Chapter 125: Prisonbreak turns into mindbreak

Momonga tried his best to ignore that Lady Phenix was tussling his hair playfully and his head was squished between the side-boobs of the two women as he sat in a lounge with the pair. 'Hm, Serafall would likely be done with concentrating the tantric energy potions soon… That will be useful. I've been limited by mana on how much I can use [Boost], but with those I should be able to volley-launch even more spells at higher power. After all that I can start to work on restoring the sun, and that way potentially ultimately set me into a position where I won't have to worry about getting backstabbed, probably, at least a bit…'

Lady Phenix had led Momonga and Venelana into a small and cozy break-room that had victorian-style furniture, complete with a divan couch and a round tea table. The blonde noblewoman had apparently called some servants to bring some tea and chocolate cake, which seemingly had helped Venelana immensely as she seemed to have the same sweet tooth that Rias had.

Momonga thought a bit more about the current situation, while Lady Phenix stroked shota-Momonga's chin playfully and tousled his hair, and Venelana seemed to gather her courage and start to stroke his thigh. 'There are probably more and possibly even stronger foes in other pantheons, the Norse were annihilated quite effectively thanks to those Outer Things who for some reason decided to duke it out during the peace meeting, but I can't count on that kind of thing to happen again…''

'However, the fact none of them have interfered with the brewing conflict in Underworld or the conflict above means that the other Pantheons either have a policy of not interfering with the Three Faction's affairs, or are busy with their own people after those two Outer Things duked it out.' Momonga noted a silver lining. 'In other words, since the 'Supreme Being' hasn't attacked them, they might be content to just ignore that and let it fade to obscurity. Or if my true nature comes to light, then it's likely that the other Pantheons won't launch an instant attack against me. That should get me at least a few years of peace, hopefully, during which I can get a better grasp on power levels and relative opposition in other Pantheons, as well as establish proper diplomatic lines of communication… As is, I'm basically nobody propped up on a gilded throne by delusions of people around me. The fact I can fight roughly on Maou-level and a bit above doesn't change that- Not to mention, if Sirzechs's crazy boost at the end was anything to go by, it's likely that Serafall was caught off-guard by the curse I used on her, and likely went easy on me due to the friendly nature of our arena-match…'

Momonga sighed in content happiness as things seemed to go his way for once.



A swarm of dead rose from the river Styx as [Necroswarm Giant] gorged itself on the bodies of the dead, and a gigantic tornado of souls rose in bale, green light only to corrode into blackish nightmare, that in turn coalesced to form a swarm of wraiths and ghastly undead.

Overlord General combined his powers with Hades's control over the dead of his realm, and the dead rose once more.

All the while, the Overlord General kept writing on stone tablets, sliced from the rocks of river Styx, and Katarina was making herself useful by ferrying completed stone 'scrolls' to the side while carrying more blanks for the General to write.

"[Create Item: Scroll of Obfuscation]- [Create Item: Scroll of True Death]- [Create item: Scroll of Obfuscation]- [Create Item: Scroll of Nuclear Blast]-" The Overlord General was quite busy, but quite happy, at least to the point a undead creature could be.

'As expected of the Supreme Being… The materials of Hades are top-notch for absorbing mana after being washed with millions of souls, each passing hardening the stones more and more until they could accept the mana surge of even tenth-tier spells…' The Overlord General thought while pausing to cast another [Undead Army] upon the souls that Hades brought up in preparation to launch a surprise attack on Mount Olympus.

'I do not know why the Supreme Being requires all these scrolls, specifically ones designed to hide one's presence and prevent spying, but it is not my place to question, only act…' The Overlord General was a bit curious, but at the same time, it was reassured in knowing that all strands of fate were it's masters to play with and forge to his preferred shape and function.

A legion of Death Knights, Death Cavaliers and other rank-and-file Undead marched forth from the River Styx, as the realm of the Dead bolstered not only Hades but the Overlord General as well.

The fact the Overlord General could spam [Sacrifice] on the river of souls meant that he had effectively infinite mana and experience, and had stopped at level 'hundred and two' in order to create a [Overlord Wiseman] of his own, reducing him to level hundred again, and repeating the act until he had assembled a sizable strike force of two Overlord Wisemen to serve as a mobile artillery for the Supreme Being's battalion.

However, the Overlord General knew that it wouldn't be enough as Mount Olympus was Zeus's locus of power, and it was likely that the God of the realm could either one-shot or two-shot even level ninety 'Overlord Wisemen'... And then the Overlord General realized the genius of the Supreme Being's seemingly random orders.

'Ahhhh… I feel so foolish… So that is why the Supreme Being requested me to make scrolls to block spying… Intel is the key to winning wars just outside logistics, and by obfuscating the movement of His troops, I'll be able to manipulate Hades and chaff troops to take the brunt of Zeus's attacks, until the Supreme Being's elites are in place, shrouded under the obfuscation given by the Scrolls, and the cadre of elites are ready to strike the decisive blow…'

'So… Hades's war against the Olympus will begin soon… Just as Master planned, when he ordered me to go 'underground for a while'. Ah… I cannot wait to see what Master has planned for those fools… The spectacle of the Norse Pantheon's destruction, as well as that of the Outer Beings, was glorious beyond words!'

'Please watch me, master… I will not fail your trust in me!'



'I'll just have to have a talk with Azazel about what is okay and what is not, with that whole 'shotagun' thing and all… It would be beneficial to have a peace talk with the noble families before attacking Beelzebub, and Azazel is working on getting one arranged, so it's not as if I have anything I crucially need to be doing right now…'Momonga put his empty teacup down. 'That 'shotagun's effects are a bit fascinating though- I wonder, would it also penetrate a Maou-level devil's defenses? Converting an enemy to a teenager might be beneficial as it would make it hard for them to use their equipment or armor, seeing that it would just slip off of them…'

A hand creeped up his inner thigh and caused Momonga's thoughts to come to a momentary pause as he looked to the side and saw Lady Phenix smile at him in a fond way while tussling his hair and stroking his thigh.

A glance to the other side showed Venelana, a bit green-faced but resolute, stroking Momonga's now teenager-sized neck and flank.

'Erm… Actually…' Momonga blinked as he realized that both of the ladies to his sides had lost sons, either partially, completely, or coincidentally due to Momonga's actions, and the fact he had been forced into a body-state where he looked like a young teenage boy probably caused all sorts of emotions to pop up in the two mother's heads. '...Moreover, Lady Phenix…'

The blonde woman's eyes were full of kindness and warmth like a mother caring for her beloved son, but Momonga could see behind that with [Actor] to tell that the woman was, most likely, outright insane. 'Erm… Right, I think she's gone…'

A glance to the other side showed that Venelana was unlikely to be as deep in the deep end, but Sirzechs's potential death and Zeoticus's certain death would have likely caused the woman to experience a myriad of emotions, most of which were unlikely to be positive.

'Right… I need Lady Phenix to help Ravel, and to solidify my 'justness' in the eyes of the rest of the Pillars… I can partially blame the first strike against the Pillars as me defending myself after their declaration, but if I drive the noble ladies who are in my care into insanity, it likely won't help me gather confidence from the other noble houses…' Momonga thought as he tried to figure out a way to ensure both of the noblewomen wouldn't show their growing insanity. 'Hm… Ero-world method would be to bed them both, but I'm not sure that would work here… Lady Phenix would probably break even further, and I'd definitely mess up my relationship with Rias if I cheated her with her mother- Mph?'

True to Momonga's theory, Lady Phenix had used the tussling and stroking to distract him long enough to turn his head up a bit and towards her, and the woman dove down on him like a vulture snatching her prey. Except this time it was her claiming Momonga's lips with a hungry, possessive saliva-filled kiss.

"Um…" Momonga was a bit disoriented as the woman pulled back. 'U-umu, this isn't good, I think…'

However, Venelana gulped loudly before Momonga could try to come up with non-Ero-world tactic to fight the battle that was presented to him. And then the brown-haired woman smushed Momonga's head between her breasts, slid herself down, and kissed him on the temple.

Venelana then looked up and sent Lady Phenix a somewhat cowed look and the blonde woman seemed quite smug for some reason.

"Um, ahem… Ladies, I approciate-hmgb!" Momonga tried to pull out, but Lady Phenix pulled him back into her hug so that he sat on her lap, and turned his head up so that the woman could start giving him excessively lewd upside-down kisses.

'Actually, if I reduce Venelana to similar state as Lady Phenix I'd have a fairly good amount of control over her as well as multiple Noble Houses- Seekvaira is already mind-wiped to be a pawn for me, Lady Phenix is, well, Lady Phenix, and Sona seems quite devout… Sairaorg-kun would likely follow me once I healed his mother…' Momonga realized that Lady Phenix provided a golden opportunity for him. 'Zeoticus might be quite crass towards me if I resurrected him and he found his wife in that state, effectively turning Gremory House to my enemy, and Rias would likely turn on me alongside them, so… Hm, so indeed, I can't afford to let Venelana go the way of Lady Phenix.'

Thus Momonga decided to go for a ero-world stratagem: Picking one and excusing himself.

Thusly, he leaned into Lady Phenix's kiss and knocked her over on the bench.

"A-ahem, Venelana-san, sorry, but could I ask you to give us some space?" Momonga tried to shoo Venelana off, and she gulped hard while shaking. "U-umu, I'll see to the resurrection of your husband soon… ish…"

Venelana took a sharp breath and Momonga put more of his efforts into kissing and fondling Lady Phenix in order to occupy the blonde woman and keep her from saying something unnecessary that might compromise Momonga's plan.

He gave the lady of Gremory house one last vague hand-wave while focusing his attention on groping and hugging Lady Phenix, and Venelana seemed to find her courage to scramble away and flee the room.

Lady Phenix murmured in confusion and Momonga realized that he needed to pacify the woman or she'd draw Ravel-like conclusions and end up doing something unnecessary again.

"You've done well…" Momonga paused the kissing to whisper into her ear, and Lady Phenix seemed to regain her composure just a bit from it… Before she flopped over him, burying Momonga in a avalanche of soft flesh and curves as Momonga's now-shrunk body was quite bit shorter than the woman.

"Haha- ahaha… Thank you my lord…" Lady Phenix's eyes were outright insane as she rubbed herself on him, and Momonga drew conclusion that the boy-like body was probably causing the woman not insignificant amount of mental damage. Even more so as Momonga was technically 'son' to her after being 'adopted' into Phenix house, and both that and the death of her actual sons would likely combine to something quite mentally devastating for the woman. "Would milord wish to cuddle with okaasan?"

'Ugh… If I refused she'd just draw another conclusion… I guess I have no choice but to play the role of a monster to her…' Momonga buried his face in the woman's breasts and she began to straddle him, hugging, tussling his hair and cooing all the while.

"Ahaha… so cute…" Lady Phenix cooed as she took off her dress and used it as a blanket of sorts, and Momonga adjusted the position of the 'meat spear' that looked almost reasonably-sized now that he had been shrunk.

"Ahn… It doesn't hurt when it's like that… haaahn…" Lady Phenix instantly lowered herself on the meat, allowing it to enter her insides and squeeze it tightly. "Ahn… It's almost as if I was forcing myself on you… haa… milord…"

'Yeah, that's pretty much what is happening, but I don't think I should try to break away either…' Momonga noted to himself as Lady Phenix hugged his face between her breasts and pushed the soft flesh-pillows around his face.

"A lot of men would die to be dominated by big-breasted mommy, you know, at least from what I gathered from my previous wielders. One of them did too, got choked a bit too hard by the thighs. It was a really embarrassing way to have to swap my wielder..." Ddraig noted halfheartedly from the mental side while seemingly taking notes.

'...Why are you taking notes?'

"...Erm, no reason?"

'...Spit it out. Wait, is that a list of fetishes? No, wait, it is a list of fetishes, but some of them are crossed out? 'Big breasts mommy play' has fresh ink on top of it?'Momonga had nabbed the notepad from the dragon's claws in his mental-scape and took a look at the contents. 'Have you been cataloging what I've done with my, erm, lovers? What for? Why is there a long list of things I haven't done and they aren't crossed out?'

"...Um…" Ddraog sweated car-sized sweat drops that were flowing freely down the red dragon's snout. "No reason? Okay, maybe for some reason? Er, call it a personal doomsday clock or something, I guess?"

'...What?' Momonga was truly baffled to the point that even his physical body became limp, and Lady Phenix seemed to get positively excited by it.



'Ahahaa…' Lady Phenix's mind was outright gone.

Whatever semblance of sanity she had left had been utterly eradicated to the point she could barely even remember that she had actual children of her own.

The trauma, the mental violence, and now the 'submissive and breedable' 'boy-like' shape of the monster that had tormented her well past the brink of insanity, not to mention that the monster was under her body, had all combined with the trauma from before to utterly break her previous persona- That of a proud noblewoman.

Instead, the monster had conditioned her to it's preferred shape and mentality with punishments, and was now rewarding her with pleasure and sense of superiority- That was her 'reward' for hounding Lady Gremory to the fellow noblewoman's breaking point. 'Hahahaha…. I should have submitted from the start- Ravel was right. HE rewards with one hand and punishes with the other… This 'shota-play'... hahaha- To give me the lead, to pretend to be submissive and dominated, to give me a taste of what it feels like to be in charge…'

She hugged the teenage boy-like body against her bosom and rubbed her hips against Momon's now pleasant-sized meat. 'I can't take something as big as he was earlier without it hurting… At least without tantric energy… Or unless I was screwed so senseless that my mind is gone… This is perfect-sized for me… Buhii… Hahaha… Of course he'd know that I had a thing for dominating teenage boys… Hng…'

Lady Phenix's long-lost fetishes came back to her head, and made it spin as she felt the body below her convulse a bit, and her eyelashes fluttered in pleasure as her insides were flooded with white goo, making it feel as if her oven had been stuffed full of burning-hot stuff.

'Haaahn… haa… more…' The blonde woman humped herself all over the young boy-like body and deliberately left her sides vulnerable, and true to her prediction, Momon began to stroke her flanks and then hug her adorably, causing Lady Phenix's head to boil over with unbridled lust.

'I'm not suitable for being a mother anymore…' Lady Phenix lamented her breaking mind in a moment of clarity that came from her lower lips flooding with her nectar while her body spasmed in her cum-daze, and she promptly claimed Momon's lips with hers in a breathy, tongue-filled kiss.

"Mnh! Touch me more… Pig-okaasan feels so good… Buhii…" The blonde woman felt Momon put one of his fingers against her nipple and pushed it, causing her nipple to push into her breasts as if he had penetrated her breast with the appendage. "Ahn…. Noo… My breasts will become pregnant…"

"U-umu?" The uncertain question, laced with boyish undertone from the small throat, made Lady Phenix's head spin as she pulled back from Momon, only to fall to her knees and slam her breast against Momon's dick.

"Hahaa… Let it all out…" Lady Phenix pushed her breast against the meat harder, causing the meat to push her nipple into her breasts while the meat seemed to get submerged into Lady Phenix's chest, making it look as if he had penetrated her breast. 'Ahn… That rubs it so… pleasant…'

Momon seemed to not get what Lady Phenix meant and she hugged his waist to push and pull it, humping the boyish monster's meat against her chest until his body was pushed over the edge and Lady Phenix felt a jet-like stream of white stuff push against her breast.

She squeezed her breast to keep the pressure in, and gasped as the jet of spunk seemed to enter her breast through the nipple from the force of the ejaculation, inflating one of her breasts a bit. 'W-wow…'

Momon fell to his butt on the couch, seemingly quite shocked while Lady Phenix pumped her now-warm feeling breast, milking a string of thick cum from it.

She then put her inflated breast against her mouth and sucked on it. "Suck… suck… Mo-mon-kun's milk tastes so good… Mommy wants more…"

Momon tried to scramble for the door, and Lady Phenix jumped on him to drag him back to the couch, well aware that the Supreme Being's submissive and panicked nature was just a play to allow Lady Phenix indulge in her fetishes as a reward.

'...And to allow me to feel what it's like to dominate the Supreme Being himself… haaah… My devil-blood is boiling…' Lady Phenix's power-trip was enough to make her head spin as she practically devoured Momon's lips with hers while he was making hasty excuses.

In response Lady Phenix pushed him against the couch, sat on his lap and leaned her back against Momon's chest, and began to squeeze him dry into her body- And between the couch's thick pillows and Lady Phenix's curvy body, it was almost as if Momon disappeared from sight under her- Until a flood of stringy, gooey white stuff pooled from between Lady Phenix's thighs while her belly inflated a bit.

'Ahn… Glory to the Supreme Being… And his coooocckkkk…' The thought swam in Lady Phenix's head as her hips quivered under her orgasm and she ruined the couch with her nectar…



'Haa… Haa… So… Those three are the options available to me… Resist, and become like Seekvaira… Fail, and become like Caitlin… Or take over Gremory House and submit it to the Supreme Being, and live…' Venelana Gremory rested her back against the hallway after escaping the room where Supreme Being likely still indulged himself on Lady Phenix, as if the once-proud noblewoman was a lowly slut.

Venelana slid down against the hallway wall until she sat on the floor, and rested her head against her hands in despair. 'I allowed Rias to marry a monster… I should have seen it… But I was too angry at Zeoticus for promising Rias's hand to that worthless Riser-kid, and too glad to know Rias married someone she liked… At least, I assumed she liked him… But… Chances are Rias had ended up like Seekvaira… Mind-controlled…'

'I have to save her…'



The last of the Black Goats fell, drained to a husk by a pipette-like lance, with whatever damage they had done upon the defender having been restored by the strikes of the vampiric lance the defender wielded.

The Red Valkyrie returned herself to a steady guard-position, and the armor was replaced by a gothic lolita-like set of clothes.

And then she walked off happily with a skip on her steps.

'Hahaa… Shows that big-titted cow… I'll get headpats for sure…'

Then, there was a massive crash that shook the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick, and sent Shalltear Bloodfallen off her feet and on her face in the 'arena' of Third Level of the Tomb of the Supreme Beings.