Imposter of The Silvers Part 1


3 years ago


The Silver Fang village is a peaceful village in the far east, composing of houses with simple architecture made from bamboo and wood. It usually lies on the side of a tall mountain.

The citizens, including me are from werewolf race who can transform into one when we reach 14. We have a wolf ears and tail in our human form though the humans treated us differently that we decided to live in solitude.

I'm the first daughter of the Chief of the village and the second is Melina, she usually loves to cook for me and my father.

At the table, my father smiles while eating the food, that it almost makes him cry. "Melina, I'm glad that you inherited your mom's skill in cooking." He then looks at me differently. "Unlike, your sister which only brings up trouble."

"Shut up dad, I want to be the village chief."

"You don't understand anything Minnerva. You don't know what it takes to be a chief. You have to pass the 3 Trials of the Infitius to be chosen. To be honest you don't have the skills to be one of the Elite Fang."

"You always say it's impossible. I'm tired of you!"

My father has always been brutal with words and never supported me, thus hearing those words cause some anger in me. I run away from the table and went into the woods. I can hear my father shouting for my name. "Wait, Minnerva!"

I usually end up going on a tall tree and lie on the branch, eyeing the tall tower of the Infinite Dungeon.

Infinite Dungeon, huh?

Our Elders have told the story of the Infinite Dungeon. There used to be a sorcerer named Sagus who eliminated most of humanity, however, due to his actions, us werewolves managed to seek revenge against an Empire who once oppressed and enslaved the werewolf race.

This is the reason why my village is revering the Eastern Overlord. Even if humans view him as a genocidal villain, us werewolves saw him as a hero.

A few days from now, the village will be celebrating the Annual Ceremony dedicated to the Eastern Overlord. That is when the village will perform the 3 Trials to determine the next chief. My father has been acing these trials which is why he has been the chief for a decade and many people don't have complain against his rule.

Also, during that time, I will take some exams whether I can become a Warrior Fang. It is mandatory for those who have turned 14 to take the test, and it will be the stepping stone for us werewolf warriors.

My goal is when I turn 17 which will be 3 years from now, I will become a chief since right now, I only turned 14. It's quite sad that my father never supported me, not even once.

My goal for now is to become an Elite Fang, next I will aim to become one of the 7 Daruma Warriors and lastly the village chief. The Elite Fang are the selected few who act as leaders of the squad composing of the Warrior Fang which are average in terms of skills.

As for the 7 Daruma Warriors, they are the strongest werewolves in the village which are hand picked by the Wise Elders. That is one requirement to be the chief since strength is essential after all.

"Boo!" I squeal since someone scared me from behind. I notice it's just Old Mcdelver.

"Don't scare me like that you old fart!"

Mcdelver chuckles. "Sorry about that. Your father is worried. Why haven't you come home?"

I stayed here all afternoon and I plan to do so whole night.

"I hate him!"

Mcdelver sighs. He is one of the top Elite Fang but he works as a royal guard for my father, that he became close to me. He is like that annoying uncle to me, but he can be caring sometimes and even supported me more than my father.

"Your father just don't want to see you get hurt. I mean you skipped classes and are not doing well. With your skill you won't make it."

I stand up and look at him angry. "Not you too old fart! If you came to lecture me, leave."

Looks like my Mcdelver was right. I end up failing the tests for my Warrior Fang examination. I even ended up fighting against the instructor since I was fed up by the rules.

And even then I knew that my father still won those trials and retained his position as the chief.

The eyes turned on me were the eyes of disappointment.

"I can't believe that she is the daughter of the Great Chief."

"She's a failure."

"If she can't even pass the Warrior Fang Exam she has no hope to become a chief."

"At least her sister is kind and knows how to cook. She is just a troublemaker."

Being annoyed of the village, I end up running away as far as I can. Since they know my hiding spot on the tree, I'll look for somewhere else.

After running away for several hours crying, I drop on the floor and before I know it. I'm in front of the Infinite Dungeon.

Looks like I'm here huh?

This is where I'll let everything out since no one can hear me. "Curse that village! I hope something happens and they will suffer!"

"I hope my father will no longer be the chief!"

"I hope they will just rot in hell! Those idiots, why can't they understand me."

I end up falling my knees on the grass while my tears fall down my cheeks. With a sigh, I get taken by surprise on the thing I'm seeing.

A dense white smoke is being released by the Infinite Dungeon tower, it flows out from the tower itself unto the sky. It feels surreal since this is the first time I'm seeing this. The dungeon is even glowing in white that the entire dark forest is being illuminated.

I can't help but stare at it the entire time. This is so magical.

From behind me, I can hear some footsteps. He is speaking in monotone. "Looks like the time has come. Sagus is no more and a new era is about to arrive. The era of the Neo-Infitius."

Sagus is no more? What does he mean by that?

Looking over my shoulder is a man in a red sinister robe and golden mask.

I have never seen this man before and I don't think he is from the village.

"You're lucky to witness such an event kid. This is the glorious day in which we will introduce the new overlord. Now, can you give me directions to your village?"

Even if I know that he is bad news, I nodded and led him to the village. Deep inside my mind, I want him to do something to the village. However, when I come into my senses it was already too late, they already found the village.

The red robed man introduced himself to the villagers. He is just outside the village being interrogated. "My name is Rixer, the second apostle of the Neo-Infitius Cult. I have come as his hand and have good news, he has come to the surface and he has a mission for all of you."

The Elite Fang guards are pre-occupied in interrogating him. Mcdelver saw me with the man and he grabbed me from the red robed man. "Minnerva, why are you with an outsider?"

I just lay my head low and turn silent.

One of the Elite Fang replies to the man. "Do you think you can fool us outsider?"

"Then how can you explain the white release from earlier? That was the mana after the seal on Sagus was removed. It's also obvious that someone took his place and become the new Eastern Overlord."

The Elite Fangs have no come back to that since I'm sure they saw it as well.

My father has just arrived. He looks concerned at the red robed man. "What is going on?"

One of his men explain the situation to him. He draw his katana and aim it at the red robed man. "Outsider, leave! Don't take us for a fool. There is no way the Eastern Overlord has come to the surface."

"Don't worry, the Eastern Overlord will be here soon."

Later, a tall and burly man with auburn hair and charismatic look appears flying in mid-air. He has a sinister fancy, red robe wavering in the air.

In one of the stories, the Infitius has been described being able to fly and also has a strange appealing robe.

"Silver claw clan! I have come! I am the new Infitius which shall rein in this land and I have appeared before you, my chosen people. My name is Lord Varlin. You should be honored! The old Infitius is no more thus I declare a new generation of faith. A revolution! If you follow me to the path of greatness, you shall be called as the member of our cult, the Neo-infitius!"

At that moment, the Elite Fang begins to kneel in front of him as well as the villagers who heard of him. Except for my father who didn't kneel.

The red robe man says, "my name is Rixer, the 2nd Apostle of the Eastern Overlord, Lord Varlin. If none of you believe us, we will demonstrate our power!"

We can hear the ground rumbling and we know something from afar is coming. A giant chimera falls from the sky, causing the ground to crack upon impact and it was already dead. The chimera is a combination of ground dragon, king lion and wild chimp. This is the ultimate emperor beast of the Eastern Forest. The beast that none could defeat for centuries is slew now. None of us from this village can ever hope of defeating such a beast.

Another five men in red robes and hood comes out from nowhere.

Rixer says, "first apostle, thank you for bringing it here."

The one he thanked just nod slightly.

The other replies, "he wasn't much of a challenge, hehe."

"Shut up Agravil, Wiln did all the work." Says another.

Says the other apostles.

Varlin shows a grin that feels off. He declares in a domineering manner. "Did you see that my chosen people? My apostles have uncomparable strengths that can destroy mountains and even nations. I have proved to you what I can do. Now, all I want from you is to do my biddings. This is your calling."

It seems the villagers are starting to get convinced by these group who appeared out nowhere. However, not my father.

My father speaks assertively to Varlin. "If you want to win the village then defeat me in the 3 trials!"

Varlin haughtily stares at my father from above. "You must be the chief. Sure, I'll gladly partake in it."

Afterward, my father was defeated for the first time in a decade. Then everyones hearts turned to Varlin at that moment. They began revering him.

My father was forced to kneel as well but I can see from his face, he isn't happy about this. But why do I? I feel like a jerk carrying this emotion.

Sadly, things just became worse for the village. Varlin has a new mission for the village. He says it is his will and it is our destiny to do so. "Go and bring me the adventurers and humans that you can capture. I prefer them alive."

As times passes, we were forced to kidnap these adventurer, thus we fought against them and even lost lives. However, we were assured by Varlin that it is for the sake of his will and everything will be better soon.

Everything changed around the village. Most of the Elite Fang formed squad under the supervision of a cult member. They go around the Eastern regions close to the Central region to ambush travelling merchants and adventurers.

Most were successful in doing so, however, there are many casualties on our side leading to deaths and injury. Sadly, the Neo-Infitius cult show little to no regard for our safety, all they want is to see our output.

It seems the Neo-Infitius cult is using the captured adventurers to create a valuable stone referred to as the blood stone. No one from the village knows about its purpose that is where I am getting suspicious.

Varlin is probably not the real Eastern Overlord. I'm sure since I've read the documents regarding the detail of what Sagus' robe looks like and also I bet my father, which is why he is hesitant to serve these people.

They occupied the Silver Temple found in the middle of the village which is a holy place dedicated for the Eastern Overlord. Inside it is the red room, which no villager or even a cult member would dare to enter. I only saw it once but never took a peek.

Everything in the red room is filled with secrecy that one might die upon knowing what's inside. However, I can guess the secrets in the red room will expose this people! I need to know someday.

The issue of the village is also bad, one of the Elite Fang is hit by one of the Neo-Infitius cult member who manages this village. There are a hundred of them running this village and they are under each apostle.

"Lord Varlin said that the quota for this week are 20 adventurers how come you only kidnapped 10?"

"My brother got injured so we decided to retreat and sadly... he died." The Elite Fang grits his teeth, clearly mourning.

"You call yourselves Elite when you can't even take on some adventurers!" The cult member while enraged cast his fireball on the Elite Fang setting him on fire. He screams in pain while he is burned on public.

At that moment, my father comes out. He punches the cult member so hard causing the cult member to get knocked out.

When the other cult member checks up upon the cult, they got disappointed to know that the cult member my father punched has already died.

To our surprise, Agravil an apostle, shows up behind my father. "Hey you loser chief, did you know that killing one of my members is a violation of the cult? That guy was important for tracking our logistics and you killed him."

With a flick of his finger, my father's body is sliced into two, his blood spurts on my face with his entral pouring down.

From my father's last breath, he says, "Minnerva, I'm sorry, be strong. Be sure to be a good chief and..."