Crystal of Bravery


We finally returned to Silvia, the capital of Aren while being utterly defeated. I don't know how to face the president now since we abandoned sir Garfurd to die at that place.

I'm inside my room in my mansion being frustrated. I can't blame anyone else but myself. If only I was stronger, damn it!


I'm saddened with our decision since Garfurd is most likely dead right now. If our information was correct that they were demons then leaving was a correct action to take.

Of course, my decision wasn't baseless, I was convinced by Freya. She has the ability to peer into the future. At least 3 of us would have ended up dead if we stayed there.

Right now, I'm inside the castle walking in the hallways to report to Julius. For now, I'm gonna play that I don't suspect him, and treat him as our chief information officer.

Speak of devil, I came across Freya while walking around. She is walking away with her back faced to me so she didn't notice me. If she is here then the president must be also here in the castle.

Freya is the tall and gloomy one from my class with the [Enigmatic Seer] System. I try calling out to her, "Freya..."

Freya doesn't hear it or probably she pretends not to hear it. She's the type to avoid communication after all since she finds it pain in the ass.

However, this is a perfect chance. She has a skill that can predict someone's future as long as she can meet certain conditions. I want her to predict Julius' future specifically. What are his plans? If I can ask her privately without letting anyone know about it, this is the only opportunity.

I grab upon Freya to get her attention. She just stops and turns around.

Then a silence ensues as we face each other...

I'm not the type to cater to any type of personality after all.

I clear my throat, "Freya, I have a favor to ask you."

She just nods and stares at me.

"Can you use your skills to peer one of our classmates?"

"Depends." She answers in a quiet voice.

"However, you musn't tell anyone about this not even the president."

Her mouth is open as if she is about to say something but couldn't.

I then say, "can you peer Jul--" I stop my tongue when I hear Julius' voice coming from behind.

"It's quite a rare sight to see the both of you talking." Julius chuckles menacingly. He readjusts his glasses as I eye him. "Oh, forgive me ladies, am I interrupting something?"

This damn Julius, he might've seen through me. Freya probably picked up my intention but she wouldn't talk to Julius about this.

I sigh and then say with an annoyed tone, "not really, I'm just asking her about the President."

"This is a good oppurtunity, King Wilmer Acken summoned the Righteous Order and his officials into the royal chambers to discuss about something important."

There was an important summoning? Something that we should be concerned about must have happened. The only thing it happened was when Karthus attacked a main city.


Hmmph, that was close. Of course, I'm confident Freya won't be able to get some information about me since I prepared some counter spells, but I can't risk it.

Fenna, whatever your plans are I'm always two steps ahead of you. Whatever you plan to do, it is futile. Hahaha!

No, no, I almost smiled. I should calm down and manipulate these idiots like I always have.

Also, since I'm an important official at the King's court room, I'll play along and join them. To be honest, it's kinda tiring feeling concerned for this sorry assed corrupt kingdom.

If I feel like it, I could expose some controversial information to the public and this kingdom will collapse overnight, however, the only thing that holds me back is the crystal of bravery.

Also, there are somethings that I don't know yet, my position here is important to gather information after all.

In the castle, I'm also a tactician who assists the Tactical Specialist, Noli the grey sage. He's also one of the head officers of the Mage Academy of Silvia. He has proven his skills as a tactician for decimating Tharlin Kingdom's main force with their limited resourced and strong formation, while also being one of the strongest mage in this country, called the Three Pillars of Aren.

However, in my eyes, he is a scum. No doubt he will be a future enemy of the heroes.

Inside the royal chambers, the generals, nobles, Noli the grey, the president and some members of the Righteous Order have gathered. It looks like I'm the only one late but they didn't even notice me entering since the problem at hand must be quite big.

Of course, I already knew what was going on which was I am late. I got information from my Eye network that the devil army have been summoned from north.

Noli speaks after noticing me, "the meeting will now commence."

After Noli stared at the king, the king nods at him to fill everyone with information. "This is a major concern that can compete with Karthus' invasion, a worldly threat."

The generals and everyone inside the room are surprised.

"A worldly threat you say?" I can't believe Shira is still here at the meeting complying with her duties after hearing Garfurd being left on the Eastern Region. She says she still believes that Garfurd is still alive.

However, I already confirmed that he was dead. I guess he trust his master too much. Ignorance is bliss, huh?

As for the issues on the East, I heard the Heavens District and the theocracy will take care of it, so it's reassuring. The Guardian's haven't made a move for a centuries until now, so it's quite interesting where this will take.

As for Aren and its allied countries the west will be our problem.

Everyone here begins discussing about it.

"But it's far right? They won't be able to reach us?" Says one general.

"Not necessarily, these summoned devils are persistent. They will destroy everything in its path. They can also replicate as they proceed forward. Basically, if they are not stopped, it will be the end of humanity." Answers Noli.

"What about the other countries? It will be their problem too right?"

"That's what we wished but it seems they are head to the north east. Basically, it seems they are targetting the northern countries." Says Noli as he holds a crystal ball.

This crystal ball is the Eye of Seeing, it allows anyone to spy on a certain region provided they casted a magic circle on that region.

The people are surprised seeing the dark devils marching across the barren wasteland. There are even giant devils on the background casting a silhuoette on the mist.

However, the one who summoned this devils must have a deep hatred to the northern countries. Is it one of the western survivors? No, no human is able to summon this large army.

It can't be. The western overlord? But he was sealed. If not, one of his men. That might be the case. One of the people who is close to him.

Regardless, the meeting went on. Noli suggested that the Hero and one of her strongest ally would bypass the army and take out the monster leading this army from behind.

"The monster responsible for this is no doubt, Cerberus." A fat book floats in front of him, and with a whisk of his hand it opens. He shows us what Cerberus looks like from the old and tattered pages.

Everyone is intrigued and also worried.

"This is no ordinary opponent. This might be your toughest yet, if worse comes to worse, we'll request an assistance from the guardians."

Shira places her fist on her chest while looking determined. "Sir Grey, I don't think that will be necessary. The Righteous Order will handle Cerberus!"


Ever since I came into this world. Everyone always looked up to me that I was the best in everything, but remembering what happened in recently, it's heart aching. The masked man, and Myla.

I clench my fist as I remember it. They made me feel worthless. If I'm not the best, I'm nothing!

I'm blessed with the best system of the class so it is also my duty to be the best. But how did she get stronger than me? It doesn't make sense and I won't allow it.

That's why, I'll slay Cerberus to redeem myself.


I sigh hearing what the president said. She can be an idiot sometimes.

"Class Pres, I have to agree with Sir Noli. We might need the help of the Guardians since this is a Mythical Class Creature. We might not stand a chance when we barely defeated Kalia."

Shira takes a deep breath before she speaks with sincerity. "Julius, if I can't slay Cerberus here. I won't have the right to call myself a hero."

No doubt, if she were to battle Cerberus in her current state, she might die.

However, the room are amused with her words, even flattering her further.

"As expected of the Hero's bravery, trully commendable." Says one general.

Even the King is amused, he nods in agreement. "That's good to hear great hero. No doubt, your name will come down as one of the great legends of history." King Acken smiles.

However, I can see through their fake smiles. The royalty, ever since we came here we were always being manipulated.

These motivations and flattery are just so they can use us as tools, human weapons to be precise.

Shira and my classmates felt glad getting flattered that they are getting motivated. However, not me, I'm annoyed. From an outsiders perspective, we are quite naive and fools.

Noli continues, "while the hero is out to fight Cerberus, the Northern Allied Army will intercept the devil army on the front."

One general with a wolfish hair and cunning grin speaks. This is general Fen, one of the most corrupt generals in this council. "Why don't we occupy the Central Region cities and use it as a defensive fort."

"I don't think we have much time to set up a fort."

"Then we can just use those cities to station for our army and supplies, and we can protect those cities in return." Fen grins slyly.

I know what this old bastard is up to, pillaging villages under the name of protecting them. The country of Aren has a reputation to keep after all. Also, settlements from the central regions aren't centralized thus they are easy to control. Even the King encourages it since it increases profit.

However, I'm not so heartless to let it happen. I raise my arm and say, "I agree with your proposition Sir Fen, but can the Righteous Order also stay in the city?"

Sir Fen shows some hint of annoyance. He knows that if the class president's order is with them, they won't be able to do any form of corruption.

Noli, the King and the general's gaze are on me. They must be thinking on how to turn the tables. After all, if they stain the reputation of Aren to the public, chances are, they will lose Shira's support, thus if they do something malicious it should be under a good reason.

"But Sir Julius, the hero's order should join them to slay Cerberus." Says Fen as though fumbling.

"No, only a few would do so, the rest would stand by among the cities."

Noli breathes as though relaxing, "I agree with Julius' proposition. It's a good addition to the Northern Alliance. We are dealing with large numbers after all. Is it what you're thinking right? Julius?"

I put up a fake smile, "haha, you're truly wise my Master."

To the public we may look like we get along as master and apprentice but the reality is different. Noli does his best to not get overshadowed by me not just to the public's eyes as a tactician but also as a skilled magic user. He knows more about me than Shira does which is why we have some sort of rivalry.

Later when the meeting was over, Noli and I crossed paths in the hallway. He gazes at me straight in the eye, "I told you to not interfere with our discourse and create dissonance."

No way I'm gonna let you pillage the cities like you did with Tharlin.

As if I'm gonna say that, I'm too smart for it.

"I just thought the Northern Alliance required support from the hero's trained army."

Noli walks couple of steps forward so he can speak beside me with our sideways facing together. "If you say anything more that will conflict with the kingdom's interest, do understand that we have the crystal of bravery. I'm sure you're smart to understand that."

Crystal of bravery, a stone that boosts the stats by 500. Shira was implanted with 7 types of these stones; crystal of strength, intelligence, mind, agility etc...

She got +500 boost for each stat since it is only compatible for the True Hero. However, there is a big drawback that Shira and the other heroes weren't told. The one who implanted it can cause it to self destruct killing Shira if they wanted to with a simple spell.

Noli, and the two other strongest mages have been using it to blackmail me and not spill out any information to my classmates. But someday, I'll checkmate them for this.