The Duality

The knights didn't listen to me and leave their ground. They still have that determined look to take down Myla. This is bad. These people don't stand a chance against her, I should deal with her alone.

"Forgive us Great Hero, but it is our duty to assist you in anyway. Even if you use us a meat shields it doesn't matter as long as we can be of use."

"That's right." Even the new young Knight who is just 16 years old won't fall back.

This is ridiculous! I wouldn't let these people to die pointlessly.

It happened in a flash, as two heads rolled quickly in front of me. Its the head of the two knights.

The remaining Knights shiver and yell seeing Myla severed their head with her sharp fingernails. "Sorry to interrupt your mellow conversation Shira, but I have some quota to follow."

She continue lurching on others whilst also feeding on their blood. I can't believe it Myla is faster than I had expected. She slashes them one by one close to me.

In those 3 years what did she do that she managed to surpass me? It's inconcievable!

Even the young knight who remains among them, charges blindly to Myla while crying in desperation. "Damn you shitty vampire! This is for my captain!"

"Sorry." Myla says coldly before slicing his body vertically with her fingernails. Blood smears out as entrails pond over the ground.

I gasp seeing the dead bodies of the Knights. I recognize these people even though I'm not directly acquianted but I often seen them in ceremonies and patrols. It feels to unreal seeing people die in front of you, especially since they are from my Order.

It just happened in a blink of an eye that I was too shocked to move and defend them.

Knights who have fallen, lend me your strength so I can defeat the evils in this world!

"Myla! Curse you! How can you kill these kind people so easily?!"

With [Heroic Courage] my motivation is converted into strength, agility and mind. It's highly effective when the user is in an emotional stage. Especially, when I'm experiencing these heavy rage and mourning.

Feeling my strength welling up inside me. Using my blade, I charge quick at Myla. Using skills one after another, throwings swings at her direction. She just uses the tentacular demons to deflect my attacks. Even though I'm trying to get close to her, I can't catch up with her speed.

With one swing, I manage to slice several houses across, destroying a portion of the city. However, despite how good my attacks are none are landing at her.

You can say she thinks nothing of my attacks.

Myla talks in the middle of the fight, "kind people? You have to be joking. These knights who swore their fealty to the king pillaged villages and massacred innocents. I saw first hand how cruel they were when they waged war on Tharlin. Some women were raped and men were tortured."

"You're wrong. These knights are new and nothing had to do with it. They are under my command. You know nothing Myla!"

"I know nothing?" Myle says with her eyes covered under her hairline. It seems she is pissed.

In a split of a second, threatening aura crawl on my skin as though it something malicious and massiva was about to eat me. I guess it's Myla skill that I barely managed to resist. It's only thanks to my [Absolute Courage] that I'm able to think clearly.

"Class pres, you know idea how much I went through just to get here!" Myla says in a cracking voice with his face contorting from anger.

On that second that I focus on resisting it, Myla came up to my side. She grabs my arm and rips it off with her claws, causing me to grit my teeth in anguish.

Damn it! That got me by surprise!

My blood smeared out as the sound of my bones and flesh crack hard.

[-20,000 HP]

[Open wound has been detected on the user]

[Tenacious [Passive Skill] in effect

+50 HP per second

+50 MP per second]

Due to my passive skill, I will be able to resist the pain from my wounds for thirty minutes.

I drop on my knees panting as I try to recover. I can't believe Myla took my left arm which was holding my sword. Right now, I'm defenseless. The possibility of my victory rests whether she would let me regain my health and mana levels.

"Ahhh!" I yell from pain, feeling the anguish from losing on arm.

It's incredibly painful!

Just how ridiculously strong has she became? What did she do in these 3 years that she even surpassed me who has the Crystal of Bravery? This doesn't make any sense.

"That was for slicing my arm back then. Looks like I repaid my debt."

I take a deep breath just to talk. "Myla, do you find any necessity in destroying the church? Without the church there will be chaos. I warn you for the last time before doing this."

Myla throws the severed arm like it was garbage. She then faces me to talk to me. "Yeah right, I know nothing. Class pres, you are naive. This world would be better without the church."

"What do you mean?"

"Class pres, I'm not as shallow as you think that I only do this for the sake of revenge. Rather, this is the best course of action for the peace in this continent."

"You're not making any sense. As someone who came from earth you should know how important religion is to us humans. I mean I was a devout Christian on earth."

My parents attitudes as church goers and strict obeyers of the rules influenced me a lot since childhood.

Myla says calmly, "well, then we are similar. I go to church every sunday as well so I can accompany my aunt. However, you should know that these people who run the church can also succumb to corruption and sin. Especially, we are in this world and our beliefs from earth have nothing to do with this. I have witnessed it multiple times class pres."

I don't want to listen but I have no choice but to engage in conversation with her just so I can wait for my wound to heal.

"The western continent used to be populated area centuries ago. There were also peace and less racism among the citizens in the entire continent. This peace was ensured due to the division of equal powers between the four overlords in each regions. However, due to the church cunning set-up, the three Overlords fell apart one by one, thus Jerome who holds the church can control the continent for himself."

"You're saying some ridiculous things Myla. Sagus was sealed by a demon-lord, Melanie went missing but some say she is still alive and Kaveris deserved it because he was evil. Kaveris was being an asshole to the western region."

"Sagus, huh? I think it's true that it was a demon-lord. However, the demon-lord and the church made a deal to seal him."

"That's impossible. Where's your proof for that?"

"Proof, huh? Well, I just asked someone who knows him very well. As for Kaveris, I disagree with him being evil."

"What is there to disagree? Kaveris made the western countries fight each other, holding tournaments as though it was a game. He set up rules among nations, gave the winners rewards such as powerful magic weapons, lands or otherworldly treasures. Due to his system on the west, wars were frequent even if unnecessary. Thus there was a lot of pointless deaths for his amusement."

"Shira look around you. The western countries became so powerful due to the magic items and weapons Kaveris reward for them. When Kaveris got sealed, there was nothing to hold back these nations, thus they went for an all out war using everything they had until nothing was left. Kaveris was an important pillar for the west, without him, the region also fell."

"Myla, how could you support someone so morally misaligned? It was Kaveris' mistake to lend magic weapons to irresponsible humans in the first place."

"That I agree, Kaveris made a big miscalculation, I mean the kingdom of Aren and the northern countries can't bear seeing the western countries getting powerful. All they had to do was send the church forces to the west under the pretense that Kaveris is an insane overlord. It was perfect since some of the western countries also supported the church to take down Kaveris." Myla approaches me as she stares down at me, "if that's what you call good then I'm fine being evil."

She raises her sharp fingernails. If she swings it, perhaps I might lose my head.

This is bad, I'm not ready yet for a fight.

"It was nice knowing you Class pres." She says coldly with an apathetic look.

Just when she is about to slash me, a giant wooden doll resembling a toy appear behind her, hitting her on the side with a large hammer, causing her to fly and slam several walls.

A flying wooden bird descends close to me. Several of my classmates come down and rush towards me to aid me.

There are 6 of them in total.

"Class pres!"

"What happened? Who is the enemy?"

They look shocked seeing my missing arm which is just a bloody limp. They recovered my severed arm somewhere and tied it over my limp with some bandages.

Rendon is tall guy with brown hair. He has a spear and medium class red leather armor. He is the system user of [Smith Master: Level 90]. He can forge, upgrade, combine, repair any weapons depending on his level.

Rendon is getting impatient as he ties the bandages. "Damn it, we need a healer for this."

"Where is Julius?" I ask.

The averagely sized girl with curly green hair lowers her head as she says, "forgive us class pres, we left the vice to fight the demon alone since we needed to help you. He was pretty strong for us."

Her name is Kezia, she is the system user of the [Spirit Wielder: Level 83], she can communicate with spiritual beings and even have the ability to cast spiritual magic.

I have doubts whether Julius can do it but there is no one is better than him. I guess, I have to trust him.

A giant guy with two silver axe hanging on his back with leather axeholders, looks at the distance. His name is Nathan [Log Axe Berserker: Level 121]. He is one of the strongest system users among our classmates. In which I am being the highest to be around [True Hero: Level 152].

"Class pres, looks like the enemy is here."

Everyone gets surprised when Myla comes closer and revealed herself.

They shiver upon seeing her.

"Myla, it can't be! She's alive?" Says Kezia shocked.

However, Nathan sharpens his eyes being wary at her. "Myla! No doubt, it's her!"

This time it was my turn to get shocked. Myla smiles naturally, she waves at us as she approach us. "Hey everyone, looks like we met after 3 long years huh? Could you please step aside? I have something to discuss with the class pres."

No doubt, that expression and lively voice. It's the Myla from 3 years ago or is she putting an act?