Malseria Domain

Having to defeat the Valkeryun, I pick up a new item. It seems I also got new cool titles along with it.

I manage to consume a claw of the dragon which got cut by Ren's sword from earlier, thus I obtained these skill...

[New Skills Acquired!

+Spatial Absorption

+Spatial Slash

+Cursing Flames

+Lesser Spatial Manipulation ]

For the weirdest one, I have this. It looks like a glowing black marble floating in mid-air.

[Valkeryun Essence (Mythical)]

I'm not sure about this essence thing but might as well acquire it.

For now, I'm gonna inspect each item drop.

[Valkeryun Talon Blade:

Level 150

Grade: Mythical

+ 550 Attack Damage

+ 300% times more effective against elemental monsters

+Increases the effectiveness of dark affinity skills

+ Spatial Affinity ]

Despite being from a ghoul, the weapon looks like it is new and of high quality. I don't think humans can craft something like this.

The blade is violet ebony. It curves slightly resembling the claw of the dragon. It looks tough and the design seems sinister. This is a good sword for a villain.

But to be honest, I prefer blades that heroes use.

The Valkeryun daggers I pick up also have the same design.

[Valkerun Dagger Fang:

Level 145

Grade: Mythical

+235 Attack Damage

+250% times more effective against elemental monsters

+Increases agility by 10%

+High Fire and Burning Resistance ]

It's shorter and lighter compared to the talon blade. It comes in pairs and its blade is from the fangs of the mighty dragon.

I then lend them to Vermil since she just broke her skull daggers.

Seeing her, she looks so happy receiving it.

"Brother, thank you. I'll greatly treasure this. I'll take care of this even more than my life." She says happily.

"Uh, hehe, I appreciate it if you value your life more."

Looking at the last one, it seems to be armor.

[Valkeryun Scale Armor:

Level 150

Grade: Mythical

+ Immunity against spatial attacks

+ High resistance against elemental attacks

+ High recovery HP]

I guess I have to equip it, but I don't see any icon for equipping it. Perhaps, I shall wear it manually then.

Afterward, staring at myself I look cool. If only I have a mirror.

The armor looks bulky but it's light. Not to mention, the armor has some flexibility that allows me to move comfortably. It also feels tough as I knock on it gently.

Vermil is clapping as she praises me. "Brother, you look so cool."

"Hehe, is that so."

I am also equipping my forbidden cape to increase my MP recovery. "Do I look like a mighty hero now?!"

"Yes, brother, I don't know what a hero but if it's something cool, you are one," Vermil says.

Ren chuckles. "Heh, you look like an S-class villain."

It's the first time I see Ren opening up lightheartedly to us. I wonder if we are gonna part ways from now on. I wish he'll stay with us since he knows a lot about this place.

We are waiting for Ren to fully heal for several hours now.

On the bright side, I can now use skills up to 5 hours worth of cool down. I can summon more clones now.

I also notice I lost contact with my clones that are distant from me. It seems there is a limit on how far they can go from my position.

[Answer, clones can only exist within a maximum of 5 km from the user]

Is that so? I didn't notice it if the system didn't point it out.

Right now, looking at Ren, he seems fully healed now. He stands up and grabs his sword. "Well then, I think we shall continue to the next domain."

Next domain?

We then stare at the bottomless hole I made from the meteor from earlier. It looks like I just did something terrible.

We follow Ren as he comes close to the hole.

"Uh, Ren, I'm still confused about this whole thing. What do you mean by next domain?"

Ren places his sword on the sheath found on his back. "I'll explain along the way. Follow me." He then jumps and dives down to the abyss.

"Hey, wait!"

There he goes.

Staring at the pit makes me shiver. I hope we won't land somewhere dangerous. I guess I have to follow him. "Let's go, Vermil."

Vermil nods. I jump in first and she follows behind me.

As I fall, the entrance above is slowly going farther and farther. We are now catching up with Ren.

"You demand my explanation right?"

"Uh, yeah."

Hey, hey seriously? He is gonna explain everything to me while we are on a free fall.

Ren explains that these high-level dungeon domains have a spell that makes it impossible to escape from unless you defeat the monster general.

The entirety of this dungeon is called the Infinite Dungeon. It is composed of smaller dungeons linked together called domains. Each domain has a general monster.

We happen to be close to the dungeon core, where the strongest domains are found. This group of domains is called the Mythical Ring Domain. The domain of Kurver is one of them.

As one goes closer to the dungeon core, the enemies will become tougher and tougher.

"Ren, why are you going to the dungeon core?"

"I have a mission. Also, going to the dungeon core is the only way for you to return to the surface."

Surface, huh? I think it's good that we have the same goal. "What are we gonna do once we reach the dungeon core?"

"Defeat the dungeon boss, the strongest mage of the ancients, Sagus. Once he is defeated the spells that trap us for eternity in this dungeon will be broken."

Strongest of the ancients, huh? That doesn't sound good.

However, should I even trust him? With no other information, I guess I have no choice.

Especially, since this journey will be tough, I will be needing a guide.

"Then do you mind if we come with you?"

Ren chuckles as though amused. "Just don't hold me back."


I hope he's the one who won't hold us back.

As we fall, Ren warns us. "We are close. Prepare yourselves."

Huh? Before I can even notice, I slam upon the dirt from falling and got buried.

Vermil and Ren land gently upon reaching the ground.

Vermil runs up to me in worry. "Brother."

I then stand up. Looking at the environment, I'm blinded. In fact, there is so much light now that I don't need to use my [Ultimate Sight].

After taking this skill down, I can see it around me.

The ground we stand upon contains burning molten magma. The ceiling is glowing in searing red rocks, resembling the tint of dusk. There are tall rock formations of various sizes. With it on the way, inspecting the entire terrain is not possible with one glance.

This place looks very hot yet I feel warm.

[Answer, due to High Tolerance, the user is protected from the harmful effects of the environment]

Then that's reassuring.

[+1 Tolerance]

[System Title: Reckless Cloner


Worldly Titles: Grand Assister, Monster Dungeon Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Child of Darkness, Suicidal Hero, Ultimate Sneaker, Heavy Trainer...


Level: 180

Mana points: 130,800/130,800

Cooldown Loan: 0/8 hours


Strength: 1154

Agility: 1153

Defense: 1152

Stamina: 1153

Wisdom: 1215

Mind: 1215

Tolerance: 1182 ]

Since I haven't done any training, my stats are almost the same way as they used to. Only my tolerance has increased since I keep exposing myself to dangerous environments.

As for the stat points, since I keep 5 points per level up I pour them unto my wisdom stat.

Regardless, where are we?

Seeing a cloud of smoke is coming from Vermil's body, my eyes follow it. I got surprised. "Vermil?"

I notice her leather armor is about to catch on flames.

She says without noticing. "Brother, what is this place? This looks different." Vermil's leather armor instantly gets burnt to dust. She looks at her naked body confused. "Huh?"

I got taken aback as my eyes widen. I blush. Regardless, it's my first to see a woman naked and she doesn't even react in embarassment.

I have to pull myself together.

If nothing is done she will have to tread this dungeon naked.

I quickly take some clothes from the inventory with fire resistance. Maybe these will work. [Bewitched light armor]

It has decent stats and it even increases the tolerance stats. There's also a higher fire and poison resistance.

Light armors are perfect for her since she relies more on agility with her blades.

After wearing them, she looks happier now. "Brother, thank you for this armor."

Scanning her system, she doesn't have titles as I do and she levels up on her own. Unlike my clones which level up along with me.

In her case, the title she has she acquired herself.

[Proficient Dagger User, Child of Darkness, Mighty Assister, Great Adventurer]

Her level is currently at level 150. She is pretty reliable in these dungeons.

Now looking at our line up, we look like a team of villains with our sinister-looking armors and weapons. Not to mention, we have a ghoul on our side.

Ren seems bothered as he scans this domain. "We are currently in the dungeon of Malseria, the fiercest domain. You two, how much are your tolerance?"

"Mine is 782, hers is 450," I answer.

"That's pretty impressive for a human, but unless we have Greater Fire Resistance or Fire immunity, we might need to get out of here as soon as possible."

[+Greatest Fire Resistance Acquired!]

Since Vermil's clothes burnt instantly, I can't imagine how hot this place is.

I was able to acquire greatest fire resistance for staying here for a while. I will be fine but I'm not sure about them.

"System, check the temperature in degrees."

Using [Scan] I was able to get some information.

[Answer. The surface temperature of this dungeon is around 800 °C]

Geh, that is high enough to melt aluminum and bronze. This is pretty bad.

Seeing Ren, he can barely stand. He is panting. It seems the heat is getting into him.

"Ren, are you okay?"

"Forget about me. Check your partner."

I gasp, Vermil doesn't have fire resistance. Seeing her, she is brought to her knees. If only there is a way to transfer my fire resistance but it seems I don't possess that ability.

"Brother, don't worry about me. I think I'm still fine. I'm just new to the environment. That's all."

"We need to end the General Monster in this domain as fast as we can. Our Tolerance will buy us some time." I say.

However, among the 3 of us, Ren seems to have the lowest tolerance. He looks sluggish and weak. When he is about to fall, I quickly catch him by [Break Dash].

If nothing is done, Ren and Vermil might die here.

I can't afford to let Ren die here since he knows a lot about this place than I do. It will be a waste to lose such a guide.

Ren then speaks as though he is in pain. "I know it's pathetic for me to say these but I'll be counting on you to end this quick. It seems I can't take this heat. Ghouls are weak against fire."

This may seem odd but I have no choice. I carry Ren in a bridal carry.

"Hey, hey what are you doing?!" He says while sounding embarrassed.

"We need to hurry to the boss right? Then we need to scour this place as quick as we can."

"I know that but what's with this embarrassing situation?"

If he didn't point it out I wouldn't realize. Regardless, I'm used to embarrassing situations and I have to do anything to save a companion.

[Character Division] x 5000

[-25,000 MP

Total Cooldown: 6.94 hours ]

Every one of my clones is still wearing uniforms. I guess they didn't copy my Valkeryun armor, huh?

Every time, I make a clone they will only wear my school uniform.

"Everyone, advance forth and report to me once you locate the General Monster!"

"Yes, creator!" They answer in unison. Afterward, they then vanish without a trace. Only 300 clones are left that will act as our guards.

Using [Break dash], I can accelerate across the dungeon. Vermil and my clones are just following behind me. Now, I have to carry Ren along with me.

"Brother, monsters to our left and front." Says her.

Checking at the 11 o clock position. There are swarms of monsters.

They are composed of two various golems, marching towards our location.

[Mini-Magneous Golem

Level 120]

[Medium-Magneous Golem

Level 170]

Seriously?! There are hordes of them!

They are larger than a human. They look tough and I wonder if it's possible to eat them to gain their skill. Regardless, we will be breaking through.

However, I have no intentions of fighting since I'm carrying Ren. I will have 300 of my clones to guard me along with Vermil.

Vermil leaps forward to the enemies. "Brother, I'll handle this!" She then accelerates and uses her skill. [infectious Slash!]

She is very quick that the golems can't even catch her.

Upon slashing the front army of igneous golems, they are sliced into two. From the slash, dark energy spreads out across the army like a disease.

It's a perfect skill against numerous cannon fodder beasts.

Also, all of her skills are dark affinity which she suggested for some reason.

The golems are falling one by one. Though the effect of the [Infectious Slash] isn't instant. It will have to chip off their HP little by little.

However, now that they are weakened, the clones advance forth and takes them down. They shoot out various spells [Dark Slash]! [Flame Blast]! [Poison Shot]!

The clones attack the golem army in our front. Upon annihilating them, our path opens up thanks to them. We then continue to advance. However, I have no idea where we are going.

Vermil also returns close to me and acts as a shield against the fire monsters that will attack us.

At some point, one clone reports that they found the General Monster.

"At last!"