Essential Clones

I am facing screen a for class selection. I think it's better if I choose none. Once I choose a class, choosing another seems impossible.

Thus, hehe, activate [Character Division]x5!

I create 5 clones. Each of them still has the adventurer class selection. I then give the commands to each of them.

"You choose long blade, you choose short blades, you for staff, you, shield, and you, prayer."

They follow my command. I think this will work out since I still have the [All Good, No bad] skill in effect which allows me to take the benefits they recieve]

[Long blade Class Acquired]!

[Short blades Class Acquired]!

[Staff Class Acquired]!

[Shield Class Acquired]!

[Prayer Class Acquired!

[Maximum Capacity for each stats is raised to 5000 for strength, agility, and wisdom, 4500 for defense, stamina, tolerance, and mind]

It seems I have a long way to go to fully max out my stats. But just to test I made another clone and have him choose the Long blade class again.

[Long blade class Acquired!

Overwriting previous Long blade Class]

[Maximum capacity for strength is now 5000 from 5000]

Nothing's changed. It looks like it won't be that easy, huh? I guess it's no use to spam the chosen classes and go beyond the limit.

Well, then I think it's time to grind more EXP and test something. I then create 500 more clones to add to my clone army. We then begin scouring the dungeons eliminating any ghouls from lesser to regular.

We rarely encounter higher ghouls, there are casualties on my side but my clones can manage to defeat them.

Looks like I don't need to participate. However, with the adventurer title, there are item drops from the ghouls slain.

[Haunted armor:

+ 200 Defense

+ Intimidates low-level humans and monsters

+ Provides lesser spatial and dark resistance

Level Requirement: 100]

[Despair blade:

+120 Strength

+ Inflicts lesser plague debuffs

Level Requirement: 100 ]

[Forbidden cape:

+100 Wisdom

+10% buff for dark affinity magic]

There are many more left in the hallway. And most of them are quite the same. They are the remains after the battle against my clone army.

I have been scouring this dungeon for a month and I have reached level 157. My magic bag is also handy since I can store items in another dimension without having to carry them everywhere.

I decide to rest for now since I feel tired.

When we found a spacious location we settled there for now. It seems to be the lobby of the dungeon. Though it's dark as I expect and there are still no lights.

I wonder if it's safe to settle here. I have to be sure that we won't be able to contract some disease here.

[Answer. A dense amount of harmful magic particles are found in this area. Due to high tolerance, the ill effects are canceled]

Eh?! Looks like it still doesn't matter if I clean this place or not.

Regardless, I'm a decent human being who at least needs a presentable place. Also, I need some light for this since it's also exhausting to use [Ultimate Sight] for this long.

I have my clones light up the place by having them cast fire magic above their palms.

"Forgive me for using you guys as torches."

Assessing the place, I feel satisfied.

Okay, this place will do for now. I have my clones get busy.

They then disinfect and clean the place with poison and fire magic. Too bad I don't have any water spells thus I have to rely on poison as a cleaning agent.

They then remove the mosses and dirt clinging to the walls and ceiling.

At least this place now looks more liveable than before.

My clones create a throne made of earth using earth magic in which I have to sit. I then sit down with a sigh. I will have to wait until my MP rises for me to add to my clone army.

Right now, I have 2000. Maybe, I can even add more and jump it three or five thousand.

I guess I'm living like a king.

I then review my skills.

Oh, it looks like I have leveled up my clone editor. It is now around level 5.

I then analyze the features of my newly upgraded clone editor.

[ Clone Editor:

Edit Skills

Edit Stats

Apply Personality (New)

Edit Appearance (New) ]

Woah, it looks like I have new features for this skill.

I then choose a clone to test it.

Let's see, it seems I can add a personality. I select one clone and another screen pops up.

[Clone Name: Verni-23

Personality: None ]

I then choose to add a personality.

[Please input a name: _ ]

I can add one, huh? What shall I put? How about this.

[Please input a name: Vermil]

This is the name of my sibling who passed away when she was still a newborn. Remembering it causes me some hurtful nostalgia from the past.

I then go into the [Edit appearance] tab.

I wonder what physical features I can add. I want to add something different since I'm starting to get tired of seeing my faces on my clones every day.

[Name: Vermil

Gender: Male







Skin: ]

Eh? Seriously?! This looks like an avatar creation screen. It seems I can edit my clone from its gender to its body type and size and even the face.

Well, since I haven't seen a female, I'll try changing the gender into one. As for the hair color, I'll have it as default which is my hair color which is dark blue.

The default avatar shown on the screen is my body with my uniform. It seems I have finally seen my body in female form. Though, I'm gonna perform some modifications since I'm an average-looking guy. I can even make her better.

I'll make her skin lighter. Her skull shape shall be more rotund and youthful. Her nose has to be sharp and perfectly shaped.

She will have to be slightly shorter than me. And the more important part of all her bust size.


Let's put it in a reasonable size. C or D cup is fine. Afterward, I click done and a screen pops up before me.

[Apply Essence to the newly made Essential Clone?]

Hmm? Essence?

[Answer. The user's copies are purely made of mana and are devoid of souls. By applying essence, the essence of the user will be reduced. In other words, the user will experience level and stat reduction]

Level reduction, huh? I probably can recover it quickly. I'll just have to try.

I try clicking yes.

My head begins to hurt. I don't know what is going on but it's turning worse. Maybe it's due to the side effects.


Pain canceled!]

When the pain is gone, I sigh.

That hurts like hell. I don't want to go through that ever again.

However, minding my system, it looks like it's starting.

[Converting EXP to Soul....]

[EXP decreased]


[Binding Soul to Clone....]


[Binding Stats to Clone Stats...]


Afterward, the clone which is still in my form glows. It rises from the ground and spins as it changes its form. Glitters accompany it. It transforms into a beautiful girl who resembles me though she looks flawless. She is still wearing my uniform.

Afterward, she falls to the ground sitting in slumber, and speaks no words.

I gulp and sweat as it's the first time I have encountered a woman for 2 months. What's more, she's astonishingly beautiful!

Though I gave her the name of my belated sister. Perhaps, I shall treat her like my own sibling. I also want one since I grew up as an only child.

[Experience Transferred!

Stats Transferred!


Level decline!


Level: 147

Essential Clone Created Successfully!]

I went down by 10 levels. Though it seems my skills and everything are unaffected.

All of my stats decline by 10 as well. Looks like I do have some price to pay if I'm going to create some Essential Clones.

I don't want to experience the pain again so I think I shall be careful in creating essential clones from now on.

Right before me, Vermil opens her eyes. She looks frightened seeing me. "Are you m-my creator?"

What is this? She also seems timid. Though because she looks scared I have no reason to be scared. But to be honest, I'm more nervous in this situation.

I chuckle nervously. "Haha, uh, yeah. I think."

She gasps from surprise. She rises and kneels before me. "Ple-please fo-rgive me for not noticing my creator. I think I'm stupid and deserve your punishment."

Huh? What's going on? A cute girl is kneeling to someone like me?

[Answer. Since she is born from the system. The clone looks up to its creator in the highest regard. Her loyalty and thoughts shall be bonded to its creator]

I see. It looks like they are meant to be the slaves of the creator. No, even worse.

I might abuse my clones but for this one, I'm gonna treat her like a fellow human being. She has a name after all.

"Uh... Ahem!" I scratch my head. "So uh..."

Damn, I don't know what to say. It's been more than a month since I have talked to another human being. I mean even before that I rarely talk to anyone.

If only I can improve my social skill as I do with my other skills. This is quite frustrating.

But here goes nothing.

"Uh, you don't have to act scared in front of me. From now on, you can call me your brother."

She raises her head to look at me. "My brother?"

Seeing her being so pretty causes me to blush. "Uh, hehe, yeah."

"Creator, what is a brother?" She tilts her head as she asks.

Eh? This is bad. I'm not good with words.

"You know, a brother is someone who cares for you and who you shall care for also."

Did that even make sense?

"Creator, you don't need to care for someone like me. My only purpose is to die for you."

Let's check her stats for now. [Scan]!

[Name: Vermil

Title: None

Race: Human

Level: 147

Strength: 450

Agility: 450

Defense: 450

Stamina: 450

Wisdom: 292

Mind: 450

Tolerance: 450 ]

That's odd. Her stats are too high for a clone.

[Answer. The skill [Character Division] creates a clone with 12% of the user's stats. However, with +10 stat points taken from the original, the essential clone's stats is increased by 5x]

My usual clones have only 12% of my stats but she has 5x of that. It seems essential clones are naturally stronger.

Well then, I think I need to raise my levels more and conquer the area. I wonder how things will go now that I have her with me.