Imposter of the Silvers Part 2

At that time, I can't even process on what I'm seeing.

Mcdelver looks furious. He covers my eyes and whispers to my ears. "Minnerva, whatever you do, don't look!"

While on my mind, I'm wondering if this is all real. I'm thinking this is a bad dream. There is no way my father is dead. I mean, he will wake me up every morning to taste Melina's meal right? Besides my father is very strong and undefeated.

"Minnerva!" Mcdelver yells causing me to come out of my senses.

When I snap out of it, we are on the outskirts of the village. I just realized Mcdelver brought me here since I can't think straight from earlier. "Old man, don't tell me, father is..."

Mcdelver grits his teeth with a sullen look. He hugs me tightly as I cry on his chest. "Don't worry, from now on, I will take care of you and your sister."

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have brought him in the village."

"It's not your fault. It was only a matter of time."

I cry out on his chest the whole afternoon, until I fall asleep. Regardless, for the first time, my father finally encouraged me to become a chief. That's all I need as a motivation to bring change to the village.

All the memory of father flashes to me. I remember he may be harsh but all he did was for my sake.

I tried to redirect my anger from them to train as hard as I can. Mcdelver and I would often train me on how I wield the katana and teach me about the art of the werewolves. We would often do it in the forests away from the village.

With my katana on my hand, I charge towards Mcdelver furiously. However, everytime I come close he just extend his foot and cause me to trip.

"Minnerva, the first step to become a master is self control. You need to master yourself first before becoming a master of the blade. Again!"

From tiredness, I pant yet I carry on standing again and again. With my katana held strong, I advance again towards old man Mcdelver.

I have been practicing with him until 3 years passed.

I earn the ranks of Elite Fang and have been in contact with the 7 Daruma Warriors. They defected the village after my father's death and I have been organizing something while working with Varlin these few years.

We created the resistance called the White Resistance with me as its shadow leader. We also have members there but it's too few to stand against Varlin, I don't want to spark a civil war against my own people.

If there is someone who is going to pay it is Varlin. I don't believe he is the Eastern Overlord. He is tricking me and our people, but I have to work under him since we are trying to recruit people on our side.

However, I can't act wrecklessly, especially since he also has loyal werewolf fighters in his clan. These are the Ryushin Shadows who replaced the Daruma Warriors. They recieved the shadow blessings from the Apostles in which their strength have been magnified couple of times. I'm sure that they're even stronger than my father now.

The Ryushin Shadows became our superior and they acted so privileged even abusing those of the lower ranks.

Those who weren't capable were sent to the mountains to mine the area. We are also given quotas every week to obtain Magus Ores that we are neglecting our food supply. Some are even sent to do missions while hungry and tired.

Worse, these people don't care about the well-being of our village. If we speak to Varlin or the Apostles with ill-will, we might get executed.

If nothing is done, my village will collapse.

This madness has to stop somehow.

While on a mission, I keep pondering over it. Varlin and his men are doing this just to produce this thing called the blood stone.

My people's lives, tears and sweat just for this freaking stone! They have been abusing us and treated us like shit. If only I had the power to stop them.

I've read from my father's scrolls that he hid under his bed. It described the design of Sagus' robe and mask, I can tell those were duplication. However, even if I expose him, the villagers are already under Varlin's palms, they won't be able to revolt under fear. The Apostles are very powerful that they show no weakness. I have been studying them for those 3 years and to defy them is impossible.

With just a flick of a finger, they can kill the rebels.

Each of those Apostles have unique abilities and their strength depends on their number placement. The first apostle is the strongest able to defeat the Emperor Chimera alone in less than 10 seconds. Rixer the second apostle goes on second and so on. However, even the weakest apostle is out of our league.

Perhaps, I shall just commit a taboo for the sake of my people. I will call upon the help from the outside.

Our clan have been secluded for very long time. Calling for help on the outside world is a taboo since it demeans our the werewolf's pride, but I don't care. This is for my people!

I act as the squad leader of a group who is tasked to capture some adventurers. That is when we encountered some adventurers camping on the distance.

They are obviously skilled since they anticipated us. We are hiding behind the bush. "Who goes there?" Says a long haired muscular man with a long sword and two scars on his chin. His team members are a mage and an archer. The mage is an attractive woman with grey navy hair, and the archer is a tall elf with long cocoa colored hair.

The long haired muscular man which seems the be leader speaks, "you must be the wolf-kin that took one of our comrades. I will make you lot pay!"

"Sir Gendrid, be sure to leave one of them alive." Says the elf archer with his bow aimed at us.

To their surprise, I quickly kneel to them. I'm on my last resort and one of my men intends to stop me, however, they can't and all they do is feel bad on the sides.

"Please, lend us your aid." I say with sincerity letting my guard down to them.

"What do you mean?" Gendrid seems like an understanding man. He intends to listen and gestures for his team to put their weapons down, thus I told them the whole story about Varlin and the Neo-Infitius cult.

Gendrid stroked his chin, digesting what I just told him. "I see, so your people got used by these cult and that's why you're kidnapping the adventurers for their agenda."

The mage woman comes to my side, patting my shoulder. "You're in luck since Lord Gendrid is the famous Champion of the South, the Tiger Emperor also an S-class adventurer with Gold emblem. He doesn't abandon anyone in need."

I didn't understand what she meant but in other words this guy must be a big deal and reliable. I'm feeling relieved now there is hope, I see.

"However, Sir Gendrid, if this man is the true Eastern Overlord perhaps we don't stand a chance. Assuming the story is factual." Says the elf.

The mage woman sighs, disappointed at the elf. "She poured her heart out telling the story and you still doubt her."

Gendrid just laughs, "haha, you're pretty cold aren't you sir Fandul. If a woman is in need, a true warrior should help her out."

The elf tightens his eyes, looking into the deep forest on high alert. "Enemy!"

To our surprise, a dark whip flails to our direction, hitting three of my men, the whip gashing their bodies sharply producing pool of blood on the ground and taking them down.

I gasp in surprise, as I hold the handle of my katana. I look into the direction of the whip and I can feel it, this is the strong Ryushin Shadow from my village, Zavi.

There is only one enemy here, however, he is the strongest werewolf since he is blessed by the Child of Darkness title by the Apostles. "As I thought, Minnerva you are a snake and a petty snake like you deserves to get stepped on."

The cult members also appear behind him. "Hehe, we already sent a message to the village that you are a traitor, Minnerva. The Apostles will be coming here soon and you won't be able to return to the village."

I clench my fists, staring angrily at Zavi. "How dare you kill your own kin like that!"

Zavi laughs maliciously. "Hahaha, once a kin betrays his kin, he is no longer considered one." He releases a long whip from his hand embued in dense and dark energy. He lashes it out to my direction. "Now, all you need to do is die."

Gendrid appears in front of me with his sword ready. "Well then, Miss wolf-kin. I'll show you that you can rely on me." He swings his sword hitting the whip, causing it to get deflected, ending up slicing the woods on the otherside in one sweep.

Gendrid then puts a stance, he breathes deep as the natures energy seems to be absorbed by his blade. "Absolute Legendary Cut of Soldem!" He says and in a blink of an eye, he is already behind Zavi.

What an immense speed! I never saw him move.

Gendrid lunges his blade into Zavi, holing his gut with blood smearing outward, in an instant taking him out.

"No way."

"To think Zavi got easily defeated."

The cult members are surprised Zavi being taken down, thus the team easily took each of them down as well.

With excitement and hope flourishing inside of me, I talk to the team. "I'll lead you to the village."

However, Gendrid and his team look tense. He stares into the distance as though being wary of something. "Miss wolf-kin, I suggest you hide for now. Someone with powerful presence is on his way here."

It must be one of the apostles, but I can't abandon them here.

"I can't do that, I-"

"Levana, take her away." Says Gendrid and the mage woman grabs me away as she forces me to hide far away on a steep hill.

Levana and I are observing on the distance. Levana has an orb which allows us to observe the battle.

"What is that?"

"Ah, this is the eye of seeing. Once you cast a certain spell on the area, you are allowed to watch from a distance."

I see. I think I have a learn to lot from the outside world, huh?

"Are you worried about the sir warrior?"

Levana seems confident, "sometimes, but when it comes down to it, Gendrid can push through anything no matter how much it gets hard."

"I see, perhaps, I'll learn to rely on them."


I've encountered this type of presence before. This is no ordinary one.

Fandul nocked his arrow, embued with magic power and aimed at where we predict the enemy might come out.

Afterward, a man with a mask and a sinister red robe appears walking out casually, like he's strolling.

"Hmm." The robed man eyes the corpse on the ground. "I assume this is your doing, adventurer."

This confidence is something that I'm not unfamiliar. This confidence tells anyone that there isn't anyone in this world that can threaten him. Regardless, I'm a man of my word.

"So the adventurers being kidnapped was your fault? We will free the Silver village with our hands and stop your madness." I draw my blade and aim it at him.

The robed man raises his hand. "A minute. I will give you a minute to kill me and I won't attack."

Fandul is annoyed. "Who do you think you are--"

"Sir Fandul, stop. I'll do it. I'm sure you realize by now, this man could be the same level as the Saint Guardians."

Fandul's arms shivered. Of course, anyone on this world knows how strong the Saint Guardians are. They sit on the pinnacle just below the Northern Overlord.

"Wise assessment. If you are aware of my strength, then you should just use the minute to flee."

I grunt in annoyance, "sorry, but fleeing is not my style!" With my sword ready, I enhance my body with mana. I dash behind him in a split second and lunge my sword forward.

To my surprise, a floating black blade appears in mid-air shielding him from my attack.

As my sword clashes against the floating dark blade, an immense energy flows out pushing me backward.

What the hell is this?

The dark mana embued in the sword feels so heavy and creates a knock back making me uneasy. The uneasiness makes me feel like I'm about to barf.

"What's the matter? Is that all you can do adventurer?"

I continue swinging my sword but I can't get to him since out of nowhere black blades materialize in the air. From tiredness, I fall on my knees.

I clench my fist tight.

It's hopeless, hitting his sword disorients my senses that I can't even release my full strength. This is bad!

He stands over me with domineering presence. "Ashamed of your weakness, I assume? However, this is how our world operates. The weak have no choice but to kneel to the strong. Which is--"

I grin and quickly use my sword to slash his neck off while he lets his guard down.

I felt relieved finally my blade managed to reach him. "Got you!"

Afterward, I feel something amiss. My neck starts to feel warm. "Your minute us over."

I cough as blood spurts out from my neck and my head drops to the ground, turning everything black.


Levana, the mage woman can't believe what she is seeing. We thought we were about to win but it was Gendrid who was decapitated.

Levana feels sick. She holds her mouth fighting the urge to vomit.

Her arms tremble and her fist clenches. "This can't be?! This has to be a joke. No way, someone is that strong." She says enraged.

"Forgive me."

Levana takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "Whatever, Gendrid is dead thanks to you. You have no idea how much he means to me."

I thought Levana was more mature and confident, but right now, she is falling apart.

I stand up and say, "it's all my fault, I'll make sure to avenge Gendrid, somehow..."

Levana harrumphs, "you have no idea how strong someone who is on the level of Saint Guardians are. They can destroy cities with ease and even manipulate reality. They may as well be working for the Eastern Overlord. You should just give up."

I just give a nod to her, "thank you for listening to me." And then left Levana while she is mourning for her comrades.

I know that the apostles are strong but for the sake of my father, I won't lose hope! I still believe they are fake and the real Eastern Overlord is out there.

That's right, starting tomorrow I'll give any offering to the Infinite Dungeon, hoping he'll answer my deeds.