Against the Class President

Since I'm facing Shira I can't make a wrong move. Not to mention, she doesn't even need to hide her status. It's like she wants everyone to see.

[ Name: Shira Medalvin

System Title: True Hero


Worldly Title: Beast Slayer, Expert Swordsman, King's Commander

Level: 87 ]

She is tough.

I know that I don't stand a chance, thus I have to find an opening to escape from her.

My eyes dart around to look for a route.

"It's useless. If are thinking of fleeing sorry to tell you but I already allocated our forces evenly throughout the fort. You have no chances of escaping."

I sigh. Looks like she thought this through.

"As expected of the class president. Then I assume you distributed everyone on the walls depending on their levels."

That explains why she is alone. She sure does think highly of herself.

"Not just that, I am expecting you to come here yourself. You wouldn't want to go to the most crowded location would you?"

Looks like I'm in a tough spot. Because this time, I won't be fighting against someone like Lara.

From here, I have to go get serious.

Shira then shakes her head in dismay. "Myla, before anything else, let me say that I'm disappointed."

For some reason, that hurts me more than anything. Even if some people are violent to me, the president's disapproval is more painful.

But maybe there is a chance I can reason out with her.

"Shira, this is all a misunderstanding, the knight was trying to force himself on me."

Shira lowers her blade for a moment. She seems willing to listen. "Is that true?"

"Also, I need your help with one thing--"

However, I stop when Shira seems like she is listening to something as though to an imaginary cellphone. Are they communicating with telepathy?

Shira raises her blade once again. She looks more upset now than before. "Enough with all the lies. If that is true then there is no need for you to knock out Lara."

"It was all of her faults you see-"

"Enough! I've heard from the church that those with dark affinities are more likely to turn evil. It looks like it's coming true. Myla, I'm saving you from your fate. I will only believe you on the condition that you surrender yourself to the church."

The church, huh? Seeing their actions beforehand makes me wonder if I can trust them.

For me, it looks like this conversation is also going nowhere.

I then use my [Presence Conceal] to run past her.

She yells. "I won't let you!" She then swings her blade, creating a flying slash that shoots like a cannon. "Striking Brave!"

It went by in front of me, causing me to stop. I was saved only by a hair's breadth. It destroyed a good portion of the ramparts, blowing debris away.

Regardless, it seems she can sense me.

She then poses to strike another time in which I prepare myself.

She declares as she raises her sword. "Blade Arena!"

Several grand-looking swords imbued with mana appear in mid-air around me. I am surrounded by swords right now.

I have no idea what this skill can do so I have to heighten my senses, thus, I ready my [High Sensing].

I am a few meters away from each of the swords. Counting them, it looks like there are eight of them in total.

Perhaps, I can escape this easily.

I try to move, but the blades are moving with me.

It's annoying since I can't escape from this skill.

Tsk. What is this skill? Is there some way I can cancel this?

For now, I have no idea what this does so I can't be careless. I have to observe first.

In spell battles, the one who can gather the most information and the one who can come up with a good strategy wins.

Shira stays outside the boundary of the sword arena. I need to look for a way to leave here soon since something bad might happen inside the sword arena.

Perhaps, if I try to move quicker than the swords, maybe I can escape through this skill.

I then dash away but once I get close to the sword it jumps out on its own and slashes me.

"It's useless. Once the sword arena is cast, you have no chance to escape it." Shira warns me.

I click my tongue.

The slash earlier almost got me though I incurred a shallow wound on the shoulder. Thankfully, it's not serious

The sword then returns to its position.

I recollect myself as I think it through.

Well then, what should I do?

Shira then speaks which causes me to be on alert. "First form, sword dance, bunny!"

Two swords then jump out on their own and spin towards my direction.

I then crouch as they pass over me. I managed to dodge them.

"Second Form, sword dance, tiger!" She yells again.

Four swords from various directions lunge themselves towards me.

With my [High Sensing] my senses are sharp so I manage to dodge three. However, one sword came flying to my blind spot. I have to act quickly since it might hit my vitals.

Quickly, I use my skill [Vampiric Strike] to hit it.

My fist is imbued with mana, thus I manage to deflect it away. Thanks to the skill, I managed to guard my skin against the sharpness of the blade.

However, I have a bad feeling about this. Right now, the swords are weirdly shaking as though they are disgruntled.

"Myla, you have interfered with the dance of the sword arena. You shall receive your punishment. Prepare yourself."


I gasp when the swords readjust themselves to point directly at me.

At the same time, all of the swords then lunge towards me, I have to use my arms as a shield to block most of them. Four swords are sunk into my back and I only manage to shield against those on the front.

I then fall on my knees while panting heavily.

A searing pain runs throughout my body.

Something warm is flowing on my skin. Is this my blood? There is also so much of them escaping from my body. Will I be fine if I release this much blood?

As a sheltered girl, I haven't felt this much pain before. I feel like crying for help. I want to even call it quits at this point.

I regretted getting transported here. Anyone, please help!

But remembering Sena and the others, I can't give up here.

Shira looks at me with pity. "Myla, submit yourself and we might even heal you. It pains me to do this but this is my duty as the class president."

The swords sunk into my back are yanked out by a force. Some of my blood splatters throughout the ramparts as I yell. "Ahhh!"

Some of my tears fall from my cheeks.

The swords then return to their original position, hovering around me.

What an annoying skill, if I interrupt the dancing forms then all of the swords will jump at me.

I have to do something.

Out of desperation, I have to use my trump card. Though I only plan to use this as little as I can to conserve mana but I don't have much choice.

I shouldn't hold back now.

I gather my strength and then cast my legendary skill [ Tentacular Demons] !

[-1000 MP]

A mysterious force wells up inside of me.

My shadow turns pitch black. It surprises Shira which causes her to step back. "Myla! So you have succumbed to darkness?! Then I shall slay you here. First form, sword dance, bunny!"

Two swords from the right fly up and then lunge in my direction. Pitch black tentacles emerge from the ground and swat them away.

The sword is dropped and lands on the ground, clanking.

It's impressive to see that this skill managed to interrupt the dance of the sword arena.

Looks like there is hope! I might be able to escape in this way.

But it's hard for me to focus. The pain is getting into me.

Afterward, all of the swords then point at me and whizz to my location, the same number of tentacles emerge to block all of them. Each of the swords then falls helplessly to the ground.

Since this skill will only work for 10 minutes, I need to escape as fast as I can.

I then limp to escape from Shira.

"Hey wait!" She yells.

The dark shadow on the ground follows me wherever I go. As long as it's there I think I will be protected by the tentacles.

I then leap off from the wall. Once I come close to the ground, the tentacles emerge to catch me and give me a safe landing.

Even if I'm slow, I shall continue on my path.



Seeing Myla using dark-affinity magic insults me. To think that someone from our world would fall so low.

I heard from the church that dark arts users succumb to the nature of evil. They will become even eviler as they gather more strength.

I don't want Myla to become a bigger threat and endanger the innocents.

I worry for her.

Also, since I'm the class president, it is my responsibility to slay her.

I have to get serious as well.

With those wounds, she won't be able to escape far.

For now, perhaps, I shall report to the others.



I'm losing too much blood. I can't even run. As I limp, I then fall on one knee, coughing.

Several Templar Knights appear around me. They are riding stallions and are charging fiercely. They ready their long spears and then aim at me. "Surrender yourself, Vampire!"

Seeing I don't have such intentions they dismount their horses and approach me cautiously.

Upon coming close, several tentacles emerge, grab them like rag dolls, and snap their body. They are then brought down in front of me.

[Bloody bite:

Consume blood of the target to steal 1% of their stats and recover HP]

My mind is all muddled up. The only thing that goes into my mind is blood.

Because I am about to faint, I then use my fangs and sink them on their necks.

[HP: 400/12000]

[+100 HP ]

[+100 HP]




My HP is rising and the wounds on my back are vanishing. I also acquired some stats from the Knights.

[+1 Strength

+1 Defense

+1 Agility...]

[HP: 12000/12000]

[+5 Strength

+6 Defense

+ 3 Mind

+ 3 Tolerance

+4 Stamina]

Right now, I feel confused since I recovered my senses after drinking some blood.

What am I even doing out here?

Looking at my hands, there is a lot of bloodstains. And this ain't even mine. There are a lot of them splattered on my robe and my body.

Regardless, I think I just killed more humans. Sheesh, it looks like I'm a certified murderer now.


Level up!


Level: 56]

[Bloody Ritual Progress: 10/100]

[New skill unlocked: Bloody Guard]

Oh, a new skill!

Reading the description, it seems to be a useful skill for defense.

Regardless, I consumed the blood of nine knights and don't even feel some guilt.

I want to brood right here but I think it's pointless.

It looks like I have to abandon my humanity and embrace who I really am.

I stand up with determination and continue on my path. I shall leave this place alive and I don't care who I have to hurt just to be with Sena and the others.

If I have to kill them then so be it.

Afterward, some of my classmates have arrived. It surprises me.



My name is Leon. I'm also part of the leader of the expedition team to the Malvis Forest. My job is to take care and look out for my classmates.

Before we were summoned into this world, I was the class secretary. Whenever the president is busy, I'm the person who relays the information and act as the substitute leader. You could say I'm the class president's servant.

I'm not particularly smart but I'm a hardworking individual who can do anything once I put my mind into it.

During the officer's lazy seasons I do the paper works for them.

I've always wanted everyone to be happy and friends to each other but lots of things happened.

Verni's sacrifice feels wrong but I think it was the only choice. I commend the president since she took all the responsibility.

As for Myla, she is always alone.

I want to approach and talk to her but it seems the president won't allow any of us ever since they argued.

I heard rumors of Myla that she is an agent of darkness, a demon or a monster from the church. All sorts of names that I cannot believe. She is still my dear classmate and also one of my crushes after all.

However, right now, it seems the Myla now may not be the Myla I once knew.

We got a report from the president that Myla used a dark affinity spell.

It's hard to believe it since it's one of the most forbidden things in this world.

Back then, she is always cheerful and friendly. She is not the type to break the rules.

However, going outside the walls of Thermiz, the Myla before me is a different person. It seems what they said is true.

Standing before the bloodied corpses of the knights is a woman stained with blood. Her eyes are fierce and threatening.

Myla became a monster.