The Main Body vs Rixer

[Sherry] - Daughter of Stervin

I can't believe we just got saved by the real Eastern Overlord. To think he is actually real and different. I thought it was Sagus who was the Eastern Overlord.

At any rate we are gonna be saved. He will keep the demon busy while we escape. Alver is carrying the cage where we are right now back to the village. My father's employee are all here. Well, there is one woman, I don't recognize. She just hugs her legs on the corner in silence. She has brown hair and in her twenties wearing a commoner clothing.

She speaks monotonously, "mr. werewolf, I think the demon is coming our way." She says even if her eyes are fixed on the cage floor. How did she know and why is she perceptive?

Looks like she isn't just an ordinary woman.

Regardless, I try peeking out of the cage and notice that only the demon is left flying the skies. There is no sign of the Infitius. Has he been defeated?

Alver grunts, he quickens his pacing. "Tsk!"

Even though distant, the demon faces our direction and swoops right in to our location. No doubt, we are going to get killed.

"Alver! If you put the cage down, you can run to the village yourself and fullfill the Infitius' will." I call out to him.

"That's-- not an option."

Alver looks like in trouble deciding something. Finally, he says, "Sherry, forgive me!" He looks to the direction of the forest, preparing to hurl, he spreads his legs and braces it, he then throw the cage down into the woods.

A yell escapes my mouth. "Kyah! Alver!"

We escaped the demon but now we just fell off the side of the mountain. It's a long drop and we don't even know if we'll survive this.

"We are grateful that the demon isn't chasing but if we die it's all in vain." Says one man.

"But what about Alver?"

Despite falling off, the woman is calm. She takes a deep breath and stands. She focuses deep and releases a wind spell to break the cage doors. "Wind Spear!" She then comes out and goes below the cage. She casts another spell. "Blow Gust."

When I realize what she is trying to do I call out to the men. "Everyone hold on!"

The cage slows down falling. I brace holding the the iron bar yet I still slam on the cage floor. It hurts but at least we hit the ground safely.

The men are impressed with her.

"That was impressive lady, good thing a mage was here."

"That's right, that scared me for a second."

I sigh in relief.

Regardless, this woman is not an ordinary one. Even a non-mage person like me can tell that she is a veteran mage seeing how she casts her spells effortlessly.

A bald middle-aged man who is close to my father lends me his hand so I can stand up from the cage floor. His name is Richard and he is like my caretaker. "Miss Sherry, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, we have to return to the village."

"You sure jest. What we should do is to find a way to return to your father."

I pout to show my discontent. "But, I want to know what happens next to the village and also--"

Alver, I hope you survived somehow.

"Look Miss Sherry, we just got our freedom. Besides what are you going to do if that demon shows up again? Not even the knights can fight them."

"But, but! I can't leave lik--"

"Miss Sherry! Forgive me but don't let his sacrifice be in vain!"

Normally, I will just complain but seeing Richard being serious and for Alver's sake I decide to shut up.

Another man says worriedly. "Richard, the mysterious mage woman disappeared."


The only one in our group who can fight is now gone. It's bad news for us since we are left alone in this mysterious forest which is very ominous.


Sir Rixer shows up in front of me with an ominous presence.

It's the first time I see his true form. He is no doubt a demon. Worse, he is a powerful being beyond from what I can imagine. As if he doesn't belong in this world.

"Well then, before I kill you I have to think of a perfect excuse to the village on how you died. A stray monster? Accident? Hey werewolf, what do you think?"

This bastard! What nonesense is talking about in front of my face? Regardless, I can't talk back carelessly. I have to stay quiet. That's what I would normally do, but since this bastards caused hardship to the village. I can't forgive him.

I ready my claw and leap towards Rixer out of rage. "Eat this you filthy demon."

The demon headbutts me very hard, I bounce back and slam on the ground, almost passing out.

"Bastard, do you really think you have a chance against me?" He raise his blade over me with merciless look. "That's right, I remember, you have no friends in the village. No one would complain if I kill you right?"

Just when he is about to sink his blade, a figure appears over me and stops the blade with two fingers. It's the Infitius, he came to save me. Now, he has no mask on and he looks young.

"Sorry Alver, it took a while but I'll be taking care of things from now on." He smiles confidently.


I manage to come here just in time. Regardless, I came to have a liking with this sword.

"Sorry Rixer, but I'll be taking this." I clench my hand into a fist and punch him quite hard, I send him flying away quite fast.

[Oblivion Edge (Cannot Equip)

A demonic sword that can cut through space]

Cut through space, huh? How do you even cut space?

Regardless, throwing a punch to Rixer felt more easier now that I'm using my main body. Normally, he will just dodge me but now I'm curious how he will fare against me now.

Rixer manages to straighten his wings in mid-air and stop himself from blown away. He glares over me in rage. "You scumbag, that hurts! So there is one left, huh?"

"Yeah, and I'll beat you up with this body."

"I see, so those things are just clones and this is your original body. I'll end it here!" He aims his hand on the Oblivion Edge.

To my surprise, the Oblivion Edge vaporizes from my hand and reappears in his hand.

"Hey, don't take my weapon?"

"What are you talking about? This is mine. Besides this sword is a part of my body. You won't be able to steal it."

He holds his sword out and ready to poses. He utters the words, "Final--"

Here it comes. I made myself ready to cast any defensive spell.


I spit blood as I feel something sharp piercing my back. Looking behind me, the upper half of his sword teleported behind me. Looking back at Rixer, only the lower half of his sword can be seen. The other half went into the portal to pierce my back.

I finally understand the nature of his ability.

Back then, he was able to slash my clones instantly because he can teleport the upper half of the blade to pierce them very quickly more than I can see them. Now wonder his attacks back then were mysterious.

Rixer cackles in amusement. "Hahaha! It's over." He casts another spell. "Demonic Plague!" He sends an ominous dark mana through his blade into my body.

[Demonic Curse has been casted!

+Torment (Debuff)

+Plague (Level 30)(Debuff) ]

Unimaginable pain crawls into my every being as I absorb the dark mana. As if its slowly crushing my insides. Despite the pain, i smile.

This reminds me of the time when I ate a ghoul back in that dungeon. How nostalgic.

Regardless, I cast my skill, [Clone Betrayal] to cancel all the debuffs.

[Debuffs Eliminated]

I leave a clone being stuck with the blade to absorb all of ots debuffs and then use [Break Dash] to Rixer and instantly appear before him. To his surprise, I appear before him with my hands held together, I then hammer him down strongly.

He gets blown away to the ground leaving a crater, and with the debris rising a curtains of dust and a brief earthquake.

I sigh in relief after knowing the debuffs are gone. My clone betrayal skill is quite useful. Without it I may have been in a big trouble.

Regardless, I wonder how that demon is faring well.

Looking below, when the dust clears up. He stands back up again with an annoyed look. His head got deformed but its slowly healing to what it was before.

"You bastard, how did you break my curse? Looks like I have no choice but to push myself to the limits."

I appear before him instantly, he gets startled. "Me too. I don't have time to play with your games." I deliver several punches on his front, just when he gets blown away a clone appears before him to kick his back so that he can get close back to me.

I hold him on the neck as he coughs up blood and is half awake.

"Hey, do that 60th attack thing with your forehead."

He grits his teeth and covers his forehead with unusual mana. Just when he is about to headbutt me, I brace myself and headbutt him first.

Ouch! That hurts like hell!

As for Rixer, he gets blown away fast, slamming across several rock formations while flying over few kilometers until he is pummeled unto a mountain.

[To protect against the 60th Soul Strike, 10% of the Mind stats will be converted to Spiritual Defense]

Only 10%, huh? That's quite low. Regardless, that's better than nothing.

On the distance, the air becomes chaotic and the sky darkens. Lightning surges at the location where I sent Rixer.

Looks like he has gotten serious.

"Demonic Cataclysm!"

Here it comes! Looks like I have to get serious as well.