The Devil's Syndicate's Plans. Watchdog Vs. Sahara!

Fullsky's eyes widen.

Fullsky "He compacted all that into that fist?"

Keeper pulls the fist back a bit, readying himself for the final attack.

Keeper "If you truly think you are strong enough then go ahead and try to stop me."

Fullsky stares in awe for a moment before snapping out of it. She pulls her sword up above her head.

Fullsky "I'll give it my all too then."

Energy begins to form around the blade. It pulses and spurts out as a huge energy comes from it. She stands over his fist aimed directly at her. Keeper's eyes sharpen as he yells and pushes the large fist at tremendous speed for how large it is. Fullsky yells in return as she swings her sword down heavily. It collides with the fist as sparks fly everywhere and a massive force is shot in Fullsky's direction. She coughs out blood as she pushes against the fist.

Fullsky "Agh! It's so heavy!"

She struggles as Keeper pushes harder and harder. The fist does not cut upon impact like she had hoped it would. She pushes back but to no success. She gets pushed back further and further until she is using her feet and wings against the floor above her. Keeper grits his teeth hard and spits out blood through his teeth as he pushes even harder. The floor Fullsky is standing on begins to crack under her feet. She grunts as she holds strong.

Fullsky "I won't… be defeated..! There's still someone… I have to save!"

She begins to push against the fist causing it to actually go back. The fist also begins to crack around her blade. Keeper's eyes widen as she lets out one last shout.

Fullsky "Morning… Flare!"

She shouts as she continues to yells and slashes hard, sending the wave of energy through the fist, slashing it straight down the middle. The wave continues as it collides with Keeper. He lets out a shout as he is pushed further and further down until he eventually smashes into the bottom floor. A huge cloud of smoke goes shooting through the floor as the members surrounding duck and cover. Fullsky drops down heavily but stays up right, her sword turning back into the liquid metal before disappearing. She slowly walks over to the crater with Keeper in it. She looks down on him as he coughs up blood, a large, deep slash wound going across his chest. She crouches down next to him.

Fullsky "I beat you. Now tell me, what do you plan on using the serum for?"

Keeper "You have indeed bested me… I will tell you what you wish to know…"

He says reluctantly and without moving his head at all, just his eyes.

Keeper "The boss wishes to transform the world but he knows in doing so there will be opposition. He needs an army of powerful soldiers to help bring about the transition. The serum is the key to that. It is an experimental drug that removes all inhibitions and restraints the mind puts on the body. Fear, greed, hesitation, choice, it is all taken away creating the perfect soldier. One that is able to make split second decisions even faster, one that does not fear his opponent and will follow every order through to the end."

Fullsky has a look of stress as she takes in what she's hearing but needs more information.

Fullsky "What about that amulet you stole? And how do they plan on spreading the serum? And to who?"

Keeper "Our engineers have figured out a way to turn the serum into a gaseous state while maintaining its potency. This has already been tested. Now, on the roof of this building, there is a large spire that will release this gas into the air all around the city infecting everyone for kilometers to come. As for the amulet. That's just the cherry on top."

She gets a look of dread learning what they plan on doing but listens for more.

Keeper "That amulet is a cursed item. It is said that with it, should the wielder have the will to, it can turn any amount of individuals into an immortal, unstoppable army. Using the ancient spirits of an empire that ruled long ago. Combined with the serum's effects, the army would be unstoppable and completely controlled by the boss. Trust me, he has the will."

Fullsky steps back as her eyes widen with intensity.

Fullsky "We have to stop this.."

She says as she quickly pulls her wings out and jets herself back up. Keeper just stares as she goes. As she flies up, her wing tears a bit. She winces in pain and lands a few floors up. She pants a little and recovers her breath.

Fullsky "*pant* I guess that took more out of me than I thought."

After a moment, she starts running and jumping up the floors as fast as she can. As she goes, she calls into the Chief about what she just learned.

Fullsky "Chief! Come in!"

He punches a member across the face and drops them before responding.

Chief "I'm here, what is it?"

Fullsky "I've found out what they intend on doing with the serum. *pant* They intend to spray the city with it and take control of the people for their own personal army. I'm heading up to stop it now."

Chief "Got it. Ngh! Don't worry about us down here, we got this. Just focus on stopping that sprayer!"

He punches another member as he speaks. She gets a look of determination as she rushes up. In another part of the building, Watchdog is hit as he stumbles and turns around. As soon as he looks up, Gallow puts her open palm in front of his face. His eyes widen as she hits him in the face with an impact strike. He flies back as blood flies from his face. He squints as he looks up to see Strife above him, his machine arm above his face. He releases a sonic boom aimed at his face which smashes him through the floor. He struggles as he reels from the attack, laying in the pile of rubble. He sits up as Sahara stands above him. She smirks as she cracks her knuckles.

Watchdog "So much for trying to beat me on your own. Gotta follow the commands of your superior, right?"

Sahara "Strife is not my superior, you pain in my ass. We are all Poles of the Devil's Syndicate. We all give the commands here."

Watchdog "Oh, you could've fooled me. Being as you're acting like a loyal pet to him."

She grits her teeth in anger as the other two land behind her.

Sahara "Shut the hell up!"

She kicks him in the face sending him tumbling into the wall behind him.

Sahara "You guys stay out of this. I am more than enough to kill him."

Strife "The commander told us to work together to stop him."

Sahara "Shut up! I'm a Pole just like you so don't boss me around! What the commander doesn't know won't hurt him, the outcome will still be the same."

She turns and shouts at them but turns back to Watchdog who is standing up. She smiles viciously.

Sahara "No way I'm letting him leave alive."

She opens her hand and extends her claws. Watchdog's eyes widen as she swings her arm at him sending five flying claw slashes. He dashes to the side as they slice open the stone wall. He looks at it shocked but as he looks forward, she is stepping in front of him and delivers a heavy blow to his stomach sending him through the roof. She jumps after him and winds up a punch. Watchdog recovers from the punch and winds up a punch to counter. Their fists collide as they lean in close to each other's faces. They push each other off as Sahara lands against a wall and jumps off of it back at Watchdog. He lands on the ground and looks up at her charging him. They both throw punches at each other, each colliding with the other's face. Blood comes out of their mouths as they push each other off. As Watchdog slides back, he forms a bone whip from his wrist. It is built almost like a spine but much longer and more loose. He swings it around and grabs Sahara by the neck. He pulls her and slams her into the ground. The whip pulls back into his wrist immediately. Sahara gets up and smiles while wiping blood from her mouth.

Sahara "I'll admit, you're a lot stronger than you look."

Watchdog says nothing in response. She 'Hmphs' in annoyance from the lack of response. She crouches down on all fours and leans back on her legs, stretching her arms out with her claws extended.

Sahara "I'm just trying to extend your last moments with some conversation. So don't come crying to me when I rip your head off!"

She dashes at him at incredible speed. Watchdog's eyes widen as he leans back, barely dodging. The wall behind him getting ripped to shreds. Watchdog is shocked by the speed and power as Sahara is above him. She spins herself and delivers a heavy kick to his side. He tumbles over and focuses up while Sahara dashes to him. She swings her heavy claws at him. He freaks out being unable to dodge so he throws his arm up to block with bone reinforcements protruding from his arm like a brace. Her claws collide with his arm, Watchdog expecting them to slice straight through but they are stopped in their tracks. Sahara's eyes widen in shock as Watchdog stares in disbelief. He laughs about it just a little and takes advantage of her surprise. He grabs her arm then hops up, aiming both of his feet at her face. She is shocked but before she can do anything, he dropkicks her into the wall. She coughs out a little blood as she falls forward but before she can even do that, a fist is thrown, smashing her face into the wall behind her. Then another. Then another. Suddenly, a barrage of punches is thrown at her, punching her everywhere on her body. Watchdog stands a bit a ways back, extending his arms with every punch to maintain some distance. After a few moments of this, Sahara is able to regain focus.

Sahara 'It doesn't matter how many punches there are, he still only has two arms!'

She then throws her arms out and blocks the two fists into the wall behind her. She then dives and slashes Watchdog across the chest with her claws. He falls back a little as a large sum of blood pours out from his chest and mouth. Before the blood could hit the ground or even fully leave his body, it suddenly hardens. Sahara is shocked by this as the blood slowly goes back into his body.

Watchdog "If you want to rip my head off… It's gonna take more than this!"

As he says this, he delivers a heavy punch to Sahara's face sending her smashing into the wall once more. This time, he winds up one heavy punch. His fist and lower arm begin to grow and extend as he shoots it to her. Her eyes widen with intensity.

Sahara "His fist! It's… growing!"

It grows to be bigger than her upper body as a whole and smashes directly into her with no guard up. She is sent smashing through multiple walls as he fist presses on. She only stops once she collides with a large metal beam that she dents into. He pulls his fist back as Sahara hardly stands, almost unconscious from the attack, blood dripping from her face. Watchdog then crouches down, ready to dive at her to continue his assault, but before he can charge, Gallow grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the ground. Sahara looks up, one eye closed from the blood. Her look of surprise quickly turns to irritation. Watchdog gets up and is kicked in the face by a second Gallow. Sahara goes up to Gallow and grabs her by the shoulder.

Sahara "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! This is my fight!"

Gallow "He is too strong for you to handle on your own. Most of his wounds have already begun healing while you maintain your damage. We will not risk a Poles' life on pride."

Gallow jerks her shoulder out of her grip and steps towards Watchdog. Sahara gets quite angry at this response. Watchdog stands as Gallow stops. He looks at her as she makes four copies of herself, five Gallows in total. She leans forward a bit getting ready to strike when suddenly claws are stabbed through her side. She gasps obviously not expecting it as blood pools from the multiple stab wounds and soon from her mouth.

Sahara "The only Pole's life you should be worried about is your own."

She throws Gallow to the side as she stares at Watchdog. He has a look of shock and almost disgust at the betrayal of her ally.

Sahara "Watchdog is mine."

She says that as she begins to emanate energy from her body. She tightens up before shouting and releasing. Red-ish orange and yellow energy comes pouring out of her almost as if it is a fire. Her hair and eyes change to match the same color as the energy. Strife then jumps down and is shocked seeing Gallow sitting against the wall with stab wounds.

Gallow "Strife, Sahara… she's-"

Strife "I figured. Do not worry. It'll be over soon enough."

His synthetic arm hovers over her wounds as a pale yellow energy softly falls over her injuries causing the bleeding to stop but they are still quite open. Sahara turns around to see Strife standing up from helping Gallow.

Sahara "You better not get in my way, Strife. Or you'll end up just like her."

He looks at her intensely but doesn't respond and doesn't move. Sahara smirks.

Sahara "Heh. Good."

Her attention then goes back to Watchdog.

Sahara "I hope you're ready because now things are entering a whole new level."

Watchdog "I'm not the one who needs to be ready. If I recall correctly, I was winning."

Her smirk drops to a scowl. She growls for a moment before bursting towards him at much faster speeds. She is crouched in front of him where only his eyes can follow, the rest of his body unable to move fast enough.

Watchdog "She's fast!"

She shouts as she delivers a heavy uppercut sending him smashing through the roof. Before he can even hit the ground again, she comes flying up and delivers a spin kick to his chest, sending him smashing into the floor at intense speed. He sits up a bit, reeling from the attack. He holds his chest where slight burn marks are left with smoke coming from them.

Watchdog "She's hot too.."

She slowly walks towards him.

Watchdog "Just what is this form?"