The Troubled Vampire

[Only a few weeks behind from the MC's timeline]


It's been a month and it seems me and my classmates have now fully adapted to this world. They used to worry about not being able to get home, but they are now enjoying their lives here.

Shira, the class president is the one gluing everyone. Everyone looks at her with high authority, not just my classmates even the nobilities as well.

King Wilmer assigns her as the commander of the summoned heroes.

Regardless, when I introduced myself a month ago. I sensed something off regarding their reactions.

Usually, when my classmates introduce themselves, the King and the nobles will clap unamused with straight faces. Shira is an exception. Their bewilderment and praise are sincere for her.

It would have been fine if they reacted to my introduction just like everyone else but...

"My name is Myla Carren, I have the title of Vampiric Magus."

The King looks disturbed as well as the nobles around him. Though, they are doing well to suppress their surprise. Except for a well-groomed man in formal attire which I assume is a priest. He didn't even try to hide his disgust.

To break the silence, the King coughs. "I see, carry on then. Next hero introduce yourself."

My system is a vampire and does the church or this country have something against vampires? Do they perceive me as a threat? I need to protect myself and gather more information.

Regardless, in my stay here the nobles and the king have treated me differently. Whenever there is an expedition or training somewhere from the capital, they don't notify me. Whenever events are held and my classmates receive fancy and bountiful gifts. None is left for me.

Each of my classmates has a well-suited instructor depending on their title. Lara for example has the Queen of Priestess title, she is now under the training of Pope Malgerin of the Light Templar Warriors.

Shira, the class president is under the training of Garfurd, a retired general, war veteran, and the strongest Knight in Aren.

More or less the same goes for everyone else. Since they are enrolled in the royal academy. Well, with me as an exception.

I want to leave but I can't leave just yet without enough information.

I guess I have to train alone and climb up the ranks, though as things are now I'm falling behind.

[Name: Myla Carren

System Title: Vampiric Magus

Race: Human


Level: 55


Strength: 45

Agility: 55

Defense: 34

Stamina: 40

Wisdom: 60

Mind: 65

Tolerance: 43 ]

When I first came here, my starting level is 45. For this past month, I have only increased by 10 levels. This is the case since the monsters around Aren are low-level monsters. The EXP I receive is relatively low.

As for my classmates, on their expedition, they go north. According to the books, the level of the monsters is increasing as one goes north.

Even the King and his goons didn't give me this information. That's why it's a habit of mine to go to the royal library and read books.

I always go there every afternoon.

Walking on the hallway, I stumble upon Shira and Garfurd training in the castle yard.

Garfurd is a tough old man who is always disciplined when training his men. The other knights are uncomfortable under him due to his high standards and demands. Yet, Shira can just work well with him.

Most of all, casting [Scan] upon her. I can see her level.

[Name: Shira Medalvin

Title: True Hero

Worldly Title: Beast Slayer, Expert Swordsman, King's Commander

Level: 87]

Among us, Shira is in the lead. With 4 titles and being close to reaching level 90, everyone is looking at her with the highest regard.

In this world, you already have a monstrous strength if you are above level 90. For adventurers, those who have that level are at SS rank. The common people view their abilities to be out of this world. I wonder how long I can reach that level.

Looking at them sparring, Shira is doing well keeping up with Garfurd. A month ago there used to be a wide gap between them, but now...

Shira is aiming her sword at Garfurd's neck. Garfurd is surprised at first but he then smiles and lets go of his blade. "Impressive, it's the first time a student has impressed me. You did well."

Shira then bows. "No, everything is due to you master."

Garfurd then grabs his sword and shows it. It is a well-made long sword with intricate designs. It is made of rare blue steel and gold, whose handle is forged in beautiful designs. The handiwork is seen in every detail.

"I'm sure you know this is no ordinary blade. It is made carefully by skilled artisans. Its steel is gathered from the ores of the heavens. It has survived for decades and has been used to fight in legendary wars. I'm entrusting this to you."

Shira at first is slightly hesitant to touch it. "Are you sure about this master?"

"Definitely. No one else is more worthy of this sword."

"Then in my sincerest response, I'm very honored!"

I sigh seeing the whole thing. I can't help but envy.

As of now, it seems Shira is the protagonist of this story. I may be just a side character, probably the villain.

I think I'm even regretting choosing to become a vampire. Well, I didn't have much choice since in novels vampires just sounds so cool.

I keep on walking. I have been sensing them for these past few weeks now.

With my unique skill [Warm-blooded Sensing] I can sense the heartbeats of anyone 100 meters away from me.

To confirm who they are, I use my [Omniscient Sight]. With this skill, it is like an all-seeing eye. I can project my sight away from my body and scout my environment.

With it, I found 5 individuals hiding well in the shadows wearing the Holy Light Church robe. There are 2 behind me, 1 in front and 2 who have positioned some distance from my location.

From the church, huh? If they find me a Vampire as a threat why do they keep these tactics and not attack upfront?

This is odd. I'm feeling worried now.

Should I just leave this place? I think I should. The time will be tomorrow since the King promised us that we will go hunting in the Deep Woods of Malvis.

I think that is the perfect chance to run.

Looking in front, I sense some people coming.

They are Alfred and Princess Seralene. Ever since he came here, he has been clinging to her side like glue.

I then bow down as she comes close.

To be honest, I find noble formalities annoying.

"Hey, aren't you, the vampire?" Princess Seralene says in disgust.

I want to deny it if possible but there's an idiot here who knows my system title, so it's no use. Besides lying to royalty is an offense.

Alfred laughs aloud. "Your highness, you don't have to concern yourself with attention whores. I think we shall just go on."

I grit my teeth. If I didn't decide to change back then I would have punched his face.

"So it's true then?!" Seralene speaks with an annoyed tone.

I can't speak any word. "Well, uh..."

"Sooner or later, you will acquire the child of darkness. You will be no different from those evil demons. I hope you will show your true colors soon." She harrumphs and walks away.

Alfred grins at me. "Myla, this is all your fault for sticking up to that worm. If you apologize and sleep with me tonight, I think it's not yet too late to fix this mess." He then holds my arm and pulls me forcefully. "Now come!"

He annoys me! I can't let this slide.

"Let me go!"

Alfred grins. "Hey, hey, you are in no position to make demands Myla. This isn't earth that you used to know."

He then whispers to my ear coldly. "If you come with me in my room and play with me and my friends, we will bring you along in the next expedition. It should be fine since you're a whore after all. Hahaha."

His arm then goes to my shoulder which he aims for my chest.

I glare at him with my welled up rage. My temper rises causing me to use my skill, [Bloodlust Infliction]. My eyes turn slit red and threatening. Alfred upon seeing it caused him to yell, he then drops down to the ground with his mouth foaming.

Afterward, I quell my anger and return to my senses. What did I just do?

Seralene runs to Alfred with worry and checks upon him. "Guards! Guards!"

I gasp in surprise. Several white-robed church men appear before me. They then draw their crescent moon-shaped daggers.

Garfurd and Shira are coming here to inspect what happened.

Damn it, am I screwed?

Now that I realize it, my body has been changing ever since I became level 50.

Is it because I am slowly turning into a vampire that I cannot control my rage?

The robed men are wary of me. "What did you do accursed vampire?!"

"Stay still!"

Garfurd speaks to break the tension. "Shadow Templars stand down."

Shadow Templar are the Agents of the church who investigate evil anomalies in Aren. It looks like they are also targeting me.

Princess Seralene is gritting her teeth at me like a mad dog. She then comes up to me and kicks my face repeatedly like an angry child. "Arrest her! Take her away! I can't believe we are just letting something this evil roam the castle!"

Shira is inspecting Alfred who is lying on the ground. She then sighs. "Don't worry, he is still alive, just unconscious."

Garfurd grabs her. "Your highness, calm down." She then grabs the princess away from me and whispers in her ears.

They are keeping something from me ever since we came here.

I have to know. Using my skill [High Sensing]. I can increase my senses, especially my hearing.

Even from this distance, I can hear him.

Garfurd is saying, "your highness, even if she has a vampire title you know the church can't arrest her unless she has the title of Child of Darkness. Besides, she has no dark affinity skill so she won't be a threat. Not to mention, she is still a hero and we can't just arrest her for no reason. I think it's better if we---"

Shira points her Heavenly blade at me. Her eyes are serious and she won't even hesitate to slay me. "Myla, I know that you are using a skill to pry. Cancel it immediately!"

The white-robed men are surprised. They then are warier of me. "As I thought, this person is evil!"

"Hero, I suggest we slay her before she succumbs to darkness."

Shira drops her sword.

She then looks at me. "For the sake that we used to know each other back then on earth, I will spare you. I still can't forget my debt to you when you helped us out during the school festival."

Hearing this makes me feel relieved.

Even though she plans to spare me, I feel she will be careful of me from now on.

She continues. "However, if you try something that might endanger our classmates or the people of this world." Her eyes turn fierce and are filled with determination. "I won't be afraid to cut you down myself!"