

7 AM, City Graveyard

Seong-ah and Hangyul hurried through the narrow streets, their breath coming in ragged gasps. The sirens from the building they had escaped still echoed in the distance, but they were far enough now to slow their pace. Their destination loomed ahead—a graveyard where Hangyul's father had been buried.

The sky was overcast, matching the somber mood that hung between them. They entered the graveyard, its wrought iron gates creaking as they pushed through. Rows of gravestones stretched before them, each marking a life now past. Seong-ah led Hangyul to a secluded corner where a weathered headstone stood.

"This is it," she whispered, her hand gently squeezing his.

Hangyul nodded, his gaze fixed on the gravestone. The name "Lee Jinhyuk" was etched into the stone, and beneath it, the dates of his father's life and death. A flood of emotions washed over Hangyul, memories long buried beginning to resurface.

As he stared at his father's grave, the forgotten past began to unravel. He was a boy again, ten years old, hiding in the shadows of his home. He had heard the argument between his parents escalating, the voices sharp and filled with anger. He had been too scared to intervene, too small to make a difference.

The door had burst open, and a man in a dark overcoat had entered. Hangyul remembered the gleam of the knife, the swift and brutal attack. His father had fallen, blood pooling on the floor. Hangyul's mother had screamed, a sound that still haunted his nightmares.

The man in the overcoat had turned to Hangyul then, his face hidden in shadows. He had knelt down, placing the bloody knife in Hangyul's trembling hands. "Take it," he had whispered, his voice cold and devoid of mercy. "It's yours now."

Then the man had fled, leaving Hangyul standing over his father's body, the knife heavy in his small hands. His mother had burst into the room, her eyes wide with horror. She had seen the knife, seen the blood, and her scream had pierced the air once more.

"You killed him!" she had cried, her voice breaking. "How could you, Hangyul? How could you kill your own father?"

Hangyul's world had shattered then, the trauma too much for his young mind to bear. He had repressed the memories, locking them away deep within himself. But now, standing at his father's grave, they came rushing back with a force that left him breathless.

Tears streamed down his face as he fell to his knees, the weight of the past crushing him. Seong-ah knelt beside him, her arms wrapping around his shaking form. "It's not your fault," she whispered, her voice gentle and soothing. "You were just a child, Hangyul. It wasn't your fault."

Hangyul sobbed, the pain of ten years spilling out. "I didn't do it," he choked out. "I didn't kill him."

"I know," Seong-ah said, her hand stroking his hair. "I believe you."

They stayed like that for a long time, the graveyard silent around them. Slowly, the tears subsided, and Hangyul felt a strange sense of relief. The memories were painful, but they were his, a part of his past that he could no longer deny.

"Who was he?" Seong-ah asked softly. "The man in the overcoat?"

Hangyul shook his head. "I don't know. But I have to find out. He ruined my life. He made me believe I was a murderer."

Seong-ah nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "We'll find him, Hangyul. We'll make him pay for what he did."

Together, they rose from the ground, a newfound resolve guiding them. The path ahead was uncertain, but they had each other. And as long as they were together, Hangyul knew they could face whatever came their way.


8 AM, an abandoned Banjiha in Seoul

Moon Jihoon crouched in the shadows of an abandoned underground room in Itaewon. He had been on the run since escaping from Dr. Danny Park's facility, where he had been subjected to unspeakable horrors. Jihoon was only 25, but his life had been marked by pain and suffering.

Mayor Kang Minseok and his wife, Kang Chaewon, had found in Jihoon the perfect tool for their dark ambitions. Under Dr. Park's influence, Jihoon had been drugged and manipulated, his mind warped into carrying out their deadly plans. He had been forced to commit eleven brutal murders, consuming the hearts of his victims as part of a gruesome ritual.

Jihoon's eyes were hollow, his soul burdened by the atrocities he had been made to commit. The drugs had dulled his senses, but now, free from Dr. Park's grip, fragments of his humanity began to resurface. He was haunted by the faces of his victims, their lifeless eyes accusing him even in his dreams.

The underground room was dark and dank, with only a few flickering lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air was thick with the smell of decay, and the silence was oppressive. Moon Jihoon sat in the corner, looking like a ghost spirit, his eyes hollow and distant. He was surrounded by heaps of human organs, a grotesque reminder of the horrors he had been forced to commit.

Yoon Seong-ah, having been tipped off by Yesul, approached the entrance of the underground Banjiha with trepidation. Yesul had told her about this place, where she had first encountered Kim Haneul, and Seong-ah knew she was walking into a nightmare. She took a deep breath and descended the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the silence.

As Seong-ah entered the room, she saw Jihoon sitting lifelessly amidst the grisly remains. Her heart ached for him, knowing he was a victim as much as he was a monster. She stepped forward cautiously, not wanting to startle him.

"Jihoon?" she called softly, her voice trembling. "Moon Jihoon?"

At the sound of her voice, Jihoon's head snapped up. His eyes, filled with a mixture of anger, pain, and confusion, locked onto her. He let out a guttural scream and hurled a bag of human flesh in her direction. Seong-ah dodged it, her heart racing.

"Stay away from me!" Jihoon shouted, his voice raw and desperate. "I don't want to hurt anyone else!"

Seong-ah raised her hands in a gesture of peace. "Jihoon, please, listen to me. I'm here to help you. I want to get you out of this hell."

But Jihoon was beyond reason. He lunged at her, his movements wild and erratic. Seong-ah backed away, her mind racing for a way to reach him. She could see the torment in his eyes, the struggle between his humanity and the monster he had been forced to become.


The words seemed to hang in the air, cutting through Jihoon's rage. He stopped mid-attack, his eyes wide with shock and confusion. "What… what did you say?" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Seong-ah took a cautious step forward, her heart pounding. "My mother, Kim Hana, took care of you when you were at the orphanage. She loved you, Jihoon. She tried to protect you."

Jihoon's expression crumbled, and he sank to his knees, his body trembling. "Kim Hana… she was the only one who was kind to me… before everything went dark."

Seong-ah approached him slowly, kneeling beside him. "I'm here to help you, Jihoon. We can stop Kang Minseok together. We can end this nightmare."

Tears streamed down Jihoon's face as he looked up at her, the walls he had built around his heart beginning to crack. "I… I don't know if I can be saved."

Seong-ah reached out and gently took his hand. "You're not alone anymore. We'll do this together."

In that moment, something shifted in Jihoon. The rage and despair that had consumed him for so long began to ebb, replaced by a flicker of hope. He squeezed Seong-ah's hand, a silent promise that he would try to find his way back from the darkness.

Together, they stood up, ready to face the horrors of the past and the uncertain future ahead. Seong-ah knew the road would be long and fraught with danger, but with Jihoon by her side, she felt a renewed sense of determination. They would bring Kang Minseok to justice and uncover the truth behind the murders, no matter what it took.


8:30 AM, City Park

A long queue of people entered the grounds and occupied the empty seats arranged in front of a huge elevated stage. The day, forecasted to be sunny, turned out quite gloomy, darkened by large clouds hovering overhead. Everyone had gathered for the upcoming election campaign conducted by Mayor Kang Minseok and his political party to promote Jung Jeongwoo. This speech was a critical moment for both Jeongwoo and Minseok's positions in parliament. The assembly was set to begin at 8 AM, preceded by a private meeting between the two political leaders in Minseok's car.

"What are you going to do about Moon Jihoon? He has escaped from Danny's hospital," Jeongwoo asked the indifferent old man.

"He's anyways going to die, what's the big deal?" Minseok lit his cigarette, blowing the smoke out the window.

"Whatever it is, be quick. He's a weapon that can strike back at us."

"Let the elections go smoothly first."

Minseok was relaxed, seemingly unconcerned about the future.

Jeongwoo frowned, his anxiety evident. "We can't afford any slip-ups, Minseok. Not now."

Minseok took a long drag of his cigarette, exhaling slowly. "Relax, Jeongwoo. We have everything under control. Moon Jihoon is just one man. He won't be able to touch us."

Jeongwoo remained silent, glancing out the car window at the growing crowd. His mind raced with the potential threats Jihoon could pose. He knew Minseok was confident, but he also knew how dangerous Jihoon could be.

As the clock neared 8:45 AM, Minseok stubbed out his cigarette and straightened his tie. "Time to address our supporters," he said, opening the car door. Jeongwoo followed, adjusting his own appearance as they stepped onto the stage.

The crowd erupted into applause as the two men approached the podium. Minseok raised his hands, signaling for silence. "Thank you all for being here today," he began, his voice strong and commanding. "This election is crucial for the future of our city. We stand at a crossroads, and with your support, we will ensure a brighter future for all."

Jeongwoo watched Minseok with a mix of admiration and concern. He was a powerful orator, able to sway the masses with his words. But Jeongwoo couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his stomach.

As Minseok continued his speech, Jeongwoo's eyes scanned the crowd. His heart skipped a beat when he saw a familiar face lurking at the edge of the assembly—Moon Jihoon. He was partially concealed by the shadow of a large tree, but Jeongwoo could see the cold determination in his eyes.

Jihoon's presence was a silent threat, a reminder that their past actions were catching up to them. Jeongwoo's palms began to sweat. He knew he had to act quickly, but without causing a scene that could disrupt the rally.

Minseok finished his speech to thunderous applause. As he stepped back, Jeongwoo leaned in and whispered, "Jihoon is here."

Minseok's face remained calm, but his eyes hardened. "We'll handle him later. For now, we focus on the campaign."

Jeongwoo nodded, though his mind was still racing. As Minseok continued to work the crowd, shaking hands and offering smiles, Jeongwoo slipped away, heading toward the security team. He needed to ensure Jihoon was monitored closely.

Minutes later, Jeongwoo returned to the stage, his face a mask of calm. He took his place beside Minseok, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He couldn't shake the image of Jihoon's steely gaze.

As the rally continued, a sudden commotion erupted at the edge of the crowd. Shouts and gasps filled the air, and Jeongwoo's heart pounded in his chest. He turned to see a group of security guards struggling with Jihoon. The situation was escalating quickly.

Minseok, ever the politician, stepped forward and raised his hands, calling for calm. "Please, everyone, remain calm. Our security team is handling the situation."

The crowd slowly settled, but the tension was palpable. Jeongwoo watched as the guards escorted Jihoon away, his eyes never leaving Jeongwoo's face. There was a promise of retribution in that stare, one that Jeongwoo knew he couldn't ignore.

As the rally wound down and the crowd began to disperse, Minseok and Jeongwoo retreated to a private room inside the nearby building. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken fears.

"We need to deal with Jihoon now," Jeongwoo insisted, his voice barely a whisper.

Minseok nodded, his earlier nonchalance replaced with a steely resolve. "We will. But we need to be smart about it. No mistakes."

The two men sat in silence, the weight of their decisions pressing down on them. They knew the path ahead was fraught with danger, but there was no turning back. They had come too far, and the stakes were too high.


9 AM, Mayor Mansion

Moon Jihoon's heart pounded with a mix of rage and despair as he approached Mayor Kang Minseok's mansion. The drugs coursing through his veins made his thoughts hazy, but one thing remained clear: he needed to confront the man who had turned him into a monster. His eyes burned with anger and resentment, and he clenched his fist around the still-warm, blood-dripping heart he had torn from his latest victim. This was his final act of defiance.

The mansion loomed before him, grand and imposing. Jihoon pushed through the front gates, his steps heavy and determined. The guards stationed outside watched in stunned silence as he marched past them, too shocked by the sight to react. Jihoon's dishevelled appearance and the gruesome trophy in his hand made him look like a demon raised from hell.

Jihoon kicked open the front door, the sound echoing through the opulent foyer. He walked into the living room, his eyes wild and his breath ragged. Blood dripped onto the pristine marble floor, leaving a trail of horror in his wake. He tilted his head back and screamed, his voice raw and filled with anguish.

"Minseok! Chaewon! Get out here!"

The shout reverberated through the mansion, and within moments, Minseok and Chaewon who had arrived from the public event emerged from their rooms, their faces a mix of surprise and fear. Minseok's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Jihoon, standing there like an avenging spirit.

"Jihoon," Minseok said, his voice steady despite the chaos. "What do you think you're doing?"

Jihoon's lips curled into a snarl. "I'm here to end this, Minseok. You turned me into a demon, and now you're going to face the consequences."

Minseok glanced at his bodyguards, who stood frozen, unsure of how to proceed. "Capture him!" Minseok barked, but the guards hesitated, fear evident in their eyes. None of them dared to move forward, intimidated by the horrifying scene before them.

Jihoon took a step closer, his grip tightening around the heart. "You think you can control me? Use me? I won't let you win. Kang Chaewon, look carefully… This heart belongs to your step daughter… who was ordered to be assassinated by her own blood father"

Chaewon clutched Minseok's arm, her eyes wide with terror. "Minseok, do something!"

Minseok's face twisted with anger. "You're nothing, Jihoon. Just a tool. A means to an end. You think this will stop me?"

Jihoon's laugh was hollow, filled with bitterness. "I'm more than your puppet now. I'm your reckoning."

In a sudden, fluid motion, Jihoon hurled the heart at Minseok's feet. Blood splattered across the floor, a grotesque symbol of the mayor's twisted machinations. Minseok recoiled, his façade of control slipping.

"Enough of this," Jihoon growled. "You'll confess. You'll pay for everything."

Minseok sat in a plush armchair, his face a mask of resignation. He glanced around the dimly lit mansion, his eyes cold and calculating. Across from him, Moon Jihoon stood, a knife in his hand but his resolve unwavering. Chaewon, trembling, was seated nearby, her face pale with fear.

"It all started a decade ago," Minseok began, his voice low but steady. "The ritual required eleven sacrifices, each more gruesome than the last. The first ten were easy enough. The murders in Damyang were perfect for the ritual. But the final two were crucial—Yoon Siwoo and Kim Hana. Their deaths were supposed to seal the ritual, to give me the power I needed."

Minseok's eyes darkened as he recounted the events. "But then Hong Yushik, the psychopath I had hired for the killings, disappeared. After that couple's murder, he vanished without a trace, and the ritual was left incomplete. All my plans, all the deaths—it was all for nothing."

He clenched his fists, frustration etched across his features. "I had to find another way. I needed a new sacrifice to finish what I had started. That's when I found the chaebol heir, Lee Hangyul. I planned to make him the next sacrifice, but his mother, Park Heejin, got in the way. She gave up on her own life to protect him, and I was left with no choice but to find someone else."

Minseok's gaze shifted to Jihoon, who listened intently, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "I adopted you from the Myeongdo orphanage, Jihoon. You were perfect—young, impressionable, and with no ties to anyone. Dr. Danny Park helped me condition you, turn you into the weapon I needed."

Jihoon's grip on the knife tightened, but he remained silent, letting Minseok continue. "The moment of the final sacrifice is near," Minseok said, his voice growing softer, almost wistful. "But you escaped. You ruined everything. Dr. Danny's conditioning was supposed to ensure your obedience, but now you're here, threatening to undo all my work."

Seong-ah, hidden in the shadows with her camcorder rolling, captured every word. The truth was more horrifying than she had imagined, She knew this was the evidence they needed, but she had to be careful. Slowly, she sent a text to Inspector Kim Haneul: "Your evidence. 2 hours 58 mins."

The text included a link to the live feed from her camcorder. Kim Haneul received the message and immediately understood the gravity of the situation. He assembled his team and prepared to move in.

Back in the mansion, Minseok's confession continued. "I did everything to secure my power, to fulfil the ritual. But each time, something got in the way. Now, even you, Jihoon, have turned against me. But it's too late. You can't stop what's coming."

Jihoon stepped forward, his voice shaking with emotion. "You used me. You made me a monster. But I won't let you win. This ends now."

Minseok smirked, his arrogance unshaken. "You think you can stop me? You're nothing without my control. You're a failure, just like all the others."

At that moment, the front doors burst open, and Inspector Kim Haneul and his team stormed in, weapons drawn. "Kang Minseok, you're under arrest!"

Minseok's eyes widened in shock as the police surrounded him. He turned to see Seong-ah stepping out of the shadows, her camcorder still recording.

"You," Minseok spat. "You think you can defeat me with this?"

Seong-ah's gaze was unwavering. "It's over, Minseok. Your confession is all we needed. You'll pay for everything."

As Minseok was handcuffed and led away, Chaewon broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. Jihoon dropped the knife, his shoulders slumping with exhaustion. Seong-ah approached him, offering a reassuring hand.

"You did it, Jihoon. You helped bring him down," she said softly.

Jihoon nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of relief and lingering pain. "Thank you, Seong-ah. For believing in me."

Inspector Kim Haneul walked over, his expression firm but kind. "You're free from your hellish life now, Jihoon. We'll make sure Minseok pays for everything. But, until then... Moon Ji Hoon you're under arrest for killing eleven innocent citizens."

Ji Hoon smiled softly, turning around to bid a farewell to Seong-ah, "Noona, see you soon... In the courtroom..."

The Masquerade of the Damyang serial killings was about to end, shattering the mask of Kang Minseok. As the truth emerged from the darkness, Minseok's empire of deceit teetered on the brink of collapse.