Vermil's Resolve

We are now about to clash against our opponents. Since I'll be handling Sagus, I figure I'll go all out.

Using my [Character Division] skill, I create around 500 clones. They then shoot out various skills, from poison to fire to lightning and water affinity.

For some reason, no matter how much they spam their attacks, Sagus receives no damage. He is currently floating in mid-air and he doesn't even have any intent to fight back.

Everything I use, none is working. This damn Sagus doesn't even take me seriously.

[Sagus is using [Immortal Magi] skill. He is immune from any magic skill attacks ]

I see, then it's the same situation as Minogaurus from the previous dungeon, huh? or perhaps this is different.

Sagus lifts his arm and casts his spell.

[Mirror Summoning has been casted!]

Several shadow soldiers are summoned around Sagus. Each of them looks tough and each might be as strong as a general monster.

For some reason, they have the same number as my clones.

Mirror Summoning?

[Answer, this spell will summon shadow knights with the same number of clones created by the user]

Tsk, this guy is pretty clever.

Using cancel, my clones vanish and the shadows vanish as well.

Looks like he intends to fight me one vs. one. Then, I will give him that.

With my blade ready, I use [Break Dash]. I then emerge close to him and slash him with my physical strength.

I manage to slice his body into two.

Did I do it?

But, it's quite odd that this Sagus guy didn't dodge or is not wary of me as if I'm not here. I'm starting to worry about this. Something is not right.

In that instant, Sagus regenerated once again.

I click my tongue. I then fall back into a safe distance. What is it this time?!

[Sagus is using [Immortal Soldier] skill. He is immune from any physical attacks ]

Hey, seriously?

Wherever the admins are I need some nerf.

Staring in front, it seems Sagus is now about to make his move. Lifting his finger, several colorful energy balls wrap in electricity emerges in the air, it then multiplies 8x and is thrown at me.

They are extremely fast as well. Fortunately, I can keep up with its speed.

I then leap away to dodge it. However, I get surprised when the energy balls turns in my direction and split into 2. Right now, there are 16 of them chasing me.

Every time I dodge, these balls multiply by 2.

[Answer. Sagus is using [Hydra's Spirit]. Every evasion done by the user, the skill multiplies to two]

Damn it!

Since I have dodged too many, before I realize it, there are now more than thousands of them.

My [Spatial Dispel] allows me to create an artificial space in my spiritual being. Thus, I use it to absorb every Hydra Spirit into my body. It will be bad if they exploded here.

However, since I sucked it all on in, it will also blow up inside of me and kill me. Thus I have to find a way to shoot it back but in this situation, I can't do that.

Vermil and Ren will get obliterated if that happens.

For the next skill, I create a thousand clones and applied [Clone Betrayal] to each clone. So the moment, the Hydra Spirit explodes inside my body, the damage is distributed to all of my clones.

[-1 hour and 40 minutes CD ]

In an instant, all of my clones are all gone. I also receive some damage which causes me to fall to the floor. I even spit some blood.

[-50,000 HP]

So this is how the strongest mage of the ancients fight, huh? I'm impressed.

Checking how many CDs I have left, I think I might be in trouble.

[CD: 5 hours]

I can't believe I used that many clones for a guy like him.

No wonder, Sagus is in a daze earlier. He is probably scanning for my weakness and perhaps even my entire skills and status.

That's why I created those many clones to take the damage for me using [Clone betrayal]. Even those many weren't enough, huh?"

I assume if I didn't use [Spatial Dispel] earlier it would have wiped out everyone here. Maybe the entire dungeon as well.

Sagus begins to laugh aloud. "Human, I'm impressed you survived that. You are the first. Before I put you out of your misery, give me your name."

I then gulp. Even after all I went through I still feel nervous around strangers. "Ve-Verni."

"You should feel honored that I have talked to you. That means you are no ordinary guy."

Regardless, dealing with this guy will be a hassle. Aside from his invulnerability, he is also intelligent. This will be tough.



My brother, I and Ren are finally here. Right now, looks like I'm about to battle this big guy called Tharius. He is undead like Ren and he seems sentient like me.

I then put on a stance as Tharius strides to me. I can't let my guard down.

I promised my brother we will get out of here alive. I will also do my best for Ren's sake as well.

Tharius cackles. "You are my opponent, huh? Little girl. Just know that I won't hold back."

Out of all the opponents we fought, this one scares me slightly. I wonder what these feelings mean.

In an instant, Tharius appears behind me. I am surprised. "Yahhh!" He yells and swings at me.

In a nick of time, I manage to block, but his swing is powerful causing me to fly away.

This is insane.

I never saw him move towards me. Is he that fast or did he use an ability I am unaware of?

He then shows up in front of me and bombards me with slashes.

I then did my best to block it.

All of his swings don't have any signs of hesitation in them as well. This person is experienced and he is out of my league.

There are some of his slashes that I can't block. He manages to hit my armor. I then squealed.

Seeing there is an opening, he then kicks my gut and from the impact makes me fly unto the wall. I slam hard, breaking the wall. I yell from pain.

Staring at the wound on my chest, I didn't bleed like my brother. Rather, it is a white opening. I am made from my brother's mana after all.

However, I can still feel pain. Every pain I feel my soul is taking damage. I guess it's this thing called HP.

I guess I have to try a few things. I then use [Black Slash]! With a swing, my dark imbued sword creates a dark flying slash.

I can already predict where he will appear.

Behind me!

I then spin to my back and prepare to block. Looks like I'm right. I then swing my other dagger at him. With my dagger imbued with [Infectious Slash] skill hitting his chest, he seems calm.

"It's no use."

[Tharius has resisted Infectious Slash!]

I guess that's why.

He then slashes my chest, and from the impact, blows me away. I plant my feet on the ground to hold still.

I guess I have no choice to use this. I then crouch and assume a stance.

"Oh, you still have things under your sleeve." Based on his voice, it seems he is mocking me. I can't let my brother down.

Activating my [Black Coffin], a black portal opens up on the ceiling. Old and rusty dark chains appear and secures Tharius's arms and legs.

I am successful but he seems calm and is not even struggling. How odd.

"I see. So this will pull me back to the afterlife, huh?"

Tharius is then pulled into the black portal and vanishes.

The activation of the skill is finished. His presence is gone.

Did I just win?

However, I sense a heavy and dark presence behind me. "So, that's the only thing you are capable of?" He says coldly.

Huh? I don't even have any chance to look back.

I receive a powerful strike on my back. It causes me to squeal as I get blown away again.

I look at Tharius. He is still alive. He glares at me with eyes that imposed power. "You serve your master, right? Is that the best you can do for him?"

Is he insulting me?

"I can still go on!" I force myself to stand up. The damage is taking a toll on my body.

"You say that but you are not even willing to risk yourself. You call yourself his servant?"

I clench my fists.

This guy doesn't know what he is talking about. So why should I listen to my enemies?

Maybe, he has a point. In this state, I have no chance of winning against him. Even my black coffin didn't work. My HP is too low now.

The best I can do is...

But if I do this I will be disobeying my brother's orders. He told us to stay alive after all.

Remembering what Tharius said, I think I made my mind. Forgive me, brother! But I'm going to disobey you now!

Seeing my fierce eyes, Tharius then cackles. "That's right, show me your resolve!"

This time, Tharius advances to my position. As I thought, he isn't that fast, rather he uses spatial magic. Teleportation to be precise. That's how he can escape the [Black Coffin] and appear behind me instantly.

Tharius' long dagger pierces through my chest and passes through my body.

I grit from the pain. At the same time, I activate my skill [Prion's Seed].

However, without his knowledge, I took the hit intentionally.

Since I used this, it means I'm very desperate.

This ability converts all the pain I received into Prion's sustenance.

Prion is a dark elemental serpent. He is as small as a worm at first but since he consumes the pain I take, he quickly grows even bigger than a human.

Several Prions emerge from my body. They look like shadow snakes coming out from my skin. They grow from the size of a seed into a giant serpent. They then lurch and bite Therion from his arms, legs, and even the side of his body.

Sadly, this skill doesn't heal me. So my HP is still going down.

Prion can temporarily suck the stats of my enemy, from their strength agility, and defense. It also disables their skills.

Right now, Therion looks disgruntled. "I see. So this is your plan, huh?"

[Stealing stats from the opponent

+10 Strength

+10 Strength

+10 Defense

+10 Defense


My stats are steadily increasing right now, I may be able to defeat my opponent.

This may be my final skill. The remaining mana I can muster. I then use [Omni-present Killer]!

Around 50 of my after-images show up around Therion. He is now starting to get bothered by it.

Afterward, in an instant, a million slash is inflicted. Therion groans as he receives the damage. However, he sounds amused and speaks something before I destroyed his body. "You did well."

With him defeated, I then deactivate my Prion and fall on the floor. I can't help but laugh even if my HP is decreasing.

[-1000 HP

-1000 HP


Brother, I did it!