True Hero's Ultimate Form vs Vampiric Sage


Right now, Shira can move her arm. We are glad seeing her finally standing up. "Everyone buy me 2 minutes, I'll use our trumpcard."

We are surprised in hearing her that she will use that ability. After all, she only used it once before. It only talks that our situation is in despair times.

I smile. With that we may be able to defeat Myla.

However, we have to do something quick about Nathan or else he might die.

Also, I notice something from earlier. I was aiming for Myla's neck but it seem to have landed on her shoulder.

Could it be? She knew I was bluffing? Then why did she allow me to stab her?

At that split second, I didn't notice that she scoot over to recieve the blow on a non-vital area.

What the hell is she thinking?

Myla is now approaching us with cold look. "Rendon, I'm grateful to you."

I pose to strike with my spear in caution. This bitch is scary. As I thought, her goody two shoes attitude back then on the classroom was just an act. This is her true self. "I never had a crush on you, you witch. I know something was off with you."

"I don't mind how you see me, but I was hesitant to kill everyone because we had some fun long time ago, but you clearly showed me Rendon, you all don't deserve mercy." Myla glares at me with her scarlet piercing eyes. "I mean you people won't hesitate to kill a classmate just so all of you can survive."

"Huh? Is that so? Bitch we were just being practical."

"You let Verni and Sena die because of your incompetence and you call yourselves heroes. How pathetic."

Everyone seems to be shaken with Myla's words. However, I pay it no heed as I smile. "Class pres, everyone. Don't let this bitches' words waver you. She's no different than a crazy teenager rebelling against her parents."

Suddenly, from the sky several dynamites fall and land upon Myla. She retracts the dark tentacles from Nathan and summons it around her to use it as a shield. Large blasts follows on her area.

At that moment, we haul Nathan out of there. His bones seem to have broken and he is vomiting blood but at least he is alive. We can still cure him with potions for remedy. We are relieved since we can still save him. I thought he was dead.

A giant toy eagle lands. On its back, Leon and Fenna are there. Leon waves at us. "Hey, everyone!"

We then mount on it with everyone else. Shira is the only one left on the ground. She stands up with a determined look. "Good job everyone! Now, leave everything to me."

Leon is about to jump into the fray but I stop him from going. "Leon, don't be an idiot. You will just be on their way. Leave this to the class pres."


I chuckle teasingly. "I know that you love the president right? But now's not the time to show your manliness."

Leon blushes seeing that I talk about it aloud. He gets annoyed with me.

"He-hey Rendon! That was suppose to be a secret!"

Looking around us, everyone is quiet and they don't show any reaction.

Kezia sighs, "look here Leon, everyone already knows. It's frickin obvious you know."

Leon holds his head as though disappointed. "You mean if everyone knows, then does the president know."

I laugh aloud patting his back. "Don't worry about it Leon, that girl is as dense as a rock even if she's sharp on some things."

"I-I see."

We then left and fly out of here. While in the sky, we look over to see what happens next.


Now that I have enough mana, I will be able to activate my trump card. A form that is the epitome of invincibility and strength.

The ultimate form of the True Hero!

I activate my most powerful skill, the [Deus Ex Bellator].

A stream of light coming from the sky land upon me, soaking my entire body. I then hover up slowly as my armor begins to change.

[Deus Ex Bellator: An Increase of 199% to all stats. Attacks are also magnified against any opponent. Great Resistance to all illusions, curses and debuffs. 10x faster regeneration. Equips the Heroic Veil Armor which gives +999 Defense stats and the Heroic Veil sword that gives +999 Attack stats.]

An armor from air forms on my body. It is a bulky pale white armor with golden lines. From the sky, a majestic tall sword, longer than my arm comes to me in which I grab it. Near the hilt is a white gem which is filled of dense mana of energy. Just by holding it, I can already feel the heaviness of the magic power within this weapon.

Several white spears form behind me revolving in a circular pattern.

This is my strongest form. I acquired this skill after reaching level 150. None has been able to defeat me with this skill.

Using this sword, I slash the air into her direction, sending out large flying slash. She leaps out dodging it. She then sends the tentacular demons into my path.

However, it's useless!

With one swing, the tentacular demons are pulverized into nonexistence. And I'm just getting started. I will make sure, Myla, you will never harm another classmate or a knight ever again!

With my sword pointing at her, the spears does the same thing as well. Then the spears shoots out like a missile into her direction at an insane speed.

These are the [Heroic Spears of Judgement], and they will chase their targets to the ends of the earth.

Myla whizzes to and fro leaving a red trail of after images. However, the spears won't stop unless it gets her. Their speed are intense that they just dart around like streaks of lines.

She is fast but as the heroic spears becomes accustomed to her speed, eventually--

Myla continues dodging the spears, but she receives a scratch from her side, and then another on her arm. Then several scratches follows, until one spear hits her left side from the front causing her to fly backwards. She grips the spear tightly to minimize the damage as she doesn't let it pierce her.

While she is in that state, this is my chance!

I show up from above her and pose to strike. She sees me in which she grits her teeth. Tentacular demons appear on her arm and use it to wrap around the spear firmly. She uses the tentacles to strengthen her arm so she can counteract the spear's momentum. Once she pulls out the spear, she grabs it, then wield it and use it to block the swing of my heroic veil sword.

Upon impact, a strong reaction of light and a gust of violent wind follows.

Tsk, I didn't think it was possible for someone to use the heroic spears like that.

Myla is indeed strong to do that but I'm stronger than her in this state. We struggle as we push each others blade but a quick sweep down of my blade breaks her defense. Myla is slashed on the chest causing her to squeal and gets flown outward.

That was a deep cut.

I probably got her.

Since she got flown for a distance, I fly to that direction. It's also convenient that I can fly in this form.

Seeing her, she is on the ground leaving a depression. She slowly stands up as blood leaks out from her chest. However, she isn't a bit concerned. Her wounds stops bleeding for a reason.

She has the ability to manipulate her blood, huh?

"Myla, it's over. You will die here and now. You cannot defeat me while I'm in this form."

Suddenly, Myla performs some hand gestures. Her blood from the ground rises and hovers up like a water in space, it then becomes a soldified icicle made of blood. She shoots it out on my path.

My armor glows and a white thin wall surround me causing the incoming spear to dissolve before it reaches me.

I notice this is the passive effects of the Heroic Veil Armor, the [Stand Guard]. It guards me from any incoming attacks and it has a cool down every 5 minutes.

As powerful as I am in this form, it drains a lot of my mana. I need to end her before she turns the tables.

I swoop in quickly into her direction. Several dark tentacular demons show up from below me, I just whisk them away into nonexistence with my blade.

"Myla! I will have to return the favor to you." When I get close, I use my blade and slash her arm off. Her arm flies off with drops of her blood spraying out. Myla doesn't show any reaction after seeing her arm fly off. Her tolerance in pain is impressive.

I use my foot and throw a kick at her gut. However, Myla catches my foot with her remaining arm. Myla grins, she shivers as she speaks, probably struggling from the pain. "That was a nice slash Shira, that pain surely reminded from back then but I'll have to end it here."

I look at Myla's flying severed arm and it stops in mid-air. The blood flowing off the severed arm solidifies into a sharp dagger. It then flies quickly to my direction.

Damn it, I have to shield against that thing! But my guard is in cool down!

Also, since my attention gets taken by that arm, I didn't realize that several sharp objects already pierced on my arm. They look like needles and they are made of blood.

Where did these things come from?

Looking around us, there are suspended drops of blood floating in mid-air. They are small so they are hard to notice.

So I have fallen into her trap, huh? These are the drops of blood that Myla whisked around while we were fighting. I didn't realize she can also control even the tiny bits of blood.

If at least, I can slash her incoming severed arm dagger with my sword! However, I notice I can't move my arm. What's going on?

"Blood Poison." Says Myla coldly. "I have a skill that allows me to transmute my blood into a poison. It seems you're something else that you only feel numb, other would already have died."

I grit my teeth from annoyance. "Myla!!"

To my surprise, the severed arm which has a solid blood dagger on it plunges and strikes me between my chest. I cough out blood.

I fall on my knees as she does also. We both cough and pant from the damage that we incurred.

Right now, both of us are staring at each other. None of us have the strength to stand.

If only I can swing it at her. I win!

Myla's eyes become ruthless and harsh. "I see that you still have some hope in your eyes but unfortunately, I'm already the winner here Shira."

Myla gestures her arm causing me severe pain especially in my chest area as though my insides are being punctured by needles.

It can't be! Since I got stabbed by her solidified blood she can manipulate the blood and have it enter my body, destroying me from the inside.

I yell in immense pain as Myla continues to perform gestures as though manipulating her blood inside me.

However, I endure the pain and force myself to stand up while holding the sword. Myla is looking a bit unrest seeing I can still move despite the pain I feel. "Myla, if I'm gonna die, I'll be taking you with me!"

"You're quite tough, huh? I'll be puncturing your heart next!"

Suddenly, someone from behind pulled me back, causing me to cancel my skill. Looking over my shoulder I notice it is Julius. I probably look messy in front of him.

"Julius I can still fight so--"

It's no use. I lost all my energy. My vision is going dark...


"Looks like you can't class pres."

The president cancels her ultimate form and returns to her base form. She then lost consciousness on my arms and her mana is almost zero. I need to let her recover.

Looks like these two girls had a crazy battle. Myla just lost an arm and the president is stabbed on the chest with her insides messed up. Using my skill to assess her. Her blood vessels, lungs, heart and internal muscles got punctured.

If not for the Dues Ex Bellator's regeneration capabilities she could already have died.

I'll use my light magic skills to purify Myla's blood from her body as well as heal the parts which are still damaged.

For now, I will pull out Myla's arm that is stuck on the president. Afterward I then make sure to stop the bleeding.

However, I just realized this is the only time where I held Myla's arm, huh? Quite odd.

Her arm flies off from my grip to which Myla catches. We look at each other in silence. Her eyes tells me she wants to tell me something but she can't.

I managed to peek at Myla's skin which are exposed due to her tattered robe from battle. She has a lot of deep scars and old bruises.

Damn, Myla, you're quite something to endure that amount of pain, huh?

She's probably in a deep trouble and went through a lot of struggle than any of us, working for those depraved assholes. It was my mistake sending her there and now she won't be able to leave.

She walks off silently and is gone into the shadows.

I guess she left huh?

I'm the only one who can pull out Shira or any other classmate from trouble.

But for Myla, there is only one person in this world who can help her.

So if you are there, please help her!
