The Revival

I have no idea where Levia ran off to since I need some assistance. But oh well, I have to settle this myself.

After all these years, I finally acquired the Golden Potion and I tried to duplicate it with my skill.

However, the duplicated Golden Potion has a brownish tinge. The reduction in quality was far too great. Usually, the duplication of the target object quality would be indistuishable. Such as this Health Potion that the clone city created.

In these years, I assigned some clones to deal with alchemy research.

I levelled up to this extent and I'm almost nearing maximum. However, the Golden Potion is a sensitive solution that even a slight reduction of quality will have an exponential effects to its quality and properties.

I try assessing the duplicated potion.

[Golden Potion [Failed]

Description: Null ]

God, a 2% reduction in quality makes it worthless. I guess, I should expect this. It won't be a legendary potion I guess if it's that easy to mass produce.

Since I also have one shot, I would split this potion into two. But according to my system, one drop is enough to revive someone from near death and a bottle of it to revive someone from the dead.

I think I have to pull them out fast.

I activate the skill, [Temporal Bag]. A rift in space opens up, in which it ejected Ren and Vermil to the floor. Their sudden appearance was a shock for me.

Ren with his ragged ghoul body is flashing into transparency, it seems his soul is only few seconds away from death's gate door, and the worn out Vermil is the same. Mana is leaking from her gut.

I shiver as a flash of memory screams in my mind.

That hopeless day, it's as though I'm reliving it--- but now is not the time to just despair.

I take a deep breath. Afterward, I quickly administer one drop to Vermil and most of it to Ren.

I hope this will work.

To my surprise, the wound on Vermil is healing, while Ren on the other hand is regenerating her muscles, nerves and her organs.

Ren will become alive, huh? I wonder what he will look like. He probably look like the typical large courageous paladin.

This makes me curious.

However, as Ren regains her body things goes for the wrong turn than from what I expected. His body becomes slender and fats are piling up on his chest.

This is-- a womans body!

When Ren finally regenerated, I can see a tall woman with a silver hair. Her broad shoulders and stature complemented her status as a warrior. Regardless, she is still beautiful like a westerner actress. Though she has this tough facial aura.

More importantly...

She is naked. Well, looking at her body isn't illegal right?

Taking a peek, her breasts are curved magnificently to be plump and attractive, with her smooth waist running down to her mature hips. She looks flawless. So this is what's a woman's body looks like. My virgin ass finally got to see one.

It was a shock to learn that Ren was a woman. I mean her voice as a ghoul was deep and terrifying voice of a guy. How would I know since she would sound like that without her vocal chords formed?

Regardless, it seems she is fine and breathing. She is warm as well. The operation is a success!

For now, I will put some blanket on her. I can't get distracted by her right now.

As for Vermil, she is not breathing. I gasp in shock. I come close to her side and assess her.

Then a system opens up in front of my face.

[Essential Clone Detected...]


[Clone Revival Incomplete...]

[Clone Soul Status: 40/100]

Clone soul status?

As I remember, when I created Vermil I sacrificed my EXP and some stats. Perhaps, this was converted to become her soul.

"System! You can take my EXP and stats again."



[The user's current mind level prevents the soul conversion process]


Does that mean that I'm too powerful now that I resist the system conversion process?

As I remember, the process was very painful to my mind. It felt like my brain was rotting.

My body must have thought it was harmful, huh?


I fall on my knees from despair, clenching my fists thinking on what to do.

Perhaps, I should just look for a soul substitute. Maybe I can find one from monsters.


I gasp in surprise for my eureka moment.

Now that I remember, the mythical general monsters were dropping something.

I think they were called as Monster Essence. After grabbing one from my inventory, I place it on top of my hand. It floats and glows like a spirit orb. I'll try this one.

[Valkeryun Essence]

Valkeryun Essence is a dark affinity type. It will be perfect for Vermil who only uses dark affinity skills. Perhaps, I can substitute this as a spirit.

I can't even touch it like its solid but it responds to my touch.

This is definitely a soul or spirit of some sort! I will apply it now into her body.

Perhaps pushing it into her chest might work.

Afterward, the system is responding.

Checking compatibility...]


[Converting Essence into an Essential's soul...]

[Clone's Soul Status: 100/100]


[Converting Essential Clone into an Organic Life form...]


[Process Completed!]

Her chest then rises and falls naturally. It seems Vermil is now breathing. It isn't my imagination when Vermil smiled faintly while sleeping.

I can't help but jump in joy.

This is amazing! I can't believe it worked!

[The essence of the general monster contains DNA that the system will try to replicate. Also, Stat points will be increased x3 and the stat max capacity will be increased x2 for the Essential Clone]

[The Essential clone gains the title of Dark Dragon Seed!]

[+Level up...

+Level up...



Level 420! ]

[x3 Stat points]

[Name: Vermil Millas


Worldly Titles: Child of Darkness, Fearless Assassin, Expert Ghoul Slayer, Vanquisher...


Level: 420

Health points: 36,580,000/36,580,000

Mana points: 3,440,800/3,440,800


Strength: 4500

Agility: 5500 (Maxed)

Defense: 2800

Stamina: 3403

Wisdom: 2400

Mind: 3800

Tolerance: 2700 ]

What's more, it seems these monster essence can turn my Essential Clone into an organic life form. Very interesting since Vermil have blood and flesh now.

I'll just put their equipments here so they can find it later.

I will start with Ren. This one is uni-sexual gear so it might fit her with her stature. The legendary void armor was found when we were fighting Minogaurus. It's also under my dark spell enchantment, which is why its oozing in dark aura.

This is a high-level armor that becomes tougher as it receives damages. It's the perfect apparel for Ren since I have a feeling she loves to be the tank of the group. I also enchanted it to the maximum with the Magnus stones I have so its stats are maxed out.

[Void Armor: The 50% of the damage received is turned into defense

Rarity: Legendary

Level: 300

+700 Defense]

Also, the excalibur. I can't seem to modify or enchant it. This is a mythical weapon that's beyond my capabilities. It can cut through everything depending on the user even space itself.

I wonder what that even means.

As for Vermil, she will have the daggers used by the strongest assassin of the ancients, the [Vanquisher Blades]. She defeated them after all so she deserves this reward.

After all, I tried using them once and I had a nightmare. It contains a lot of souls. Its existence is very terrifying.

It seems with enough mastery, the user can use the abilities of its previous users, which is quite powerful. And it gets stronger as it absorbs its enemies' souls.

I have to lend her an armor as well from my inventory.

This one is fine. [Valkeryun Light Armor]. A slightly modified version of my Valkeryun Armor. Its lighter and offer a lot of stats and resistances.

After I was done, I yawn after a good work, perhaps, I'll let them rest here for now. If only I had a good bed in which they can rest on.

Afterward, a shake reverberated through out the tower. It feels like it came from the outside.

What's going on?!

Flowey appears behind me. "My lord, bad news, intruders!"


A white rift in space opens up, several humanoid tough lizards appears through it. This rift comes from a higher realm of the planes. The lizard warriors hold sophisticated looking spears made of silver. They look like warriors and appear threatening.

"Geh, it's what the rumors say, the air in the mundane plane stinks." Says one lizard man.

"Hehe, at least we are here. That Sagus will pay for sullying the Galkin's name." Says another.

Levia is hovering over with them with an expression that they are not welcome. "Tar, Kem, why are you lot here?"

The lizards look up and see her.

"Oh Leviathan, your work is over. Mother is calling for you." Says a taller one from the crowd.

Levia yells in desperation, losing her composure, "quit lying! We all know doesn't care about us! All she cares about are consolidating power. I have to decided to never return."

"It seems you are still the same brat even for centuries, huh? Just when mother was kind enough to forgive you for your rude behaviour. You know what's the punishment for leaving the family?" His eyes gleams red in bloodlust.

Levia gasps as though she knows she's done for.


I have to escape from here! I can't possibly defeat them for being deteriorated in the mundane plane.

As I am about to turn away, a galkin who looks like myself blocks my path. Though this one looks younger than me and has a wider set of wings. She crosses her arms with a smug as she does so.

She is my annoying sister.

"I can't let you pass, you traitor."

"Who are you calling a traitor?!"

Several dark shadow serpents appears from the air, right behind me like tentacles. It grips on my neck and chokes me harshly. Its grip getter tighter every second.

This is her ability. I have to do something!

I can't let these guys meet my Lord. With the bridge to my land opened, it's impossible to close it. It's only a matter of time before this place gets destroyed.

The siblings that they sent are powerful warriors to counter the Overlords in the mundane plane. My lord will have a hard time against them.

My sister flies close to me with a jeering grin, "hey, did you know sister? You probably think we came for you because you think mother wants you to return? Don't make me laugh! It was just out of consideration. We are here to impart our judgement on the Eastern Overlord. Now tell us where that bastard is."