The Deal


There seems to be a cult somewhere that worships my title, and the name of the cult is Neo-Infitius. However, I'm still confused why they act according to my will because I haven't even done or said anything to anyone.

Perhaps, this is just a baseless rumors after all.

I try asking her, "Anna, what do you mean they act from my-- err, the Infitius will?"

"No clue, but I heard the Infitius is here in the East plotting something. I think the people falling asleep is probably one of his plans." She says.

Well, she's not right but I still have no plans for now.

Looks like this is as far as I can take things with rumors. It might be good if I will start investigating on my terms as well. I mean this one concerns me.

I go to the room upstairs where the sleeping adventurers are resting. Levia seems dazed looking at an odd stone.


"Oh." I get Levia's attention afterward and she comes along, "yes my lord?"

"What do you think about the cult? Should I be worried?"

"A cult worshipping a powerful being who follows the cursed art isn't surprising. Especially since Sagus is quite a figure from history."

I scratch my head thinking about it, "and what do they do?"

"Each dark cult have varying goals. Some are harmful and some are helpful to humanity, but what they have in common is that they enhance their capabilities and they learn dark magic to further their paths in the cursed art."

I stroke my chin thinking about it. If let be, these cults will leave a stain on my name. Then it would be me who would handle the aftermath of whatever is going to happen.

"My lord, what do you intend to do with this cult?"

"That depends. If they bother me, I'll crush them." I say with determination. Levia seems pleased with my words. We continue walking until we reach the room.

I use [Mental Purify] upon the noble who I accidentally stepped on earlier. He shall be waking up soon.

Upon waking up, he first looks at me and then Levia. "Wh-what happened?"

I come forward and say, "my name is Verni. I would like you ask you about what you know about the Neo-Infitius."

He stares at me weirdly, looking for an answer. Later we grab a table from the lobby so we can have a proper conversation. Anna serves us some drink, but I haven't even tasted beer in my life, so I ignore it. Anna explained everything to him thus far on what happened.

"So you're travellers from which country?" He asks with some suspicion.

Damn it, I can't come up with a place to cover my lie. "I come from a very far country. I'm foreigner here."

He stares at me for a few seconds then answers with smile as though proud of himself. "I see. My name is Sir Stervin, the distribution manager of S and M, the biggest trade company from the South. What business do you have with me regarding the Neo-Infitius? I assume someone already told you."

"Yes, Anna explained it to us already." This guy seems decent but it looks like he has something in mind. "So what are you planning to do now?"

Stervin furrows his eyebrows, clenching his fists in rage. "The Neo-Infitius members are from a Werewolf clan from the east. That's why I'm here to investigate. As things are going I--" He grits his teeth as though in anger and worry. "I can't forgive myself if something might happens to my daughter."

A lost daughter, huh? That makes sense on why there are warning about abductors outside the tavern. I can't bring myself to say anything in this situation.

In fact, quite interesting this world has werewolves.

Regardless, the facts are, the werewolves occupy somewhere in the wide Eastern Forest of Zen. Even with my clones, they can scout the region outward from the Infinite Dungeon and the region is quite large that I'm not yet sure where it leads. It might take a long time to find it.

And right now, it seems my clones have fully explored the city. I have mapped where the location I want to visit in this city, which is some temple on the central region my clones stumbled upon. This city is not worth much I think besides this temple.

I guess I have to pull out my clones from this city and instead focus on scouting the forest to look for the cult or wherever this Eastern Village is.

I look Stervin in the eyes who looks down. "Don't worry, I'll look for this cult sir Stervin, but I have a proposal."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I'll help you find your daughter and that cult but I want to join your trading company."

Right now, I need other tools and materials besides some rpg weapon and dungeon materials. That's right, I need a lot of resources such as masons, blacksmiths and some man-power. With a distribution manager on my side, I can expand my connections to this world. This is a big step.

Stervin gives a faint smile as though he has already agreed. "I don't think this deal is necessary if you have some note-worthy products to sell, then it goes without question. Of course, with the founder's approval."

"It goes beyond than that. I want to establish a further relationship."

Basically, me promising to save her daughter will make sure he owes me something big and that will ensure that I will have some influence over him in thr future.

Stervin chuckles as though amused. "I see, interesting. Let me take a guess. It seems you're not an ordinary person perhaps?"

It's funny how sees me as one when I didn't even say anything.

"What do you mean by that sir?"

"An ordinary traveller wouldn't want to establish a connection to some random merchant without a domain. So I must assume you are a lord of some kind or at least someone influential with resources."

He has some idea, huh.

I just chuckle him off and then I say, "so what do you say?"

Without hesitation, Stervin shakes my hand while also looking satisfied. "I will be looking forward for a future business with you."

Anna slams a pitcher filled with ale on the table. "You guys seem to be talking about something important. Here's some drinks! It's on the house for a little celebration for your business ."

I chuckle as I struggle to resist her offer but she keeps insisting that I drink it. Without much choice I gulp one down. The smell is off and the taste is bitter. I don't enjoy this kind of thing. Would earth's drinks taste like this?

This might be the first time I will get drunk.

It seems Levia isn't here. Is she still upstairs?

Regardless, I was forced to drink all of it while Stervin is just taking sips. In his mind, it's not the time for celebration after all.

[Recieving Intoxication...]

[Intoxication Resisted!]

Looks like I can't even get drunk.

When I was done, I come upstairs to fetch Levia, entering the room I see that she is near the window, looking over.

"Levia, you should have accompanied me. You could have helped me drink that thing."

Levia faces me with a dismayed expression. She sighs. "My lord, it's no use, I can't find her."

"You mean--"

Levia nods. She show me a strange small black orb the size of a pearl. "This is the Eye of Calling orb, it will let you communicate with anyone in this world as long as a contract was performed between your orbs." Levia smiles wistfully. "Melanie gave one to me, saying we'll talk with it."

Looking at the thing, there seems to be no response as though it's not functioning.

I crouch and pat her shoulder. "Levia, don't worry, we will find her someday."

I borrowed the Eye of Calling from her. She explained that if its yellow, it means someone from the other side will pick it up. If it is red, some seals or magic barriers prevent its communication, however if its black then that means the one who has it is no longer in this world.

Sadly, it's black.

Then that means Melanie is dead? I hope that won't be the case. There is a possibility he is sealed like Sagus in which I have to find her someday, but shouldn't be red if that's the case?

Levia is probably on denial right now.

I sigh, since there are too many things to do, first things first I'll have to deal with the cult.

"Levia, you can return to the Infinite Dungeon for now."

Levia snorts my words aside. "Don't worry my lord, this is nothing." She stands up acting tough. "Now let's go wherever we plan to go."

I speak to her with a reasuring smile. "Levia, you don't need to force yourself. If you want, you can relax here for now this is an order."

Levia loosens up and sits on the chair. "Since it's your order, I can't help it." She still looks at the black pearl on her palms. She probably needs more time right here to reflect about her situation with Melanie.

Afterward, I say my goodbye to Anna and Stervin. Stervin sends me off outside the tavern. "I'll be looking forward to your success. I hope some breakthrough can happen soon and my daughter will be found."

I nod. "I will find her no matter what."

I left Levia in that place for now. I will come for her later.

I then fly towards the edge of the city. Arriving there, I use my [Character Division] skill and create around a thousand of them. They then spread outward like a virus and begin scouting the deep forest of Zen. I instructed them to look for a settlement of some sort in the Eastern Region, and notify me once they do.

Afterward, I fly unto the central region and come close to the Fort. The Fort up close really enhances ones medieval experience. One building close to it is a temple which built from pure, white marble. It seems to be a holy place.

A church, perhaps? The architecture and design is quite simplistic yet I get the feeling this place is holy.

Regardless, I know a thing or two about church, and I don't have a good impression of it hearing Ren's story.

Landing on its entrance, there seems to be no one around.

The entrance to the church halls is dark. When I'm about to enter, a nun comes out. She already has some sort of white staff aimed at me as though cautious. "A child of darkness has no place in the holy place." She says in a monotonous voice.

Child of darkness, huh? So she somehow managed to detect my child of darkness title? As expected of someone from the church.

It's a good thing I have this ring, [Ring of Suppression: Dark Affinity- Level:5]. I'll wear it and hide my darkness aura for now. As for her, I'll rewrite her memories.

In an instant, before she notices it, coming close to her, I hold her head and use my skill [Memory Rewrite], to rewrite her memories. After falling and fainting on my arms, I have her lean on the wall.

I can only rewrite the memories of people who has significantly low Mind Stats such as herself and weak adventurers. I might not be able to do it to those who are stronger.

Looking at her close, the nun is a young woman, perhaps the same age as mine. She's cute and has that innocent look.

She wakes up and looks around confused. "Who are you? Why am I here again?"

I give her a humble smile. "Hi miss, I'm a visitor of this place. Can I go inside this temple?"

She greets me sternly. "The temple of the Holy Light Church shall welcome those who enter its halls, but first I would like to know ones business."

"I'm looking for books to read, so knowledge perhaps? Any information is good."

The nun nods and shows me the way. "Then I welcome you, knowledge seeker."

Afterward, I follow her as she leads me somewhere deep in the temple. On our way, there seems to be no one except for her. The halls aren't will lit except some candles, that it's reminds me of horror movies.

"Are you alone here?"

"No, I have God with my side."

Which tells me she is.

"What about the other nuns or priests?"

"This is merely a small temple and I oversee this place with a few maids. Holding any mass without commoners around here is pointless."

I see. I've seen on the streets that there seems to be no ordinary civilians here but only adventurers. So she's like a caretaker for this temple.

When we arrive on the library, she leaves me alone, and there is also someone here reading some books. It's an old man who looks experienced.

He puts down his book and gazes at me, sternly. "Quite brave of you to walk around the church territory."

He knows? Who the hell is this guy?

"Umm, can I ask who you are?"

He holds the hilt of his sword. "Isn't that right, monster? You may have fooled that nun but you can't fool a veteran. My name is Sir Garfurd of Aren, a retired captain of the royal knights. And upon my name, I will slay you!"

Looks like other people have sharp instincts that Child of Darkness is not the only title that I have to suppress, I sigh. This is what I get for having too many titles and passive effects.