Situation in Hertfil


Holding the [Eye of calling] stone on my palm, my hope isn't lost. After all, if we can't contact Melanie, we just need to find her.

However, that was pathetic sight. I shouldn't have acted like a burden to my lord. I mean, he even went on his way to support me.

I have to return to him.

I left the inn and follow where he is. Due to the contract, I have with him as my Lord, I can find him. I just have to follow the feeling I get from the mark on my hand.

I fly towards the temple in the central area of city beside the castle fort.

However, there seems to be a ruckus. Below, there are some men capturing the unconscious adventurers on the ground and being put in cages.

Perhaps, I should keep an eye outside the temple and watch over the events unfolding on the city. I'm not obligated to act since I wasn't order yet to do anything.

Who they are and what they do is none of my business. The only one I'm concern with is my lord.


Passing over an alleyway, I stumble upon an old man lying there. He doesn't look like an ordinary old man, looking at his physique and high quality armor that belongs to a knight. Most likely, he is a high-ranking at that one. He wakes up as though groggy and asks in a tired tone. "Huh?! Where am I?"

"You just passed out, uncle"

Regardless, he woke up from Verni's sleeping spell? He's the first.

The old man gasps in dismay. "He got me, huh? That son of a goat." He stands up as though nothing is wrong. He looks at the sky and looks wary. "Is something happening to the city?"

Looks like he can hear it as well. There are some lunatics running around and putting the adventurers in cages.

"We got some prey over here." Right around us, we are surrounded by men wearing black clothing from their torso down to their foot. Only their eyes can be seen. They have unique weapons as well on their arsenal.

The old man unsheathes his blade. "Name's Garfurd of the Righteous Order of Aren. I would like your assistance beautiful adventurer."

Really? Do I have time for this?

"Denied. To tell you the truth, I dislike unnecessary fighting."

Garfurd chuckles. "You're tough one, ain't ya? But these folks will probably kill you. So it's better if you join hands with me."

This is a pain. I shouldn't use my excalibur for small fries like them since I'm still trying to control its power.

But whatever, I won't be able to enjoy my time here with them running around. Might as well deal with them here.

I crack my knuckles as I smile upon them.


While inside the inn, I'm pondering on a lot of things.

Verni, an ordinary traveller, huh? I don't believe it. That guy has to be someone important especially since he resisted a large scale sleeping spell. Not to mention, he was the one who lifted the sleeping spell on me and Anna.


Anna, the waitress comes to serve me another mug. "While you are relaxing sir, you can have this drink."

"Thanks but---I have no time to drink."

Afterward, we hear some commotion outside.

What's going on?

There shouldn't be some noise since I thought the adventurers are sleeping. Could it be, invaders?

I quickly whisper in an agressive tone at her. "Anna, you have to hide!"

"Huh, why?" She looks confused.

"Just do it!"

After my yell, she nods and goes to the backroom of the tavern through the backdoor.

As for me, I'll have to wait and see.

When the front door opens, several men wearing dark tight clothing enters. I guess my instincts are right. Trouble did come. I'm fortunate as I am unfortunate.

No doubt, it's those werewolves that took my men and daughter away. I can recognize their clothing. There are the only one who has this style in this area.

I can only clench my fist on how annoyed I am. But I don't know how to fight and that person Verni, might already have left.

They come close with their blades drawn. "Hey old man come with us."

In a flash, a silver warrior appears before me. He kicks my gut causing me to fly to the wall and slam my back.

One of their leaders yells to his subordinates, "capture him!"

I cough while saying, "no need to hurt me, I'll cooperate."

What savages!

But this is my plan. At least, I will be able to find my daughter since I will be brought into their village. This is what I was waiting for.

Out of nowhere behind the desk, the waitress appears. "Stay back!" She shivers while aiming her ring at them.

What is she doing? She should have just escaped or hid somewhere. Unlike her, I have a reason why I should be captured.

Anna looks afraid and she seems to be mustering a lot of courage just to stand.


Sir Verni gave this ring to me. I know that this will protect me.

I hope.

I ran back out of whim since I feel bad for letting them capture Sir Stervin. I don't even know how to activate this ring. Would magic somehow come out of it? I'm not sure.

Regardless, since nothing is working I think I'm done for.

The leader of the Silver warrior squad gazes at me with a snort. "Looks like we have another one here. Capture her as well."

To my surprise, the silver clan warriors pounces at me. They hold my arms, restraining me, then pin me on the floor. "Kyah."


Damn it, how can I escape from here? I have no reason to be here. Regardless, I can't leave since I'm under that bastard's supervision.

The kidnapping still ensues.

Some adventurers are being taken to the village through the tunnels underground. There were a few who woke up but they were easily defeated since they were weak.

As for me, I'm walking around suspiciously since I'm not doing anything to help.

"Hey old man! Grab those adventurers."

I stop on my tracks and fall silent.

He grunts, he comes to me from behind. I can hear his footsteps coming. "Hey! What are you doing?! You are just loafing around, you better get those ropes." He hold my shoulder tightly.

Oh screw it!

I grab his arm and slam his body forward to the ground.

Others around me sees it, even Carnik. Thankfully, I'm somewhat distant away from him. "You finally snapped, huh? Old man!"

The others look confused.

"Mcdelver! I knew you were a traitor."

"Don't tell me that a rebel is here!"

"Sieze him!"

I drop a smoke bomb on the floor covering my escape. While they are blinded and coughing, I dash away as fast as I can until I'm out of sight.

I slide towards an alleyway and hide in there for a while. I'm thinking of a way to flee from this city and find Minnerva as soon as I can. Hopefully, those bastards who won't be able to find me, especially Carnik.

I can hear some noise nearby. I try to peek and I can see two humans being dragged into the cages.

If I can't save the thousands of adventurers, at least I have to bring these two with me to leave this place.


I don't know where we are going to be taken but I hope they won't kill us. Right now, my arms are in chains as we are being dragged into the cage. There are sleeping adventurers as well inside it.

"Hey! What are you going to do with us?!"

The one who drags my chains yanks me roughly causing me to fall on my knees. "Kyah."

"Shut your yap and just enter this cage!"

Sir Stervin looks calm as he submits to the Silver Clan Warriors like he already accepts his fate. He walks willingly to the cage. "It's no use resisting, Miss Anna. Just listen to what they have to say."

I know that I have no power to resist, but is there really nothing we can do? There has to be something.

Two black balls fall on the ground. They fume up a dark mist that covers our area with a dark curtain.

I cough from the thick smoke. "What's going on?"

Someone shows up in front of me. I can't tell who because of the smoke but I was carried in a bridal carry.

Am I gonna get saved?


His name is Sir Garfurd, huh? From Aren. I remember that country didn't yet exist in my time nor I remember a country like that from the north.

Three of the men in black throw some kunais in our direction.

Garfurd tries to block the incoming three kunais but before he does, he notices that I'm already holding it. "What in the world?"

I guess I have to thank Verni for letting me drink that golden potion. It made me a lot stronger than before.

The men in black surrounding us looks worried. "Did my eyes decieved me?"

"How did she do that?"

Garfurd takes the chance and pounces at one of them, slashing one first then another until he takes down three. More men in black tries to come to him, they are quick and skilled in terms of sword wielding but one can see that Garfurd is more skilled and experienced.

He quickly dashes and hacks them up one by one.

As for me, one of them tries to throw a black ball to my direction which I catch, ending up exploding on my face.

It causes me to deafen for a second and get disoriented.

"Now!" Says one of them.

They use their only chance and pounce upon me simultaneously.

However, I'm only pissed.


The bomb didn't do any damage but it startled me and it was very annoying. I quickly grab my Excalibur blade and slice them up with a one wide swing, even slicing the building around us.

Garfurd stops for a moment and his jaw falls after seeing what I did. "W-who the hell are you?"


I was observing that damn old man but since we are here in the city, I thought he wouldn't do something funny so I took my eyes off him for a second.

I didn't expect he would knock out one of us and disappear.

I walk around trying to look for him.

Passing on a messy alley, I didn't expect to find several of my comrades' corpses. Most of them died from their bodies getting sliced.

Who the hell did this?!

Looking around, the buildings were cut into pieces as well and lots of blood and bodies are here.

I come up to someone who still managed to cling on some of his consciousness.

"Who did this?!"

"An old man and a woman. They are very strong especially the woman with silver hair."

Woman with silver hair?

So there are still strong characters here, huh? Looks like this won't be easy as I thought it was. Just when I thought the entire operation would be smooth, looks like there are bumps as well.

From behind, three people come up to me.

I can't be happier since it's the Ryushin Shadows!

They are the strongest Silver clan warrior rank recognized by the Infitius, Lord Varlin. They also were given the title of child of darkness and they possess strong dark affinity abilities.

They were the Seven Daruma warriors rejects but they are even more stronger than them. It's all thanks to Lord Varlin.

"Keke, looks like they gave you a rough time." Says one Ryushin.

"Apostle Wiln sent us here just in case some strong opponents show up and looks like he was right." Says another.

"Where are the ones who did this? I'll make them pay!" Says the tallest of them as he sees the number of corpses on the ground.