Pay Back

I haven't acquired skills from tomes before. However, I will now.

One way to acquire the skills from the tome is to write your signature on the first empty page of the tome.

Glad I read a lot of books back there in the castle.

Imbuing my finger with mana, I then write upon each of them. Since I'm panicking I couldn't bother to read each of the descriptions.

After writing the signature, all the ancient texts in the magical tome will disappear and turn into magical energy that will be absorbed by my body.

I will then have the capability to use them.

Regardless, it seems I have acquired each one.

[New Skills Acquired!

+Tentacular Demons

+Presence Conceal

+Demonic Claw

+Spirit Bind

+Vacuous Quake

+Prion's Seed ]

I will studey each of them on my system as I run. For the finale, I then put on my Night Robe and Blood Ring.

With this outfit, it seems I have now acknowledged my life of becoming a full-fledged vampire. I also have a hood that can cover my face.

Using my [Warm-blooded Sensing] I can detect any humans in my area, thus it is easy for me to know which place to avoid.

I sneak in the shadows as I make my way unto the gates. Using the skill [Presence Conceal], they will have a harder time locating me.

It looks like the skill worked. I may be visible but my presence is obscured that I easily blend into the environment. This is a top-tier skill of a loner.

Looking at the gates, it is closed right now.

Opening them from the inside is tough due to the size of the gates.

Approaching them will require me to show myself in the open. Even my skill won't be able to cover for me.

Besides, the entire area is alerted because they are searching for me. Most guards are already found close to the gates, expecting I will be there.

Hmm, I shall look for another way but it seems I'm running out of options.

I will have to sprint over the wall so I can escape from this place.

But before I can do so, a mystical orb rises unto the sky. It quickly gets my attention, causing me to stop.

It is a bit far but it comes from somewhere near the fort.

A giant eye opens inside the orb. A brief light spreads out as if it is gazing throughout the fort, seeing everything in that instant.

I quickly crouch as my defense mechanism reacts.

No doubt, this one powerful skill is activated just to find me. I have a feeling they already found my location.

Coming from the sky, something lands close to me at high speeds. Debris is blown away upon impact.

I then get ready as I jump away in caution.

Thick dust covers the area so I have no idea who or what it is.

After the dust settles down, Lara shows herself. She seems confident as she holds a short white staff made of gold and pure white steel. She harrumphs. "I did not expect you will kill a Templar Knight."

Her, huh? I can't believe she is the one who I will encounter first.

"Sorry, but I have no time to play with you Lara."

"Father said you are now a danger that must be eliminated. To be honest, I feel sad that you would choose to go on this path, but it is your decision. As your classmate and as the queen priestess, I shall slay you myself." She smiles as she speaks.

She looks insincere as she says it. It looks like she wants to kill me that badly.

I remember there were times when she gossips about me and sabotages me behind my back. She must have hated me that much.

This is a good opportunity.

I may have to fight her seriously so I can pay her back for what she did to me.

Lara then extends out her staff, a light energy saber forms out of it. "You haven't seen my status right Myla. Then allow me to see you the difference between our levels."

[Name: Lara Sharoline

System Title: Priestess Queen


Worldly Titles: Child of Light, Blessed Warrior


Level: 64 ]

Level 64, huh? What's more she has 2 worldly titles. Looks like she has some edge on me in our levels. Her stats are not bad as well.

This might be tough.

Lara grins with an obvious look that she can't resist her urge to kill me. She then dives to my position and lunges her light blade.

Using [Presence Conceal], I immediately vanish.

She is disturbed thus she looks around.

"Huh? That bitch is gone!"

I appear beside her and knee her stomach. She spits some saliva. I then elbow her down causing her to fall to the ground.

That was oddly satisfying.

Right now, she is defenseless as she lies down. She then crouches and pants.

I stare at her with ferocious eyes. One that can make one fear for their lives. "Lara, give up while you still can before I can do something that I might regret."

Lara squeals from fear. "Keeeh! You bitch! I hate that attitude!" She then yells and casts her skill out of desperation. "Judgement Field!"

A semi-transparent dome forms around to trap me.

A light barrier, huh?

"Enough playing tough with me Myla I know you are just level 55. That's right, I know that you are friends with the old maid back in Aren. With my position, I can tell the king to kick her out of my castle. Haha, that will teach you!"

I grit my teeth. She can touch anyone except for the old lady back in the library.

I have to teach Lara a lesson to make sure she won't do it.

I glare at Lara strongly and my eyes turn sharp and predatorial red. My body releases a strong aura that can send chills into anyone's spine.

Lara feels intimidated. "Tsk. Don't come close! You will get hurt if you touch my barrier!"

"Ah, this barrier," I speak in a calm yet cold tone.

I pass through it like it is nothing.

The Judgement Field only works against enemies with the Child of Darkness title, thus this barrier does not affect me.

However, if I have that title, it might have burnt me even with one touch. These types of light magic skills are powerful but only to specific enemies.

"Eh?! Impossible!" She says in shock.

"If you lay a finger on my friends, be careful sleeping safely at night."

She then gasps from fear and is about to flee.

But before she can, I dash to her side and then use my fist while applying the [Vampiric Strike] skill. I then punch her face down, causing her head to slam back to the ground, creating a crater.

She spits some blood as she groans.

I take a deep breath and continually hit her face as much as I can. I'm releasing my frustration as I do so.

This is for what you did earlier!

The [Vampiric Strike] skill increases the strength and agility of my fist by a wide margin. This is my best unique skill in terms of hand-to-hand combat. So, I might be too harsh on her.

Once I am done. I stand up.

Right now, her face is bloodied and she might be unrecognizable. Regardless, I blew off some steam just by beating her earlier.

I then gather my thoughts.

Did I go too far?

Did this world make me a violent person?

How come I didn't even hesitate to hurt someone even if it was an enemy?

Is it because of my system or maybe I am too desperate?

It might be true that the systems are changing our personalities. I have observed that from some of my classmates as well. If our physiology can change our personality also can.

Remembering before we got transported, I always hated violence. If the boys were to get into a fight, I would be the first one to protest. But now, what is this?

I used to consider myself an honorable person who won't answer violence with violence but now I feel the pleasure of revenge.

For some reason, it feels good to knock her out. My fist is even shivering to beat her up another time but I hold it in.

I need to hurry.

Seeing the orb eye skill on the sky, it's already gone since the caster is asleep.

If Lara used the eye orb in the sky to nullify my conceal skill, she might have defeated me.

Thank god she is stupid. If she was smarter I would have been toast.

Regardless, I scram by running as fast as I can. Upon leaving this location, I then aim to go towards the nearest wall.

However, it feels off that I can't see any Templar Knights or guards around here.

The air feels silent and heavy.

I take the opportunity to climb the walls in quick sprints.

Using [Warmblood Sensing] I can't detect anyone's presence around me within 100 meters. Maybe, they all withdrew?

Wait, I can detect one person. He is above these ramparts.

Upon reaching the top of the wall, I stop. Looking at the person, my eyes widen from surprise.

It can't be...

It couldn't have gotten worse. The person who I don't want to fight the most is the one who is standing in front of me.


Shira, the class president has been waiting for me on the top of the wall. She is now clad in high-quality light bluish-steel armor in a stylish design.

She then aims her heavenly blade at me. "I warned you didn't I Myla? And now I will follow strictly on what I said. I will take you down here." Her serious eyes narrow.

The classroom president, the strongest student in our class is facing me.

Do I even have a chance against her?