Trouble from debuff

When we first take a step on the new domain, we get surprised. We are on a tundra. There are snow, and thick forests on the sides. There are even tall mountains on the distance.

In fact, there are snow falling.

Above us, it looks like there is a sky. Though its obscure with a slight fog.

"Is there any chance that we are on the surface?" I ask.

"No. We are still in the dungeon?"

Using [Magic Sense] I notice that snowing weather is actually from a magic circle the size of a country that casts a snowing spell. This dungeon is still enclosed inside a cavern.

[General Monster (Mythical) Detected!]

"That thing... It's here!"

Ren sighs. "Seriously?!"

We just entered this new dungeon,and now the General Monsters shows itself. However, we still can't see it yet but we know it is coming.

A thick white mist from afar is approaching us.

Ren readies his blade.

Vermil finds it hard to unsheath her blade due to the cold. She is shivering. "What is this feeling?"

"Vermil, are you perhaps weak against the cold?"


I then let her step aside, since Ren and I will handle this somehow.

Looking around us there isn't a good place to hide though. I can't do it like back then.

At least we have rested enough. We are probably prepared to fight another General Monster.

Before I can even cast my skill or prepare myself, this thing is fast that it is already here.

[Eternix (Mythical) (General Monster)

Level: 250

Hp: 5,000,000]

It is a giant bluish-white serpent with small bat wings. I wonder if that creature can even fly. However, this size is no joke since it's almost as big as Valkeryun.


Ren warns me. "Be careful, I heard this thing has a very annoying ability."

Despite this, I'm still calm since I know I can erase all my damage with [Clone Betrayal] skill. "Don't worry, I will be fine."

Ren then charges. However, I didn't expect the Eternix to swat him like an insect with its tail. The attack buried him a meter into the ground.


Regardless, once it removes its tail it now starts targeting me.

This monster has crazy agility compared to all the General Monsters I have come across. Unlike Kronos which is sluggish, this one is too fast for its size.

Eternix then opens its mouth, gathering icy crystalline energy.

As for Vermil, since she hasn't adapted to the environment thus she is still vulnerable.

"Vermil, are you fine?"

"I think I can manage."

Might as well end this as fast as possible.

I then activate my skill [Character Division] x 10

I think this will be enough.

I then give a command to my clones to attack.

Approaching it, they ready their blades which they quickly take from my inventory. It materializes in the air in which they equip. They then dash towards it to fight it head on.

In a blink of an eye, the clones slice it into several pieces. As expected my stats right now has improved including my agility even for my clones.

The Eternix head got cut off easily which surprised me.

However, I still feel something is missing.

Is it over? Is it really that easy?

Noticing there is no EXP somewhere on my screen, I am surprised.

The Eternix grows 10 heads in an instant.

Hey, hey seriously? Is this like Hydra?

The heads then shoot out a heavy crystalline mists unto out direction and my clones got frozen in an instant.

The attack takes over a wide area with us as its aim.

I dodge the attacks from an Eternix head yet the other heads start to attack as well that they caught me off guard.

It is also too fast for me to anticipate.

Damn it!

Once it hits me, I got frozen instantly and I got encased inside a thick ice crystal. However, it seems this attack didn't inflict some serious damage.

[-10 HP]

I then use my force trying to break the crystal. It cracks at first until I break it completely.

Regardless, I feel very cold. In fact, I can feel I'm freezing. Huh?! What happened to my tolerance?

Damn it! I should run as fast as I can and do a tactical retreat. That way maybe I can use my clones from distance.

To my surpise, my clones vanish when they get frozen.

What happened to my clones?!

The Eternix is now in front of me. I feel slow and I can't move as usual. This is bad!

It then uses its tail to whip me, causing me to fly and dive into the forest, slamming across several trees. I then land violently on the ground.

[-50 HP]

I'm now out of visuals from Ren and Vermil. Out of all the mythical beasts it is the first time I feel some despair.

Regardless, it is the first time someone landed a hit on me though I don't feel any pain due to my high defense.

Regardless, I'll try using [Clone Betrayal]!

[Warning: Freeze debuff is in effect! Clone Betrayal won't be available until 9:58 from now]

Huh? What do you mean I can't activate it?

[Answer. Eternix used [Eternal Ice Spit]

The following debuffs are inflicted



Removes 80% of the tolerance while this debuff is in effect



All skills will be frozen for 10 minutes while this debuff is in effect



Removes 50% of Agility and Strength while this debuff is in effect]

What is with these annoying debuffs? No wonder my clones got cancelled.

But 10 minutes, huh? I don't have much time to spare. It seems my strength and agility are also affected.

What is this feeling? My heart is beating fast.

I think, I'm starting to panic. Regardless, I have to calm down and think this through.

I can hear some clashes and noises from where Vermil and Ren are. I think I have to return as fast as I can.

Arriving there, I can see Vermil, panting as she crouches with her blades ready. I think even the cold is getting through her.

Ren is the only one fighting against the creature. He even lands several blow on its body. His blade is being wrapped by dark aura, he then swings it upon the creature. [Undead Strike]!

Though it only inflicts several scratches and doesn't do much damage.

[-10 HP]

The Eternix's heads shoot ice crystals on Ren freezing him on the spot a couple of times. Few seconds later, he breaks the ice encapsulating him.

Even if Ren is distant from the target, he then stabs the air with his blade. [Night Piercer]

Several dark bullets are released on the tip of his blade, shooting out like a repeated machine gun. The Eternix dodges it and whips him with its tail, causing him to fly away.

Regardless, Ren got frozen earlier yet the debuffs don't work on him.

It makes me curious how he did it.

"Ren how are you able to cast those skills?!" I yell for my voice to reach him.

"I have cold immunity. If you have that, these debuffs won't work on you."

I see, but it seems I'm at my limit. With my tolerance cut down a lot, I can feel the cold permeating into my muscles.

My consciousness is fading.

With my last breath, I speak, "buy me 15 minutes. I have a plan."



I'm not at my best fighting the Eternix. Right now, I'm just assisting Ren.

I then gasps seeing my brother falling down to the ground. "Brother!" I then go close to his side and have him lie on my back.

One of the Eternix's head then aims its jaws at us. Its charging its attack.

This is bad. I then dash away as the heads start firing at us. I whizzed across the snowy field yet the snow is thick and it is hard to manuever.

I slow down for a bit and the Eternix is about to aim at me. It sees an opening.

If nothing is done, I'm gonna get hit.

Ren then pokes the Eternix with his skill and get its attention.

"Hey, you ugly snake, here!"

Ren yells at me. "Hey, take your brother in a shelter somewhere. I will buy him some time whatever his plan is."

Eternix screeches towards Ren. It then dives into his direction.

Ren then runs as fast as he can in a different direction, luring the Eternix away.

I feel bad for Ren sacrificing himself.

Right now, they are out of my sight. I think I owe him one now.

Ren and brother, forgive me. I'm sorry for being useless today. This is a new place which I find amusing at first but its no fun compared to the previous ones.

This environment is taking too much toll on my agility, which is the stat I highly value. I guess it's because of this thing called the cold which I felt for the first time.

I then carry my brother across this wasteland. My foot feels heavy with every stride due to the thick snow.

I then lose my balance and cause my brother to fall from my back. I gasp.

This is all my fault. If only I am stronger.

I then grit my teeth as I carry him again on my back.

I feel some presence approaching. There are around 5 of them. Looking in front, are silver, thick-furred large wolves. They growl as they proceed in caution.

[Frozen Dire-Wolves

Level 170]

This is an awful timing. If I place my brother down to fight them, they will go for him.

Normally, this won't be a challenge but things are different in my situation. I can only use one hand to fight since the other I use to secure my brother in place.

The wolves launches an attack. One leaps at me, slashing the air, I jump away to evade.

My movements are sluggish now. However, I cut it down with my dagger, but I notice it is still alive since it was a shallow hit.

It seems my strength has also gone down, huh.

Two sneaks from my behind. Once they attack, I then use my skill [Infectious Slash]. Their fur turns dark after I slash them.

They howl in discomfort after getting the infection. The other wolves seeing it looked uncomfortable.

I then use [Threaten]. A dark affinity skill that loses the will of your opponents. Though it requires some conditions for it to work.

Using this skill, my body releases a dark and sinister aura, causing the wolves to whimper in fear and return to the forest.

With them gone, I sigh. I then look around until I found a cave.



I slowly wake up. Right now, it doesn't feel as cold as before. Maybe the debuffs are gone. I thought I was gonna die from hyperthermia back then.

Opening my eyes, I can see Vermil, and she seem to be asleep. I am lying on her thighs. I am wrapped with the thick light armor that I gave her once. I think I am about to blush in this situation.

We seem to be under a cave, though, this cave is already inside a larger cave.

I want to stay in this position for long but Ren is waiting for me out there.

Vermil opens her eyes. She then gasps and hugs me. Tears starts flowing from her eyes. "Brother, I don't know what to do if you are gone."

Since Vermil is my creation, I wonder what will happen to her once I die.

[Answer. Essence clones have independence on some degree and without the user they will still exist. However, they will lost their will since their only purpose is to serve the user]

That sounds a bit sad. Even though I know her purpose is to serve under me, I want her to gain a will of her own.

"Don't worry Vermil. I have no plan in dying just from that monster. Besides, we will survive and go to the surface. I promise you that!"

Vermil nods as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

It will be the first time for her to see the surface. I can't let anybody die until we achieve our goal.

Well then, it's time to execute the plan to take down the Eternix. And for that, I will I resort to the old strat and have to use my clones again to achieve cold immunity.

I will defeat this thing this time!