What Cult?


Right now, we are underground in some ancient ruins that is built like a maze. To think that a significant ruins like this is built under the city.

There are drawings on the wall depicting a man with a mask and a robe. It seems to be worshipped by wolves. This place must be built from some sort of old civilization.

My focus gets taken as Carl continues to whine from the fight earlier. "I swear I had him back then."

Carl insisted that we investigate why the Adventurers have been dropping off like flies but being the only one with a brain in this group, I declined.

That aura, it's something like the event from a year ago. It's best if we avoid it for now until we are sure that we can take it on. Let those idiots from the surface deal with it for now.

As for Carl, he is pissed as he trudges his foot. "Damn it, I'll get them next time."

I sigh, pointing to the tied up werewolf behind us that is being dragged by one of our companion. The werewolf is beaten to the bones with blood on his mouth and is half dead. "Carl, I told you to break only a bone, not every bone. Now, how are we gonna get some information from this guy."

Only the werewolves know about the existence of this place. Which is why we were lucky to capture one, but my friends ended up putting him on a coma, after a long torture. Well, that werewolf tried to capture us after all.

Carl scratches his head. He gestures to the one dragging the werewolf. "Can you try hitting him one more time to make sure he wakes up?"

I sigh again, since after being hit, his skull finally broke.

"You people don't show restraint do you? Now, how are we gonna navigate from this place?"


After I hit masked man, it emits a white mist on the air. It is probably bleeding mana since it is made of one. It's quite odd to seeing it.

The battered Rendon appears out of nowhere. He holds his spear well and stabs him straight into the guts without his notice. "This is for earlier!" The spear releases electricity which sends shock to the masked man.

The masked man quickly casts and summons an ice wall, rising from the ground and pushes Rendon away with his spear.

Now, the masked man has another wound were mana is leaking from it.

Is it our imagination, but as it bleeds mana unto the air, it looks like its getting weaker.

Also, without his notice, Nathan while in his berserk mode enters the scene. Upon approaching the masked man, he slice him on his direction. The masked man leaps away with his arm severed. The severed arm in the air evaporates.

Even though the masked dude is pretty tough, we can wear him out. It's only a matter of time before we can defeat him. We fought for almost half an hour. With my Onna-Musha wearing him down, Rendon and Nathan giving him damage, Kezia on the support, eventually we got him.

Upon my finishing blow, I use [Aka Shinei] skill, my katana creates multiple after-images while my body is coated in crimson energy. This skill increases my strength and agility by 3x the stats, and enhances my senses from my vision to my hearing.

After striking him, I finally sliced him cleanly. The masked man turns into a white smoke and evaporates. Afterward, we begin panting as we fall on our knees.

"That was tough. I'm not sure if I can even stand." Kezia says while looking at her palm. "It's true that my MP is full thanks to him but holding him with my spiritual ability strained me a lot."

Rendon massages his chest, grimacing from the pain. "Ouch, ouch, that was a terrifying kick. I think one of my rib just got dislocated."

Nathan grips his fists tightly with an enraged look. "I can't believe I just got pushed back by a stone. I'm not as strong as I thought I would be. I still need training."

"Well, well no need to feel bad, at least we defeated him right?"

They nod with a smile. "As long as we work together, we can defeat anything in our paths!"

I can't help but smile as well thinking about our comraderie. Getting transported in this world was unfortunate but I feel like we were specifically chosen for a mission, a destiny.

Defeating a strong opponent feels satisfying and gives us a sense of accomplishment.

"So what now secretary? That's good and all but now that the dude has turned into smoke, we have no leads left." Rendon comments.

I cross my arms thinking about it. "We can think about it for later, the fact is we defeated the main boss but---"

It's weird. The adventurers are still knocked unconscious on the ground. If he is defeated the spell should be lifted, or shall we wait until it wears off completely.

I hear Kezia's shivering voice behind me. She falls on her knees. "Le-Leon."

Rendon and Nathan becomes speechless as well. Their mouths agape from what they saw on the distance. I can't believe my eyes as well when I begin to look.

There are several of these threatening masked men. Some are standing above the roof. Some are on the streets and there are even others in the alley. The fact is it's as though they have surrounded us.

"You have to be kidding me. There are, one, two, five... hundreds of those?" Rendon says as he tries to count them.

"This is just no ordinary matter. This is a major issue that may concern everyone in Munren." Nathan adds.

"You're right, I think this is even a concern for the Kingdom." I say.

Rendon grits his teeth from anger. "Looks like they are as strong as the ones we fought. This is no illusion magic. My system can't be lying."

Damn it, what should we do? Look how many of them. If these are their numbers and imagine if they decide to attack the kingdom, we're all done for.


It looks like one of my clone died from their hands. It took them nearly an hour to kill it, huh? Worse, they gave everything they had. I'm almost done with my meal with Levia.

They are weaker than I expected or it's that I may be too haxed because of my time in the dungeon.

Regardless, the meal I had was delicious. Even though it seems looks like a bland meal from its presentation, the taste was refreshing. I have to thank the waitress properly. "You're name is Anna right? That was a great meal. I haven't had a proper one for three years."

I mean I didn't know how to cook a proper menu in the dungen.

She smiles with sincerity taking my compliment. "Thank you, come again if you like."

Anna proceeds to wake up the adventurers but it's no use unless the [Imposing Will] effects wears off or their mind gets purified.

Perhaps as a token of my appreciation, I shall give her something.

Let's see...

Opening my [Spatial Bag], I look into it.

To be honest my storage looks like a junk. Too many things I don't even know where to use.

[Spatial Bag: 956,465/100,000:

Level 20

• Weflar Ring of Familiar Protection: Level 17

•Daggers of Ambrosche: Rare Class

•Black Cape of Therie: Epic Class]

I get one item from my storage. It's a ruby ring with golden holder. I smile as I show it to her.

Anna blushes and looks intimidated. She steps back as though there is something wrong.


Levia chuckles behind me. "Quite bold of you my lord to propose on your first day."

I blush as well since I felt embarassed. "Wait Anna, this is not what it means."

Anna seems wary of me now. "I'm sorry, but I don't even know you much as well, but we can start as friends."

What is this tense situation?

Due to this moment, I remember a certain memory. I got rejected once during elementary days and I got depressed for two weeks, thus I didn't confess to anyone and just accepted that I'm gonna die alone.

Looking at Anna, she seems different to the girl I had a crush back in middle school though. She blushes and looks down. "That is to say it's not that I'm not interested, I just want to take things slow."

I sigh.

"Forgive me for the misunderstanding Anna. I just want to give you a compensation." I hold it in front of her. "This is the Weflar Ring of Familiar Protection, it does stuff--- and protect you when you are in danger."

Upon recieving it, Anna looks a bit disappointed but felt glad upon recieving it. "I--I see, I'm not well versed with magic items but isn't this thing valuable? I can buy a house from this, probably even a mansion."

Well to be honest, it's just a junk for me. "I don't mind plus, if you want to sell it, you can."

Anna is surprised upon seeing my foot since I'm stepping on something. She crouches and when I look down, I'm stepping on the face of a middle-aged man. "Oh forgive me."

"Oh my, how can you not notice."

I chuckle embarssingly.

Looking at the one I stepped upon, it seems to be well-dressed and formal man. This person seems wealthy.

Is he a noble?

"Who is he?"

"I hear he is a merchant. The heroes from the otherworld talked to him. He says his daughter and men got captured."

"You were listening to their conversation?"

Anna smiles confidently while tapping her ear. "A waitress always has a sharp ears. Listening to adventurers is useful for your survival in this age."

"Then there must be interesting things you've heard."

"Oh, a lot, and since you gave me a valuable ring I don't mind sharing a lot of it but first..." She looks around, looking around the unconscious adventurers.

I see, we need to move everyone somewhere, huh? She is concerned that they might catch a cold sleeping on the floor.

Anna drags everyones body on a place where they can comfortably rest. It was tough work for her that I decided to help her out as well. It can't be helped, I need to know what she knows.

Levia is helping me as well. Carrying two adventurers with each of my hand, we go upstairs and place them on the bed.

Levia is following behind me. "My lord, I don't understand. Threatening her and getting information from her is logical I suppose."

That's kind of scary thing coming from her. Her mindset kinda scares me.

"That is logical but it's not my style."

Levia gives a faint smile. "It looks like you are indeed different. The kings and entities I served back then who had absolute power inflated their egos that they can't even see or hear those below them. Then Lord Verni, I'd like to see more of your style and show me how a true king should behave."

She must have served a lot of ruthless leaders that sees humans like insects. I think I finally understand. "Levia, let's get everything straight. I discourage killing humans unnecessarily. Second, we should treat humans equally and third if you kill a human just for fun, our deal is off."

"I'll keep that in mind."

That feels a bit tense, but I should tell her that before she would do something irreversible.

Once everything was done, we proceed to the lobby and continue talking with Anna, and what she said intrigued me.

"There is a cult called the Neo-Infitius Cult."

"Neo-Infitius? What is that?"

Isn't that my title?

"That's right, it's an evil cult whose goals are very nefarious. You can say they are a big threat. They say the cults act to the will of the dark and wicked new Eastern Overlord who replaced Sagus. If nothing is done, it is said he might take over the world and enslave the innocents."

It's surprising that they learned about the defeat of Sagus. What did she even mean that it is according to my will and that I will conquer the world?

And I am evil now? What did even I do?

Even I'm confused where all of these stuff came from.

I sigh.