
Every second I stay in this cave, I'm turning nervous for Ren's sake. I stayed here for more than 10 minutes already.

It seems the debuff is already gone.

Just hold still Ren. Right now, I'm going to obtain cold immunity.

Using my [Character Division] skill, I then create around 2,500 clones.

The maximum I can create is around 8,000 at my current level. Though I don't need these guys to fight, I'll just have to let them suffer in these extremely cold conditions.

I then let them run across the snowy regions naked.

Staring at them, they look like certified perverts.

Since the debuffs are gone, my tolerance has gone up and they are not affected by the cold. These many clones will accelerate my acquirement of cold resistance.

[+Lesser Cold Resistance Acquired!

+Medium Cold Resistance Acquired!

+ Greater Cold Resistance Acquired!]

It takes a while but it seems I got them. However, it is still taking more time for me to acquire perfect immunity.

Unlike in most mangas I have seen, gaining resistance and immunity isn't as easy compared to this world. I have to raise the intensity of the cold to raise my resistance.

Thus, I will have to let my clones find stronger ice monsters and let them get hit by ice spells. This will raise the bar even further.

Using this strategy, half an hour, it seems I got one. Though I lost around 500 clones.

[+Greatest Cold Resistance]

Now the next level will be immunity. Seeing my resistance status looks like I don't haven't achieved any perfect immunity status.

[Resistance Status:

Greatest Fire Resistance

Greater Earth Resistance

Greater Poison Resistance

Dark Immunity

Medium Intimidation Resistance

Medium Pain Resistance

Greatest Cold Resistance]

I wonder if I'm able to get it. Now I have to check how many clones I have left.

Right now, it seems I have around less than a thousand. I don't see any signs of acquiring it soon.

However, I am surprised when eventually a screen pops up.

[ Immunity Acquired!

+Cold Immunity Acquired! ]

I was glad. I then leap for joy. "Yes, I did it! Wooh! Haha!"

Vermil jumps at me and hugs me. "Really? Then, brother, I'm proud of you."

I then nod. "Now the only thing we need to do is to help Ren." I then pat her. She smiles as she acts like a pet that wants to get caressed.

With cold immunity, I will be immune to all ice affinity debuffs. That annoying skill won't work for me now that I have this.

"Vermil, you stay here. I'll end this once and for all."

"But brother, I think I'm still worried."

"Don't worry, I won't make a mistake this time." I then smile reassuringly. She lets me go.

I then leap away and ready my Valkeryun sword. I then leave the cave using my [Break Dash] skill to accelerate out.

I tell my clones to advance to Ren as soon as they can.

Seeing the terrain, Vermil must have a hard time carrying me. I can't believe I have such a reliable and caring sibling. It's making me cry.

When was the last time I have such a caring family member? The time my mother only cooked for me was when I was 5. Afterward, she got tired of me and only bought me commercial lunches.

No matter what happens, we have to get out of here!

Right now, I can see mists flinging out in the distance. Those are the signs of battle. That must be where Ren and Eternix are.

Seeing in front, 16 ice golems are blocking our path. Their level is not that high and this will be easy. However, I have no time to play with them.

[Icy Guardian:

Level 70 ]

I then create 5 clones of myself.

"I'll leave this to you!"

They then clash against the ice golems.

Is the number of clones I made too few? Should I add more?

Seeing the clones are fighting well and destroying them after several blows, I think 5 of them is enough. I also will give them commands to consume the beasts that they come across. I think I shall acquire ice affinity skills if possible.

On my way, there are several monsters on my path. However, if I use my clones to intercept them, I can get to Ren's position in no time.



This is bad. I'm almost at my limit and that guy hasn't been here. I have been enduring this for almost an hour now. The only reason why I survived this long is due to my light barrier.

It's not holding for long.

Where the hell is he?!

Eventually, the barrier breaks down. I kept getting whipped by its tail and being struck by its ice attacks. This has been going on for a while.

None of my spells and techniques have worked.

Damn it, is this where I'm gonna die. I couldn't avenge him after all.

I keep flying repeatedly as I keep getting hit. In this condition, it's almost impossible to dodge its attacks. I seem to have slowed down? No, this thing is getting faster and faster as the fight goes on.

I have no chance of winning!

The Eternix screeches at me. In a blink of an eye, it whips its tail on my chest, causing parts of my ribs to crack off. My right arm also breaks off from my shoulder.

I then fly off and roll away.

Normally, I don't feel pain or fear but I'm starting to feel some discomfort.

It's the feeling of despair and getting trapped.

Damn it!

I have to run away since I can only take 1 more hit. However, this time the Eternix takes a nosedive and uses its fangs this time in my direction.

It intends to consume me, huh? It seems it's too late to escape now.

Very well, I will have to activate my self-destruct skill and I'm gonna take you with me!

"Come!" I gather the mana I still have into my body into a dense dark energy core.

It looks like this is it.

However, when it is about to get close, a fierce meteor comes in our direction.

Isn't that?

That guy is here! He then whizzes by, taking me with him to a safe distance to dodge the explosion from his attack.

"Ren forgive me, I made you wait."



It looks like I have arrived on time. Regardless, this guy is seriously in bad condition. His arm is even missing. If he isn't a ghoul he is probably dead by now.

"Ren forgive me, I made you wait."

"Yeah you did, geez, but it seems I'm saved now."

I then nod. "Just stay here and let my clones take care of you."

There are around 300 of my clones surrounding the Eternix. The Eternix screeches at them. It then spins and whips them off with its tail.

The surviving ones jump and slash the Eternix, however, the Eternix leaps off and dodges their attacks.

Noticing it, my eyes widen. Hey, hey, isn't this guy faster than before?!

The Eternix charges its mouth with icy crystals. It then shoots out bluish-white of crystalline energy to the clones. Freezing them one by one.

Even with our immunity against the debuff, I still need to worry since it is still pretty tough.

At least this time my clones didn't disappear since they have cold immunity.

Some clones try to cast [Cursing flames], but before they can cast it, the Eternix is already gone from its position. All of their attacks miss.

If that doesn't work I have to go to the next phase. I relay the plan B to my clones.

Afterward, they are then about to follow each of my commands.

100 of my clones cast their skills to annoy the Eternix, however, their attacks weren't enough to damage it. They then run away to lure the creature.

However, since it is fast, they can't outrun the Eternix. It then eats the clones within its reach. Since there are 10 heads of that creature, my clones' numbers are steadily decreasing with each bite.

At some point, they manage to lure it into a trap. Around the Eternix are 50 of my clones. They have already cast their skill.

[Earth Wall] is activated. It then fully surrounds the Eternix, trapping it.

300 of my clones then leap and stand above the earth wall and cast their skills. [Skill Combiner] -> [Meteor Doom]

Each of them then shoots out those raging meteors. To my surprise, the Eternix flies off into the sky, dodging their attack.

No way! Tsk, it can fly!

The Eternix then escapes the stone barriers and begins flattening my clones one by one.

This creature is insane!

I get a message from my clones that Ren wants to talk to me. Right now, Ren is somewhere distant from me and he is being protected by my clones.

I use [Clone Takeover] to talk to him directly.

"What is it, Ren?"

He coughs. "Bring me close to that creature."

"What do you plan to do?"

"Just trust me."

I am slightly hesitant at first but it seems I have no choice. "Alright."

I have him carry close to the Eternix. With all his strength, he comes down from my clone and stares at the Eternix.

Right now, the Eternix is busy stomping my clones.

"Light Magic, holy bringer!" He speaks in a weak voice.

A magic circle appears below the Eternix. Giant glowing chains appear from the ground and lock the Eternix in place. It tries to struggle and get away but to no use.

I can't believe Ren uses holy magic in his condition. He is worsening.

"Hurry!" Ren's body is producing more steam and he is on the verge of evaporating.

I grit my teeth yet I nod. I can't let his act of bravery go in vain.

I then give commands to my clone to shoot it while we still have a chance. Using 500 of them to shoot out Meteor Doom, the Eternix is hit directly. It is swallowed by a huge burst of an explosion that spreads throughout. Flattening the forests in the area.

Regardless, we seem to have won this time. I chuckle seeing the EXP screen updating.


[Level UP!]