Chapter 126: Prop up mind-break victim as mannequin

Momonga felt like a raisin as he finally crawled from a comfy, yet utterly ruined room within Phenix castle-mansion, leaving a thoroughly 'filled' and sated Lady Phenix to sleep in the room.

'I swear, Azazel did that on purpose…' Momonga notched the Fallen Angel's leader's 'danger ranking' one step higher as the man had fired his 'shotagun' at Momonga and turned his body into that of a teenager, which had caused Lady Phenix to… 'act up'.

'Anyway… How long has it been? Six hours or something?' Momonga glanced at a nearby clock that showed that it was morning already.

Roughly five seconds later something let out a 'pop' and a puff of smoke, and Momonga realized he had regained his earlier, more 'Avatar-appropriate' height and frame. And he promptly made a set of clothes akin to the ones he had seen Sirzechs wear using [Create Item].

"Alright… Umu." Momonga weighed his options while he called one of his Cherubim Gatekeeper-maids to attend to Lady Phenix.

'Four' bowed to Momonga after teleporting to him and getting her orders, and entered the room where Lady Phenix slept. Momonga pretended to not notice that the aloof-acting maid had a massive blush and looked more than a bit jealous as she looked at the room's 'contents' before disappearing inside.

'Right… Umu. Now then…' Momonga did a quick tally of things he needed to do, and put them in order- Starting with taking care of Seekvaira, as while he had rearranged her backstory with careful application of [Control Amnesia], he needed to give her some sort of order in the case she ended up like Lady Phenix. That was, give her something to do or risk her coming up with orders of her own. 'I should probably tell her and Kusha, at least I think that was that girl's name, to keep eachother company or something… Hm, or I can tell Kuisha that she should serve as Seekvaira's attendant until the meeting with the new Pillar heads, since Seekvaira is technically a 'head of a Pillar family' right now.'

'Azazel should be hard at work arranging the meet, and Michael is setting up the paperwork of my rule. Irina and Xenovia should be taking care of the church-side of the problem, alongside Dominion Authority, and that leaves me free to worry about Beelzebub and Asmodeus…' He felt as if he was forgetting something but couldn't quite put his finger on it. 'Anyway, I should probably get some food in my system… It's been a while since I last used that phrase… Being integrated into this 'Issei' body is starting to grow on me… Then again, it's not as if I can just rip it off, at least unless I plan on committing political and subsequent literal suicide-by-angel…'

"Yes, very good. Remember, it's more fun to eat with others, so definitely keep others around you! Alive, preferably…" Ddraig tried to sound cheerful, although the dragon looked quite green for some reason despite being a red dragon that was stuck in Momonga's head.

'Yes, yes… I haven't planned on becoming a Devourer or anything so you don't have to act like that whenever I think about eating something…' Momonga despaired at Ddraig's paranoia before shaking his head at the voices inside his head, and departed to seek breakfast. 'Hm, I should probably see about having breakfast with my Peerage before anything else… I've been somewhat neglecting them and they are my second-most reliable asset, even if they aren't all too powerful in combat right now… '



Meanwhile, two sisters stood up from their bed, looking and moving like a pair of ghouls…



"Hmm… Good morning, Gasper-kun." Momonga greeted the 'boy' who sat down beside him in the breakfast table that had been arranged in a dining hall within the castle-mansion, as he had sent a word to his Peerage members, as well as his fiancee's, wife, and their (or rather, Sona's) Peerages and asked if they wanted to have a breakfast together.

He had gotten a positive reply from most, with the exception being Yasaka who said she had to take care of resettling her people and was thus too busy to spare the time. Not that Momonga was particularly offended by her declination, as Yasaka seemed like a good 'boss' to her people so he didn't expect her to jump at his every whim, at least if it wasn't all too important in grand scale of things- Not to mention that it felt refreshing to command someone who thought and prioritized things appropriately and didn't instantly over-think his every word and attempt to cause a disaster.

Sona, meanwhile, had mumbled something incoherent to Momonga's [Message] and Momonga had let her sleep as he feared he had woken her up mid-sleep.

Not to mention that even though neither Sona or Yasaka was present, the breakfast table was quite crowded with two Peerages alone, not to mention Momonga's additions. Or the fact Kuroka was struggling to keep Koneko beside her as while Koneko could eat on her own, she was positively steaming and kept sending glances at Momonga, the meaning of which didn't take an expert to decipher. 'I hope Koneko's 'heat' remains under control… I don't think my 'alliance' with Kuroka would hold if I did something untoward to Koneko…'

Momonga drew his eyes to Gasper's face as he spotted an odd expression on his face, and the 'boy' blushed a bit but nodded while looking quite conflicted and even a bit angry. "Momon-kun didn't come and see me while I recovered…"

"I'm sorry. There were issues that needed my personal input regarding what is now a war-effort to keep the war in Underworld from escalating too much. Otherwise I'd have come to see you, Gasper-kun. You did well during the Peace Conference. I'm proud of you." Momonga reached to pat Gasper's head, and heard an angry growl from somewhere nearby.

He looked down to see that Kunou was pouting at him while having snuck between Gasper and him at some point.

"U-um, who is she?" Gasper looked at Kunou as if he had seen a ghost, which was likely because of the normally-shy shapeshifter-vampire-'thing's easily spooked nature. Although Momonga noted that Gasper was not trying to hide or move away, which clued him to the possibility that the scrap in the Human World had strengthened Gasper's resolve somewhat- That, or Gasper had gained a degree of bloodlust and related aggressiveness from smashing apart Norse battle-lines and devouring their warriors.

"She's my daughter." Momonga told Gasper, causing quite a few of the people eating breakfast to either spit-take their drinks or almost choke on their food. Rias and Rossweisse more so than the others.

"Y-yugh… W-whuh…" Rias looked at Momonga from her place between Akeno and Koneko. "What?"

"Yasaka and I had a… thing." Momonga sweated a bit as Kunou was giving Rias a proud glare and blew a raspberry at her.

"You-but-wha-eh? I don't remember… except…" Rossweisse blinked as well as she tried to recall something, before she blushed up a storm. "Um… I mean, unless… Wha happened after I passed out when we went out to Tokyo?"

"Many things. Thanks for that, by the way. It was fun to let go of everything and just relax for half a night or something… Er, before I met Ophis and killed the Great Red during that date, anyway." Momonga took the distraction Rossweisse provided and used it to direct the conversation away from dangerous waters, and sighed as Yubelluna clearly wasn't prepared for Momonga's news and looked like she'd choke on her porridge so he reached over to give her a whack on the back.

"Kukuku… Just as expected of my lord… Killing god-dragons is such an amusingpast-time for him…" Ravel was chuckling to the back of her hand while gathering meat and pineapples on her plate.

"Knowing you none of that is false, but at the same time incredibly stupid, so I'm not even going to bother thinking about it." Rias seemed to stabilize after coughing a few times and instead just sighed and returned to her bacon. "So, you and Yasaka are a thing now? Right. Didn't think you'd honor the agreement we had about vetting your potential fiancees, wifes, and whatnot through me, but seriously… At least you didn't pick up that bint, Ray-whateverhernamewas. Did you?"

"I didn't… Er, the situation with Yasaka was… A bit fast-moving at the time. Sorry." Momonga sweated under Rias's emotionless words that practically oozed 'I'm so done' energy. And it seemed to affect those who heard it, causing Akeno to send a disapproving finger-waggle at Momonga before giggling a bit to the back of her hand. '...Haa… Devil's acceptance of polygamy is seriously saving my butt here… I'd have been hung by my spine if Rias was someone like one of the office-ladies way back then, in Neo-Japan…'

Yuuto gave Momonga a complicated glance that looked amazed, reproachful and incredius at the same time… But before Momonga could worry about Yuuto further, a black-haired girl Momonga faintly remembered being Sona's Queen reached to put her hand on Yuuto's head and stroked it a bit.

Yuuto seemed to calm down and he returned to his food while conversing about something with Tsubaki, which seemingly centered around training their respective sword-plays, although Momonga picked up a few hidden meanings through [Actor] regarding the girl's use of words such as 'Yuuto's sword' and 'sheathing one's katana'. Unfortunately for her, Yuuto seemed to be quite oblivious to her advances. 'I may have to wingman up a bit for Yuuto, that should help his loyalty to me… Assuming he doesn't get too attached to Tsubaki, as she is Sona's Queen and thus… Hm, then again, Sona knows who I am, or at least has a well educated guess about the whole 'Supreme Being' situation, so it should be fine even if Yuuto's loyalties are split between me and Tsubaki, since I'm pretty sure Tsubaki's true loyalty is to Sona, whose loyalty is to me…'

"Ahem, anyway… There will be another peace meeting soon. This time held remotely after… Umu, the recent events." Momonga opened the conversation after the breakfast concluded. "Afterwards we'll move out to secure the Underworld by overthrowing Beelzebub and Asmodeus, as well as the Maou's rule. If any of you have a problem with that then speak up. I'll promise to listen to your views as well- But do remember that the old government has declared all of us 'Strays' so any appeasement or peace effort from our part with the 'old rule' will most definitely include a clause calling for our deaths."

"...There's not much to argue against if you put the options like that, Momon-kun." Yuuto noted.

"Sirzechs-nii…" Rias looked quite sad.

"What about the heavens and other rabble?" Yubelluna asked, reminding Momonga that the woman was originally from Riser's Peerage and thus likely shared 'normal devil's views on the two feather-winged factions- That was, not a particularly positive view.

However, Momonga recognized that as a huge plus as it'd give him a good overview on what 'regular devils' would think in relation to the whole issue, as opposed to the group of devils that had followed Rias- And due to her upbringing as a sheltered and even spoiled princess, her previous servants, or rather her old Peerage, likely had views that a normal devil would consider 'abnormal' and thus Momonga couldn't really use their views as baseline for any of his own decisions.

"Allies. And formed to a new faction of 'Gray Angels' after a recent… Events. The Heavens and Fallen as they were are no more, and never will be." Momonga used a tone he had practiced in his head, and put the thought to action through [Actor]. "It is my goal to form what was once 'Three Factions' into one united, peaceful faction that can govern itself and rule in peace- We have enough enemies without that we don't need to make them within. Do you agree? I value your input, Yubelluna. Others, as well."

"I… Well… If you put it like that, I guess it'd be okay…" Yubelluna seemed to falter under Momonga's tone and delivery more than his words.

Sona's Peerage meanwhile voiced their agreements to the idea, albeit with faces pale and movements shaky over the prospect of going to war again, which Momonga didn't doubt as the group was solely composed of humans, high-schoolers more or less, who had only recently been turned to Devils and called to fight a war they likely barely understood let alone wished to fight in .

'...I suppose Yubelluna's a devil like any other- Which means, my power and 'rank' matters more than my principles when it comes to convincing devils. Which means, the peace talks with the nobles are likely unnecessary and serve more as a warning for them to back off while I handle the Maous 'or else'- They will follow whoever kills the Maous, or failing that, follow the Maous after they kill me. A refreshingly simple mindset, all things considered, if it wasn't my head on the pike if I fail…' Momonga weighed Yubelluna's words and body language through [Actor] and came to a conclusion that he mostly knew anyway. "Alright. In that case… I'll go and speak to some of the new family-heads and we'll see if we can figure out something."

He glanced at Rias. "Rias, dear, the fact your blood-family's head, or rather, your father is dead yet your mother is not means that she'll be the lady of the house until I find Zeoticus's ashes and resurrect him to resume his earlier role. Could you go tell your mother to come meet me soon? I'd like to ask for the cooperation of her house, or failing that, a declaration of nonhostility during our assault."

"...What happens if she doesn't give you that?" Rias asked with a quiet voice and Akeno reached to hug her arms around Rias's shoulders to reassure her.

"If that happens we may be forced to consider Gremory House among our enemies, specifically if they interfere in our attempt to unify the Three Factions. That consideration, and subsequent action we'd need to take against Gremory House, is not something I'd like or wish, and I dearly hope Lady Gremory doesn't force us to take that stance." Momonga put the fact as frankly as possible, but included a caveat as to make Rias think any aggression from Gremory was 'their fault' rather than his. 'I'm getting a handle of this 'Actor' skill…'

"I see…" Rias looked depressed nonetheless. "So what you're saying is that I need to convince mom to not get in our way, right?"

"Quite so. Can you do it?"

"I'll do my best…" Rias's voice wavered yet her face was resolute.

Akeno muttered something reassuring-sounding to the red-head's ear and Momonga turned his attention elsewhere- Namely, his chuuni fiancee. "Ravel. I'd like you to formulate a professional response to commit House of Phenix under my banner. I'll know you'll follow me, but if we are to approach this problem in a professional manner, we need to get it in writing. Or in other acceptable terms. I'm sure your mother would love to help you with this task, as well as specifics and whatnot."

"Kukuku… Indeed, I heard from one of Milord's 'maids' that my mother was well 'rewarded' last night…" Ravel chuckled slightly before standing up from her seat and curtsying towards Momonga. "Everything will be as my lord wishes."

"Sona's not present right now, but I'm sure you two share a sentiment, so it might be good if you two worked together on your announcement to the rest of the Pillars… That being said, I should move on to convincing Seekvaira and the others. Rossweisse- Could I ask you to talk to the valkyries in our basement and try to get them to see things our way? I doubt the remnants of Norse are interested in helping us, but the fact I possess the Spear of Yggdrasil that Odin made might persuade them away from this meaningless conflict." Momonga nodded to both Ravel and Rossweisse after the latter nodded resolutely to him, and then he turned to look at Akeno. "I'll see to your mother soon, when Baraqiel manages to retrieve her ashes. If he fails, I'll send someone of my own to fetch her ashes. I know you are no longer a 'Queen', but could I trouble you to coordinate with Tsubasa-san and get my and Sona's Peerages training together and prepare to march to war? I do not expect you to be able to fight Maous toe-to-toe, but I'd like it if you were capable of handling Devil's soldiers and the like."

"Very well… My lord." Akeno sounded only half-joking as she spoke and bowed her head a bit towards Momonga, making him a bit awkward as he spotted a faint blush on Akeno's cheeks.

'Ugh, I don't need another 'Ravel'… Then again, I did and offered all sorts of things to Akeno, so she probably developed a crush on me…' Momonga felt a bit resigned as he combined what he got from [Actor] and [Lover] to form a picture. 'Then again, considering what we were doing before Baraqiel interrupted us, that kind of revelation shouldn't come as a surprise anyhow… Sheesh, when I was thinking I'd be resolute even in the face of a 'hundred-strong harem', I didn't think I'd need to actually live up to that.'

"That's not the worst problem in the world to have, you know…"

'I suppose…'

"Hoo, I'm surprised?" Ddraig sounded quite surprised, true to his words. "I thought you'd deny vehemently and insist on prudeness and whatnot."

'I was never that bad… Was I?'


'...I've become a degenerate…'

"Mate, your revelations are not really all that convincing when you have done… well, all that you have done."

"Anyway, I'm off. Take care." Momonga didn't want to argue with the voice in his head in plain view of his Peerage, so he decided to excuse himself. 'I should seek Seekvaira next… I think there was something going on with 'One' and some woman… Hm, Issei's mother, I think? I should probably ask 'One' what was going on with that sometime…'

He walked off.



Roughly five minutes later the Peerages had mostly dispersed, and Sona and Serafall shambled into the breakfast hall.

"Coooock…" Sona groaned like a zombie, and Serafall groaned in similar fashion, much to the shock of everyone watching- That being, Koneko, Kuroka (who had been somewhat delayed trying to keep Koneko from charging after Momon), and Ravel (who had remained to look in amusement at Kuroka's feeble attempt to keep a hold on what was her master's rightful property).

"Kuku… Fitting fate for your failure to answer to the Master's summons in time." Ravel chuckled at Sona's state.

"Nuuuh… I wash… waiting for Momonshama…" Sona groaned as she shambled towards Ravel. "He… He didn't… Shove it up… Show up… want… seeexx…"

"Kukuku…" Ravel reached to pat Sona's head and put her fingers into the girl's mouth as she seemed desperate. "Was that all you did? Wait for him to take what was his- Poor girl… Didn't you remember the cardinal rule- He does not come and claim, but rather, wait for others to deliver to him what is his?"

"I… Itsh…" Sona seemed to realize her error as she groaned while Ravel rached to fondle her tongue. "I… didn't… fink… too hard… I… need…"

"Heyy!" Serafall bowled into Ravel from the side, causing Sona to let a soft, panting moan as the impact knocked Ravel's fingers from Sona's mouth. Afterwards Serafall grabbed Sona's hands so the pair did a small piroulette around eachother until coming to a stop so that Serafall was between Ravel and Sona. "What's this lewdery?! You- Fiancee-chan, where's Mo-kun?!"

"Oho? You seem better adjusted." Ravel noted that while Serafall shambled like Sona, her voice only slurred slightly. "Momon-sama has decided to see to important matters. Perhaps you have decided to submit to our master now, and deliver yourself to him?"

"I was already all that stuff… Shit outta options, really, but- waaaait, was that it?" Serafall seemed to realize something. "That's super-sneaky if true, Mo-kun! Were we supposed to be paraded all around the mansion, dripping with our fluids to let everyone know we are Mo-kun's personal cock-sleeves? Sneaky! Uncalled! Sexy! Wait, no, super-lewd! Don't tell me, he planned on using us as love-toys in plain view? Then again, I sorta lost it once and went to give a bit of a sucky-wucky and Mo-kun ended up using me as a mental hammer to break Bael-kun's mind… Not to mention, the others in the room at the sametime…"

Ravel sweated a bit from the delivery of Serafall's words, which were uncharacteristically whimsical to the point of near-insanity. Not to mention that while her words were stable, it looked like Serafall was constantly fighting against the urge to pull a 'ahegao' face.

Serafall seemed to stabilize a bit after vibrating violently on the spot like an unbalanced dragonfly. "Sup- er, Mo-kun is either a super-duper mastermind or has like a billion points in luck-stat… But he's also strong, so that's super hot! Speakinnowhich- Where is Mo-kun! I swear to myself that I'll suck Mo-kun's brains through his dick if he doesn't nail me next!"

Ravel gulped against his will as Serafall's seemingly insane behavior seemed to stabilize into a dreadful aura that wafted out of the Maou, accompanied by the woman's twintail-tied hair flowing in ethereal wind with eyes shining blazing red.

"Mmrroww…" Kuroka let out a distressed meow from the side and Ravel looked over to see that Koneko had started to really purr and struggle after Serafall's provocative words.

"Oh, who's that?!" Serafall materialized next to Kuroka and reached to pat Koneko a bit, and then pat Kuroka a bit. "Waitamoment- I remember you! You were that SS-class super-criminal…"

"Yes… I was forgiven by Momon-sama and turned to his Pawn!" Kuroka seemed to panic as Serafall made the connection. "I now serve as Momon-sama's bed-warmer and Shiro- Koneko's personal tutor! Master seems very content with my performance so pleasedontkillmepleasepleaseplease-"

"Uuuuuuaaaah! Super-unfair! He has time to bed just about everyone except me! And So-tan! And I have just gone through like a hundred gallons of love-potions!" Serafall groaned and drew her hand from Koneko's head as she had returned to patting her again… And seemingly realized something. "Oh. Whoops."

"Mmrrrooww… haaahn… Mrrow… Haaaaaaaahhhhnnn… aaahnn…" Koneko's panting and purring turned up a notch and Ravel spotted that the girl had a patch of clear liquid on her head, where Serafall had touched her. And then Ravel looked at Kuroka to see that she had suffered the same fate.

"Oopsie… I did a fucky-wucky- I think I am still sweating a bit of that concentrated stuff…" Serafall did a 'oopsie' gesture by rubbing the side of her temple with her knuckles and poking her tongue out. "I guess you'll have to lead me to Mo-kun now…"

Koneko and Kuroka let out a distressed purrs and hugged each other in fright, while Ravel gulped and took a few slow steps to back away from the room… Except Serafall struck a T-pose while facing towards Kuroka and Koneko, and promptly materialized in front of Ravel.

Ravel tried to make a run for it, but Serafall caught up to her within nanosecond and hugged her in a lewd way.

"Noo~ I won't… uuuu…" Ravel groaned as Serafall fondled her boobs from behind and stroked her sides while reaching to lick the side of her neck- And true to Serafall's words, Ravel felt the now-familiar burn and haze of Tantric Energy practically wafting from wherever Serafall touched. "Maasterr… Momon-samaaa… Is this a plaaan of yours as well?"

"Maybe! But now- Lead me to Mo-kun and you'll get nailed as well! After me and So-tan!" Serafall whispered to Ravel's ear, and Ravel whimpered in despair as she realized Serafall's orders contradicted the ones that Momon gave her just earlier.

'Unless… Ahaa… He ordered me to form a professional 'answer' to the True God's query on the allegiances of Phenix, and said that 'I should work with Sona about it'... Haha, he would have known what sort of state Sona was in, and Serafall was in, therefore… Aha, it now makes sense… I was the fool- He knew Sona would fail, and build a plan within a plan for that scenario. Of course- I see now… In other words, when he said mother would 'love to' help me… Ahahahah!'

"Of course… Let us go see master…" Ravel purred and reached behind herself to stroke Serafall's head while she and Sona had clung to Ravel's back in their lust-daze.

The trio left, leaving just Koneko and Kuroka purring in their distress and growing heat.



'Now then…' Momonga sent Seekvaira Agares an inquisitive glance as she was lying in her hospital-bed in the mansion's hospital-wing.

The white-haired woman was lying on her back with her hands to her sides, and she was staring up at the ceiling with an unwavering gaze.

'...I think I overdid the mind-wiping with [Control Amnesia].' Momonga covered his face and shook his head a bit in resignation. "Seekvaira-san. Please get up."

The woman sat up with robotic motions, causing the blanket to slip from her body and land in a neat pile, while also revealing that she was naked.

Momonga waved his hands to cancel his order as the woman turned to stand up beside the bed. "Wait, put some clothes on first! Actually… Nevermind- [Create Item]."

He poked the woman with his finger and a set of frilly gothic-themed clothes of white color formed around her. 'Dammit, Peroroncino… Haa… I need to stop blaming my friends for my subconciousness's sins…'

"Anyway… Report, please." Momonga hoped that he hadn't compromised Seekvaira's mental health too badly. 'It won't be good if she's a carrot… I need a puppet to put in Agares family's throne, not a doll to keep in an infirmary bed…'

"I am alive. I obey the master's will. Master's will is all, all is master's will. There is no-one other. There is nothing else. I obey master's will. Master's will is…" Seekvaira's words were emotionless and were monotone to a disturbing degree.

"Right, thank you…" Momonga held onto his face with both hands. 'Yeah, I totally overdid it… I should probably try to [Control Amnesia] again to… erm, actually, I 'deleted' the things I thought unnecessary, and didn't bother to remember them myself so I can't really just hit 'undo' to her brain…'

"Haa… Well then." He reached to hold Seekvaira's head with both hands, figuring that he wouldn't lose anything by trying. "[Control Amnesia]."

The devil stood completely still while Momonga copy-pasted a bunch of things into her 'backstory' to fill it up a bit in order to give her a bit more agency than just repeating the thoughts Momonga had stuffed her with during the last mind-wipe. '...I don't really know what women of her age think about, nor do I have a past that would be appropriate, but some snippets of Rossweisse's 'backstory' should work if I censor the names and places, and instead replace them with Phenix house and myself… Basically graft some memories of Rossweisse's past into Seekvaira, except muted and censored… I feel like a bastard though…'

He let go of the girl who fell back to the bed like a doll with its strings cut, lying in a limp pile while staring forwards with glazed-over eyes.

'Hm…' Momonga scratched his chin as it looked like the operation had failed again… At least until the woman took a shaky break and began shaking in a combination of panic and shock.

"Wh- where? Who… M-Momon-kun?!" Seekvaira lunged to hug Momonga's waist. "I… Where… Nothing makes sense, I… I was… But that doesn't make sense, Phenix territory doesn't have starlight bridges… That's… But the Norse… Valkyries? I… Was I really that prude? B-but… My childhood friend… It's…"

'Hm. I suppose she's in a shock since the 'timeline continuation' doesn't really make sense from the fragmented memories that I stuffed her with… I suppose that's the best I can do.' Momonga sighed. 'There's no way Agares house is going to accept a scatterbrained wreck as their lady of the house, so I should probably see about finding their next in line and show Seekvaira as a reminder of what happens if they go against me… Come to think of it, devils value strength over all, so that might actually be a good plan for a change… And I can just tell I gave her absolution from her sins or something equally posh if Michael or other Gray Angels start to question me…'

He nodded and reached to stroke the woman's head as she was kneeling on the floor while holding her head and rocking back-and-forth in absolute confusion and insanity, staring ahead with wide-open eyes with tears pouring down her face. "It's alright. I'm here."

'Yeah, this feels incredibly slimy…' Momonga sighed at himself as Seekvaira grabbed onto his arm as if it was an anchor in a storm and held it against her cheek for a while, clearly drawing strength from the feeling. "How are you feeling?"

"I… I… What happened to me… Nothing makes sense…"

"Hm… Your head is scrambled and your memories shattered. But don't worry. Even if nothing makes sense now, rest assured that I'll be here for you no matter what. So draw strength from it, even when everything else seems lost." Momonga figured that it was better to show to the other devils that they had only two, or rather, three options- Resist and die, and be resurrected into servitude as someone else than who they were, resist and be forced into servitude in similar state, or submit willingly and be rewarded. '...I've become a tyrant.'

"A stunning observation. What gave it away- Murdering of political opponents, mind-breaking potential enemies, crushing opposing armies in ambushes and turning former friends against one another, or uniting a population under your flag to resist a 'outside foe' that is also your puppet in secret?" Ddraig's words dripped sarcasm, and for once, Momonga didn't refute the dragon's words. "Don't tell me, you were still thinking you were a 'good guy' or what?"

'No, but I suppose that was the mask I was supposed to wear for Rossweisse, Michael and others…' Momonga sighed internally.

"From what I gathered, that Rossweisse girl figured out your secret or something so I somehow doubt she sees you as a 'good guy'..."

'She found out everything about me though. I read her past, she read mine… Even from the time before you brought me to this world…' Momonga thought in his distracted state and froze as he realized what he had revealed to Ddraig.

"Oh. Er, was this when I was sleeping or… Wait, why, er, how is she still alive?"Ddraig seemed to be taken aback. "Is there still hope?"

'...I don't like that delivery just now.' Momonga eyed the dragon warily inside his mental-scape, while the dragon seemingly took a double-take at the sight of the red dusty salt-flat of the past, which had now sprouted a few strands of green and had a small spruce growing from its center.

"I see… Hm… A-anyway, I'll be quiet now…" Ddraig was clearly shaken by the news and curled into a ball to stare at the growing spruce with a mixture of confusion and growing hope in its eyes.

'...' Momonga returned to reality as well, and pulled his hand from Seekvaira's hold as she had been hugging the arm as if her life depended on it. "Sleep. You need to rest and gather your wits- Your memories need time to mend."

"What happened to me?" Seekvaira asked with a shaky tone. "Why… Why are there so many odd memories… I… I can't remember the name of my friends, only shapes… M-mom, w-was my mother really a…A deity of some sort? I… I can't remember her name… her face… Mom…"

"Don't worry about that. I'm here. I'll be here for you." Momonga sweated a bit as he realized his hasty re-writing might have caused quite a few logical contradictions. 'Erm, I kept a clause where she trusted me unconditionally and all, and spread that all over her 'past', but it's not a magically enforced contract or anything so she might just decide that I'm no longer trustworthy and run off… Then again, that won't matter after her usefulness ends, so I just need her to stay somewhat sane until then.'

"I… I…" Seekvaira lunged up to hug Momonga and buried her head into his chest. "I'm scared… Nothing makes sense… I… I can't… I can't… sniff…"

"There, there…" Momonga stroked her hair for a bit while the woman shivered like a young girl and finally passed out in his hug. 'Right, she's broken, but I should be able to use this. I'd call this operation… eeeh… partially salvaged from an objective point of view.'

'...I should probably try to make it up to her at some point though, I feel like scum…'He put the woman back into the infirmary bed and wrote a quick 'get well' card for her bedside just to reinforce her dependence on him. And then he glanced at the only other occupant of the room- The Third Lady Bael, Misla Bael, who was sleeping in her bed like a living corpse. 'Right, I need to go and check what Azazel is doing next… Young Lord Bael will also probably return sometime soon, I guess, since he departed so hastily after our initial deal… The fact I have her mother as my 'guest' or rather 'hostage' should be enough to guarantee that he won't return with sword in hand, but I should be proactive nonetheless…'

He sighed at his conflicting feelings before walking through a [Gate], intending on going somewhere private and checking what was going on with Azazel's task to speak to the nobles.

Momonga also sent a word to 'Four' and told the maid to come and see to Seekvaira's needs once she was done with Lady Phenix.

'Hm… I should probably check with the Overlord General, just in case it's gotten a 'creative idea' about my orders to lie low… I can't afford that earlier fiasco to repeat…'

Momonga nodded to himself and started to use his scrolls to cloak him from view and protect himself from spying.



Sona, Ravel and Serafall stumbled into the infirmary a few minutes later, discovering distressed Seekvaira who had started to slowly wake up.

"Sneakyyyy!" Serafall whined and pulled a pink fairy from between her breasts. "Fine! O ero-fairy! Show me the way!"

The fairy glowed red for a brief moment and let a 'beep' of rejection, causing Serafall's whining to grow in pitch and desperation. "Huguuaaaa! Et tu, brutus?!"

"H-heheh… Sister… Don't you see…It's all part of a plan…" Sona chuckled while her excitement was constantly leaving a trail of clear liquid behind herself while she clung to Ravel's back, unable to hold back the flooding of her nectar from even such a simple touch.

"Kukuku… Indeed… There is but Master… Kuku…" Ravel moaned her agreement, as Serafall's touch had infected her with the power of ero-juice as well. "And now, we have all but one actor in place…"

Almost as if called, a knock came from the door and Ravel looked over to see that one of her master's maids had walked in while carrying a peacefully sleeping Lady Phenix in a princess carry.

"Greetings, my lady." The maid curtsied a bit towards Ravel, which was impressive considering the fact she was holding the far curvier if shorter woman in her hold while she did the motion. Afterwards the maid put the woman on a empty infirmary bed.

"Hehee…" Sona chuckled to Ravel, who in turn giggled a bit. "Master's timing is impeccable… Hahah…"

"Indeed, my fellow slave to darkness…" Ravel chuckled back to Sona. "Now then… All actors have gathered- Shall we record our 'House's official announcement of servitude to Lord Momon'?"

"Let us do so… Kukuku- Seekvaira-chan. How do you feel about submitting to our lord?" Sona turned to look at Seekvaira, who, uncharacteristically for her based on Ravel's memories of the Young Devil, slinked back and partially hid herself behind her blanket.

"W-who are you?" Seekvaira sounded quite scared and fragile, causing the pair's chuckling to intensify while Serafall squinted her eyes in confusion for a while, before shrugging.

"I guess Mo-kun mind-broke her already with his dick! AAAAND NOW I'M MAAAAAD! HUGUAAAA! I AM SO NEXT! MO-KUN, YOU FINNA GET FUUUUUUCKED!" Serafall started with a peaceful chuckle… And then she disappeared in a flash of ice and water while a dreadful aura gathered around her before dispersing alongside the ice, leaving just a wet patch of flood in her wake.

Sona sniffed the water and chuckled a bit. "Kukuku… Indeed, as a Maou she was not needed for an announcement between 'heads of the Pillars'... And she was quite wet…"

"Kukuku, perhaps our master enjoys seeing your beloved sister squirm?" Ravel chuckled before she reached to grab Seekvaira's hand and pulled her partially out of the bed, mostly so that she could use [Power of Imagination] to extend the bed a bit.

Lady Phenix seemed to wake up and yawn as Ravel's use of her powers caused the room to be flooded with golden-yellow light and red of devil-circle, and the woman sat partially up from her bed. "Ravel? What's going on?"

"We're about to make an official announcement to offer our houses' loyalties away from the Maous, and to Lord Momon's care." Sona told Lady Phenix. "Would you serve as a testifier for us, my lady?"

"Ah… I see. Of course." Lady Phenix stood up, looked at Ravel's lewd smirk, and got a lewd smirk of her own before crawling over to the enlarged bed and pulling the struggling and panicking Seekvaira against her bosom.

"Now then…Let us make our announcement." Sona chuckled at the sight.



Seekvaira didn't know what was going on.

'Momon-kun…' She tried to call for her childhood friend, who she had trusted her entire life. But he was nowhere to be seen.

Some unknown women had barged into the infirmary room where she had ended up, somehow. She didn't know who the women were, or why she was in the infirmary, other than that she had seen her childhood friend just now- Until she had passed out in her confusion, anyway.

The confusion was such that Seekvaira could tell only two things for certain- That she was 'Seekvaira Agares' and that she was a staunch ally and friend of Momon Phenix.

…And that she was being hugged by a motherly looking woman while two other girls had crawled into her suddenly enlarged bed and were fondling and groping her, causing her to feel panic and fear from the soft defilement.

Outside those three things the rest of her life, her memories, were a mess.

A fragmented memory of someone with white wings talking behind her back.

A memory of awful porridge.

A memory of tripping on a branch and falling over to her face when going to her first dead soul of a warrior, and the soul looking at her with contempt and pity.

A memory of washing awful-smelling underwear belonging to a perverted old man.

A memory of tall buildings covered in plumes of smoke and smog, covering the sky yet lit with neon-lights and holograms that cast electronic lights upon masses of people swarming far below the skywalks.

A memory of something lewd, a feeling of release that felt odd in her female body, and a memory of getting 'sheathed to a hilt' by accident, and passing out in Momon's warm embrace- A memory that caused her a conflicting feeling of extreme embarrassment and feeling of happiness.

However, Seekvaira didn't think she and Momon were a 'thing', but rather, something else… Yet, in her heart she felt aching when she thought about him- An odd combination of revulse and longing. 'Momon-kun… Please come and save me…'

The pair of girls who were fondling her had started to pull at her comfortable clothes that she had gotten from Momon, causing the clothing to look lewd and inappropriate with the dress being pulled up to mid-thigh and breasts fondled in an excessively lewd way.

Not to mention, the pair of girls were panting and moaning in exceedingly lewd manner, all the while seemingly giving some sort of speech which was occasionally commented upon by the homely woman that was trapping Seekvaira by hugging her back to the woman's chest and burying the back of her head between the blonde woman's huge breasts..

'Why… Are they talking about me? About who I am?' Seekvaira caught some words from the blonde girl's speech while she struggled weakly, terrified of the pair of girls that were violating her by fondling her body.

"...And such… Mwah… This is our answer- House Phenix shall forevermore be Lord Momons- The True God's!" The blonde girl finished by kissing the black-haired girl on the lips. "And it's lady shall forever be Lord Momon's exclusive fuck-toy."

"And as such, this is our answer- House Sitri shall forevermore be Lord Momon's- The True God's." The black-haired girl told a camera. "And its lady shall forevermore be Lord Momon's exclusive onahole."

Seekvaira's eyes widened as the black-haird girl reached to give Seekvaira a excessively lewd kiss that caused her cheeks to blush and body to heat against her will from the struggle of tongues and saliva.

"Ah…" Seekvaira blushed heavily but shivered in fright. 'Momon-sama… Please save me…'

"Speak up… The sigil can't hear you, Seekvaira-chan." The blonde girl chuckled at Seekvaira's panic. "Will you swear your and your house's loyalty to Momon-kun, like we did?"

'Ah?' Seekvaira paused as she remembered something. A faint memory of a girl who had passed out behind her and a blonde girl chuckling at her while Seekvaira was full of Momon-kun's meat sword. 'Wait… I can't… remember their faces, but… Are these two those girls… There was some red-head as well… But… Doesn't that mean that I'm… I'm… Momon-kun's fiancee but… Ah… I… must have forgotten… I'm so happy…'

Seekvaira remembered the words the two girls had used just now, and figured that it was some sort of code or ritual between them- Something that she couldn't remember. She, however, spotted a 'get well' card on the night-stand, which was signed by Momon Phenix. 'Ah… I see… Something happened to my head, and I forgot everything… Most of my life, it's all in pieces… Haa… I don't have a house, but… Isn't that a devil thing or something? I… think I had white wings, so I can't be a devil… Right? Unless… I was turned to a devil? Ah… Was that why I keep forgetting who these two are… Ah… I think… I was a valkyrie back then… haa… By 'house', do they want… ah… they want me to swear my 'house', as in my 'family name' to Momon… Isn't that… Marriage?'

The situation started to become a bit clearer to Seekvaira and she nodded in joy. 'Does that mean… I get to be with Momon-kun? With my childhood friend? O-of course I'll accept!'

"A-and this is our answer- House Agares shall forevermore be Lord Momon's- The True God's." Seekvaira told the pair happily. '...Somehow this feels… wrong… but… eh… As long as I get to be with my beloved… I don't care…' "And it's lady shall forevermore be Lord Momon's exclusive l-lover…"

Seekvaira blushed to her ears, before the pair of girls in the bed reached to nibble her ears and kissed her cheeks at the same time.

"And thus, by the name of Caitlin Phenix, I guarantee the validity of the answers of the heads of House Agares, Seekvaira Agares, House Sitri, Sona Sitri, and House Phenix, Ravel Phenix, anointed by True God's light and devout followers of True God's Order, to the question of their and their house's loyalties. Any who seek to challenge their will may seek their lord for honorable combat in Rating Game or duel to the death." The blonde woman who had hugged all three girls to her chest spoke. "Now then… Sigil, off."

Seekvaira suddenly realized that there was some sort of recording sigil in the center of the infirmary which fizzled out.

'Eh? Duel to the death? Momon-kun? I'm a family head? They're joking, right?'Seekvaira paled, but before she could do much else, Ravel let out a moan and slid her hand inside Seekvaira's dress and gave the blonde woman hugging Seekvaira a lewd kiss.

"Haa… haa… Momon-sama's will be done…" Ravel panted into Lady Phenix's ear and the woman turned to kiss the blonde girl on the lips, causing Seekvaira to freeze up in fear… Until Sona climbed on top of her and started to rub herself on Seekvaira's body that was sandwiched between the lithe girl and the curvy woman.

"M-Mhomon-kuhn…" Seekvaira whimpered as Sona claimed her lips and the two girls and woman in the bed lost themselves in a frenzy of kissing, fondling and licking, while Seekvaira's head flashed with a 'objective' for some reason- 'Survive'.

And, she did her best to do exactly that. 'Momon-kun… I'm sorry… I've been defiled… But… if we're his fiancee's… All of us… then… it's okay, right?'

Seekvaira remembered the faint memory of a fivesome with Momon, and realized that it was likely that the people occupying Momon's bed back then were the same who were kissing and fondling her now, and she started to let herself relax… And in few moments, she moaned just like Sona did while the latter rubbed her thigh between Seekvaira's legs. Meanwhile Lady Phenix's body below Seekvaira shivered in lust while Ravel reached down to suckle and nibble on the woman's breasts.

'H-haha… Is… This happiness?' Seekvaira's mind was starting to splinter even from the barely held-together mess that it had become. 'Momon-kun… Hahaha…'

Her eyes rolled up as Sona slipped her hand into her dress and started to touch her directly. 'Momon-kun… Come see me soon… I want… I want you in me… again… And again… Haa…'



Rossweisse sneezed. "Ugh… I think someone's talking behind my back or something…"

Brynhildr merely glared at Rossweisse from her shackles.



A pair of hands held onto a golden axe with enough force to almost bend the unbreakable weapon as it's wielder listened to a broadcast sent to all heads of the Pillar families.