The Confused Demon


Myla, why is she alive? We saw her corpse on the funeral. Was she revived or something by black magic? Ressurection is possible in this world?

Regardless of the answer, looks like she more dangerous now and her presence is different. It's giving my chills.

"Myla, what business do you have with the president?"

"Not much. I'm just gonna slit her throat. It would be better if I can sip her blood as well."

The six of us are shocked from what we heard. We all knew at that point this person is no longer the Myla we once knew.

Damn you!


Several minutes ago...

The seven of us teamed up to take down the demon with the suit that is blocking our path. We heard that the class president is in trouble.

However, the demon is beyond our capabilities. He thrashed us like we were nothing.

I was found on the back giving commands to the six of them.

In the past 2 years and several months, I was a tactician of the royal court in the Silvia. My suggestions were praised by the generals and even the king himself. Due to that, I got more access with the knowledge in this world even those that are kept from the public.

Especially, on what business this demon have this on Munren. Demons dwell on the higher plane of this world and cannot leave that location due to a certain debuff.

[Deterioration: A debuff that slowly decrease the level, quality and stats of the affected individual]

For now, I have to let my classmates fight and think of something.

Nathan the axe berserker, uses his dual wielding axe and enlargens it. He charges towards the demon while crumbling the floor with his every step.

[Berserked Axe: Increase the attack power of the axe by a square of itself]

Normally, it would even take down an A class General Monster with few hits but the demon blocks it with his fingers.

The demon chuckles, "are you really the heroes sent from the other world? How disappointing."

Rendon the [Forge Master: Level 90] appear above him for a sneak attack. He aims his spear and it catches on flames wrapped in violent lightning sparks. "Dual elemental special skill, fiery lightning jab!"

Rendon being the forge master, he applied an encantation on it allowing him to use magical skills on his weapons even if it isn't in his compatibility.

The demon eyes him as though he is nothing. "You think that is enough to take me down?"

The demon grab Nathan's neck and slam him upon Rendon, causing them to get thrown outward, falling on the ground.

The demon laughs, "that's it heroes from the other world, entertain me. Because once I get bored, I'll kill everyone of you!" He says coldly saying he means it.

We stand our ground as we surround him.

"This guy is tough."

"I can't assess his level or stats. He might be a very high level enemy, even higher than any of us."

"What should we do Julius?"

I use my ability [Mental Messenger]. Being the system user of the [Elven Arch-Lord: Level 130], I excel in light and mental type magic. Even those mental and light magics that are considered rare and lost magic.

With this I can telepathically send messages to my comrades, however it only works on a specific range. Looks like I can't connect with Shira or Garfurd yet.

Whatever, I tell them the entire plan.

My classmates smile after hearing them.

The demon just stands there calmly and with elegance, as though he is giving us time to plan. "Now are you done? Because your time is up." He lifts a smirk and raises his arm casting a dark spell on my classmate.

"Dark flow!" He mutters as a shadowy blob coalesce on his palm then dark spears rain upon Kezia.

Kezia gasps from worry and yells, "help!"

I quickly cast a spell around my classmate, [Holy Shield]. An advanced spell used by high ranking holy knights which is highly effective against monsters and dark affinity creatures.

The dark spears strikes the light dome barrier around her, leaving a crack and slowly it crumbles.

"Th-thank you Julius." She says feeling afraid.

I frown seeing the demons capabilities. No one has been able to break my Holy Shield until now. I can gauge this persons level. He should be around level 400. That's more than twice the president's level, just like the masked man from before.

The demon shows some slight concern. "A holy magic user, huh? How annoying." He then glares at me, as though putting all of his attention on me.

The demon is surprised seeing a magic circle below him, transparent chains and shackles appear on his body, and then afterward a transparent coffin swallowed his body.

From the distance, Kezia, a classmate user of the [Spirit Wielder] system is forming a triangle aimed at the demon. "Spiritual Coffin!" She yells.

[Spiritual Coffin]. A lost magic that is thought to be lost. This spell is an absolute restraining magic technique. It binds the enemy's movements and doesn't allow them to cast spells, nor are they able to break the spiritual shackles with raw strength. Most of all, it amplifies the magic attacks that are coming from the outside.

The demon tries to tug it out but it's no use as long as Kezia's gesture isn't disturbed. "Not bad." He is starting to get annoyed.

I call out to Rendon to do it.

Rendon nods, he holds his spear and changes the dial on his weapon. His weapon transforms to be a longer and thicker version of his spear made of gold and grey steel. "I transformed it into holy spear! Now, Nathan! I'll leave it up to you!"

Rendon's spear, the Universal Forged Spear can transform into different types of spear and would later on if his level becomes high enough can become a spear of the highest form from the legends.

He throws it on Nathan's direction. While it is in front of Nathan, he changes in size and grows to becomes a giant three times taller than usual. His skin turns red and his muscles grows as well. [Berserker's Fury]

Nathan holds the spear, then poses for a throw. Just by stepping on the ground causes it shatter and leave a depression. He is exponentially powerful now in this mode. He then throws it heavily. Just by his throw, we can feel the pressure from the air that it push us away.

The wind cause Kezia to lose balance thus losing the Spirit Coffin.

However it's too late. The holy spear combined with the Berserkers throw, we will definitely get him. But--- the demon isn't a bit concerned.

"Haha! That's a splendid plan but--" He turns into a dark shadow and vanish, causing the spear to miss.

Damn it!

He's gone!

Where is he?!

My eyes widen when I feel a heavy looming presence behind me. His cold sharp fingernail is touching my neck. "If the spiritual coffin wasn't cancelled you could have gotten me especially I won't be able to defend against a holy weapon." Says the demon coldly on my ear.

He's aiming for me now, huh?

My classmates gets concerned. They are about to approach me.

"Everyone stay where you are!" I say.

They grit their teeth.

"But Julius..." Rendon says.

Kezia looks worried. "Vice, forgive me. If only I was stronger to resist the gust."

"Don't Kez, it was my fault that your spell got cancelled, I'm sorry." Rendon says.

"Everyone, we have no time to argue on who's at fault. President might be in trouble. I need you to go after her." I say.

"But Vice, what about you?"

I smile with confidence, pushing my glasses on top of my nose bridge. "I will be fine. I will deal with this matter." I stare silently at Nathan and nod with a serious expression.

Nathan understands what I meant. He grabs Kezia's arm but she refyses to leave.

"But Nat, we can't leave our Vice here!" She says worrily.

"Kez, I understand what you mean but this is his way of being a man."


"Kezia! We can't let his sacrifce be in vain." Shouts Nathan. His eyes are hesitant but she knows he has to do it. She grits her teeth and lowers her head as though about to cry. "We already lost so much, first it was Myla, Sena, and everyone else."

Rendon grabs Kezia and carries her on his shoulder as he run away. "We have no time for drama Kez, I heard from Fenna that our President is in deep trouble. We have to go after her."

When Kezia is on his embrace, she blushes and hug him in submission.

Nathan sighs and follows after them. "Geez."

My classmates are now running away from here. However, it seems the demon has no intention of letting them go, thus I have no choice but to show my true self.

"Hey demon, why don't we make a deal?"


This elf bastard. When his friends left his aura changed. And now he wants to make a deal with me? I always thought he was a schemer but he may be on another level.

"If you're trying to buy me time it won't work. I'll kill everyone of you here. Too bad you Ex Hilo Heroes are no worth for our plans."

Despite my sharp fingernail are on the skin of his neck, he isn't scared. Who the hell is this elf?

"No, I'm serious. I mean you are a demon from the Valmon Clan, under the demon lord Fagrusil. No need to be shy of your secrets. Of course, I know about it." He grins menacingly.

My finger nail sink slightly on his neck since he annoys me. "Where have you learned that?"

He chuckles maliciously. "I know everything. Centuries ago, the church made a deal with Fagrusil to seal Sagus. But part of that deal is for Fagrusil to leave the Munren. However, he didn't, instead he stayed in here and slumbered for centuries only to wake up while secretly building an army on the far western region."

We did our best to hide our trace from this world and not even the church nor the Northern Overlord knows about this information. This cunning bastard!

"Does the church know this?" I ask quickly.

"Not yet but imagine what would happen if they did."

The plan my lord worked for centuries now would go to waste if I live him now. This is an important matter.

Should I trust his word? Perhaps, kill him here?

No, I should return him to the base and torture him for information. I can't let some feeble human manipulate a higher being like myself.

"You are probably thinking of dragging me to your base for torture right?" He says.

I grit my teeth from surprise since he just read my thoughts.

"I mean we already had this conversation." He says which strikes me as weird.

What does he mean by that? In fact, this is the first time I ever saw this guy.

But thinking about it, I sigh. This one is not just a normal person. Perhaps, I won't kill him and ask what he wants after I clear up the uneasiness that I'm feeling.

"Fine, what do you want? If you are against us you should've already told the church. You are after something else-- I assume?"

His eyeglasses glints menacingly. "I'm glad we are able to have a civil discussion now." He smirks.

This cocky bastard, I want to slap him so bad but since he has the upperhand I'll play by his rules for now.

However, he raises his fingers and is about to snap in which my eyes are oddly drawn to it.

"Now, let's make the deal. Three, two, one..."
