Chapter 97: if you delude yourself

Hentai alert.

Two pairs of hands clapped, causing multiple humans to flinch in fear and horror.

The few remaining mages of the Mages Guild, who had been sent by Hero Faction to accompany Ophis's Khaos Brigade's ambush on the Three Factions, shook in their boots as they accompanied the monstrous skeletal creature who was clapping his hands together, almost as if he had been an audience for a show of some sort.

The Overlord General clapped his hands together at the empty stage that was Kuoh City, and beside him was Katarina Leviathan who clapped as well.

"Magnificent. Truly magnificent." Katarina's words were repeated by the Overlord General.

"Our master truly has no equal. For so many small strands, seemingly unseen plans and nudges of unknown actors… I am in awe." Katarina nodded, and the Overlord General nodded as well.

"Truly he is the greatest strategist of all time, and a master of endless plans upon plans." The Overlord General agreed with the brain-washed woman's words. "I know not what is our master's new plan for us, but I am glad that he has decided to grant you the eyes to see his magnificence."

"I was truly blind before that." Katarina agreed, although something twiched in her face. "Ah, my apologies. It seems that the feeble fleshy nerves of my body are ill-behaving, as they seem quite horrified by our master's grand play."

"Indeed, such is the weakness of flesh." The Overlord General nodded, and then turned around. "Now then, you idiots over there. Your part in this play has ended- Surrender your souls to me!"

The survivors of the Mages Guild screamed in horror as Overlord General reached for one of them, and the unfortunate mage-woman turned to dust upon touch.

Katarina merely smiled as she looked at the carnage. 'Do those fools not understand what honor it is to be included in the Supreme Being's plan? To be allowed a prestigious role of being his servant's food?'

She shook her head to clear it of the odd feeling that was 'terror', and she turned to glance at Kuoh. 'Hm… It seems that the white-haired insect, Vali Lucifer, has decided to flee us… Oh well. That, too, is part of Master's plan, as elsewise he would have arranged Vali to die by our hand…'

'Ah… If only Master, the Supreme Being, could consume me like his servant consumes the souls of those fools…' Katarina placed her hand on her considerable chest and felt her body in a fervor as she watched the Overlord General gorge himself on the souls of the few remaining magicians, who were still technically part of Khaos Brigade.

Katarina ignored an odd twinge of existential terror that had risen from the thought. 'I'll need to prove myself to Him if I even wish to dream of that happening… Well then. No time like the present.'

A lance of dark water speared a magician who had attempted to flee through the knee, and the man collapsed to a heap. A second later the Overlord General reached for him, and the screaming, terrified magician was turned to dust.

'Please, command us, o majestic master of all creation…' Katarina smiled as she prepared another dark lance of water...



"Hmm… Yep." Momonga hopped out of [Gate] with cheerful steps, and landed in a well-cultivated garden that smelled of flowers.

The part of him that was Suzuki Satoru paused a bit to smell the flowers, marveling at the scent… Before the logical part of him reminded himself that this was no time to indulge in flights of fancy.

Momonga realized that if he was forced to 'live' without [Emotion Suppression], he'd have to be even more careful than before in order to keep his mind clear and his actions focused- It wouldn't do for him to overindulge, and in doing that, become either a sorry affair or become vulnerable.

He had seen a mere minutes ago where that vulnerability led, and that even the mightiest Raid Boss could be taken down by a single player if the stars aligned, and the boss over-estimated Momonga's alpha-damage potential.

Momonga had quickly evaluated Cthulhu's remaining 'health' with [Detect Life]... And found out something that was both incredibly concerning and also hopeful.

Concerning, since it was possible that Cthulhu knew how to fudge his health numbers, and hopeful, since Momonga had seen that the Outer Being had merely a fraction of his 'health' remaining.

Which had brought him down to a level where Instant Death magic could have an effect on even a raid boss, if not for the raid bosses all having immunities to Instant Death- Or in other words, where Momonga could hopefully gamble all for a single all-or-nothing blow.

It was a massive gamble, but Momonga had seen the battle between Cthulhu and Shub-Niggurath, and had no illusions that he could fight on par with the raid-boss in a prolonged engagement like he had fought with Serafall.

So, Momonga had done a quick calculation on his remaining Mana reserves, and formulated a plan. Simply put, he'd hit the monstrosity with a quick stun through [Hold Species] which would likely hold the Raid Boss for a fraction of a second, but which would force the weakened enemy to stumble and correct itself… And then hit it with the strongest Instant Death attack Momonga could muster.

[The Goal of All Life Is Death] had been boosted a total of five times, and the subsequent [True Death] had been boosted five times, and the combination of the two had quite literally drained Momonga of his entire mana pool, except for emergency reserves he had left for two spells: [Gate], which Momonga would use to flee if his one-shot-plan didn't work, and for [Perfect Warrior] in case he was intercepted mid-way through..

[The Goal of All Life Is Death] was a unique spell, all things considered, and was unique to Players with maximum level of five in Eclipse sub-class- Or in other words, a Overlord class of a skeleton which had specialized in necromancy and Instant Death-type magic. Because of the combination of class and specialization requirements, reagents, and other items needed to acquire Eclipse sub-class, it was considered to be one of the hardest-to-acquire sub-classes in YGGDRASIL… But Momonga had managed to acquire the maximum level in it.

The spell itself was quite simple, but what made it unique was its effect: It was applied to a singular cast of a singular spell that caused [Instant Death] either as side part or as main part of it's effect, and that [Instant Death] effect bypassed all immunities or resistances on the target.

The downsides of the spell were two-fold: One, it required twelve seconds to 'trigger' after casting, during which the spell could be interrupted by a skilled anti-mage or it's user could be slain outright, and two, it could only be cast once every hundred hours.

Momonga noted that his five-fold [Boost] had effectively increased the cooldown to nearly a month, which was something he needed to keep in mind going forwards.

[True Death] on the other hand, from what Momonga had gathered from Ddraig, worked in a literal way in the Ero-World and was capable of inflicting 'true death' on the soul of the target, or something along those lines.

When the two were put together, Momonga had hoped and gambled on the likely possibility that the unblockable, unresistable and [Boost]ed instant death spell could penetrate weakened Cthulhu's defences, and affect the creature's soul directly.

Fortunately it had worked, even though in reality Momonga had been very close to just tucking his metaphorical tail between his legs and running in the opposite direction, and using [Gate] to teleport him as far away from Cthulhu as was humanly possible.

Momonga picked one of the roses in the garden while humming happily, sniffed it, and then reached to put it into Kuroka's hair as the cat-woman was utterly unresponsive while she was lugged on Momonga's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Hmm… I figured that my Peerage and the devils would have reached the Phenix mansion already…" Momonga noted that the estate looked somewhat empty, and walked off… before he realized that he had fallen into the trap that he had predicted- He had allowed laxity to overtake caution.

'Hrrgh…' Momonga reached into his inventory to pull a few full crates of mana potions and put them to the ground. 'I almost forgot that I am quite literally out of Mana, and outside [Perfect Warrior], essentially defenseless… Indeed, a mistake like forgetting that weakness was what ultimately killed Cthulhu, and I was about to follow it to the grave if anyone managed to find my current weakness and ganked me… How foolish of me...'

He slugged Kuroka to a nearby garden-chair and started cracking open the lids… And then the garden was filled with glugs of blue liquid going down an organic throat.



It was warm.

Kuroka felt the warm, gentle breeze of summer dance in her hair and warm her deathly-cold skin.

The clothes around her felt soft, fluffy and comfortable, and caught the rays of the sun to warm her body.

Kuroka opened her cat-like, golden-yellow eyes slowly, almost as if she was dreaming, and saw that she was still asleep.

The sun was still in the sky, and it warmed the vibrant, green landscape before her. She saw exotic flowers in the masterfully maintained garden around her, and the colourful flora showered her in their flowery, delectable scent.

The garden was full of hiding spots for cats and other critters, making her feel safe as she could just transform and jump to one of the myriad of shadowy spots under the bushes, creating a sense of freedom and safety even in lit areas.

There were plump and delicious-looking birds flying overhead, and some even landed near her without care in the world- It was almost as if they didn't care if Kuroka shapeshifted back into a cat and pounced to have her fill.

A sight that was a paradise to her, after the horrors she had to endure.

Kuroka knew it had to be a dream.

It was just another torture the Supreme Being had in mind for her: To show her heaven, to make her hope, and then bring her back to reality… The Overlord General had seen Kuroka as a mere insect barely above his notice and that had allowed her a small wiggle room to live and even hope of escaping, but the Supreme Being's gaze encompassed all, and even a feeble thing like her would not escape his 'gentle' care.

She looked around to take in the beautiful scenery more, and heard odd 'glugging'... And her hopes of enjoying the scenery a bit more were squashed, as she expected.

Indeed, the Supreme Being was only a few feet to the side of her, and the monster was going through cans and cans of libido boosters, tossing aside a entire empty cardboard box that had contained the cans of liquids to tear into another cardboard box and starting to glug down more of them, like if they were weakly alcoholic 'shots' in a frat party.

Kuroka froze utterly as she took in the sight.

'What… is this?' She opened her mouth and closed it, trying to furiously think how exactly the Supreme Being's actions made sense in any way… Before she realized it.

'Could it be that the Supreme Being is… not as immune to feminine charms as it's underling?' Kuroka thought about the potential for a second, and contrasted it to her previous knowledge… And then tossed the theory to the side. 'I've seen that horror… Seen him without his mask. There's no way something like that would be interested in something as mundane as the pleasures of flesh…'

Thus, she had to conclude that the sight was a cover for some kind of deeper meaning. 'Or… Do the potions have something else within them? Like the blood of virgins, or something? No… It looks like tantric energy, and Senjutusu shows as much as well… The concentrated vitality that Succubi extract from humans and turn to edible products…'

She drew a parallel with the Supreme Being's fervor in consuming the potions with that of his Servant consuming human souls… And realized something.

'Could it be… He's consuming vitality like how the Overlord consumes souls?' Kuroka wasn't sure what to do with the hypothesis, as it still meant that the horror consumed the living, but it felt almost… cute that the Supreme Being chose to subsist on vitality alone, like if he was some sort of incubus, instead of devouring entire souls to sustain itself.

It was almost as if a ravenous wolf had come across a cat in a dark forest, and when the beast turned it's red-stained maw at her, the cat noticed that instead of blood the beast's maw had been stained red with strawberries. And then the wolf gained a tranquil expression and a halo, followed by turning back to munch on a bush of said berries instead of eating her.

Lacking any proper ideas on what to do, outside just staring at the all-devouring horror doing the equivalent of a recovering binge-alcoholic with poor self control discovering a pallet of beers, Kuroka did exactly that- She stared at 'Momon' with her eyes wide open, and completely forgot that the beautiful garden existed.

Or that a pigeon had landed on top of Kuroka's head, and was letting out threatening 'coo's while it's tail shook in a equally threatening manner for another reason.

It seemed that the pigeon's 'coo' was a pre-calculated move in Kuroka's dream, however, as the Supreme Being turned his head towards her, like the inevitable death turning it's gaze at her, signalling that it was her time. The bird saw it as well, and let a disappointed coo before flying off, thankfully before it could leave a white strand to Kuroka's hair.

Kuroka resisted the urge to start bawling like a newborn kitten just barely, as she realized that the 'beautiful and serene' part of the sweet dream was about to end.

"Ah, could I trouble you to assist me a little bit, Kuroka-san?" The Supreme Being asked with mild words, but the question caused a hundred different horrifying scenarios to pop up in Kuroka's head.

"Y-yes…" Kuroka stumbled up from the garden bench, and turned her body towards the monster.

"Ahem, could you start opening these boxes and pulling the lids off the cans? I'll have to go through roughly… eeh, five boxes in order to get to a decent-ish mana level- I mean, ahem… umu, yes, don't worry about it." The Supreme Being seemed to bite his tongue mid-speech, causing Kuroka quite a bit of confusion… Before the order hit her, and she realized that her torment wasn't only to suffer, but also choose the way she suffered from options that were unknown to her.

'What? What… Is he… Am I just a pair of extra hands for him? What exactly is he after?!' Kuroka reached shakily for the cardboard box, opened it, and began opening the cans with each letting a small 'hiss' that caused Kuroka's stressed-out mind to flinch, and her body to jump a bit like a cat.

"Thank you, Kuroka-san." The Supreme Being vocalized, causing Kuroka even more confusion.

'Is… He didn't succeed, as far as I know, to manipulate my memories… Does that mean he thinks I don't know who he is?' Kuroka pondered nervously while she moved from can to can, offering each can with shaky hands to the ravenous darkness that was barely concealed by the flesh he wore. 'Or does he… Am I digging my own grave? Will he devour me next, once these drinks are gone?'

"Burp… Haa, that hits the spot…" Momon stood up after consuming six crates of the boosters, somehow, and he dusted himself off while Kuroka merely stared at him from her place on the ground, where she had drawn her legs under her and was shaking like pudding in an earthquake.

"Oh." Momon looked down, and then struck a 'contemplative' stance with his knuckles against his mouth, and he seemed to be thinking aloud while he had clearly forgotten that Kuroka existed- Something that Kuroka was more than fine with. "Hm… So while I can control this body to a great degree and ignore the effect of just a couple of mana potions, I can't quite override the effect of those if I consume a ludicrous amount of them… Ah well, that's an acceptable trade-off, since I can fight properly now…"

Kuroka was utterly unsure as to what to do with the words that made no sense in context, but which she started to realize made sense if she was indeed dreaming- There was no way she could 'dream' what the disguised master might say, so she was dreaming him saying random words.

However, she noticed a raging bulge in the disguised horror's pants, and gulped. 'What… is this? Am I just dreaming for real, without him influencing my dream? I wished for the Nekoshou to prosper, that our numbers would raise… I tried to get Vali's children at one point, but he kept rejecting me…'

Kuroka's head spun as if she had a massive migraine, and she noticed a flower in her hair that she had not put there herself. 'That the horror from beyond the stars would consider me something as mild as a 'helper', and be a romantic in disguise, and take me as his mistress and fulfill my dreams? Ha- Haahaha…'

She began to chuckle, and then her laughter came out vocally despite her attempt to hold it back. "I-is that it… ahaha… Nyaahaahahaa... "

"Umu, ahem, I- well…" It seemed that 'Momon' noticed Kuroka's hysteric state. "Please don't worry about this, Kuroka-san. I'll, umu, go and deal with it so… Ahem, I think Koneko is probably in my Peerage's quarters so I'll get someone to show you to her… Oof!"

The Supreme Being's words ended in a small gasp as Kuroka placed her hand on the massive bulge and stroked down.

'Yes, this has to be a dream. If I did this to the Overlord General, I'd be reduced to screaming, crying wreck of a meat-pile, and then turned to dust while my soul was consumed…' Kuroka realized that she was dreaming for sure, and the 'Supreme Being' in front of her was most likely just a figment of her over-stressed imagination.

So her real body was likely being lugged around by the 'real' Supreme Being in some deep hellish deathscape that the Being resided in, and once she woke up, the torment would truly begin.

'Ha… Nyahahaa… ' Kuroka slid her hand down the bulge again, stroking it and causing the figment of her deluded and over-stressed mind that took the appearance of the Supreme Being to reach down to grab her shoulders.

"Ahem, Kuroka-san. Please don't worry about, umu, 'that'... A-and please don't stroke it… There is a, um, circumstance why I can't really hold myself back as easily as I normally could, and, umu… H-hng…" The Supreme Being seemed to react to Kuroka's caressing touch, cluing Kuroka to the definite fact that this was all a dream since there was no way a monster like the shadowed master would be affected in any way by something as feeble as her caress. "U-umu, this is really bad…"

Kuroka reached to pull down the man's zipper, and a huge sausage popped into view. "Oh my. What a magnificent sword… I wonder, is this something I've subconsciously wanted to be ravaged with? It certainly is bigger than Vali's, when I tried to jump on him when he was in a shower… And he tossed me out of a window."

The hands on Kuroka's shoulders tightened in response to Kuroka's seductive purr, and she decided to indulge in her dreams since she knew there would not be another chance.

"Lick… lick… Mhm… Tasty…" A flew tasting licks, and small kiss, and then a deeper one followed Kuroka's muffled, teasy words and true to her dream, the Supreme Being seemed to react to her caress. 'Nyahaha… I wonder, if I told this dream-him to get rid of the Overlord General for the pain he had caused me, would he agree? No… I shouldn't push my luck.'

Kuroka reached to lick and suckle the tip, before taking it into her mouth. She licked the tip again, and then pushed her head forward as far as she could… Until her lips touched the 'base', and she felt something tickle the entrance of her stomach.

She slid her head back, causing the Supreme Being to gasp and shudder, and causing Kuroka to fall deeper into her dream while her head bobbed back and forth. 'Nyahahaa… That I'd have this kind of effect on Him… This dream is incredible… I don't want to wake up.. If Koneko was here, it'd be perfect…'

Kuroka slid the meat out of her throat and began nibbling on it.

The sturdy cover-up body of the Supreme Being shuddered under Kuroka's teasing, stroking and nibbling, and the huge sausage shot out a thick ropes of baby-batter, staining the roses and causing Kuroka to marvel at the ridiculous, unrealistic amount of discharge that came from out of the man, while the sausage looked utterly insatiable.

'It's like how a human would shoot out his load, and the stuff looks normal too…' Kuroka wouldn't have been surprised if the 'shot' had been made of flesh-devouring worms, and had been pitch-black like tar that corrupted and devoured all in it's path- Which was why she had 'finished' the stroking when the meat was pointing away from her face.

She stroked the meat with her finger, and then pawed at it playfully… But before she could do much else to tease the figment of imagination that she had conjured up in her dream in order to cope with her own powerlessness in the real world, the figment of imagination grabbed her by the waist and pulled her up.

Kuroka realized that her deep violet kimono had disappeared before a pair of lips mushed against hers, and she realized that she was tongue-kissing the mental representation of the Supreme Being, and that she had somehow, albeit in her dreams, seduced the horrifying hidden master.

Both the unrealistic disappearance of her clothes all of a sudden and the 'fact' she even managed to arouse interest in the Supreme Being at all further reinforced her belief that it was all a dream, and allowed Kuroka to indulge herself a bit.

The tall body pushed against Kuroka's, and her breath caught as 'Momon' hugged her body against his.

The massive sausage rubbed against her lower lips and Kuroka squeezed her thighs together to allow the imaginary monster to rub himself off with her body.

The tongue-kiss continued for a moment while Kuroka ran her hands over the back of the Supreme Being, and then squeezed his butt a bit before giving it a light slap- Something that would have been a guaranteed death sentence in the real world, but at the moment, she was having fun in her dreams.

"Ha- nyaaan?" Kuroka was bent over, and she found herself laying on the soft grass with her chest against the ground… And then felt something incredibly hard and hot touch her lower lips from behind.

The object inserted itself to her body, and Kuroka let out a long mewl as the Supreme Being mounted her like a tomcat, pushing the nekoshou's body against the ground.

She tried to paw her 'mounter', but failed as he grabbed her arms and put them behind her back, before starting to thrust and grope her body.

"Mew… Noo~" Kuroka mewled as the dong pushed her stomach from inside out and caused her body to feel as if the Supreme Being used her as a love toy.

The thrusts continued with little pause for the Nekoshou to adjust, not that she minded, as the feeling of her being able to, even if imagined, influence the Supreme Being to that degree was making her feel more than a bit giddy and feel as if she had regained a slightest degree of control over her own life.

A hand reached for her, but instead of consuming her soul or scooping out Kuroka's memories, the hand started to pat her head and play with her cat-ears, causing Kuroka to mewl in pleasure and curl her back against the man's chest while her arms curled against her chest as he had let them go, and she squished her breasts together.

The fact it was just a dream made Kuroka feel safe that the Hand wouldn't consume her soul when touched, and she could thus indulge in her delusion that the Supreme Being would consider her 'cute' and 'play' with her ears, instead of crushing her like an insignificant ant for her weakness and foolishness, as the Overlord General had revealed her to be both of those things.

It was humiliating, in a sense, that someone stroked and scratched her ears. But the fact the one who was doing the scratching was a world-eating calamity shrouded in a mist of lies made it a bit more palatable- And if Kuroka played her cards right, she realized that she might even succeed in realizing her dream and re-populating the Nekoshou, who are about to die out. And how powerful those children would be- The union of star-gods and mere mortals?

Of course, Kuroka knew that it was just a futile dream, but she wanted to dream big.

The fact her belly looked like it was mid-stage pregnant whenever the meat schlong inserted itself into her body and discharged, supported that preference of having big dreams.

Kuroka couldn't feel her legs, much less hips as the Supreme Being continued to ravage her body, cuing her that she was likely enduring some sort of horrible torture in the 'real world', or perhaps the 'Real' Supreme Being had started to feed her body to one of his myriad of terrifying servants, and the thought had caused a tingle of panic until she realized that if the Supreme Being wanted her dead, she had quite literally no other options but to die.

And thus, she might as well die while she still dreamed.

And so, Kuroka merely mewled in pleasure as the 'dream' Supreme Being played with her breasts, nibbled on the areola, and moved to kiss and nibble the nape of her neck in a way that practically forced a heated breaths to escape Kuroka's lips.

She knew that in reality there was likely some sort of terror, like one of the massive goatish trees, that was eating her body. But she didn't want to wake up, only to feel the terror again, when there was another option- So, she chose a death in ignorance, rather than one in stark horror.

The meat discharged once more into Kuroka's body, making her feel as if she had gained a lot of weight, and the 'man' moved closer to kiss Kuroka on the lips in a gentle but passionate way- Or perhaps even 'lovingly', if Kuroka believed such a feeling was possible for the monster who was mounting her body.

Kuroka glanced to the side while twirling her tongue in the Supreme Being's mouth and the horror's tongue invaded her mouth as well… And saw a white-haired girl staring open-mouthed at Kuroka.

'Haha… That Koneko would be here as well… This dream is incredible… I don't want to wake up…' Kuroka felt like sobbing as she knew that the dream would come to end eventually, once the monster that was consuming her body in real life reached something instantly vital or once she bled out, but nonetheless she was glad to 'see' Koneko…

Indeed, the girl's arm was not crushed and was in a pristine state, even if her clothes were filthy and as crumbled up as Koneko remembered… But Kuroka scrunched her face as she saw other people had crowded up around Koneko.

"Mwah… noo… get away from Koneko…" Kuroka mewled as she broke from the kiss and reached to paw at Koneko's direction as a red-headed girl placed hands on Koneko's eyes, and the red-haired girl hissed like a mad lynx.

"Mo-Mon-Kun…." The red-head practically growled, and then the growl turned to a screech. "THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT-ow?!"

A blue-haired girl had reached to pinch the red-head's cheek.

"Your words disrespect the True God. After all- is this not how he 'powers up' to fight the monstrosity that ails the human world?" The blue-haired girl with a green strand in her hair admonished the red-head who looked quite stunned.

"Ah- Ahem. Umu. Ahem…. No, I was… erm…" The Supreme Being stumbled on his words while he was lying on top of Kuroka and the two were joined by the hip. "Umu. Yes, ahem. Rias-san? Please don't worry about that. I killed Cthulhu."

"You… Killed Cthulhu." Rias seemed to remember something and her words were slow, almost as if she couldn't believe what she was saying. "You… killed an Outer God. Just like that?"

"Yes, so please don't worry. Everything is under control. I think." The Supreme Being sweated visibly and droplets seemed to run down his neck. "Yes, ahem, and I was just… restoring my mana, and, um, Kuroka here… and I couldn't stop myself because, umu, some things broke and I'm trying to fix them…"

"Is one of those things that broke this 'Kuroka's hymen by chance?" Rias's eyes were flat and lifeless, and it was almost as if she stopped caring about anything at all. "Ha… hahaa… So you killed your half-brother?"

"U-umu?" The Supreme Being sounded quite unsure, making Kuroka chuckle in amusement.

'Ha… hahaa… That the Supreme Being would be put on a back heel by something as meaningless as a girl like that... ' Kuroka felt as if she was watching a soap drama starring a reality-consuming horror and some random red-headed girl… Before some things clicked and she recognized the red-head from her studies of the Underworld's royalty. 'Rias Gremory, eh? Why am I dreaming about her?'

"Momon… You're Hastur. Right?" Rias flat-out said something ridiculous.

The blonde girl with twin drills and the lithe girl with short black hair and glasses seemed to balloon their cheeks in a desperate attempt to not laugh behind Rias's back when the girl made her 'deduction'.

"I… don't think I am?" Momon sweated even harder while Rias began to wobble. "Umu, Rias-san? Have you eaten something expired? Today's been a tough day for all of us… We should probably rest a bit?"

He pulled out of Kuroka with a wet 'schlurp', and the meat flopped against the nekoshou's stomach for a moment, showing just how deep it had reached when it had been 'hilt-deep'.

Kuroka glanced at the 'thing', wondering just how exactly she managed to not die instantly when it penetrated her… Before the whole 'dream' part returned to her head and she merely reached to stroke the tip a bit.

"O-oof…. K-Kuroka-san, I think it'd be best if… Hng…" The Supreme Being's Supreme Being Junior seemed to be re-invigorated by the playful strokes, but before he or Kuroka could continue what they were doing previously, a blonde-haired tornado charged forth from the group of observers and latched onto Kuroka's hair.

"Graaaaaa! Die, vile harlot! I won't let mommy get netorared, no matter what! Die!" The nine-tailed ball of frenziend claw and teeth buzzed around Kuroka for a brief moment before it was lifted up by the back of her white tabi.

"U-umu, ahem… [Create Greater Item]..." The Supreme Being put a hand on Kuroka's boob and the dark violet yukata seemed to reform around the nekoshou.

Kuroka reached for her face and touched it… And realized that the frenzied kitsune that was being held up by the Supreme Being had cut her cheek before he managed to pull her off the nekoshou.

She glanced at the blood in her hand, and felt the sting of the cut.

"Ah-ahe?" Kuroka turned her head, still on her back on the ground, and her eyes focused on Koneko. "Is… This isn't a dream?"

"No, this is most definitely not a dream, no matter how much I'd want this nightmare to be one…" Rias growled in Koneko's stead as the red-head was holding the clearly wobbly white-haired nekoshou up and was covering her eyes. "And you have some things to explain, miss… Hold on, Kuroka- Kuroka Tojou? You're Koneko's sister?!"

Kuroka felt as if her head had been turned inside out. "This… is real?"

"U-umu, yes. I'm pretty sure that this is reality." 'Momon' reached to offer Kuroka a hand while the Supreme Being's hold on the kitsune had slipped and she had climbed on the 'man's back and was hissing and glaring at Kuroka from behind his shoulder.

"Ah." Kuroka felt many emotions at once. "So I am not currently being eaten by a horror from beyond the stars?"

"U-umu, no, I don't think so?"

"Aha." Kuroka nodded as her head spun, and the colours of the world seemed to fade. 'This… This was real all along? Or… Is thIs this how the dream ends? In me realizing the dream was reality, only for me to pass out and wake up in the tormenting, horrifying real reality?'

She glanced up… And saw that The Supreme Being was holding his hands up in surrender while Yasaka of Shinto had charged forward and was pointing her finger at the Supreme Being's face while the latter had raised his hands in surrender, and Rias Gremory was letting a earth-shattering groan as she noticed that the man's 'meat' hadn't settled down yet and was now pointing at Yasaka… And the small kitsune on the Supreme Being's shoulder seemed to be asking Him to give her a sister to play with.

And so, when combined with all that had happened, and what she had realized, Kuroka passed out in shock against her will.



Meanwhile, the House of Pillars in the Underworld began to burn.



A creature cloaked in yellow clothes reached to touch it's barren head with long, spindly fingers.

"The time… It nears…"

A flat voice came from nearby.

"Uwah. Lame."

The thin fingers froze in shock.