The Lord of The Infinity Dungeon

With Ren's holy magic sword, I think we can nullify Sagus' immortality buff skill since he is a ghoul. It also looks like it is the most effective weapon we have right now.

Aside from that, it seems Ren is now using a different sword. It is broader than before, it looks sharp and it is made of purely white steel and gold. The handiwork on the handle is also impressive.

That's right, I remember. This is his father's sword. Using [Scan] upon it. I notice it is a legendary weapon called Excalibur. It also has very powerful abilities.

Ren then sighs. "My friend, this might be our last fight. Be sure to finish him."

I clench my fist. I know how heavy this means since killing Sagus means freeing Ren and everyone else.

I gulp. "Yeah!"

"Then I urge you to hurry."

I notice Ren is much more desperate to end this soon.

But might as well end this. "Ren, here is the plan!"

I then tell him the plan. Right now, seeing both of us are confident, Sagus seems to take us seriously.

For now, I will act as Ren's backup and protect him from anything Sagus throws at us.

We are very far away from Sagus, about 3 kilometers perhaps. Closing some distance will already be a challenge since Sagus is a mage.

Ren then advances and then I follow him. He actives his holy magic. [Holy Judgement]!

According to Ren, Holy Judgement is his most powerful skill against any force of darkness. Its effectiveness depends on the strength of its target. The more powerful they are, the more damage he inflicts

It's the best attack against Sagus.

Sagus raises his arm and summons 15 meteors from the sky. I then create 15 clones as well, I have each of them cast [Meteor Doom].

I then strike down each of the meteors.

Unlike Sagus, I can only cast one skill at a time. I can only cast this many due to my cloning ability.

Sagus casts once more. Giant roots emerge from the ground. They then lurch at us like snakes. Activating [Scorch Wall], great wall flames emerge around us, shielding us from the roots. The roots burn as it passes through.

Using my skill, I then use [Wind Blast]. A gust of wind is emitted around us Thick smoke covers us causing Sagus to lose his visibility on us.

Behind these curtains of dust, I then use my feet to jump up in the air a few hundred meters up while holding Ren. "Brace yourself!"

Right now, we are in mid-air. I can see the enemy. Sagus is still a kilometer away.

I then throw Ren as fast as I can to Sagus. Ren is then blown away at high velocity. He is then posing with his sword while in mid-air.

Sagus then summons a dark burning giant skeleton spirit as tall as a building. It appears instantly.

This is bad. That looks like another summoning high-tier spell.

The skeleton spirit then stops Ren in the air. Its giant hands hold Ren perfectly as though he is like a doll.

Ren can't even reach Sagus. His blade then falls to the ground. Everything is already over.

It seems Sagus has won.

Sagus begins to laugh. "I didn't expect that you would throw him that far."

The giant skeleton applies force with its grip, trying to squash Ren, thus Ren disintegrates and turns into a white mist.

"A doppelganger!"

Another Ren appears from below the ground. He then whizzes up towards Sagus with his Excalibur ready. [ Final Holy Judgement! ]

In that instant, I can see the entire area shining. It is even brighter than the sun that it can blind you in that second.

This is Ren's strongest attack where he put 100% of his holy spell magic!

A fierce light swing slices Sagus's body violently, cleaving his chest to his shoulder. The summoned giant skeleton vanishes beside Sagus and turns into black mist.

The plan we did was actually simple. Earlier, when I cast a spell to cover ourselves with dust as a smokescreen, I used [Clone Editor] to make a perfect copy of Ren. Since it has leveled up, it can also assume different races.

As for the original Ren. He dug through the ground and found his way to where Sagus was. He then recovered the blade that fell, and then slashed him.

That was quite a genius plan. I can't believe it is successful.

However, it isn't over yet. Sagus is still alive although he has fallen.

Ren let go of his sword and is now falling with him. They are unconscious as of the moment.

Ren used 100% of his holy magic after all. No wonder it took a large toll on him.

Seeing Sagus is still alive, I appear above him. "Looks like this is the end," I speak with a cold tone.

Most of his HP got taken by that attack. Even one skill is enough to finish him.

"Wait! Don't! I'll give you money and title. For now, spare me! I'm a priest of the holy church you know."

As he begs, I can't sense Sagus. It seems Sagus has been put to sleep from the holy magic. This means his magic circuits are down and he can't make any spell.

Ren calls out to me with an exhausted voice. "Verni, that one is Magwell..."

I see, this person is no longer Sagus. Instead, this is the priest named Magwell. The priest that betrayed Ren and his father. Originally, it seems this is Magwell's body.

Besides, Sagus isn't as pathetic as to beg.

This will be my judgment as I will help out my friend. I aim my arm upon him.

"Magwell, if you are listening, you have to pay for your sins."

"Wait, please adventurer, no!"

I then fire my skill, [Cursing Flames]. It devours Magwell causing him to scream in anguish. "Ahh! Please no--""

A few seconds later he is burnt into crisp, except for his arm. It looks like there won't be consequences if I use a little [Cursing Flames].

I then grab his arm and violently consume it. Am I a cannibal now? Regardless, it tastes gross.

I swoop towards Ren and save him from falling. I then land on the ground smoothly.

[+10,000,000, EXP

+Level up

+Level up


Level 280]

This has been my highest rise of EXP just yet. I have jumped around 6 levels it seems. Usually, the jumps of my levels are only around 2 or 3 even with thousands of my clone grinding.

That's how hard it is right now to move a level.

[New Upper Wordly Title Acquired!

+Infitius ]

Infitius? What's more, is it's higher than my worldly titles.

[Answer. The user is now the lord of the infinite dungeon and the Eastern OverLord of Munren]

Woah, that means I took over Sagus place?

[Control of this dungeon will now be integrated into the system...]

[Control of domain...]


[Full Control of monsters...]


[Full Control of the Infinite Dungeon...]


And just like that, the system shows an interface that allows me to fully control this dungeon.

[New Skill Acquired:

+Infinite Summoning


+Dungeon Absorption ]

But before I check it, I have to take care of Vermil and Ren.

Ren is in a pretty bad situation. "Ren! Wake up!"

Ren looks glad even if I can't make out his expression. "We did it, Verni, I can't believe it. My friend."

I'm taken aback. It's the first time he called for my name. My mouth goes heavy. "Ren... What... will happen now?"

"You can now go back to the surface. Damn, you're so dependable that you fulfilled my long dream. I don't mind marrying you if I can get another life." He chuckles.

I chuckle as well, brushing off his joke. "Geez Ren, this is no time to make a joke."

Before he can speak another word, his energy is now dissipating. I start to panic. "Ren! Ren!!"

With that attack from earlier, Ren's body is slowly being torn apart. I can't believe he went too far.

Regardless, it is still pointless since Sagus is slain which means the curse will be broken and Ren and his people will be free now.

Ren's body is slowly glowing. His weight is also starting to disappear. I already have some idea about this situation. "Ren! Wake up!"

I grit my teeth.

It can't be.

He then slowly lifts his finger. "I buried Vermil over there. Can you get her for me?"

I gasp hearing him. But I'm glad to know that Vermil is safe.

I send out my clone to find her.

When I found both of them, I gather them next to each other. Vermil is even in worse condition. Her stomach is open. She has no blood though the mana energy is escaping from her wound.

I then clench my fists. We have been traveling for 5 months now. We went through a lot. We suffered, laughed, and talked. We had our moments of fun and despair.

I begin to sniffle. Tears won't stop coming from my eyes.

I never realized it feels good to have friends.

Now, that I remember, I used to be alone in this dungeon. No, I was always alone even before I came here.

I grip my chest and can't contain myself.

So this is what he meant that he will only allow being my friend if I make my heart strong.

I finally realized why I didn't have friends back on earth.

I was a coward.

I was afraid of losing something so I didn't try making any friends.

I always stayed inside my comfort zone.

However, there is at least something I can do.

I want to see it again!

Vermil's innocent smile and Ren's complaints. I don't want them to die!

No, I can't let them die!

Think, think. I then gasp when I realize something.

I remember I still have the temporal bag. Inside, time won't pass and I can preserve them even if it takes an eternity.

For now, I'll have to store them there until I can find a cure.

Forgive me you two but I will have to stay in this dungeon for a while.

I opened the portal to the temporal bag and preserve their body inside. They will be safe in here for now.

I must find or create something that will save these two. Like a potion or a drug.

Even if I have to search every nook and cranny of this dungeon just so I can save them, I will.

Well then, I have to check what I got first from Sagus.

[Infinitium Robe:

+Very Great Resistance Against hexes, elemental and non-tangible spells

+High Recovery in MP and HP rate

+Reduces cooldown by 50%

+120% Wisdom ]

I nod, seeing this looks very useful. It even increases my wisdom by a large margin.

[Infinitium Boots:

+200 Agility


+Neglects spatial conditions]

Neglects spatial conditions, huh? I wonder what it means.

[Answer. By equipping this item. The user can levitate, also nullifying any gravitational manipulation spells is possible ]

Woah, I'm impressed. So, this is what Sagus is using. I'll try these boots for later.

It looks like I have another item as well.

[Infinitium Gloves:

+Gives the title of Divine Alchemist

+Dispels any incoming magical attacks]

Divine Alchemist, huh? I ask my system about it.

[ Answer. With the title of the divine alchemist, the creation of high-level potions and elixirs will become possible ]

I then equip it.

[New Title Acquired!

+Divine Alchemist ]

Seeing I have this skill I gave it some time to study. It seems with this title I can also determine the ingredients I need to create the potion.

The system shows me a menu that allows me to create a golden elixir.

[Golden Elixir: A legendary rarity type item that can heal any wounds or curse, and it can even revive the undead]

This is what I'm looking for! Now, if only I can know how these are made.

[Golden Elixir Requirements

(0/1) Golden Herb

(0/3) Draco's talon

(0/6) Rainbow Drop

(0/10) Pure Magnus stone


Seeing I need to find 105 of these ingredients, I finally know what I shall do.

Now I have become the Infitius, the Lord of the Infinity Dungeon. It seems we finally reached our goal. I have came this far.

I wonder what awaits me in the future. Ren and Vermil, wait for me I'll find a way to save you!

[End of Volume 1]