That is, the ambush's 'second' potential result had emerged in the form of the Three Factions, or at least a part of them anyway, galvanizing against a united threat.

Although the fact the 'threat' was basically Momonga's 'real self' did make him more than a bit queasy nonetheless.

"So… Situation report." Momonga directed his words to a floating building-sized Angel that floated off the balcony of Phenix manor in Underworld, so that the group that had assembled around a table could converse in a manner that didn't become overly awkward from looking up at the angel from it's knee-level… And also to give them a degree of situational awareness, as they all knew that while the immediate fighting had ceased, the situation could change at the drop of a hat even if they were in the Underworld and not in the Human World.

Momonga glanced at the participants of the 'strategy meeting', that was Michael of Heavens, Gabriel of Heavens, Yasaka of Shinto (and her daughter who was safely caged into her mother's tails and out of view), Momonga's 'angelic' summons as well as Serafall Leviathan who was flanked by Sona, as well as Baraqiel who was apparently the Fallen Angel's second-in-command.

Rias had basically grabbed Kuroka and stuffed the unconscious cat-woman into a burlap body-bag, and then dragged her off alongside the rest of Momonga's Peerage. Momonga had reminded Rias that the cat-woman wasn't a threat, at least for now, so she should probably try to avoid killing the black-haired cat-woman.

After all, Momonga had figured that Kuroka could help Koneko become something akin to Gasper as far as strength was concerned. He figured that he could let her out of his sight, as he had used [Control Amnesia] to both get a grip on Kuroka's 'nature' and to wipe out her knowledge of his true nature- Even if that risked Koneko smelling something fishy, cat-puns not withstanding, since [Control Amnesia] would likely change the woman's character a bit like it had done for Gasper.

But Momonga figured that since Kuroka's memories told him that the two sisters hadn't met in a long time, it should be okay as any abnormalities could be chalked down to just Kuroka changing her behaviour over time naturally. And, as far as he knew about Kuroka's previous betrayal of her Master from her memories, Momonga guessed that he could keep Kuroka in line as long as he treated Koneko well and didn't attempt anything too untoward to the little sister.

Nonetheless, Rias had told Momonga to, basically, shut up, clean up, put the 'meat' back to his pants, and then resolve the situation. Afterwards she had wobbled off while lugging Kuroka's unconscious body on her shoulders, and with Momonga's Peerage in tow. Quite literally, as she had produced rope with [Power of Imagination] and had dragged the various conscious, unconscious or exhausted devils off with the power of Queen Piece.

'I'm guessing Rias is more than a bit annoyed at me for, umu, doing that at a time like this… Well, I can't really blame her.' Momonga sighed while Michael coughed to bring Momonga back to reality.

"A situation report? Father, surely you know all there is to know already?" Michael sounded a bit uncertain. "About this situation, about the past, and the future. I mean…"

"I, umu, meant to say that… M-my omniscience is actually malfunctioning quite badly right now." Momonga went for the amnesia card instantly upon being confronted, although it looked like Michael was more than a bit disappointed to hear it.

"I see… It was quite despicable for the Devils to start a war a few thousand years ago and strike you down just after you had sacrificed so much to seal Trihexra." Michael nodded, sent Serafall a slightly cold look, and finally glanced at Gabriel who was seemingly in a daze and was staring at Momonga with blank, unseeing eyes and a massive blush on her cheeks. "Sister."

"Ah, I- Um…" Gabriel seemed to snap out of it. "I, was just… um… Just now, who was that girl with the cat-ears?"

Michael's eyes narrowed just a bit as Gabriel's wing-tips seemed to darken just minutely before returning to normal, albeit the sight might have been the result of the sun casting a shadow.

"I understand… And about Gabriel-san's guestion, ahem, please ignore what you saw earlier. In the garden, I mean. The same goes for you too, Michael-san, Yasaka-san." Momonga blushed a bit as he guessed what caused the 'actual' Angel's distress. Yasaka merely growled a bit while Michael nodded solemnly. "I understand that my behaviour was… ill-timed. But in fear of sounding like a hypocrite, we should focus on more important matters. Yasaka-san?"

"Yes?" Yasaka looked like she wasn't sure what to think about anything that had happened in the span of the last few hours, and was currently just coping with the present by growling quietly. "Hm… While I fear I might sound rude, I would like to request transportation back to the Human World, and more specifically to Kyoto, at your earliest convenience. It seems that something is blocking my teleportation here..."

"Noo…" a faint voice came from within the folds of the woman's nine massive tails, where the woman had stuffed the fox-child that Momonga had resurrected. "Tell daddy to come with us too…"

"Ahem… umu." Momonga coughed a bit while Yasaka looked quite troubled.

"Kunou… Please, mommy has some important things to talk about now…" Yasaka reached to stroke something within the cage of tails, and a fox-like purring came from within.

"Sera-tan?" Momonga addressed the Maou in the room. "Your thoughts?"

"Never call me Sera." The uniformed Maou mouthed quietly while she sent Momonga a look that was something between utter despair and look of abject betrayal. "Never."

"Naughty, Sera-tan…" Sona reached to stroke Serafall's cheek. "Kukuku… Do you think he'd take his temper out on you if you insulted him, hm?"

Serafall paled a bit and put a hand around Sona's shoulders, hugging her and putting her body between Sona and Momonga. "Momon… If that is your true name… If you touch Sona again… I'll never forgive you. Ever. If you even speak to her, I swear I'll-"

"Ahem." Michael coughed to his fist. "Father? I am somewhat confused why she is here. This… thing killed Gabriel, before you brought her back."

"Hm… Umu, yes, however the situation was resolved without too much hassle, no?" Momonga wasn't exactly sure what had happened for Serafall to become so hostile towards him, but he figured that he needed to do some damage control nonetheless. "Even though I feel this might be a bit quaint and perhaps a childish request… Could I ask Serafall to apologize to Gabriel, and Gabriel to forgive her, and we'll brush this incident under the rug? After all, I resurrected Gabriel-san so no lasting harm was done…"

Michael hid his hands into his sleeves again while he seemed to be in deep thought. "...I see. I feel I must apologize to you, father."


"I fear I was quite furious with Serafall-san until you straightened my mind..." Michael explained. "Indeed, while I fear that a mere thousands of years ago you would have been quite wrathful for anyone daring to strike at one of yours, but even though I fear I come across as 'rebellious', I must say that I am quite glad that you have chosen to listen to your lost son."

'...Ah.' Momonga felt a twinge of pain in his chest over the reminder of his lost unborn child, who had died in the hands of Loki and due to Rossweisse's betrayal, even if he knew that Michael was talking about someone else. Nonetheless, the memory was too fresh to not cause pain… Even more since Momonga's [Emotion Suppression] was malfunctioning.

"Ah. I must apologize once more. The memory of his desire to sacrifice himself for the sake of man, and ask us to not interfere, is still causing us all grief." Michael noticed the expression that had passed on Momonga's face. "However, I am glad that you have chosen to take heed of some of your son's ideals, to 'show the other cheek', instead of lashing out in wrath. That a single strike could be forgiven, a mistake could be remedied, and that the most final solution was not to be used as the first."

"U-umu… I… yes. Something like that." Momonga coughed to his fist. "So with that being said, Serafall-san? Could I ask you to apologize to Gabriel for killing her? Gabriel-san, could I ask you to forgive Serafall?"

Gabriel turned her eyes towards Serafall… And Serafall's expression turned dark and angry.

"You… Of course..." Serafall muttered under her breath, although Momonga felt as if the words were not directed to anyone present.



Serafall was feeling… Tumultuous.

The fact the traitor, nay, enemy was just sitting peacefully at the conference table was causing Serafall to feel incredibly betrayed, angry, and vengeful.

She knew 'Momon' had played her, played the Underworld, caused so much pain to everyone… And had done something to Sona's head to make her insane.

The fact Serafall's cute, dutiful and frowny little sister had killed the two's parents so unrepentantly, done such horrific things, and all without the slightest remorse, had almost pushed Serafall to brink of insanity- That she had failed to protect Sona so badly, that someone so vile could have gotten their claws into Sona so deeply, manipulated her ideals so badly, and mangled her sense of right and wrong.

The fact that the hidden master was Momon had caused Serafall just the tiniest bit of ease, even if the total level of unease was still off the charts… Until Sona had told Serafall that Momon was the Supreme Being, who was tormenting and destroying the Underworld both from within and without.

The only reason she had decided to give Momon a chance was because of Sona's assurances of a better future, of everything turning alright… And Momon had taken Sona's hope, Serafall's hope, and turned it all into lies, fire, and corpses.

Serafall could not stand it. But she knew she couldn't win against Him, that much he had shown her during the duel… And she knew that when the Heavens and Fallen had decided to see a delusion in Momon, her words or accusations would hold no weight in either of the factions.

Moreover, Momon had somehow pitted Gabriel against Serafall, and he had somehow killed Gabriel with a blow to her back using a lance of water which would be instantly recognized as part of Serafall's abilities, and thus anything Serafall would say in her defence would be suspect.

In other words, if Serafall made a scene, or told everyone of Momon's true nature, she'd be just an insane Maou, or an 'enemy'… Like how Sirzechs and Beelzebub had made themselves be, when they had tried to strike Momon down.

'It… It's hopeless. There's no way out. He's won.' Serafall nonetheless put up a defiant, angry front… After all, she had something she wanted, needed to keep safe.

She wanted to protect Sona. To rip off and keep His claws away from her, to defend her even if she had failed once already- Serafall realized that He must have sank his claws into Sona when Serafall was recovering from the ailment 'Momon' had struck her down with, and he had confounded and confused Sona that Momon was some sort of saviour.

Serafall was deathly afraid. But she didn't know how to deal with it- She had been one of the strongest for so long that she didn't know what to do when she was so outmatched, and so she bristled her fangs at Momon in a desperate attempt to keep him focused on Her, to keep him from Sona…

"Naughty, Sera-tan…" Sona reached to stroke Serafall's cheek after Serafall had bristled at Him, in order to keep his attention from straying to Sona. "Kukuku… Do you think he'd take his temper out on you if you insulted him, hm?"

'So-tan… No…' Serafall was feeling cold waves down her spine as she heard Sona's casual words, a casual consent to the most horrific tortures he'd be able to inflict on her- And for realizing that He spited Serafall's resolve both by tormenting Sona and having Sona consent to such torture just to teach Serafall her place.

And even past that, the fact that Sona had been corrupted so badly already, that the headstrong little sister with a clear sense of morals and righteousness could consent to such evil was causing Serafall's mood to boil.

Serafall felt angry. Furious.

The fact the betrayer had called Serafall with a pet name she had allowed him to use had infuriated her, but this brazen display of just how actually really despicable he really was was pushing her self-control to the limits.

That he had the gall to make a grand show of forgiveness and compassion, that Serafall needed to apologize for the horrors Momon had inflicted on them…



Momonga felt as if something was quite wrong with Serafall as she bowed her head slightly while giving Momonga a glare that promised death, vengeance, blood and fire.

Such an expression was quite unusual as far as Momonga's experiences with the 'magical girl' were concerned, making him worry that Odin might have used [Control Amnesia] on Serafall at some point to turn her against him.

'Hm… I'll have to explore the possibility of casting some anti-mind control scroll on her when she's not looking… Serafall and I had quite a good relationship before the fight… Come to think of it, this coldness started before the battle, so Rossweisse might have cast the spell, or rather Odin would have given the scroll to her at some point… Hm… Or…' Momonga realized another, dreadful possibility as he recalled one of his guildmates from Ainz Ooal Gown- Who happened to be a girl.

And who happened to have 'that time' of the month during one of the raids.

'Could it be that Serafall is angry and moody because she's having her period today?' Momonga felt as if some puzzle was starting to unravel and resisted the urge to hit his palm with his fist in realization. 'Hm, in other words… Hm, once I have taken care of this issue, I should probably get her some ice-cream?'



Serafall wanted to scream. She wanted to shed her skin, to emerge as a leviathan of frozen glaciers, and cover all earth in hearthfrost that devoured all foolish enough to be exposed to her ire.

But if she did rampage, Sona would be caught in the blast.

If Serafall rampaged, Momon would kill the Maou, the duel had shown as much.

If Serafall died, there would be nothing to stand between the betrayer and Sona.

She couldn't afford that.

Serafall would not lose herself to rage- Not when Sona needed her the most, even if she denied the help she so clearly needed.

The cutesy front Serafall had liked, the mask that made her feel like she was closer to her sister, had evaporated to make way for a steel-cold defender with a heart of molten stone, for she would not forgive Momon, no matter what.

So, Serafall turned towards Gabriel, just barely managing to keep her angry grumbling in check… And managing to mask her own, growing horror and nervousness that had started to overcome rage as the situation calmed down gradually.

"You… Of course…" Serafall mouthed before she paused to take a deep breath. "I… Beg your forgiveness, Gabriel-sama."

Yet, even as the words of subservient apology left her lips, Serafall wanted to jump up and tear Momon's face off for his crimes...



"Hm…" Momonga nodded appreciatively as Serafall apologized to Gabriel and Michael nodded in a good natured manner.

"Of course I forgive you. However, the crimes of devils are-" Gabriel started, but Momonga lifted his hand to pause her.

Not because Serafall was giving Momonga a murderous glare, but because he had an idea.

"Speaking of which… Dominion Authority?" Momonga paused as the sky above them exploded in a shower of feathers as the second of the two similar angles teleported to the group. 'Hm… Ah, I summoned a duplicate of that one to reinforce my status during the fight in the Human World… Hm… Actually, that gives me more hands to deal with this'

"Ahem, in the vein of forgiveness and turning the other cheek… I believe that it might be beneficial to give the devils a chance to repent. Have you heard of the Church of True God?" Momonga coughed and pressed on as Michael and Gabriel shook their heads, although Gabriel shook her head a bit hesitantly, while Baraquel who had been quiet thus far nodded just minutely. "Anyway, Dominion Authority here can sell- I mean, bring back the fallen, and, um, Fallen… So, I propose that we send out a excursion to recover the bodies from Kuoh, and start resurrecting people. Of course, the action requires energy and materials, housing, medical supplies and so forth, so I'll expect the Fallen Angels, Angels, and Devils to come together and support me- er, each other with the costs…"

Michael nodded. "I see. A common tragedy like this… Indeed. What has happened today has been monstrous, but instead of wailing in the night, we should focus on building a fire of hope... Even more so when we face the darkest hour. You speak wise and true, Father."

"...So, what? You figured a way to resurrect all races en masse?" Baraqiel asked, a bit dubious. "I could swallow you resurrecting Angels or so, but… Devils?"

"Yes, although it's not like there are many bodies here to show it… Yet anyway. Ahem, have the survivors of the Fallen Angels adjusted to the Underworld? As far as I knew, there was… an incident a while back in the Underworld, which involved the Fallen." Momonga turned towards the lieutenant of the Fallen Angels. "And speaking of the Fallen, where is your leader?"

"Azazel stayed behind to hold back Beelzebub when he tried to ambush you… I'm fairly certain that Azazel will be fine." Baraqiel looked a bit worried nonetheless, and sent Serafall a distrusting glance. And then the man with pitch-black wings, stone-chiseled features and graying hair and beard sighed. "Although, I'm fairly certain that he's delayed because he's chasing skirts or something."

Yasaka twitched violently for some reason but Momonga ignored her for now.

"And as to the rest of the Fallen… I've never seen them so glad to go to a church. Unironically." Baraqiel eyed the Church of the True God in the distance a bit warily. "...Your, um, methods have… changed somewhat."

"Hm, come to think of it, I have not yet visited that church. I am most curious." Michael mused while Gabriel seemed to wake from her stupor a bit in order to nod as a familiar subject came up.

"But before that- You two. Grab the Cherubim Gatekeepers, and any capable hands you can muster, and start using teleporters to ferry corpses from the Human World to here. Make a field hospital somewhere here and start resurrecting the corpses- But pile up the dead from Norse to a seperate pile, and don't resurrect them." Momonga instructed the two massive armored summons who nodded their tear-shaped helmets.

"I'll gather those who are still capable of fighting and working, and send them with you two." Michael addressed the two massive angels who turned their heads just minutely towards Momonga, who nodded to the two, and the two angels thanked Michael for his help.

"With that said, it might be best if you send your people with them as well, Baraqiel-san. Serafall- No, nevermind. It might be best if the devils stayed in the Underworld and kept the field hospital safe." Momonga mused a moment later.

The feather-winged people in the group nodded once more, and Momonga nodded back. "Good, you have your assignments, so see to them. Hm, Yasaka-san? I believe that you should-"

"Daaddy! Daa-ddy!" A faint chanting came from the prison of tails behind Yasaka, making Momonga pause a bit before he managed to compose himself.

"Hm- I… Hm... " Yasaka seemed to hum in deep thought for a while, before sending a long, evaluating look at Momonga. "There is some interference that stops me from talking to my people. I'll indulge in your hospitality for a moment if you take down the interference and allow me to get a situation report from my people in the Human World- And assuming that the situation is in control. Surely you must realize that holding me here against my will, or pushing me out when my envoy convoy is exhausted and wounded, would both constitute a diplomatic incident? Of course, I'll assume that you wish for no such thing to happen between Kyoto and, hm, your faction? The Shinto, after all, produce a wide variety of goods that are exported across mythical factions… And a trade disruption would be most unfortunate, specifically when the disruption might affect other factions, and the disruption's origin is here. Not very good start for inter-faction diplomacy, no?"

'Hm. Straight to the jugular then. She's basically saying she'll sic her allies on me if I don't cooperate while she takes a back seat and watches the fallout… but what is she after?' Momonga, or rather, Suzuki Satoru realized a trade-related threat and a condition instantly and notched Yasaka's threat-and-respect levels up a bit- A fool struck to the face, a foe struck to a purse, after all.

However, he had no idea why exactly she had done a one-eighty degree turn in her desire to get back to her people as opposed to her now basically saying that 'she'll squat in Momonga's property for a while- Or else'.

Momonga sighed. 'Women…'

"You're welcome to stay for now, of course. It would be bad etiquette for me to send someone away when they have been exhausted by fighting by my side- Although I'd like to remind you that your envoy guards have pledged their service to me." Momonga offered cordially, countering the woman's threat with a small reminder of his own. "In exchange for resurrecting Kunou-san, of course."

"I see… Of course. And you have my eternal gratitude for bringing Kunou back to me." Yasaka's lip trembled just a bit, but sighed to re-establish her calculating posture and nodded in a manner that made Suzuki part of Momonga think of his boss who had often put up a strong front in front of his own boss, but would basically collapse into a heap after said boss-of-boss left the immediate area. "That being said, the lives of the envoys were not theirs to give- After all, they belonged to me and thus could not trade away what they did not have in the first place. We'll negotiate a proper recompense later, yes?"

"Of course." Momonga nodded slightly as the tengus and whatnot that made the envoy convoy were pretty much useless to him now that the immediate need for expendable extra bodies had passed, and he figured that he could swindle something more permanently valuable from Yasaka in exchange as long as he kept that knowledge hidden. 'Hm, she's a worthwhile trade foe. I'm fairly certain she'd have fared well in Neo-Japan... '


'What is it, Ddraig?' Momonga throat as the dragon let out a small, hesitant sound.

"Was that place… Neo-Japan… A world clouded in darkness and smog… actually our future for real?" Ddraig sounded incredibly nervous when addressing Momonga for some reason. "The sun… died."

'No, there was sun in Neo-Japan, it was just covered by a miles-thick layer of smog… ' Momonga noted offhandedly, which caused Ddraig to hyperventilate to a bag he had produced from somewhere for a moment in clear relief, before the dragon somewhat composed itself and slinked back into his pile of gold, from where he stared at 'Momonga' and Suzuki Satoru's mental representations like a scared cat watching someone from under a blanket..

He didn't know what to do about the whole issue of 'sun having died' in the Human World, so he did what he did best when it came to issues way above his pay grade: He ignored it and hoped that it would go away.

Of course, Momonga knew that it wasn't as if the sun was going to re-ignite itself and un-turn itself from a black hole, but he had no idea what to do about the whole thing. '[Creation] probably won't have a large enough area to cover the entire sun, er, black hole unless I boosted it so far that I would have to wait a millenia for the cooldown, and I'd have to get so close to the black hole that I'd get turned into particle spaghetti if I tried either way… [Wish Upon a Star] could probably do something, but I have a feeling that it's probably not going to work in Ero-World like it did in YGGDRASIL, so I should probably try it out on something else first… If I use the spell on the black hole-sun and it turns into a gigantic boob or something equally ridiculous I'm going to break my mind.'

"So, with that said… There might be some complications in my humors after killing Cthul- that thing." Momonga adjusted his words as Michael paled to the complexity of a sheet of paper from the name. "He's… er, it's dead now, you know."

"I… see. Truly, I feel foolish for having such instinctual fear of the Outer Beings, when we have you to guard us." Michael sighed and put his hands to his sleeves while Gabriel nodded happily, although she still had a faint, embarrassed blush. "I must confess, I initially had the tiniest doubt, the tiniest thought that perhaps you had chosen a foe above your capabilities, a foe that could destroy us all… But I am relieved that my doubt was put to rest, Father."

"Yes, umu, of course. Off you go now, those corpses aren't going to retrieve themselves." Momonga shooed the two Arch-Angels off to go with the pair of [Dominion Authorities], trying his best not to think that he was effectively herding two raid-bosses who thought Momonga was their father, and that the two's friendly face could turn to a mask of vengeance at the drop of a pin if Momonga screwed up his cover.

"I'll leave this side of the interdimensional gap to you, then." Baraqiel nodded while he pushed himself off the table as well and stood up. "And… Ahem… Before I depart, I have a favor I'd like to ask."

"Voice it." Momonga nodded to the man.

"I… My wife… She was a human." Baraqiel stumbled on his words a bit, almost as if he had been preparing himself for the request for the whole meeting but was feeling nervous at the last moment.

Momonga nodded, prodding the Fallen Angel to continue.

"She was killed then my enemies struck our home, and I was forced to hide my daughter and flee without her. She learned of this, and… we haven't been able to meet because my enemies hound me still, and she has grown justifiably wrathful of me." Baraqiel closed his eyes. "I have not done anything to warrant this boon from you, and even though I understand you have amnesia, you were the one who cast me out of your flock for that forbidden love in the first place... but… Could you resurrect my wife? Could… If she still lived, if the damage could be undone… Do you think my wife could forgive me, that my daughter could forgive me, like you asked Gabriel-san to forgive Serafall-san?"

"U-umu, I feel that this situation is a bit…" Momonga glanced at the other members of the brief conference who were looking at the two with varying emotions, from the hostility of Serafall to the dark amusement of Sona, to the borderline pitying yet accepting looks of the Arch-Angels. "Hm, yes, of course. An appropriate compensation must be paid, however."

Baraqiel opened his mouth, almost as if he couldn't truly hope to believe his ears… Until the note of 'appropriate compensation' reached his brain.

The stunned look was replaced by a calculating one, and a moment later a look of steel-cold determination.

Baraqiel nodded finally. "Of course. A favor for a favor, a price for a prize. I understand, and I will pay it- No matter what you ask of me. So please, resurrect my wife… And if what you ask from me prevents me from speaking to my daughter again, please tell Akeno that I love her, and that I never wished for our family to part. I was too weak to prevent it… But if I can sacrifice myself to bring it back- I won't be too weak now."

"I am glad to hear the strength of your love, and of your heart, Baraqiel-san." Michael nodded deeply towards the Fallen Angel. "For what it's worth, I believed that your exile was unjustified one."

"Ah- umu… Y-yes, of course, ahem…" Momonga stumbled on his words as he was contemplating on what sort of 'price tag' he'd put on resurrections, but Baraqiel seemed to take the prize in more… abstract sense than as mere exchange of goods or such. And then he picked up on a part of Baraqiel's speech. "Wait. Akeno? Akeno, um, Himejima?"

"Yes. She is my daughter." Baraqiel looked quite surprised to see that Momonga was sweating quite a bit. "She… In all honesty, she is all I have. So please-"

"U-umu, ahem…" Momonga coughed to his fist. 'Should I just… tell him the truth? About Rias, Akeno, and myself? Michael seemed to react well to a love story, so…' "The truth is… Akeno is part of my harem. And my wife's lover."

Baraqiel paused mid-speech.

A 'clonk' sound came from the other side of the balcony as Gabriel spurted blood from both of her nostrils and fell face-first to the pavement, utterly out cold.

A moment passed, and a 'thump' sound came from the opposite side, as Baraqiel collapsed into a heap.

Momonga sweated harder than ever, and sent a sneaking glance at Michael, whose face had gone through a myriad of emotions.

"I… see. I'll defer to your judgement, then, Father." Michael's words were robotic. "Yes, I believe I had a mission. Please excuse me."

The Arch-Angel stumbled after the [Dominion Authority] after grabbing Gabriel and slinging the unconscious and profusely nose-bleeding Arch-Angel on his shoulder like a sack.

'...U-umu, I didn't think I'd get that reaction to a story about love and such, after Baraqiel's one…' Momonga sweated as he weighed the pros and cons of just sneaking off... And after Serafall sent him one more hostile stare, he decided to do just that. "I'll… Ahem, I'll go and check up on someone. Umu, yes, definitely. And I'll grab some ice-cream, so stay here, Serafall-san. I'll be back soon, ish… probably. Please."

Serafall opened her mouth to say something that looked like it dripped vitriol and anger, but Momonga was faster and ducked out of the balcony.



"Hm… Interesting. So, he is He… Or something along those lines, no?" A voice entered Serafall's rage-filled mind, allowing her to think of something else than her desire to rend Momon's skin from his flesh.

She latched onto the distraction with all her might, as she knew that if she simmered for much longer, she could no longer keep herself in check, and Sona would pay for it.

"He is." Serafall grunted out to Yasaka. "...What do you want from here? Your people in Kyoto need your leadership, surely? Shouldn't you go back to where you came from?"

"Hm, something's gotten into your hair and made a nest in it." Yasaka commented idly while she produced a fan from somewhere after glancing at the only other occupant in the room, beside unconscious Baraqiel. "It's not like you to resort to such crude language, Serafall-san. I know our relationship has been a diplomatic one, but this war has made us blood-sisters. So talk to me- What has happened to the cheerful and happy Sera-tan I knew?"

"...I don't want to talk about it." Serafall grunted out, and Yasaka sighed.

"If that is what you wish. I apologize, it was boorish of me to ask when we are but a diplomat and a foreign envoy." Yasaka nodded cordially and fanned herself a bit. "Now, if you excuse me, I'll have to see to the needs of my people, as you have pointed out."

Serafall let out a small grunt, and so the Maou and her sister were left alone on the balcony.

"He… He is evil, So-tan…" Serafall whispered to Sona's ear. "Please…"

"Kukukuku… Indeed, cruel, and merciless… And loves me like a worksman loves his favorite tool, like he loves Ravel." Sona smiled just slightly, like Serafall remembered her smiling when she aced a tough test or managed to win against their now-deceased mother during an argument.

The memory, and the contrast of it to Sona as she was now, caused so much pain to the Maou.

'Please… make it stop…' Serafall felt her heart break even more. 'Help me… Someone…'



Momonga paused as he wasn't exactly sure what he should do after fleeing from the balcony, before he took a deep breath to stabilize himself. 'Lacking [Emotion Suppression] is really making things hard for me… Haa… Well then. I should probably focus on doing something… '

So, he slapped his fleshy cheeks to bring himself to focus. 'I can't run from this, my reputation is all that is keeping me alive, even if I leveled up… I need time to adjust and think about the levels so I don't waste them, I only have one life here so I can't afford not to min-max a bit…'

'But before that, I need more allies. So…' Momonga picked another direction and walked forwards- That is, the kitchens of Phenix castle-estate. 'First things first, I need a lot of ice-cream…'