The Second Apostle vs the Clones


I think I have enough gathering information from the shelves. More or less I understand a lots of things in this world now.

I think I already must have consumed all of the books here.

[Wisdom: 3607]

That was a huge boost but right now, due to my high wisdom stats its difficult to increase it at this point.

For now, I have to do something about that mana activity in the far east.

It might take some time for my real body to get to that place, thus I might have to check it out first with the clones.

Casting an air barrier coated with cursed flames, I'm going to protect my body with it. I also have a few clones in standby just in case.

I notice my elemental skills are more fierce then before that the air barrier is even starting to erode the concrete of this place.

I think I'm even more stronger than before in terms of my magic.

[Clone Maximum: 50,000]

That was a big jump from before, but most importantly.

[Essential Clone Maximum: 1000]

Essential clones, huh? The only Essential clones I have is Vermil. Once I'm done with this I'm gonna do a lot of experiments and see what I can do with it.

First, I'm gonna use my skill, [Clone Take Over]

I close my eyes and after opening it, I find myself flying over a mountain with cold air blowing over my face. The area around the mountain are surrounded by a vast forest extending to the horizon.

I can't even see the city nor the dungeon tower.

For now, I will have to deal with the people below me. I land while the rest of the clones wait in mid-air.

Assessing the situation, there is man with a japanese ninja style clothing who has wolf ears and a tail, a group of people in a cage and an oddly suspicious guy with red robe and hood with the Infitius symbol on the back of his robe.

Also this place is a bit weird with the odd silver statues of werewolves and an altar.

It feels like I'm in a place where the cults are practicing.

I'm quite confused that I don't even know where to start.

I can scan the werewolf and the humans but not the guy in a robe. Which means he is higher level than my clone and is bad news.

Right now, he looks surprised seeing me.

"Don't tell me, that you are the real Infitius!" Says the robed man.

It seems he can identify me just by a glance. "And you are?"

The man snickers with dismay. "Well then, this is problematic. To think the Infitius would come out of all time. What should we do with this? If the people of the village knows of this, our charade will be over. I can't let this slide."

Charade? Village? Don't tell me, this guy is one of those founders of the Neo-Infitius cult, who is using my name to kidnap people. Seeing that he might be powerful so it must be true.

So this are the guys that I'm looking for, huh?

Thinking about it, it's starting to make sense.

Those are the kidnapped people and they are using the werewolves for their misdeeds, whatever their agenda is.

The werewolf looks confused. He shivers and is trying to wrap his head around on what he just heard. He asks the red robed man, "Lord Rixer, what do you mean by real Infitius?"

The robed man grunts, "you don't need to know you fool. The only thing you should know what to do is to follow orders."

I speak to the werewolf, "I assume you are from the clan. I am the real Infitius, three years ago I defeated and took that title from Sagus. Tell your people none of these are my will. It's absurd I would ask you to capture some adventurers for me. I'm sorry to tell you but you were fooled."

The werewolf gasps in shock. He falls down on his knees in total defeat. "Th-then, our people, what did we endure everything for? All those labor, the blood and tears we shed? Were all those for nothing?!"

I sigh, feeling bad for him. "I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

The werewolf clenches his fists and slams it on the ground. "No, this is our fault. If we only knew that the real Infitius is considerate and kind. We wouldn't have done this." He howls angrily in the air. "Damn you Varlin! I'll kill you! You and the apostles will all pay!"

I smile seeing him letting loose. In fact, I'm quite pissed as well since they are using my name to make others suffer. I can't let this kidnapping slide after all.

"Can I ask for your name?" I ask the werewolf.

The werewolf looks shocked the second time. His jaw is frozen that he can't speak.

"What's the matter?'

"My lord, why would you ask the name of someone who is as insignificant as me?"

"Don't say that, because I mean, you matter. Now help me pass my first will to the village. Tell them, I, the real Infitius will come and dethrone the fake one."

The werewolf's confusion turns into smile. "My name is Alver my lord, I'm just a wolf guard but I appreciate it that you are trying to get to know me. From now on I will follow you!"

He bows and goes to the cage. He breaks the iron bars and sets everyone free.

I remember that Sir Stervin had a daughter, is there by any chance that his daughter is one of the girls there.

One girl that takes my attention has an orange short hair. After fleeing from the cage, she leaps on the werewolf's arm and hugs him tightly. "Alver, I knew we were gonna make it out alive!"

"It's good thing that my first friend don't have to die."

"Of course, geez, do you have to say it that way."

I smile upon seeing this heart warming scene. Looks like they went through a lot, huh?

However, I'm sensing something behind me. The robed man reveals his face, then a crow like wings appear behind his back. He is showing his true colors, huh? Also, I expected this guy is a demon.

It isn't unlikely if he was one. I mean Vermil just encountered a demon so they are probably connected. One question is just how many of them are there? And what are their goals for doing all of this mess?

He looks like a normal human with the exception of his three horns on his head. Two on the side and one pointing straight up in between.

His face is angelic. He has a long blond hair that goes straight down to his neck and a firm smile.

"You might be the real Infitius, but you're not on your best form are you? I can tell. Besides, I'm the second strongest demon of the Apostles. And I'm one of the Upper-Middle Class demons. I can defeat you even if you're an overlord."

He can tell that this body is a clone, huh? That's right this body is only a fraction of power from my real body.

Besides I can't scan him.

[Scan Failed!

Mind stats are higher than the user]

Perhaps, I'll buy some time and let my clones carry my body here.

Yes, I'll do that but it will take a while since this is quite far from Hertfil.

I just sent the message to my clones to bring it here ASAP. For now, I'll hold him off since he'll definitely kill Alver and the people here after hearing it.

In a flash, he went past me. With a wicked grin he whizzes towards Alver. "For the sake of the demonlord's wish, you worms will have to die here!"

I grit my teeth.

Damn it, that was fast! He's already close to them. I might not be able to make it if I chase after him.

One of the clones close to the demon, hugs him, stopping him on his tracks. While both are in mid-air, another clone comes in and kicks the demon hard causing them to fly away so that they can be out of range from us.

While the clone is hugging him and they are distant from us, the clone uses [Cursed Flames Overload]. It's like a branched skill of the cursed flames but this time the clone uses all of his mana to cast this skill inside its body and self-destruct.

The demon manages to sense it. He yaps and flails around. "Wait, don't tell me that you're going to blow yourself!"

A large dark violent explosion occupies the sky. Then a dark cloud obscures the view of the air for a minute.

Alver and the rest of the humans are in awe. "Impressive, that was a powerful attack."

"Is he dead?"

"Are we saved now?"

Alver smacks his lips and clenches his fists. "Of all the people who could fool us, I can't believe it's the demons. This is unforgivable and I hope he is taken care of."

"Sadly, I can still sense his presence." I say.

Alver and the rest gasps in surprise.

When the smoke clears up, the demon is revealed to be alive. Though his robe are in tatters. He is panting from annoyance.

This guy is quite tough. As expected of a demon.

"No way, that guy is still alive after that explosion?"

I yell at them. "Alver, quick! Return to the village!"

Alver nods as they go away.

I look up and observe the demon. The demon grits his teeth. His eyebrows furrows on me. He wipes some drops of blood on his lips. "You're magical output is indeed impressive but your dark affinity control needs some work."

Dark affinity control?

"What are you talking about?"

The demon grunts as though regretting his words, "tsk, why am I even educating my enemy?" He then stares at Alver and the others. "Letting those fools return to the village is not permissible. However, I know you wouldn't allow me. Looks like I have to deal with you first, Eastern Overlord."

"That's right, it might be better if you just surrender quietly, oh and that Varlin too."

The demon growls as he is obviously very pissed. Concentrated dark mana is coating around his body as though something is about to happen. "I don't know who you are and how you defeated Sagus but don't get cocky to think that you'll survive here after surviving the dungeon, child!" He puts his hand in a praying position as the atmosphere turns dim. The rocks as well on the ground are starting to rise.

Even I'm starting to get chills.

"Forged from the depths of hell! Its edge are to cut from rage and bring despair! Rise!"

A portal opens up in which the demon extends his arm to pull something from it. Showing a shadowy dark blade oozing a reddish smoke. "Oblivion Edge."

What kind of sword is that? That looks haxed.

[Scan Failed!]

It looks like this weapon is also protected by his mindstats that I cannot assess it.

Regardless, it might be better if we gang up on him while he is muttering his spell.

We decide to launch an attack simultanously from all directions.

He extend his sword which is brimming in dark mana and stare at the clones fiercely. "Just so you know, Sagus and us demons are on a different level."

He aims the edges of the sword at me and speaks slowly. "Final-- Oblivion!"

Weirdly enough, I can feel his nefarious mana in all directions in a split second.

In a blink of an eye, several clones gets cut. Our body parts fall apart and is reduced to mana smoke.

Huh?! What the hell happened? I didn't even see any flying slash incoming. It's as if we got cut down instantly from that distance.

What kind of technique is that?!

Even the clone that I'm occupying has been cut down.

[Fatal hit!

-10,000,000 HP]

I need to transfer to another clone, [Clone Takeover]!

I started with nearly a few thousand clone and with that swing, he took down 200.

The demon grunts as he hold his blade. "Behold the power of a demonic Valmon Clan! I'll take you down Infitius as if nothing just happened and our business will resume as usual."