Director Asakura’s thoughts

I looked at the outstretched hand and hesitated for a second. But it wouldn't be good to refuse the gesture. Therefore, I politely shook his hand.

A sonorous voice boomed in my head, sounding annoyed and harsh.

'Humpf, weak looking brat! He doesn't know squat about movies and we have to tolerate it just because Director Asakura-sama has taken a fancy to him… So annoying!'

At this point I snapped my hand back as if it had been burned by something.

What the hell was that just now? Such a strong annoyance that I could almost feel it.

It's not my fault that they forced me into this! I didn't want to be here, taking part in these stupid meetings either, you know?! And what was that about fancying? Fukuoka-san, are you perhaps delusional?

Then came Mayama-san's turn to say his parting words. Thankfully, he kept his aloof style and didn't say anything too pompous. Just a simple 'Looking forward to working with you'. But then, the dreadful handshake came.

I almost trembled when I touched his hand, hoping against hope and praying to all the gods that this person would not have such strong anger towards me like his colleague.

'Ah, I am glad this is finally over. I am hungry. I wonder what Shouta-kun is doing now. I bet he is home waiting for me. Aah, I miss him already…'

Well, this is something new. I guess this person doesn't just seem detached from the world, he actually is a bit. Well, except for that Shouta-kun person. Wonder who that is. His brother? Friend? Possibly roommate?

After Mayama-san and Fukuoka-san took off, it was our turn to depart.

Asakura-san took care of the tab, while Kurosawa-san and I waited at the table.

"Do you want me to drop you off, Masato-sensei?" Kurosawa-san asked.

"No, I brought my car."

"You look tired." He continued, leaning closer and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? I can come and pick up your car tomorrow."

"No, it's really alright. I can drive home. Besides, it's not that far. Thank you, though." I looked up and gave him a weary, but heartfelt smile.

Just then, Asakura-san returned.

He glanced between us, settling his eyes for a moment on Kurosawa-san's hand on my shoulder. He didn't say anything, but his vision darkened slightly and I felt a chilly sensation running down my spine.

Then, the frozen atmosphere disappeared as quickly as it came and Asakura-san appeared to be just as accommodating as before.

Was what I saw earlier my own imagination?

On our way out of the restaurant, Asakura-san maintained a slight distance from us. Once outside, I breathed in the evening air. It felt good and reinvigorating.

"You don't have to trouble yourself to accompany us further, Asakura-san. My car is just right there." I told him, wanting to maintain a well-mannered attitude until the end, though it was getting quite exhausting both physically and mentally.

"It's no trouble. You don't have to be so polite, Masato-sensei." Asakura-san replied with a vague smile. "We'll be working together, therefore we should be more open with each other. Just like the beginning of our meeting."

"I guess you're right. Then, take care until our next meeting." I bowed my head wanting to leave.

"Yes, talking about that. I didn't hear your own opinion about the one-week trip. I'd like to know what you think, instead of having your editor tell me."

Ah, true. At that time, I didn't get a chance to tell him what I really thought. Thus, my answer came swiftly.

"I believe what Kurosawa-san previously said is correct. I wouldn't want to interrupt my work now and, since Kota-san has already shared with you my information, I think you can safely imagine that I wouldn't feel comfortable traveling outside town for a week with a large group of people."

Hearing that he smiled and took a step closer.

"What if it's not a large group? What if it's only me and you?" Asakura-san said, reaching out a hand and grabbing my arm, pulling me closer towards him.

"What are you saying, Asakura-san?" I asked in astonishment. "Why would we go, just the two of… us?"

The next second, a fervent voice reached into my mind. It was different from Asakura-san's usual composed voice. This one sounded more unguarded, more… urgent.

'You have to agree to come with me, Keita! You absolutely have to! There are so many things I want to tell you, so many things I want to share. If only…'

My eyes went wide while listening, and I almost let out an exclamation of surprise. However, before I could react, the sounds became distorted. A moment later, Asakura-san's thoughts got interrupted abruptly.

I looked around in confusion and saw that Kurosawa-san had pulled my arm from Asakura-san's hold. He was standing between us, glaring openly at the other man.

"I believe this is not the way a highly respected director like you should act. Isn't that right Asakura-san?" Kurosawa-san asked in a frigidly cold voice.

"I would advise you to remember your position." Asakura-san retaliated in an equally icy tone.

Despite the obvious threat in Asakura-san's tone, Kurosawa-san refused to back down.

"I remember mine, but do you know yours, Director Asakura-san?"

"You are merely his editor and this has nothing to do with you! So, do not interrupt us again, Kurosawa Rintarou, if you know what's good for you." Asakura-san spoke through gritted teeth.

All this while, I could only stare at them in bewilderment, not able to understand what exactly was going on.

When exactly did our conversation take such an abrupt turn?

This sizzling atmosphere and heavy pressure made my chest feel stifled. I just wanted to leave right then and there. Just leave these two monsters to their own devices.

However, I couldn't possibly allow my editor and new business partner to take this discussion one step further and transform it into a 'dragon vs tiger' brawl.

"Uhm, I think that's quite enough." I said, pushing Kurosawa-san to the side.

"Indeed, I think Kurosawa-san stepped over the line. I would like to have a moment to talk, just the two of us." Asakura-san said.

He looked relieved at my interruption, while Kurosawa-san's body stiffened instantly. His hands curled into fists and his jaw was clenching and unclenching with seething irritation.