The Old Team vs the Galkin Army


"My lord be careful!"

Levia tells me through my clones. The clones relay the information for us like a telephone.

"Levia, I will be fine. More importantly, how do I remove the portal?"

Levia takes a few seconds to respond. Something tells me it's not possible.

"Only those from the otherside can undo it. I think you have to force them to close it. If only I have my limbs, I can go through the portal and undo it."

"Then what if I enter the portal?"

"It won't be possible. This is a portable enchanted by my siblings that those only of Galkin can access it. Please forgive me my lord, this is all my fault. If only I was aware that the barrier in this Dungeon is weakening, I shouldn't have formed a pact and it notified my family."


Now I understand. The pact that we formed must probably sent some sort of update that notified her family. It wasn't a problem back then on Sagus time but now it is.

Once this is over, I should find a way where she can block her toxic family for good.

"My lord you have to hurry. There are more exemplary warriors even more powerful than Tar. I doubt you will be able to defeat them, especially that our family numbers are in hundred thousands."

They number a thousands? Their family can just be a country.

So her mother is like an ant queen, I assume, huh?

Judging from her voice, Levia is panicking. She must have felt uncomfortable with her family around.

"Levia, just stay there and watch, I'll take care of this!"

Using [Character Division], I created several clones, which I directed to charge to the Galkins.

In a flash, the clones heads got decapitated. They all got taken out, huh?

They must haven't seen it but I did.

[Ray: Level 652

Galkin Assassin]

This guy is a hundred higher than my level, but I can catch up with his monstrous speed.

Due to the ember, he's now faster and more determined. He swings his four blades swiftly in which I fly up to dodge it.

I use a wind magic spell to blow the ember gas away but it quickly returns filling the empty space.

"My lord, the ember essence won't be easily get cleared out by the wind. It's an absolute bounded spell that follows its caster everywhere." Says Levia through my clone.

I see.

Four Galkin warriors swoop at me in lightning speed with their spears infused with red aura filled with malice.

"Die!" They yell.

Taking the Valkeryun blade from my inventory, I apply [Cursed Flames] upon it. And I utilize the special skill of my weapon, [Dark Catastrophy].

With one swing of the blade, dark shockwaves are sent around us causing the four Galkin soldiers to become ashes, only to be blown by the wind.

[Dark Catastrophy: Sends out a catastrophic wave that can instantly destroy the opponent, but only works to enemies that can be defeated by one strike ]

Ray jumps at me again, this time he is motivated by anger. "How dare you kill our brothers!"

"Ray! Return immediately!" Says Tar from the distance.

Ray stops from his tracks after hearing his brother and returns to Tar's side.

Well, it was a wise decision since if he didn't retreat, he would've died there.

Tar slowly walks to my position while brandishing his spear.

"It's quite a surprise that you can still see and overpower us in the Ember despite your essence is lower than mine."

Essence? Does he refer to levels?

"Your little theatrics won't work on me." I respond.

Tar laughs as though he is fooling around. "To be honest, I'm impressed. I will give you a chance to renew the pact. This time it will come from the Galkin empire representatives."

"You don't have to make me repeat myself. I stand by Levia's side. Nothing can change that."

Tar grins cunningly. "Such a shame. Looks like I have no choice." He snaps his finger. One Galkin behind him nods and proceeds to approach the portal."

Don't tell me that he's going to bring more reinforcements!

With [Break Dash], I plant my feet first and accelerated to the portal. I'm gonna get close to the portal so I can destroy it for good.

Several giant snakes forming a wall appear from the ground. They stand as tall as the building looming over me, hissing.

"King's Wall!" Tar declares. This seems to be his ability. They don't look like ordinary snakes since they have scaley armors and they seem fierce.

They thrust their fangs towards my direction which I quickly cartwheeled backwards until I'm on a safe distance. They didn't pursue me since the snakes seem to be stuck on the ground.

Looks like they won't let me interfere while the Galkins are pouring out from the portal one by one.

But I have no time for those damn snakes!

Using Cursed Flames, I plan to release a strong magical output. The target is the snakes wall.

At first its a small circular dark energy the size of marble, it then greatly increases in size and gets shoot out at immense speed. After it hits the wall, it creates an explosion the size of a school gym.

A quake and a gust of wind followed. The snakes are reduced to a mess of blood and entrails.

"Well, that was an impressive spell, but it's too late."

How annoying!

The area is almost filled with thousands of Galkin warriors levelling to almost a 700. Each of them will be tough and don't feel ordinary. I just blinked and I didn't realize there was already an army of them.

Also, there is something that bothers me, a larger Galkin with his head is poking over the portal. It had an armor and its presence is frightening.

I use [Scan] and it shows his level,

[Galkin Elite: Level 802]

Level 802? You have to be kidding me!

The larger level Galkin looks around and half of his body has already passed through the portal."What a repulsive air! I guess I have to be qui--"

Before he can finish his sentence, the portal shakes, then afterwards, it gets cuts into half and it vanishes, thus the Galkin warrior died before he has the chance to pass the portal.

I can't believe my eyes on what I saw. It is Ren standing with determination with her Excalibur. She smiles towards my direction. "I came here to see what the fuss is all about. You look like in a big trouble. Looks like you saved me again Verni, so I have to pay you back."

"Ren!" I say.

I can't believe it, she managed to cut the portal with her sword. As expected of the Excalibur user. It can cut anything even space after all.

In an instant Ray leaps out, he then readies his katanas as he dashes to my direction. "Brother, if we can at least kill the Overlord before more of his comrades return!"

"Ray! What are you doing?! Stop it!"

But before he can come close, Vermil leaps between us. She spins her daggers between her fingers before she blocks the blades effortlesly. "Brother! I have returned!"

I gasp in glee, "Vermil! Welcome back."


Looks like I came just in time.

Also Verni got himself into trouble with these higher form of creatures and I have to help him out.

Regardless, I can't believe he managed to return me to human and undo the curse Sagus did. Also, somehow it increased my strength and capabilities.

Also, I miss being human. It feels weird being able to breath and experience some warmth.

Geez, I can't count how much I owe this guy.

For now, I will have to take care of these guys.

The Galkin Warriors slowly surround me. They draw their spears and aim at me.

"Curse you human! Look what you did to our spell bridge!"

"Human? You're kidding. Then one of us is enough to kill her."

"Be careful. She managed to cut the portal with her sword. No one has done that before. She isn't probably a ordinary human."

I chuckle mockingly. "Looks like at least one of you has a brain. "

"You speak cockily despite being a human. Get her!"

Now that I'm no longer an undead, I don't need to hold back from using my Light Magic. Especially, since these guys have a dark affinity, I have the advantage.

I will try using a hundred percent of my holy magic. My blade erupts in light energy, even shaking the ground just by casting the spell.

It's amazing how my blade feels heavy that it might explode any moment.

I swing my sword towards the Galkin warriors, "holy judgement!" A burst of light are released by my swing. Slashing everything in its path. The entire poor Galkin soldiers are reduced into the molecular level, while the flying light slash have no signs of stopping.

"Oops, looks like I messed up."


Ugh! What the hell is she doing?

That flying slash is very powerful and filled with large amounts of energy.

It's even coming into our direction.

I call out to Vermil. "Vermil! Jump!"

Vermil does as what I tell her and I leap up as well.

Tar and Ray look over their shoulder. Tar quickly swooped to Ray and grabbed him. His leg got cut off by the flying slash. "Damn it!" He cursed.

Now that they are on the air, I think it's time I shall finish them off.

Using my strongest fire affinity skill, I cast [Super Novae]. A fire ball grows on my palm slowly from a dot to the size of a mansion. It takes a lot of my mana but I don't need to hold back against them.

I appear before them in a flash and throw this at them. Hitting Tar and Ray, he flies away with my sun attack and gets caught up in a giant explosion the size of a mountain. "Brother!" Ray yells as he too gets caught up by the explosion.

Finally, the ember vanishes.

The air and the ground shakes blowing everyone away. However, Teria survived.

Teria is surprised after seeing the Galkin army gets annhilated easily. She grits her teeth in rage and clenches her fists. "Damn you Overlord! I'll end you and everything you hold dear in this dungeon! Hahaha"

Inside her body, she is concentrating her mana and it grows steadily until it becomes denser and denser.

Is that what I think it is?

Damn it, she is turning herself in a bomb to destroy the Dungeon Core. She is quite crazy.

Vermil quickly leaps at her, she readies her daggers and targets her. "I won't let you!"

She uses her skill, [Omni-Present Killer], she multiplies into a hundred and becomes so fast she becomes a streak of lines, slashing her body into a tiny bits, until she's gone completely.

That was impressive. Her skill has gotten even more powerful than before.

Also there was another concern.

Ren's slash went past us and continued whizzing through the air, destroying the clone city as well as my tower and it never stopped.

The slice continue forth, until it strikes the wall that surrounds the domain, shaking the dungeon. The sky from the domain ceiling darkens.

It looks like the magic circuit operating the sky illusion on the dungeon was damaged as well.

That sword is quite crazy since it managed to cut off the spiritual circuits. Having a sword that is able to cut anything is quite inconvenient if used improperly.

That damn Ren!

Ren laughs it off nonchalantly. "Oops, looks like I messed up. Hehe."

"Ren! I can't believe you! Do you know how long it took for me to set it up?"

Not to mention she killed half of my clones, including the one that was holding Levia. I hope she's unharmed.

I show my palm with dark flames fiercely burning on top of it. With an intimadating look, I look down upon her. "Ren, it's punishment time!

"I told you. I messed up didn't I?" She sighs. "If that's how you wanna play it then catch me first." She runs away playfully.

"Wait the hell up Ren!" I fly towards her to chase her. "I don't care if you're a woman, I'm still gonna knock you over."