
I force myself to calm down. Despite being in this situation, I can't go into a rage now. Since too much anger might awaken my vampire instincts.

Eventually, Lara gets fed up with it. She gives a satisfied smile after she kicks me one last time.

However, I won't forget this. I'll pay you back someday Lara!

But before that, I have to compromise with the bishop and the Knights.

I sigh. "I will comply. However, on one condition, you must save this boy's village." The light chains then vanish which sets me free, but I can't leave since escaping here seems impossible.

Lervin laughs mockingly at my request. "We have no reason to help outsiders, especially those who do not believe in God. Besides, why should we listen to a mere vampire."

It seems they will only protect those countries which are influenced by the church. They will ignore the independent small towns or villages.

However, I still can't let this be.

Sena comes close to Lara while trudging. "La-Lara! I'll ne-never forgive you for doing that to my friend!"

Sena may have put a strong front but I can tell she is scared. Her legs are shaking and her heartbeat is racing.

Simon wants to stop Sena from picking a fight but it seems he is too late.

Lara raises her eyebrow at her. "Well, well, if it isn't the ugly girl from the weakling trio."

Sena looks discouraged from her words. She is about to drop if not for her last moment of courage. It's the first time after all she stands up against a popular student.

Regardless, I commend her bravery.

Mike stands up and stomps his foot from rage. "What did you say you old hag? Sena is pretty cute. Also, you beat Myla up pretty well, huh? It's obvious you are just jealous!"

Lara harrumphs. Then she sneers. "You as well fatty. You better not anger me or I'll do even worse to you."

"Huh?! What did you say?!"

Simon then places his arm on Mike's shoulder. "Then Lara, let's compromise. Myla will have to stay here but don't harm her. The three of us will have to save the village ourselves."

Hearing what he says, causes me to gasp.

There is no way I will let these guys go into such danger.

There are powerful humans out there. We still don't know what these bandits are capable of.

Lervin grins. "Looks like someone has a brain in your group. Very well." He then stares at me. "You hear that vampire? You have to stay here." He then turns his attention at Lara. "Lara, you as well. Don't harm the vampire without our orders. You shall return to the fort and do more rituals for your punishment."

"Huh? No way..." Lara drawls.

Lara aside looks like the knights will be a tough opponent if I fight them as a group.

[Templar Knight

Level 40]

Then should I just look for another way to escape? Maybe if I can learn the dark affinity skills, I have a chance of beating them.

As for the priest, he is only Level 15. The problem is Lara. Right now, I can't scan her.

Some of my classmates can use [Scan Resist] to hide their status. She seems to be using it. The only way to overcome it is if my mind stats are higher than theirs.

If I can gauge based on her training and expeditions, she must be around level 60 or 70. That will be higher than mine.

Right now, my thoughts are jumbled up and it's hard for me to find a solution. How can I help Sena and the others?

A warm hand wraps my palms. Sena holds me still and leans on me. Her presence causes my worry to disappear.

"It's okay, Myla, you don't have to worry about us. Although, thank you for your concern. The three of us will take care of these bandits."

What is this feeling? This seems familiar. This feels even more painful than when I was antagonized by my classmates.

I finally remember!

It reminds me of that time when Verni got sacrificed.

Mike grins in confidence. "Don't worry about it Myla. Dealing with bandits is easy-peasy lemon squeezy. We have been in the same quest once."

Simon says reassuringly. "I'll take care of Sena for you."

They, along with the boy then ride on Hemmel. They then set out to the distance towards the direction of the village.

I hope they will be fine. I'll be counting on these guys it seems. All I can do is to pray for them. Not to this priest's gods of course, but my god back on earth. Despite this, I still consider myself a believer.

With things calming down, the Templar Knights sheath their blades back to their scabbards and come close to the archbishop to guard his side.

However, it irks me that no one is willing to help us. Even just by giving some information or additional rations.

This time, I glare at Lara. "Lara! Those guys are your classmates. Couldn't you at least have given them some assistance!"

Lara's forehead creases. She sneers. "And who is gonna scold me? The teacher? Oh please, you better drop that bitchy tone of yours before I kick you again. Besides, I don't care about those guys."

This woman is hopeless. Even in class I know she is slow. Lara is the type of woman who has a lot of influence among girls in class. She determines the trend in the classroom, the new make-up, perfume, music or even the guys to simp for.

She always does her best to get everyone's attention since she has no special talent. She fails the exams often and can't answer the teachers when they let her recite.

I doubt she even understands what we are talking about earlier.

I sigh in defeat. I just fall silent and look away.

Lara then walks away and enters the fort.

Several Templar Knights go behind me not giving me the chance to escape.

Looks like they are still wary of me. Well, I guess it's expected.

Father Lervin says with authority. "Well then, follow us to the fort, vampire."

I follow them along with some Templar Knights.

One can see a wide courtyard with several knights training once we enter. I can even see some of my classmates sparring with some knights.

Should I ask for some help among them to assist Sena and the others when taking care of the bandits in the village?

I have no choice but to try. I feel worried for them after all.

Perhaps, I shall tell them now.

When I am about to approach one of my classmates, I hear Lara is telling the Knights something. With my skill, I manage to hear it. "That vampire is willing to let you do things to her if you pay her. That's the kind of woman she is."

I gasp when I hear it. From that moment on, rage wells up inside me.

I have now made up my mind to knock you out someday Lara! I promise.

Those knights come close to me.

"Hey, you, you should stay in the stables for now." One Templar Knight speaks to me as he grabs my arm.

Behind him, two other Knights are snickering. From their eyes, it's obvious that they have malicious intentions.

The knight's grip my arm tightly. "It's father's orders. You better listen!"

"Tsk!" I yank my arm away as though annoyed. I am then coaxed into a different route.

I didn't have any chance to meet my classmates since they treat me like a prisoner.

The two Templar Knights are talking behind us. They seem to be laughing at something.

Only one Knight is walking with me to the stables.

Looks like my situation never changes, huh? I still get the worst treatment.

However, my keen hearing picks up something with my [High Sensing] skill. I manage to hear what the Knights are talking about behind me.

"It seems the days of those three kids are over."

"Hahaha, of course. No way those three can take on against the Scarred Bandits."

Huh? Scarred Bandits?

Just when I pray it can't get worse, it did. I heard rumors about them from the castle guards.

They are infamous western bandits that bring fear towards merchants and travelers. They are scarier than the monsters that lurk in those areas since they make sure to leave no witnesses.

Worse, these bandits are skilled, organized, and also possess magical abilities. They are not the ordinary ragtag of thieves everyone is imagining. Sena and the others don't stand a chance against them, since they are said to be S-class criminals.

I have to hurry and catch up with them!

But for now, the knights and I arrive on the stables. It's a dingy and dark place filled with animals and their droppings.

This place is quite gross. The smell even reaches here.

But even still, my eyes are brooding in sullen worrying about those three. All those rages is now welling up. It looks like I have reached my limit.

This is bad. I think I'm losing myself.

Right now, the knight and I are alone in this shaded area. He cackles as he begins to caress my face.

"My, my you're a very pretty lady. Quite a waste you are a vampire. If you listen to me, I don't mind sharing a nice and warm bed with you."

The other knights cackle as well. "Hehe, let us join too."

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

When the knight lifts my chin, he gets frenzied seeing my eyes turn blood red and dilate into a slit. He then squeals from surprise. I then lurch on him and sink my fangs on his neck.


[+2 Strength

+1 Tolerance

+1 Agility


[Bloody Ritual Progress: 1/100 ]

[+HP restored]

Afterward, the Knight turns pale and when I release my fangs, he falls to the ground.

Regardless, I have a useful passive skill that grants me a lot of benefits when drinking blood. If only I can control myself since drinking blood feels pleasurable.

But it looks like I overdid it. From my rage, I lost my reason and succumbed to my instincts.

Looks like I did something unforgivable since he looks dead to me.

Did I just kill a person? Regardless, I feel worried not because I murdered someone but because I feel nothing. Have I become a monster?

Regardless, the other Knights feel terrified.

They shiver as they point at me. "Damn you, what did---"

I quickly went to them and knocked them down before they can even draw their blades.

I hope they can forgive me but I don't think it's likely.

I hear voices of the Knights nearby.

"Hey, what is that?"

"It's right over here."

I have to escape from here.

Upon running away, I then make sure to make my way into the wall without being seen.

I then hear voices of urgency throughout the fort.

"The vampire has hurt one of our knights! Be sure to capture her!"

Bells ring aloud throughout the fort, alarming everyone. I can hear the marching of the Knights as they get ready to hunt for me.

Looks like everyone in this place will be my enemy. This has gotten out of control. If at least I can gather some allies but I doubt they will side with me now that I have done something that crossed me from the point of no return.

I guess I have no choice but to use everything in my arsenal.

I then use my cache to open my spatial bag and use the items.

[ Note: Most of these are rare and powerful Items ]

[ Night Robe (Rare) - Apparel ]

[ Tentacular Demons (Legendary) - Dark Affinity Spell Tome ]

[ Presence Conceal (Uncommon) - Dark Affinity Spell Tome ]

[ Demonic Claw (Uncommon)- Dark Affinity Spell Tome ]

[ Spatial Modification (Legendary) - Spatial Affinity Spell Tome ]

[ Vacuous Quake (Legendary) - Spatial Affinity Spell Tome ]

[ Prion's Seed (Legendary) - Dark Affinity Spell Tome ]

These are all impressive skills and I guess I have to go all out to escape from here because this time it will be me versus this fort.