Truth About the Bloodstone


A notification appeared on my system screen, checking it, it startled me.

[Carl Marvince the Warrior Summoner has died!]

Carl died, huh? It seems we have a first confirmed death of my classmate. It's a shame since I wanted to end Kami's game without one death of a classmate.

Personally, I don't like Carl and also I can't do anything about it, but as for everyone else, I can't let them die.

Well then, shall I tell the president and her order about this? I can tell the others carelessly without letting them getting suspicious of me. The biggest hurdle is Fenna. Of course, she will ask me how did I know.

I never told anyone about this skill. Because if I do, my classmates will use me as a way to gather information from other classmates. I will just cause unnecessary conflicts.

For now, I'll just grieve silently for his death.



Right now, we are leaving the eastern region of groundwell and are coming close to the central region. Regardless, I can't believe that we left Garfurd alone to die.

"Fenna, no matter how I look at it, I just can't accept it. Something might have happened to Sir Garfurd."

Fenna just looks coldly to the front. "And? You want to turn back? Do you have what it takes to fight the demons? Remember how you fare against one in the west."

I remember it, and its shameful. To him, we look like kids who are just playing around and who he can't take seriously.

Kezia clenches her fists. "Myla too, I don't know what she did that she became too strong."

"Yeah, I will return to her for what she did to me." Nathan says with ire.

After this, I have to go to the north as well and train my body out to the limits. We can't go on like this.

"Anyway-- Fenna, I'm worked out over this because someone is more concerned about Garfurd than I do. I just can't get this feeling off me."

That's right, if Garfurd dies, the president will be the one who will be shocked the most. I won't be able to bear to see her cry again.

"Idiot, do you think I'm that heartless to just leave Sir Garfurd out there? I also care for the President and I don't want her to feel sad."

"What do you mean?"

"We've requested one of the 12 Saint Guardians to deal with the situation."

Saint Guardians? They're the famous and the strongest warriors of the Mezo Theocracy. In terms of ranking they are just below the God Saint, Northern Overlord, Lord Jerome. Most of all, they are quite strong that their strength can rival that of the skilled demons.

They can be sent by a highly ranking or influential official that is close to the church. Usually, they are sent by the church when an anomaly occurs that it cannot be solved by ordinary soldiers. It seems the president has the privilege to request one, as expected of the True Hero.

"Anyway, I heard the Saint Guardians are treated like gods in this world. How did the president convinced them to send one."

"A week ago, we recovered one journal from their lab that exposes the plans of the demons. We turned it in the church. We've confirmed one of the major manufacturing center is in a werewolf village called the Silver Fang village. Worse, it's under 7 demons who might be as powerful as an Overlord. Only a Guardian Saint can deal with them."

She got all of that information and acted this quick? I was always aware of her ability but I didn't expect it to be at this extent. I smile and pat her head.

"Hey Fenna, forgive me for being rough earlier. I was totally wrong. You're actually very reliable."

Fenna deliver a swift uppercut that causes me to collaps on my knees.

She grunts and looks away.

"Damn you, you sociopath loli."



I've been following my lord and calling out to his clone but it doesn't respond. "Hey! Where are you going?!"

The clone has been ignoring me. Is it not capable to talk to me? I remember, it only does things depends on the will of the original. It must have been told with a one goal to bring his real body somewhere.

All I can do is follow him.

To my surprise, a chained mace from below the forest encircles around my leg, restraining me. It causes me to stop in mid-air, and I get pulled down. Landing on the ground, I slam on it hard, breaking it and leaving a crater.

A curtain of dust hinders my sense of sight.

These chains are packed with dense spell of enhancement magic infused by dark mana. The chains comes off loose and disappears elsewhere.

Whoever, casted that spell isn't from this realm.

When the dusts are gone, looking in front of me, two robed men in red appear out of nowhere. They snickers as they assess me. "Looks like we have Galkin over here, but a defective one."

"That's true. Galkins are superior to us demons but I won't say the same to the one who stayed too long in Munren."

My eyebrows furrow at them. I can sense something off with these guys especially they are from Helis. "You bastards! Why aren't you affected by the deterioration phenomenon?"

Deterioration phenomenon is when someone from the higher realm gets weaker when that person stays for too long in the lower realm. One can tell that the deterioration phenomenon is occuring is when their mana is being diffused to the environment. But for these guys, their mana are relatively stable.

Someone from the higher realm has higher mana concentration in their body thus it diffuses to the air which has a lower concentration. At some point, one will reach an equilibrium point where the detorioration effects stops, but that means one has became weaker than they used to, well, significantly.

I used to be very strong and I'm not as what I used to before.

However, these bastards aren't affected by the deterioration when they should be if they claim they were here even for only a short period of time.

"Idiot, as if we'll tell you."

"Kekeke, slaying a Galkin will bring me a great satisfaction." Says one demon holding the chained mace.

"Galkin, you will die here, and also we will send your head to that sick Empress for looking down on us demons."

That bastard just mentioned my mother didn't he? I'll fucking destroy him.


I'll deal with the last human adventurer later. For now, I'm going to mess up this Galkin woman. He'll regret crossing paths with us the 6th and 7th apostles.

I'll just ready my weapon, the black star. I can manipulate its weight, speed and direction. Dealing with this defective Galkin will be easy.

The galkin woman's eyes are deep in crimson. She looks mad.

Was she pissed off from what I said from earlier? That's more like it. I'm going to make her even more pissed before I'll kill her. That will be more satisfying. Kekeke!

In a sudden, my head gets twisted to the back by a mysterious force.


Now that my head is facing is behind me, my front is vulnerable. My partner is also the same. We are confused.

This is bad! We have to look to our fronts as quick as we can.

Her hand pierces through our chest and comes out of our backs with our beating hearts under her claws. We barf blood as we groan. Looks like my partner is in the same situation. Her hands have went through our chests.

Damn this Galkin woman! She's looking down on us.

She grunts, "it's true that I may have deteriorated, but I won't be defeated by the likes of you."

Damn her!

We can regenerate and won't die easily as long as our hearts are not crushed. I have to activate the demonic cataclysm before she---

The galkin woman squashes the heart with her claws, causing blood to splatter outward like a popped water balloon.

"Ahh!" As intense pain assaults me, the remaining air escapes my lungs with a heavy groan.

Looks like my partner is also the same. His heart also got squashed. I can't believe this was our end. We couldn't even use our ultimate weapon.

As our final moment, I try to reach out to my comrade.



Both of their bodies fall lifelessly on the ground.

Foolish demons. Do you really think I will give you the opportunity to draw your blade? Only idiots will do that.

Looking around me, there are also humans around here. I guess they are adventurers and most are dead. There is one survivor and he is just knocked out on the distance.

Well, who cares about them. For now, I inspect the bodies of the demons. Since they weren't affected by the deterioration they must have something. A magical tool or a device perhaps?

One demon under his sleeve has a bracelet with a deep red stone.

"What the hell is this?"

Using my mana to check its magical circuitry, this device seems like it disguises my mana to be that of someone else.

I see.

So they are using this to prevent the deterioration, huh? Natives of the lower realm aren't affected by the deterioration so those from the higher realm use their essence as a disguise to be protected from its effects. The easiest way to get someones essence is through blood.

This stone is most likely crafted from human blood. What a clever way to by pass the negative effects of the deterioration phenomenon.

It makes sense why they are kidnapping a lot of adventurers and humans while also using the werewolves for their deed. Most of the demons are probably hiding since coming out they will have to spend some blood stones. I applaud them for such a good plan.

Regardless, if they have this method, then who knows how many demons are there in this realm which is Munren.

It seems only the demons knows of this method. If others from the high realm knows of this, there will be chaos for the people of this world.

The only thing stopping those from Helis in conquering Munren is the deterioration effects. I can't even grasp what will happen if they get a hold of this information.