Fullsky Vs. Keeper!

Member "Commander, sir! Fullsky, Watchdog, they're here..!"

The member comes rushing into a room that looks like a large office, out of breath. Spark stands facing the windows.

Spark "I know. The Poles are taking care of it. Have no fear, young one. All will unfold as it should."

He turns with a wide, pleased smile and intense eyes. Back in the large hall, Fullsky dodges large boulders being thrown at her as she dashes towards Keeper. As she closes in, he lifts his hand towards the wall then swipes it across himself. Suddenly, large poles come shooting from the wall at Fullsky. She flies through them, dodging left and right, up and down, barely making it through without getting hit. Before she can reach Keeper, he lifts a wall in front of him which Fullsky smashes straight through hoping to hit Keeper in the process but he is gone. Her eye widens as she looks up to see him above her. He smashes her down with a large stone palm through the floor. She hits the floor beneath but lands on her feet. Keeper jumps down and lands in front of her.

Keeper "I will not fail my commander again. The Devil's Syndicate will triumph with you erased from our path."

Fullsky "I know you guys are a crime organization or whatever but you make it sound very culty. Just saying."

He grunts in response as he shoots multiple stone fists at her from below where his foot is. Fullsky dives over and rolls, releasing an air cut from her wing as she lands. It travels fast, Keeper is hardly able to get his arm up in time to block it but it still draws much blood. She quickly releases a few more, spinning and throwing them with her wings. Keeper dodges the others, stepping closer to her quickly. Her eyes widen as he throws a heavy punch at her. She releases one last air cut that slashes his fist down the middle but he follows through, hitting her in the face and through the wall. His stone arm keeps going as he smashes her into the pillar of the wall with windows on both sides of her. He pulls his fist back as she falls to the ground. She lands and reels from the attack. She swipes her head up to look at Keeper but he is gone. She looks surprised for a moment before getting hit with a stone fist from the ground and sent flying back into the air where she is met with another fist from the roof smashing her back into the ground. She gets up, trying to recover from the pain, as two more fists hit her on both sides of the face at the same time. Lots of blood comes out from her mouth as she stumbles back.

Keeper "My power far exceeds your own. In this fight, you stand no chance of winning."

His voice echoes throughout the hallway they're in but she cannot see him.

Fullsky "Yeah, well if I'm definitely gonna lose then why don't you do me a favor and tell me what your plan is!?"

Keeper "I only favor those I respect. And what's the point in respecting someone so beneath me!"

He shouts as multiple stone fists come shooting out of the walls and floor at her. Everything slows down for a moment as Fullsky closes her eyes. When she opens them, they are sharp and bright. She suddenly dashes through and out of the barrage, slicing every fist in the process. As they all crumble away, she turns.

Fullsky 'He's still here somewhere…'

She looks over.

Fullsky "There!"

She then swings her wing around and shoots it from her, it stretches and forms into a ball at the end like a large mace with no spikes. She smashes it into the wall at an incredible speed, sending Keeper tumbling from it, blood flying from his head. He hits the ground hard then immediately sits up. He sees Fullsky walking towards the hole she just blasted through the wall.

Fullsky "That one looked like it hurt."

Keeper "How observative of you. I will admit, you are becoming increasingly more troublesome."

Fullsky "Oh shucks, you're making me blush."

She says as she crouches on the hole. He stands back up as she disappears into the shadows on the ground. Keeper stands still and looks to the right when he is suddenly hit with a barrage of attacks from all angles. He struggles and stumbles to the side as blood falls from his mouth.

Fullsky "That's a really nice trick you did. Thought I'd give it a try."

Her voice echoes through the room with a shadowy tone to it. He grunts in frustration as he leans over and looks up. Suddenly, a black whip-like thing grabs his leg from his shadow and pulls it over causing him to fall to one knee as Fullsky comes out and delivers a heavy kick to his face. He falls backwards and back down to one knee as more blood pools from his nose.

Fullsky "You really had me going there for a second but I gotta say, you're less of a challenge than Frontier was."

He gives her an aggressive look before standing back up.

Keeper "You have yet to see the extent of my abilities. Do not get so proud."

Fullsky "This fight is as good as ov-"

She is suddenly struck across the face by a heavy arm. She's sent smashing back through the wall she came through. She sits up to see a second Keeper standing in front of her.

Fullsky "Now that's just not fair…"

She is then stomped into the floor in the stomach by a third Keeper. She coughs up a lot of blood as the other two charge. The third punches her face back into the floor as the second and first make their way back to her and begin stomping and punching. She takes a barrage of hits for a moment before thrusting her wings outwards, pushing them back, even cutting two of them in half. They turn to stone and collapse on the ground in a pile of rubble. As she gets up, she jets herself into the stomach of Keeper. He grabs her shoulder and arm as she sends them both crashing through multiple walls. After a moment as Keeper struggles and grits his teeth, he gets a look of surprise as fire begins coming out of the sides of Fullsky's mouth. She then opens her mouth and a blast of fire comes out, hitting him in the face. He grunts as he sits in the flames for a moment before punching her away from him. They both hit opposite walls and stand on them for a moment before thrusting themselves at each other. They trade punches with blood flying from both of their mouths. Fullsky follows up with a spin kick to his face which he blocks but is immediately hit from the other side with a kick from that side. He grabs her leg and throws her against the wall. Before she hits it, he points his hand to it and clenches his fingers causing spikes to come out of the wall. Fullsky hits it and yells in pain as spikes cut her in multiple places across her body, none stabbing into her though. As she lands from the wall to her feet, she leans forward quite a bit as a tail comes from her and jets out to Keeper. It wraps itself around his neck. He grabs at it to try and get it off but to no success. She pulls him down and slams him into the floor. As soon as he gets back to one knee, Fullsky is already on him again, diving through the dust with a fist wound up to strike. She lands the heavy fist into his face and sends him tumbling through the wall. He immediately gains his footing and throws a large stone fist from the wall at her, interrupting her charge. She quickly smashes it but before she can continue, a hand grabs her jaw and neck as well as her right arm and left shoulder. She looks down to see two stone copies coming out of the ground grabbing onto her. She then looks up with intensity as he does the same thing back to her that she just did to him. He steps in deep and with his heavy stone fist, he punches her in the face sending her flying back. Before she even finishes flying through the air, a copy is standing before her with his leg raised. He stomps down on her face, crushing the floor beneath her. Before she could even catch her breath from the attack, he grabs her and lifts her up with her back facing him. Her eyes widen as the other two charge her landing a heavy blow to her stomach causing her to cough up blood. Then another to her face and they continue to attack as the one holds her still. After a moment of tremendous pain, she extends her wings out and uses them to destroy the hands of the one holding her then does a spinning attack to pulverize the three copies. After the crumble away, she faces Keeper, a little hunched over from the pain, and pants as blood drips from her mouth.

Keeper "You are quickly losing stamina while I have hardly used half."

Fullsky "Well then, I guess I'd better pick up the pace."

She gets a smile on her face as she lifts her left arm up pointing out to the side. Suddenly, a liquid metal starts forming in her open palm. It then stretches out and gets longer in the front. After just a moment, it solidifies and a katana appears, handle and all. Keeper looks surprised. She then disappears. Keeper stands calm for a moment before a slash appears across his chest going to his right shoulder. Blood spurts out as he grunts in pain. He stumbles back as he looks up to see her on the roof, upside down.

Fullsky "Falling Stars."

She says as she thrusts her sword at him from above. At that moment, a flurry of bright beams comes down. One slashes across his left shoulder, another across his right arm. He is hit with multiple slashes raining down on him as Fullsky keeps swinging. He puts his arms up to guard but it does little to protect so he pushes through and jumps at her, punching out the roof. She dives away before he hits her and as she falls she spins and releases a wave slash of energy from her blade.

Keeper 'Another air cut! I can stop this!'

She hardens his fist with heavy stone and swings it at the slash expecting it to cut just a bit like before but would be dissipated by his attack. As it collides with his open palm, he quickly realizes that this one would go much deeper, it feels sharper. After it cuts into his hand a little, he quickly spins and moves out of the way as it cuts through the walls behind him. He lands on his feet with blood dripping from the multiple cuts around his body. He stares at the cut she just did behind him.

Fullsky "This isn't like the dull cuts I deliver from my wings. These are much sharper."

She says as she puts both hands on the blade in front of her. Keeper squints his eyes at her a bit.

Keeper "Despite using much of your energy in the beginning of this fight for attacks and healing, you seem to still have much in your reserve."

Fullsky "I don't know how you gauge energy usage or whatever but I'm not even close to finished."

He grunts a little as he opens his palm to the ground. The ground begins to pull together and a large stone hammer comes out of it leaving a small crater in its place. Keeper picks it up and points it at her. She smirks as she charges. She holds the blade low to her side as Keeper pulls the hammer back. She swings at him and he blocks. She swings at him over and over from all different angles as he blocks. He steps back with every hit. After a good block, he parries and swings it wide at her. She ducks so he pulls it back and over his head. She looks up as he slams it down. She dodges and slams her foot on the back of it. Keeper looks surprised as she points the sword at his chest and plunges it straight through. He grunts in pain but quickly slams his palm onto her face forcing her away and pulling the sword out with her. Before she could open her eyes again from the attack, she is hit in the stomach with his hammer. She expresses intense pain as she is sent into the roof. Keeper breathes in and takes a step forward before his knee buckles and he collapses to one knee using his hammer to help him stay stable.

Keeper "She is much more trouble than we thought. I have to end this soon."

As he finishes his thought, he looks up to see Fullsky diving out of the dust cloud at full speed. She slashes across his side under his left arm. He grits his teeth as he turns to see her behind him, readying her sword for another attack. Before she can strike, he yells loudly and pulls the whole roof down onto them both in a giant fist. It crushes upon impact but does damage nonetheless. Fullsky stands up from the rubble with blood falling off her face, obviously taking damage. Keeper rises from the stones, also suffering heavy damage. He pants as he speaks.

Keeper "I wish to know what we are going to do. If you can best me in one final attack then I will tell you."

Fullsky "Sounds easy enough. Just one more attack."

Keeper "You most certainly won't survive."

Fullsky "Yeah, yeah, like you've said before."

She uses her sword to prop herself up as Keeper irritatedly falls back into the floor. Suddenly, the floor starts shaking. It begins to bend and pitfall in the center of the room, everything stone is converging in one spot. She jumps up and uses her wings to stay above the ground. Multiple members scream and struggle to stay up as multiple floors and walls disappear on this side of the building until there is nothing but a huge fist in the center.