Garfurd's Resolve


The old man who seems to be from the werewolf race stands up. He looks confused on why he's injuries are now gone. "Huh? I'm healed?"

I sigh as though regretting healing this old man because I know that he's just going to eat my time.

Also, seeing the adventurers here having a hard time being kidnapped, perhaps it's the time to wake them up. Verni has left anyway so there is no point in letting them sleep.

I cast a holy spell as large as this city and cast. "Mind Purification! Major Area."

A magic circle appears below the city, basking the adventurers with light magic. The adventurers slowly wake up.

"What's going on here?"

"I don't know but we are being attacked by those werewolves." Says the other adventurers as they assess the environment after regaining senses.

Upon seeing their situation they quickly jump to their weapons and defend themselves. It became a warzone here as adventurers battle against the werewolves.

"Damn it! Some of our comrades are inside the cages! Free them!"

The adventurers yell in warcry as they continue to fight the werewolves and rescue their comrades.

Regardless, I have no time for this. I need to go where Verni went, but I have no clue where. Damn it.

"Verni where the hell did you go?"

"If you mean Sir Verni, he must have went to the Silver village to the east." The voice comes from behind. Its from the middle-aged man from earlier who I was defending. The young woman is also with him.

"And you are?"

"My name is Stervin, I own a company and I came here to rescue my daughter. Earlier, Sir Verni and I made a deal."

He's not a stranger to Verni, huh? Well, at least I have a clue where he went.

"Where is the Silver village? If you know, please guide me."

The old werewolf who I healed earlier raises his hand. "My name is Macdelver. I will guide you there Miss Knight."

Looks like the old man I healed knew. How convenient.

Macdelver speaks with a serious tone. "Miss Knight, it might be wise to leave here as fast as possible. The first apostle will come here soon."

"First apostle?"

Macdelver nods. "The Silver warriors are grateful that the adventurers fell asleep, but even I'm sure that the demons didn't know this since this is our first time seeing it. The first apostle will come here to investigate."

So they're sending a strong enemy to investigate Verni's doing, huh? I guess this is consequences for his actions.



This time, I volunteered to do an investigation in which only the class pres and I know. That time, several weeks ago, Shira and I had a discussion in that hospital.

When everyone else left and it's just us inside the room where she is being admitted. Shira is near the window gazing over while she rests her tired body on the bed.

"Class pres, I have something important to discuss with you."

"Fenna, it's your turn next, huh? Julius was just done."

I nod. "To be frank, this is about him."

Shira thinks about what I said in silence.

"Class pres, what do you think about Julius? Do you think you can trust him?"

She nods with a sincere look. "Yeah, Julius has been with me since first year. He's smart, hardworking, efficient organized and well-disciplined. If I can't trust him then this order might fall apart." She stares at me as though she understands me. "Fenna, if there is something that you feel you need to do go ahead. I can't dismiss my members gut feeling after all."

I simply nod. Looks like the class pres understood what I was going for without explaining some things. This will make things easier.

Julius, huh? He is indeed those things. The teachers commended him for being an excellent student and our classmates for his skills. However, it was probably during that time that I caught a glimpse of his personality.

He will do anything even if it's underhanded just to achieve his goals!

I think it was during summer festival and the voting for the best class presentation was going. We won for having the highest votes in the school and we were so glad. But I knew what happened behind the scenes with his smirk. That aura of his was something I haven't seen before.

I investigated and found out that Julius sold the stolen photos of our class' beauties in exchange for voting our class. I let it go since I'm not the type to confront people especially the vice pres.

The most unforgivable thing is that I'm not even one of those girls. Ahem-- I mean I should be relieved that I'm not part of it but why am I upset?

Ugh, the boys from the other class can't keep quiet about Myla and the class pres. Only the two of them gets the most attention.

Regardless, Julius, even if you fool the president and the entire class, you can't fool me. Someday I'll expose your true colors!


I came here to the east to confirm some things. However, this body I am using is just an illusion projection and my real body is somewhere else. My body projection right now is in the Temple of Mezoran in the Fort of Hertfil.

I'm here to investigate because I can sense some anomalies in the Eastern Region. Not to mention, I receive reports from my vast network that spans everywhere in this continent.

The young nun bows at me. She is the caretaker of this place who also works for me. "Lord Eye, I did not expect your visit."

"Ironically, I did as well, I came here to ask you about something."

"What is it Lord Eye?"

"Does this city have any strange visitors lately?"

Several men wearing white robes comes down and kneels in front of me. They are the members of the Eyes, my secret organization that gathers information throughout Groundwell, for my purpose alone. No one and not even Shira knows about this or any of my classmate.

"We did Lord Eye, also we confirmed that one of them is an Ex Hilo Hero." He hands out a compass the size ones fist.

This is the [Hero Pointer], an ancient artifact that I found in some Elven ruins. It points directly to the summoned heroes such as myself.

"Keep it for now." He should know that I can't hold such a thing since I'm just a projection.

Regardless, I confirmed some things. I should know where each of my classmates are right now, thanks to my [System Database] skill. It allows me to determine some information about my classmates. Their levels, system, stats, titles and such. However, one limitation is unless I see them personally, the information won't be updated. The most I can determine is if they are alive or not in real time.

I have been tracking each of my classmates these past few years if they are doing well and such. Even those classmates that are not into good terms with each other.

The only one who I can't find is Verni.

Since Verni is alive one reasonable conclusion is, this could be him, since I know everyones whereabouts except his. I made a diary about my classmates. Some of them started a family with the natives, some started a business, some became rulers, adventurers, mercenaries etc... All of the details are in this book. As for Verni's page, most of are hypothetical.

I smile as I push the glasses up on my nosebridge.

This could be him. I spent three years looking for him and finally, I have some lead.

However, before that, I have to do something about our treasurer, Fenna. I was secretely listening to their conversation and I can't believe she's poking her nose on places where she shouldn't.

Out of all my classmates, she is the only one who is sharp enough to sniff me out.

If my intuition is right, she will be going for that next. No, it's definitely her choice of investigation. No doubt about it and it's Myla's buried place.


In the borders of the City of Hertfil, as a loyal werewolf soldier to Lord Varlin, I can't believe the first apostle, Sir Wiln has finally arrived. Sir Wiln has an intimidating mask and a red long robe that drags on the ground behind him.

Every werewolf bows after seeing him. We even feel we are not worthy to stand in his presence. In the seven apostle, he is the one who is the most looked up to with his strength.

Right now, behind us, the adventurers are organizing themselves, forming a line of defense against our forces. They look mad as they try to retake Hertfil.

One adventurer takes the lead. "Everyone, let's show these foolish werewolves to not mess with us adventurers. We'll drive them out of the city and rescue our comrades!"

The adventurers responds with a warcry while raising their weapons.

If these adventurers unite they might be able to create a stronger force but it doesn't matter in front of Sir Wiln. All of us know what he is capable of.

Sir Wiln steps forward, "Looks like the adventurers have awaken."

"Forgive us Sir Wiln, we don't know what happened but it looks like the will of the Infitius is over."

"It's also his will for me to come here, which is why I will personally take care of this matter. You lot are no longer needed here."

He usually doesn't deals with these things by himself so it strikes us a bit odd. I ask him in the most humble voice, "Sir Wiln can we return now to the village?"

"Your tasks is not over yet. Hold still."

"Yes sir."


Right now we are facing off an army of werewolves. Our distance are close but we are in a stand still. The one in the middle that has a red robe has a frightening presence.

So that's the one who commands the werewolves, huh? Everyone else may not notice it but I can sense this one has a high essence of darkness, it reminds me of demons. No, he must be a demon.

Wiln is his name from how the werewolves address him, I suppose. Regardless, I know how the demons operate in this continent. I point my sword at Wiln. "Demon, give it up, what are you planning to do?! The adventurers have awaken and there's nothing you can do."

The werewolves are surprised after I call him demon.

"Demon? What is going on?"

"Sir Wiln is a demon? No way."

So these werewolves are oblivious to the fact that they are being manipulated by the demons? It seems I finally understand what is going on.

"That's right, that guy is most likely a demon and they are using you to mass produce this thing called the bloodstone." I hold one up which surprises everyone, even Wiln.

"You old worm, where did you get that information?!" Says Wiln with an intimidating voice.

"Wha-what do you mean by that Sir Wiln?" Says a confused werewolf.

One werewolf stummers. "The-then we are being fooled? Because there's no way the Infitius will be working with the demons?"

"Then is Lord Varlin a fake as well?"

I nod to the werewolves. "Yeah, most likely. You people were fooled."

The werewolves look confused, thus they murmur it out.

So all of these things happening were the demon's fault, huh? The werewolves were just fooled. Regardless, can I beat a strong demon such as this guy? I think it'a pretty obvious what the answer is just by my instincts alone.

I sigh afterward and put everything I got with this last swing.

I smile reminiscing something.

Shira I'll leave everything to you.

I draw my blade and take a deep breath. Large amounts of energy gathers on my blade. This is a technique that converts your mental fortitude into physical strength.

I'm a master of this since with my experience, I can use it to slice even the toughest opponents.

Posing to strike, I yell, "Legend's Glave!"

Swinging the blade to Wiln's direction, to his surprise, his arm falls off from my attack.

The adventurers are surprised in awe. "That was an awesome move."

"Not bad old man."

"That swing gave me chills."

Wiln stares at his severed hand trying to digest what just happened. "Not bad human. You have my respect. No human has managed to cut my hand before. Tell me your name."

I pant from exhaustion. I used all of my strength to that swing and I doubt I can muster much strength after this. "My name is Garfurd, a retired royal knight of Aren." I then smile wide. "I'll show you more what this old dog can do. I can still kick."

Wiln harrumphs, "that won't be necessary."

Before I can even look at Wiln, a dark carnivourous plant passes over me, consuming the left half of my body.

Huh? What the hell was that?

I didn't notice that I was already dead.