Who are you?


I'm not sure what's going on. Should I feel relieved that you're still alive?

I'm very confused.

Every night before I go to sleep, I keep remembering how I killed you. The guilt keeps haunting me that I even get nightmares.

It has been 2... no 3 years and it seems you joined the forces of evil.

I always thought of you as the compassionate person back then...

I'm sure it was during lunch time, she suddenly stormed on the classroom and approach me to my desk. She was angry and confronted me.

"Class president, Alfred and the boys have been bullying Verni and some of our classmates. I want you to do something about this! Perhaps, this is why he no longer talks to me."

"You told me this few weeks ago right? I already reported this to the teacher and they will solve this accordingly." I say as I write something on my desk.

"If we wait for our teacher to do something I bet nothing will happen unless we catch them in the act. Sarah can attest to that since she said she saw Verni being bullied in the garden."

The pen stops jotting on the paper. I look at her with annoyance. "Myla, I understand your concern. If you want to do something about it give me proof! As you can see, I'm busy. Or are you just upset that you lost in winning the favors of our classmates?"

Lara and her friends begin to take notice. They begin to murmur.

"Sarah? That fat bitch, who would even believe her, hahaha!" Says one classmate.

"Ah, Myla is always the complainer. She just ruins this room's peace."

"She probably just uses Verni as an excuse to cause trouble and complain to the class pres, and right now even Sarah."

"Hehe, what else could it be?"

Myla clicks her lips. She storms off after kicking a chair which surprises the room.

"Woah, scary."

"Just because she has the looks she thinks she's the boss around here."

"I feel bad for the class pres."

She was always like that. She has the tendency to be destructive whenever things don't go in her way. Pretending to be compassionate but in her core, she is just like a rebellious teenager or a troublemaker.

I never thought you would go this far and become someone else entirely. You went from someone who I could root for to someone I find revolting.

Everything she did, the good deeds she did was just a mask. She pretends to be the saint of the class while having bad intentions. In the case of Verni, she was just using him as an excuse so she can complain against how I run things around, and also having the high moral ground. But it backfired and now it led to this.

She and I had almost the same number of votes during our class election and I only won by 2 votes from the class. Her hate against me probably stemmed from there.

I finally understand you Myla. You sly woman!

I chuckle as I make sense of the situation, "Myla, it seems you are still alive. I am shocked. It seems I understand your reason in doing this."

She just stands their silently.

I snicker, "when I slew you last time, I thought I understood you. Trying to save everyone and caring for them. Yes, Sena's death was sad but we expected to risk our lives when we got transported into this chaotic world. Besides, it was of her own will to save the village without notifying me."

Myla is just standing there listening, I'm not sure what she is thinking but I have to get my point across.

"What I am trying to say is, Myla you were never a good person. In your core you are evil! I regretted mourning for you when I killed you back then. My hunch back then was correct. You are someone who should be erased from this world for the sake of peace!"

Now that I know Myla is an enemy from my heart. I shouldn't hold back. I will make sure she will die this time!

My [Absolute Judgement] will take in full effect since I fully know that my heart now identifies her as an enemy, thus I will be able to slay her.

"Explain yourself Myla, if you are not as what I say you are, why are you joining with an evil cult?!" I charge at her then swing down upon her, in which she quickly leaps back to evade it.

The ground crumbles upon impact from my swing.

Good, it seems I can keep up with her.

While she is in mid-air, I cast a skill, [Worldly Slash], an agile flying slash that is effective at dealing with monsters while also disorienting them.

Myla moves her head to the side and thus dodging the slash, however the hood got torn as the slash passes by her cheek.

Upon her landing, her wavy smooth violet hair flutter on the wind. Her eyes are sharp and set at me. Seeing her up close, Myla's facial features resembles that of a vampire with her pair of fangs on her lips. She has gotten very pale as well.

"Well then Myla! What do you have to say for yourself?"

To my surprise, she isn't annoyed. She changed a lot I see. Not just on her looks but her attitude. Last time, there was a lot of hesitation and uneasiness in her eyes when we fought, now, her determination is as solid as steel.

However, seeing her true nature I will have no regret cutting her down for good.

Myla displays a faint smile as though mocking me. "Naive as always. You know, I envy you class pres."

It's unusual to hear her talk this direct. I prepare myself.

"Myla, if you had problems with me a while back then you should have told me. We could have discussed privately, but it is too late."

"No, I'm not talking about that. Honestly, I no longer care about the past and I only see the future. And the future is--" She pauses her lips with a brief malicious chuckle. "With the end of the church and the northerners that you seek to protect."

"Curse you Myla! It looks you like you have succumbed to the darkness fully. I will erase you." I pose to strike from rage but it seems she is not done talking.

Myla snorts as though dismissing my words. "That's the part I envy about you Shira. You think the world functions so simply? Good vs evil? How naive, it took me a year just to think about it and it brought me to a conclusion."

I focus on her words. "What do you mean?"

"Of course, with the death of the north. They are the true evil from this world."

"Myla, you have gone insane!"

"No, I'm still sane."

"Ridiculous you know how important the church is in maintaining the peace of the continent. If not for it, darkness will spread out and plague across the land. Demons will find a way to invade the mundane realm."

Myla chuckles at first then bursts out laughing menacingly like a madman. "Hahaha!" After her laugh, she sighs as though finding me childish. Her eyes show that she seems crazy. "Shira, didn't you know? Those bastards are already here?"

I eye the flying man with a suit on the sky carrying the alchemist. I gasp after realizing that person is very likely a demon, especially with those unusual horns and wings.

"Don't tell me, that's a demon?!" I stomp on my foot from anger. If one demon is here, how many are they in Munren? What are their plans?

The man flies close to Myla. "Oops Scarlet, you shouldn't relay information to the enemy that easily. Especially to the True Hero."

Myla snorts. "That should not be a matter, right? We'll eliminate each one of them here anyway." She says coldly without hesitation.

I grit my teeth from annoyance. I can't believe this girl has become ruthless. They probably can do that with their combined strength. Now, what shall I do? No doubt, Master and Leon will be in danger.

The demon with a suit has his ruby iris on the corner of his eyes, staring at something on the distance. "Looks like we got company."

Following their eyes, I was filled with relief. It's them! The Righteous Order!

My classmates and some of the Imperial Knights are riding on a griffon coming to our location. Their white and green designed banners of swords and shield are visible from the distance.

The priests riding the griffons starts to cast a holy light spell balls at Myla and the demon. They whizz back and forth to dodge each whilst leaving after-images, dodging them effortlessly.

"Oh my, holy magic users, looks like we are in deep trouble." Says the demon.

Looks like I'm saved.

Several Imperial Knights from my Order have arrived and form a barricade around me. They then face Myla and the demon with their spears drawn out. "Great Hero, we'll provide you back up."

"I'm grateful for you guys. The mission is to take that researcher from that demon."

The imperial soldiers are shocked to see a demon. After all, it's probably their first time since they weren't seen or heard of in the mundane planes.

"10 more ants won't change anything." Says the demom casually. Just when the demon is about to raise his finger, Myla stops him from commencing his spell.

"Keith, you deal with the other heroes. I'll handle this."

The demon snorts slightly, "you seem to have grown conceited Myla. You don't seem to understand your position."

"You are free to dismiss what I said, but if we fight the heroes here, we might get in each other's way."

The demon laughs lightheartedly. "Haha, fine, you make a fair point. But be sure to be quick. You got some bandits to catch after all after this."

The demon turns into a shadow and then vanishes with the researcher. I was about to go after him but his presence is already gone. Besides, Myla is in our way. It seems she won't let us through.

The middle-aged Imperial Knight Captain beside me gets startled. "Isn't this the vampire from Aren who were summoned with the heroes?"

"Who?" Says a younger knight.

"She is the rumored hero who the church predicted will become an evil being. The one who will devour humanity. I guess you haven't seen her since you were still a squire at that time."

I say to the knights with domineering voice, "It's true that she used to be one of us but that's no longer the case. This woman killed several knights and assaulted our holy priestess. This is a terrifying enemy, I suggest everyone to stand back!"