End of the White Resistance?


We stand our ground as we are about to face the hundred masked men. Though, they seem to be not concerned with us as though they are looking for something. I ready my blade aiming at them. "Come! I'll fight you until I cannot stand."

One of them stares right at us. "Don't flatter yourself. Even with all of you, you barely managed to defeat one of us. You are unworthy of our attention."

For some reason, it feels like a big blow in the gut. I should feel relieved that they are not interested in us, however, it deeply wounds our prides.

Rendon readies his spear in rage. "Damn you! Don't you dare mock us! We are heroes from another world damn it!" Kezia hugs him preventing him from leaping towards them. "Rendon, wait! You can't beat them. Just settle down for now."

Nathan clenches his fist. It looks like he isn't discouraged by the number if these masked man. In his berserk mode, he holds his axe and advances but one of the masked men.

Damn it, Nathan!

I quickly use my ability, [Samurai Dash!] to grab Nathan and shove him straight unto the ground to stop him. When my words gets to him, Nathan grits his teeth and cancels his skill. "Damn it, if only I was stronger!"

"It's painful but we have no choice but to follow Kezia's advice."

Goddamn it! Aren't we this world's heroes who were destined to save it? I thought we could always win if we push through no matter how bleak the circumstances are. How could someone be this strong and so many? This is totally unfair.

Later, the masked man just vanish without trace. We look around and there seems to be no signs of them.

"They're---- gone." I say in disbelief. We sit around and rest for a while. The event was a heavy realization for us that we became silent. We still have long way to go.

Afterwards, to our surprise William, Carl along with their friends show up. They scoffingly give us a grunt. "Huh? It's these idiots again. We were supposed to go to that dungeon but we're back from where we came." Says William.

"At least, we finally made it out through that labrynth."

William raises his chin at us, "well, isn't this a good opportunity? These idiots can barely stand. This is the perfect time to teach the president's dogs a lesson."

Carl cackles while staring at Rendon. "Hahaha, Rendon, you better grovel right in front of me before I will do something that you will regret."

William comes forward, laughing cockily. "I have an idea. Why don't we capture them for now and release them on the dungeon? We also do the same during monster and dungeon raids. Send someones team first then when they get weary, we enter and steal the glory for ourselves. This is one of our quick EXP acquisition strategy."

This damn William! Even though he's an ass, he is the brain of the group. Even before we got transported this guy is the one who gives test answers to Alfred and his friends. Who also scores decently in exam rankings.

Carl approaches the weakened Rendon with a furrowed eyebrows. "Rendon, you better take back what you said!"

Rendon, despite tired and with his legs on the ground. He smiles scoffingly. "About what? I haven't told any lie."

Carl kicks his face, forcing him to lie on the ground with his back.

Kezia steps in between them. "Rendon, that's enough, and Carl step back!"

Carl clicks his tongue. "Kezia, step aside! I'll teach his lips some manners."

Damn it, if only I have some strength left.

This is a totally bad situation. We are battered up and beaten unlike the Storm Calvarin who are still full of energy.

Carl gestures to his friends pointing at Kezia. They hold Kezia away while Carl is grinning maliciously at her. "Anyway, I remember I confessed to you back then Kez. Well, it can't be helped since you like Rendon."

Kezia blushes slightly while Rendon is speechless. However, anger quickly takes him when he notice Carl's intentions. Carl unsheath his long sword and cuts Kezia's armor on the chest area. However, it was only to tear her armor.

Kezia gasps upon the realization when her cleavage is revealed. "Kyah!"

The adventurers who held her also oogle her.

"Lord Carl, so this girl is your type, huh?"

"Share her with us as well when you're done."

Carl chuckles. "No problem."

Rendon grabs his spear and slams it on the ground, causing it to crack. "You bastard! I dare you to touch her. I'll kill you!" He force himself to stand up.

Kezia struggles to break free since she is being restrained. "Carl, don't you dare!"

"This is for the last time you broke me Kezia." Carl says spitefully.

Behind him, William sighs. He holds Carl's shoulder. "Carl, you're going too far. I don't usually mind you doing these things, but I feel uncomfortable doing it on our classmate. Let's just find a native woman."

"Will, don't interrupt. I have to settle this with her."

Will keeps on holds his arm. "Carl, don't be reckless. If you do this, everyone from our class will hate us. Well, they already do but that damn Shira might hunt us down if we do this. We can't afford to cross that line."

Carl eventually stops resisting. He clicks his tongue and looks away. Kezia gets released and she is pushed outward where she falls on Rendon.

I sigh from relief seeing they are leaving silently. Carl leaves us saying, "next time we meet, I'll kill you all."

Nathan grits his teeth, he bark at him as he left, "Carl make sure you live when we meet next time, because I won't make your death easy."

Before William is about to leave, I say to him. "Will, even though I don't like you, you have my thanks for stopping him."

William chuckles, "Leon, I'm not that of a monster to do something like that to a classmate, maybe to a native. Just prepare yourself next time we meet." After some time, they are gone. We loosen ourselves for the second time. Regardless, we are just in silence and Rendon is in despair since he couldn't protect Kezia.

Regardless, we have to do something about those people. I want to write something to the class president but she is busy on the west.

Looks like I may have to get the attention of the second strongest classmate in the Righteous Order, he is guarding the Northern Area near the dark territory. His name is Jonathan, he is level 148 and bears the title of the [Paladin King].


I keep on praying in front of the Infinite Dungeon. It usually goes like this for hours.

I keep putting my faith that the Eastern Overlord controlling our village is not the real one.

"Lord Infitius, if you are out there somewhere, please guide our village to the right path."

But even if there is a real overlord, will he come out and protect us werewolves? He is probably like Sagus who only cared about gaining power and don't even care about his followers. When I was a kid, I'm not really a fan of Sagus or the Eastern Overlord title, but if it means someone out there can make things right for our clan, I will do everything on my power.

Afterward, I take a deep breath, reflecting upon myself and my prayer. I'm done for now and I shall return to our base.

However, I sense something. There are people approaching. With my sensitive hearing, I can hear them from the rustling of the leaves and bushes. Looks like there are ten of them.

A wounded werewolf-kin reveals himself, limping towards me.

I recognize him. He goes to me as though he has something to report, but before that he catches his breath. And there are the other nine who are following him but they are still deep into the woods. They seem to be allies from the resistance camp.

Regardless, I can feel the tension coming from him, and I feel worried seeing him wounded.

"What's wrong?"

He pants hard. "Chief, the clan attacked our resistance camp."

That's impossible. We have been settling in that camp for a year, I can't believe it was raided. We made great precautions in order to ensure the secrecy of the location of our camp.

"Someone betrayed us, and worse--- one of the apostles along with the cult members attacked us! They killed most of us in bloodshed and our previous clan members are hunting down our allies."

Usually, the apostles would just stand around and give orders to the Silver Claw Clan, but since they are having the initiative that means the situation is worst case for us. The cult are also now taking us seriously.

Regardless, my allies were slain by an apostle? It's hard to believe it. I mean the 7 Daruma Warriors were there to guard our camp.

They are the most skilled elite team of the village. They are looked up by the village due to their skills and prowess. It's a rank bestowed by the chief and they have to go through some process in order to be worthy of being chosen.

"What happened to the Daruma Warriors?"

"The Daruma warriors were deceived to leave the camp by a traitor saying you were in danger and you need their help. Thus, when the attacked happened, they weren't there."

I gasp from surprise knowing there was a traitor in our camp. I shake him, trying to let him answer who was the traitor. Everyone whom I know from the camp were trust worthy since they were loyal to my father since day one. I know each personally, and I can't imagine them betraying the camp.

He tries hard to not speak it but he lets it out, "y-your sister."

Melina? Why?!

I remember Melina was the kind and sweet younger sister. When we were kids, she was clingy and likes to play a lot. I also adore her for being a good cook. Even though she was annoying, I could never imagine her betraying me. I mean she hated violence.

Even during our time in the camp, there were no signs that she would betray me. We never had serious arguments.

What happened?

I clench my fists from anger and confusion.

Nine of them show up with a look of sullen. They come out from the woods. Seven of them are the Daruma warriors and the rest are Elite Fangs survivors.

"Chief, it's true. She lured us to the river. She said you got ambushed by the Silver Clan."

"Chief, we are glad you are alive!"


They surround me and bow in front of me with respect.

However, I'm not worthy of their respect. It's my fault that we are in this situation. If only I was better.

Each of them are wearing black clothing that covers their body from head to toe with only their faces and eyes showing. They also have weapon and appearance unique to their identity and styles.

The leader of the Daruma Warrior speaks, "chief, our resistance camp is good as gone. We predict they will hunt us all for good. Please, give us a command."

"We'll look for more survivors and--" I gasp when I sense some presence.

Several Silver clan warriors appear from the woods. "Minnerva! We finally found you." And beside him is Melina. She is timid as though she is being forced to walk with them.

"Melina." I say with my voice trailing off.

The cult members are also following behind them. In terms of numbers, we are outnumbered. Worse, one of the apostles is here, behind them. No doubt, it's the third apostle.

This is bad.

Will the resistance camp gonna be wiped out for good?