Reminiscing the Memories


It's time to finally go to the surface, huh?

I guess it has been three years. I'm currently 19 years old now, and I'm not sure if I have matured a bit.

I wonder where my classmates are right now.

Well, since they started with high level then there a chance they are higher in level than me, but I refuse to join them. I still can't forget what they did to me. They just abandoned me like I'm no one.

The only one I want to meet is Myla. I wonder if she's doing okay. Is she eating well?

Myla, I hope you forgot about me when I got abandoned by our classmates. Someone like me isn't really worth the trouble, but at least I found some friends now. I hope you do as well.

I hope you are into good terms with the rest of our class. You can even backbite me behind my back as long as you can gain their trust. I don't mind as long as you are happy.

That's what it all counts.

Myla, huh? I remember the time when we first met.

At that time, we were assigned every monday to clean the comfort room. It was the most nerve wracking moment of my life. I didn't expect that I would get paired with the most popular girl of the class.

The first time I cleaned the comfort room of our class building, I felt excited since I will be cleaning with Myla.

However, by half an hour, I already mopped the floor, poured some detergents on the urinals and even wiped the windows.

I fall on the floor in disappointment. "She's- she's not coming."

Well, what do I expect? A pretty girl like her don't look good cleaning urinals and toilets. She probably ditched me and went out with her friends.

I must be stupid to think she will clean with me. We live in a total different world after all. Hahaha, what do I expect. My only concern is to think of a new content to post on youtube with the Lord of the Grinds this week.

That's right, that's the only thing I should think about.

However, when I'm about to leave the comfort room, I came across Myla. She's bright as the sun seeing her up close. Her eyes are dazzling red and her smile can make anyone feel warm. She is sweaty since she probably ran all the way here, but it only made her even more alluring. "I'm truly sorry, that I'm late. I had to talk with my manager for a long time that I left you here."

Regardless, I'm speechless that I look away and try to muster a word. "I-it's fine." I say in a quivering voice.

"Anyway, you are Verni, right? You're quite diligent." Myla says.

I can't believe it that she knows me. Could this be that she has a crush on me? Does she observe me during class as well?

"I-I'm surprised you know my name." I stutter.

"Well, I already memorized everyones names. Shira, Rendon, Jonathan, Julius, Lara..."

She went on and on, listing down everyones names. Damn, I must be pretty pathetic to assume that she has a thing for me. Since looking at the mirror I look pale, thin and weak. Even my hair is not combed so I think I'm quite ugly. No girl will even like me.

Myla is surprised to see that the comfort room is already clean. "Woah, I already feel bad since I'm late and it's already done."

I nod. I notice that I'm already feel sweaty and nervous. I'll do my best to utter some words so I can leave here. "Then, goodbye."

Just when I am about to leave and walk away, she grabs my back.

"Wait, don't leave yet. I feel bad letting you do all the work. Why don't we go out and I'll treat you?"


Hearing her I can't help but blush. I mean I'm not worthy to even walk beside her, but I can't refuse.

We went into a diner and she ordered me some french fries. It was probably a tall order if I think this is some sort of date, but I think it isn't. She definitely wants something from me.

She smiles and is about to say something while being excited. "Verni, have you read the Dawn Vampire? I can tell you like reading books right?"

A polite way to tell someone that they are a nerd.

I nod, "bu-but it's a different type of books."

She nods gleefully. "What type of books?"

"It's not really a book like what you imagine but it's light novels, where transported in another world is the theme."

Myla looks at me weirdly. She then smiles. "It's the first time I hear you talking a long sentence. I guess talking about something you like gets you pumped up."

I nod with slight confusion.

I don't know what she's on about but is she here with me so she can talk to me about novels.

"I truly recommend you to read Dawn Vampires. It's about a story where a handsome young king falls in love with a beautiful vampire. Too bad the church captured the vampire as a witch, and decided to burn her at the stake. The handsome young king decided to save the vampire even if it meant going against the church and being branded as a heretic. It's a story about romance, drama and politics." She gasps in excitement as she tells the story in detail. "I wish something like that can also happen to me. I have always been thinking about it."

Although the story is a bit common but I think it's interesting. However, pure romance books aren't my type.

"And you Verni, what type of stories do you like?"

"I like overpowered main characters and levelling up."

Myla ponders about it for a bit. "I see, it sounds interesting but I don't get the appeal. Sorry."

It's only through with novels as our topics that we have becoming closer. Later, as we were mopping the floor Myla says, "hey Verni, do you think I'm weird?"


"No I mean, Alfred told me that my obsession with romance novels makes me weird. That's why I decided to ditch him when he took over your schedule. Not just Alfred but most guys, and even some girls."

I see, even Lara and her friends makes fun of Myla for having a different obsession.

"Even if you are, I already know that it doesn't make you anything less. In fact, I think you're pretty cool Myla."

Myla smiles and blushes a bit. "Well, is that so?"

Despite not talking in the classroom, we met every monday to clean the comfort room and talk about a lot of things. It was only I learned more about her. She is a strong girl and very determined when she puts her mind on things. Especially, she discovered that I was bullied a lot and we made a promise.

"Well too bad, we are in the same boat. So as CR cleaners why don't we make a pact that you and I would protect each other. Sounds good?"

She says goofily like its a line from one of her favorite novels.

"Uh.. sure."

I still can remember the promise you made for me Myla about 3 years and several months ago. This time, if you are in trouble, I'll definitely save you!

You saved me one time and I'll do my best to reciprocate!


So the president can turn into that form, huh? That was pretty strong that I may have died there. No, it could have been her who died.

I thank fate that Julius was there, otherwise I could have killed a classmate.

I reconnected my arm using my [Blood Manipulation] magic skill. Allowing the blood to flow again.

It is a branch from the [Bloody Guard] skill that I had back then, branching out into several different types of blood magic including [Blood Poison].

It might take time before I can move this arm, but regardless, the battle is over. We have done our part here.

I stop for a while and lower my head. With my fist I slam the wall causing it to crumble.

"Damn it!"

I already accepted that my classmates are my enemies but why do I still hesitate?

I crumple my shoulder region where Rendon stabbed me.

All I ever wanted was freedom and peace.

I wonder when will this suffering of mine will end?

I look up to the bleak and cloudy sky. "God, if you have abandoned me, you could have just killed me. This is too cruel."


We retreated to the nearest city in the central region of the continent so we can rest.

A week passes by and the president is now awake. We are glad that none has died but it seems Nathan won't be able to walk for a while. We made a wheelchair for him.

Since we are recognized well in this continent as heroes, we were given special treatment especially for our injured.

Inside the president's room we begin discussing about the important matter. The president can now move but she is still frail. She may need few days of rest.

Right now, she is sitting on her bed, looking over the window.

Nathan, Rendon, Fenna, myself, president and the rest are there with Julius as an exception.

"I still can't believe that Myla is alive." Shira says.

"Maybe fate has a thing for pretty women." Rendon butts in.

Kezia steps on his foot. "Rendon, that remark is unnecessary."

"Ouch, that hurts Kezia!"

Class president says while in deep thought, "no, I was sure I took her down."

"But class pres, did you check the body?" Nathan says.

Shira widens her eyes from shock after some realization. "I--- didn't."

"But pres, remember? We saw her corpse and we even buried it deep." Kezia adds to the conversation.

I also give my thoughts. "That's right, it could also be possible that Myla was revived by those demons. It's probably not impossible in this world, right? I think that also explains their involvement with her."

Everyone seems to have agreed with my proposition.

Fenna raises her hand. "Class pres, I have a question." After given the permission she follows it up. "Except for you, who discovered the body?"

The class pres looks shocked. She stays silent for a few seconds before her shiver lips speaks. "When I took Myla down, I turned her body to him.... Julius."

"No way?"

"Julius?" Rendon chuckles. "Why would he even help Myla?"

Even I can't believe it. But if its true, only Julius has the ability to peer into the minds of his target. There's no way to prove his innocence.

"Everyone, calm down. Right now, we have no proof. Besides he's the one who saved the president. So there's no way he's a traitor."

Nathan is in deep thought. "Leon, perhaps we should just ask him directly about this."

The door then opens causing everyone to be silent. It is Julius. He enters the room carrying a basket filled with food. There are biscuits, chocolate and the products in it feel modern.

"President Shira, I got some treats on the streets from some trading company called Two S and M. They are the only ones who sell these things that came from earth." Julius takes a bite while everyone of us are in silence. "What's with the silent treatment?"

Nathan speaks angrily. "Julius did you---" I quickly come to him and shut his mouth with my hand. "Nothing Vice, he is just angry being in this hospital." I push his wheel chair out of there and everyone else followed.

Only the vice and the class pres remains in that room. I hope our class pres will talk to him and know the truth.


Well, I'm not surprised that they will be suspicious of me. After all, they confirmed Myla is still alive.

However, I know that Shira, you're not the sharpest one in the shed. I can make it through.

"Julius, let's stop beating around the bush. You should know why they left right?"

I push my eyeglasses up. "What do you mean class pres? Is this a confession or something?"

Shira sighs. "You're quick witted aren't you?"

"Julius, I just want to ask you something important." I stare straight into her eyes. Those are the eyes of an interrogator. "Julius, I trust you. We've worked together even before this thing happened. My only concern is the truth and the only truth. Now tell me, why is Myla alive?"

Now then, how do I handle this?