Eastern Overlord's Generals Part 2

[Minogaurus' Essence (Mythical)]

Thinking about it, I imagine it to be the typical muscleheaded guy. He will be tanned and have huge muscles like a bodybuilder on steroids. Standing on a very tall height and stature. His good looks is oozing with manliness and power.

His name shall be Minord.

[Name: Minord


Worldly Titles: General Mythical Monster of Galkobin


Level: 420

Health Points: 35,000,000/35,000,000

Mana Points: 500,000/500,000


Strength: 3400

Agility: 1200

Defense: 4800

Stamina: 3820

Wisdom: 1220

Mind: 2700

Tolerance: 2503 ]

Minord has the high defense among them. He is also an earth type of general monster since he inherited the essence of Minogaurus. Like the rest, he will obtain the Earth Affinity Skills that I will no longer use. He will also obtain the [Hammer of Worlds] which was dropped by Minogaurus.

After becoming alive, he yells loudly that it might shatter our eardrums. "Yeahhh! I'm finally here!"

Covering my ears, looks like I made a mistake. This one is anything but normal. Regardless, I'm more impressed that Karena is still sleeping from this noise.

Minord grins widely, staring at me while he forms a fist. He then launches it to my direction. It seems a non agressive punch. Don't tell me that this dude just wants a fist bump.

I exchange a fist bump as well and we slam each other's fist so hard, a heavy pressure is released outward. Even Wye is pushed slightly away.

I was more surprised. "Minord, what was that all about?!"

"Hahaha, this is how I show my respect my lord." He keeps laughing as though taking it lightheartedly.

"Whatever, I will proceed with the next."

[Emperiol's Essence (Mythical)]

This one comes from the domain of Fremiel. It is a lightning affinity domain thus I expect this clone will also have lightning attribute spells.

I decided that this guy will be lean but firm. He has sharp eyes yet a calm look but his style will be amazing. He shall be looking slightly older than me. He has a long spikey blond hair that reminds me of anime characters.

His name shall be Emperio

[Name: Emperio


Worldly Titles: General Mythical Monster of Fremiel


Level: 410

Health Points: 20,00,000/20,000,000

Mana Points: 12,000,000/12,000,000


Strength: 2400

Agility: 3800

Defense: 1400

Stamina: 2020

Wisdom: 2520

Mind: 2500

Tolerance: 2503 ]

Upon gaining sentience, he just close his eyes and kneels. He calmly says with a cool voice, "I'm prepared for my first mission, my lord."

He didn't even act oddly and just kneeled on my presence. Looks like I have my first normal General. Looks like this might be my favorite general among them. Not to mention, his design looks so cool since he reminds me of a shinobi.

Emperio is on all fours in front of me. "My lord if you want a chair, you can sit on my back."

Well, he was cool a seconds ago.

Minord notices Emperio, "oh another brother, got revived, huh? I wonder how he will fare against me in arm wrestling? Haha!"

For the last monster essence that I have, I'm gonna use this.

[Tortelya's Essence (Mythical)]

This is a nature affinity domain which also has some mind attributes. I have already decided what type of person this one is going to become.

She will be young and has a timid look. She has long, olive-colored wavy hair that reaches her rump. Her ample-sized eyes are sparkling and cute. She is the definition of a cute girl that everyone wants to protect.

Her name shall be Thea.

Upon becoming sentient, she glances around nervously.

[Name: Thea


Worldly Titles: General Mythical Monster of Thertarus


Level: 400

Health Points: 18,000,000/18,000,000

Mana Points: 16,000,000/16,000,000


Strength: 1605

Agility: 1800

Defense: 1400

Stamina: 1320

Wisdom: 3500

Mind: 3200

Tolerance: 3200 ]

Although her stats at strength, agility and defense are relatively low, she has quite high tolerance and mind stats. Also, her skills are interesting since she has mental and nature affinity skills.

She quickly covers herself with vines with only her eyes peeking through. "M-my lord, thank you for reviving me."

Looks like I have a socially anxious sister. I can relate with her.

It seems I have completely used all of my Mythical Essences on my clones.

They are Kravos, Eterna, Wye, Minord, Karena, Emperio, Thea and also Vermil. They shall be my Generals for this dungeon. Also, there will be more. There are 28 Legendary Domains after all and the rest are ordinary domains which lies below level 300.

It took me a few weeks just to insert all of the essences in my clones. However, I managed to create a powerful force in the Infinite Dungeon. Perhaps, I shall just call them the Essential Army.

The most noteable among them are Nikolai and Selena in the lower ranks.

[Name: Nikolai


Level: 300


Strength: 1200

Agility: 705

Defense: 450

Stamina: 920

Wisdom: 800

Mind: 530

Tolerance: 721 ]

[Name: Selena


Level: 290


Strength: 350

Agility: 1200

Defense: 420

Stamina: 500

Wisdom: 1132

Mind: 782

Tolerance: 350 ]

Nikolai is tall and well built. He has a masculine look and with some affluent charm. I also want his persona to be more mature and wise.

He has a well-combed black hair and will look even better in an office suit. He kinda looks like the typical handsome CEO of most female romance shows.

He even looks handsome even for a guy like myself.

Selena has a smooth, braided red hair flowing to her back. Not to mention her great proportion of her slender body and supple chest. She has the 90's vibe of the most beautiful western actress. No doubt she will be a model in our world. She is Nikolai's partner and they manage the lower ranks of my army.

They are also teaching the lower level Essential clones, on what I intend to have them teach. It seems we can accomodate well even with a make-shift stone classroom. Just the situation about this world, and our possible enemies.

Also, there is a weird General Monster that I came across. This Essential clone is named Anesha. A smooth blond hair with a youthful beauty, starry eyes and smooth complexion. She reminds me of the disney princesses, not to mention she looks timid and endearing.

The monster essence that I collected according to my system won't hurt humans. So it strikes me as odd since what type of monster doesn't hurt humans? I called her so I can ask her some things.

In front of me, she starts to become nervous. In fact, I become as well. I know that she's my clone but why the hell I'm starting to get timid as well. Damn, I made her too beautiful.

I clear my throat before I ask. "Umm Anesha, sooner or later, demons or even humans might come here to destroy our home. Will you help to fight against them?"


Before I came into this world with a human form, I was merely a beast in a small dungeon. However, I was alone in my dungeon and no other monsters were there. My body emmitted some toxins that kills anything within range. It was never my intention to hurt anyone much more kill.

Somehow, one of my Lord's clones slew me.

Before I knew it, I'm already here. I hope I can express my desire to make friends while I'm in this form and so much more. This is my only chance I can experience things that I can't when I was a toxic monster.

I'm very thankful to my Lord.

While our Lord is creating more clones, we were taught by our superior, Lady Selena. She says we should treat our Lord with outmost respect and if possible sacrifice our lives for his cause. He gave us life, so it's also reasonable he can take it away.

Walking in front of my lord, he asks me an odd question, thus I answer.

"My lord, I don't like violence. So I won't fight, I just want to make friends. And if possible, I'd like to experience being alive."

Did I just screw up? We have been thought to devote our lives to his cause especially even if we are being used as a weapon. Lady Selena is staring on the distance. Will she punish me for this?


Quite interesting that there is a clone who thinks differently than the others. I smile and nod to reassure her since she seems scared of me.

"That's fine, you don't have to fight if you won't."

Besides, I feel bad for making a gentle and beautiful girl like her fight. Also, her level and stats aren't that high so I think I can use her for somewhere else.

Anesha smiles as well with a soft chuckle. "My lord, thank you for being understanding."

I think that smile hits me directly to the chest. I can't help but turn around just to compose myself.

Damn, this is what I get for making my clones too attractive. I might drown from emotions if this goes on.

Taking a deep breath, I reflect upon my situation now.

Now that I am done creating the Essential Army, all I have to do is to organize and polish them. By then, they will be ready for the outside world.



Due to the monsters in the Eastern forest chasing after us, we got lost. It's almost a week since we fell from that mountain.

Sherry and her men can barely survive due to the difficulty of finding food and water. I can go for weeks without eating. These humans are quite pain in the ass. If it was only me and Sherry, I would have gotten to the village a long time ago.

I hope the Eastern Overlord defeated those demons from our village.

The humans keep on complaining during our journey that it's tempting to just diss them.

However, I came across one woman who appeared out of nowhere when I walked first off the group. It was the one who broke through the cage from last time.

Why is she here?

I touch the hilt of my katana and intend to draw it if she tries something off.

She stares at me straight as though she wants something. She throws a stone at me in which I quickly catch. "Give this to the Eastern Overlord."

"Hey what do--"

Instantly, a twister casted spell appear around her and her presence disappear.

She's... gone.

Regardless, what is this stone? It has now turned yellow. Looks like I'm gonna give to the lord Infitius, huh?