Kurosawa-san is acting strange

Seeing this I let out a sigh. I placed my palm on Kurosawa-san's back, applying some pressure in order to stop him from doing anything reckless. This truly wasn't one of Kurosawa-san's good days, getting this riled up for no good reason.

For the sake of my own peace of mind, as well as for these two men's public image, I decided to end this spectacle.

But at that moment something else caught my attention.

What was this static sound that I could hear? I know I've heard it once before, back at the hospital, but why is it back again now?

Low, rumbling whispers flowed inside my head, like they were coming from somewhere far away and were blocked by some kind of barrier. Then, they stopped and everything was silent again.

Now that it was over, I refocused my attention on the situation at hand. There were still two hot-headed men to appease right in front of me.

"I apologize for my editor's outburst." I bowed politely, then continued curtly. "However, I am sorry to say this, but Director Asakura-san, too, has crossed the line. I hope we can shake hands and put this misunderstanding behind us."

For the first time that day, I decided to take the initiative to stretch out my hand. If that could serve as an apology, even if just a little, I was willing to endure it.

At my harsh rebuke, Asakura-san's face changed. His shoulders drooped slightly and his eyes dimmed a little.

I felt a tinge of guilt looking at his gloomy appearance. For a second, I was even worried that he would refuse to shake my hand.

"You're right, Masato-sensei. I apologize for my behavior." Asakura-san said after a while, taking a step forward and bringing his palm to cover mine.

'You were looking so reluctant and evasive earlier, and this Kurosawa always clinging onto you and even replying in your stead. It just made me lose my cool. I'm sorry, Keita. I just… I just like you so much that I lost it.'

"Huh?!" I blurted out.

While listening to Asakura-san's thoughts I was sure my face went through a myriad of expressions, until it finally settled on stunned mode. Eyes wide open, lips slightly parted and a blank stare. That's how I envisioned myself at that moment.

What was it that I just heard? Was that an apology or a confession? Or both?

Asakura-san was completely oblivious of my inner turmoil. He merely smiled and let go of my hand.

Meanwhile, Kurosawa-san must have sensed something was wrong because the moment my hand was free, he seized it and took me away from there, all the while shooting daggers at Asakura-san.

I let him pull me for a couple of steps, then I tried to break free. Shockingly, Kurosawa-san refused to let go. Instead he clutched at my hand even tighter and refused to look me in the eye.

"Kurosawa-san, let go. I can walk on my own. And besides, you're taking me in the wrong direction." I pointed out. "My car is the other way."

"I am not taking you to your car."

"Then where are you taking me? Kidnapping in broad daylight… do you think Kota-san would forgive such criminal behavior?" I decided to joke around. Maybe that could calm him down.

Kurosawa-san stopped abruptly and I almost crashed into his back. He twirled around and grabbed both my shoulders, making me look up at him.

"What did you hear back there? What did he think that made you have that expression on your face?" Kurosawa-san asked in a low, dangerous voice.

"N-nothing. He was just thinking… well… nothing really." I stuttered.

Being cornered like that by an angry looking Kurosawa-san made me panic. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him what I heard. Firstly, because it was too embarrassing and, secondly, because it was a personal thing. It had nothing to do with him.

As such, I decided to defend myself with offense.

"Kurosawa-san, what do you want?" I asked him, frowning. "I told you it was nothing. Now let me go."

"You're lying." He said brusquely. "It wasn't nothing, otherwise you wouldn't have made that expression."

I stubbornly avoided his eyes and kept silent. Any more of this forceful probing and I wouldn't be able to keep the offense up.

"That's it! I'm taking you home." He said briskly, pulling me again towards his car.

"But wait! My car!" I cried out in panic.

"Leave it. I'll come and pick it up tomorrow."

Half an hour later we were inside my apartment, staring soundlessly at each other.

Finally, after a few more seconds, I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Kurosawa-san, what is going on with you today? You have been acting very strange." I asked, letting out a deep sigh. The exhaustion was beginning to reach a higher peak and all I wanted to do was sleep.

"I just want to know what you heard from Asakura-san. Tell me that and I will leave."

"Why do you care so much about that? I told you it is nothing."

Hearing my words, he let out a low grunt, stepping closer and grabbing my arms.

"And I told you that you're lying." He said under his breath.

His eyes were staring me down intensely. They looked different from before, as if a strange fire had been lit inside them. The intensity of this stare made me shift my eyes, avoiding to look into those pupils that resembled two hot coals.

"Really now, you're being absurd. It's nothing to be worried about. Let me go, Kurosawa-san." I said, struggling to get out of his grasp.

But he merely tightened his hold. His fingers sunk into my arms, sending waves of warmth through the fabric of my shirt.

"But I…" he began, looking thoroughly conflicted, like he was battling something inside his mind. "I am…worried." He admitted softly, his fingers slowly releasing me.

Before I could ask what exactly he was worried about, Kurosawa-san turned around and left, leaving me staring dumbly at the closing door.