

10 PM, Hannamdong

Hong Siwoo lay on his sofa, a blank stare fixed on the ceiling. His injured hand, wrapped in bandages, throbbed with a dull pain, but it was nothing compared to the turmoil in his mind. He replayed the memory of Seong-ah running away from him after their hazardous confrontation the previous night. His dazed eyes drifted to thoughts of his late mother and the injustice she had endured. He had always wished to step inside that hidden room and kill the man sleeping peacefully on the bed. His hands shook with anger as he swallowed his rage. He felt like cutting that man into pieces, just like what that demon had done to his mother for the sake of money.

Five years ago, Siwoo had imprisoned his psychopathic murderer father, Hong Yushik, cutting off his legs to ensure he could never escape. It was all part of Park Heejin's meticulous plan after she regained consciousness following her attempted murder by her own step-siblings, Kang Chaewon and Dr. Danny Park. She had planned meticulously to hide Hong Yushik with Siwoo's help, awaiting the right moment to expose him.

Hong Siwoo's mother had been a kind woman, always providing for others even when she had little for herself. But her life had been tragically cut short by the man who should have protected her: Hong Yushik, Siwoo's own father. Yushik had been a monster, driven by greed and a ruthless desire for power, willing to sacrifice anything and anyone for his own gain. Siwoo had lived in the shadow of that horror, his mother's screams haunting his dreams, the sight of her lifeless body seared into his memory.

For years, Siwoo had harbored a burning hatred for his father. When Park Heejin, his adopted mother, had been attacked by her step-siblings, it had been the final straw. In a daring move, Siwoo had saved Heejin, capturing his father and imprisoning him in a hidden room. He had cut off Yushik's legs, ensuring he could never escape, keeping him alive only for the day they could bring him to justice.

As Siwoo lay there, lost in his thoughts, his phone vibrated on the desk opposite him. The call was from Park Heejin, the only person in this world he could rely on. "Take that wild dog out."

A devilish smile appeared on Siwoo's face as he heard those words. The moment he had waited for years—the moment for which he had kept this man alive—was about to come.

Siwoo moved to the hidden room where his father was kept. The room was cold and dark, a stark contrast to the rest of the house. Hong Yushik, now a shell of his former self, looked up with hollow eyes as Siwoo approached. "Your time has come," Siwoo said coldly.

He dragged Hong Yushik out, his legs dragging uselessly behind him. The media, already in a frenzy over Minseok's arrest, would be shocked to see the missing piece of the puzzle.

Next Day, 12 PM, Seoul District Court

Police sirens blared as a convoy of official vehicles entered the court premises. Mayor Kang Minseok, his wife Kang Chaewon, and their accomplice Dr. Park Danny were escorted from the police cars, surrounded by a swarm of officers. Their crimes were notorious: allegations of 16 serial murders spanning from 2013 to 2023, illegal drug businesses, and unethical medical practices. The trio walked into the courtroom, flanked by cops, as media reporters, journalists, and families of the victims looked on. The tension was palpable.

Inside, Yoon Seong-ah and Lee Hangyul sat together in the front row, accompanied by Professor Sungtae and Shin Yesul. Senior Detective Kim Haneul led Kang Minseok to the offender's desk, where he sat with his lawyer. Public prosecutor Kwon Eunbi stood poised to present her case, her gaze unwavering as the judge signaled her to begin.

"The court is now in session," the judge announced, his gavel striking with a resounding thud.

Prosecutor Kwon Eunbi stepped forward, her presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. She began with a detailed recounting of the Damyang Serial Killings, displaying various records and pieces of evidence. "These murders, spanning a decade, share a chilling connection. Each victim was somehow linked to Kang Minseok and Kang Chaewon's drug operations."

She projected images of the victims onto a screen, each one a tragic testament to the couple's ruthless ambition. "Among the victims were Kim Hana and Yoon Siwoo," Eunbi continued, her voice steady. "Kim Hana was an investigator who uncovered the sinister activities of Minseok and Chaewon's drug business. Her personal diary, found posthumously, detailed her findings and ultimately led to her and her husband's murder to keep their secrets buried."

Seong-ah's eyes welled up as she heard her parents' names, the pain of their loss still raw. Hangyul placed a reassuring hand on hers, a silent promise of support.

"The defendants also orchestrated the abduction of children from Myeongdo orphanage," Eunbi said, her voice hardening with anger. "An orphanage founded by Kim Hana, intended to be a sanctuary for children, was turned into a nightmare. These children were used as experimental subjects for drug trials. The one child who survived these trials was groomed for an annual human sacrifice, a grotesque ritual tied to the defendants' perverse beliefs."

The courtroom murmured with shock and horror. Eunbi's words painted a picture of unimaginable cruelty. She turned her attention to Kang Chaewon, whose cold demeanor remained unshaken. "Kang Chaewon, the infamous mastermind behind a national drug racket, evaded justice for years due to her husband Minseok's influence over the system."

Eunbi displayed Chaewon's criminal record, detailing her operations and connections. "Chaewon, along with her brother Dr. Danny Park, orchestrated the murder of Lee Daehan, the former director of Phoenix Group. They manipulated and drugged Moon Ji Hoon, an abused orphan, to serve their vile purposes. Furthermore, they murdered Kang Jurin, Minseok's daughter from a previous marriage, after she witnessed their human sacrifices and threatened to expose them."

Chaewon's face twisted with a mix of anger and defiance as Eunbi laid bare her crimes. The prosecutor turned to Dr. Danny Park next, whose expression remained inscrutable. "Dr. Park Danny, abusing his position as a medical professional, conducted illegal and unethical experiments for years. His victims, including Lee Hangyul and Moon Ji Hoon, were subjected to severe mental and emotional torture through the administration of harmful drugs."

Eunbi detailed the inhumane practices at Dr. Park's hospital, supported by medical records and testimonies. "These actions not only violated medical ethics but caused irreparable damage to countless lives."

As Eunbi concluded her presentation, the courtroom buzzed with outrage. The evidence against the trio was overwhelming, their guilt unmistakable. The families of the victims, seated in the gallery, watched with bated breath, hoping for justice.

The judge looked over the courtroom, his expression grave. "The evidence presented is compelling. The court will now hear from the defense."

Minseok's lawyer stood confidently, addressing the courtroom, "All these crimes, all this evidence, based on a mere statement from a mentally challenged man like Moon Ji Hoon? He has already killed five innocent people due to his aggressive mental issues. He's a psychopath murderer, trying to imitate something he saw in news reports, which our dear journalists love to present on national television. The former Damyang serial killer, Hong Yushik, disappeared and was found lifeless a few years ago. The case was closed then, but reopened just because of a similar pattern of murder years after his death. Isn't this just an imitation? Is there really any connection between the two cases? And on what basis are we throwing allegations on a reputable, righteous leader like Kang Minseok, the Mayor of Seoul? He has worked relentlessly for the development of this city, doing charitable work throughout his life along with his wife. Is there any sensible eyewitness who could give a statement of his crimes? Prosecutor Eunbi?"

Kwon Eunbi looked at Kim Haneul, who then looked at Seong-ah, who sat in utter frustration over the cleansing of Minseok's image being done in the court.

"Well, we don't—" the lady prosecutor was paused for a second as the doors of the courtroom opened wide.

"We have the witness. Two alive eyewitnesses," asserted Hong Siwoo with a loud voice.

Seong-ah and Hangyul turned behind to look at him. Seong-ah saw him with shock in her eyes, but Hangyul's eyes remained stunned as if struck by a thunderbolt. A lady wearing a dark blue silk dress, with long brown hair and a face marked by a scar under her eye, walked inside the courtroom.

"Mother…." Hangyul's words were frozen.

Seong-ah looked at him with shock. "Park Heejin? She… she… lives next to me. The lady that lives next to me was Park Heejin all along? Hangyul's mother?"

Then entered Hong Siwoo, pushing a wheelchair. An old crippled man sat in the chair, staring into the blank void.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this old guy right here is the most awaited, most wanted, and most hated murderer in this world. Please welcome Mr. Hong Yushik, the cannibal psychopathic murderer from the Damyang serial killings case."

The courtroom gasped. All eyes were now on Park Heejin as she took the stand. The judge motioned for her to begin her testimony.

"My name is Park Heejin, the former director of Phoenix group of industries. Many years ago, my son Hangyul was wrongly accused of murdering his own father, Lee Daehan. The real culprit was Hong Yushik, acting under the orders of Kang Chaewon." She paused, collecting herself. "Years later, I discovered the truth. When I asked for my son back from Danny's hospital, I was betrayed by my step-siblings, Kang Chaewon and Dr. Danny Park."

She glanced at Minseok, who looked back with cold eyes. "They attempted to kill me at Yangyang Beach. It was there, as they believed I lay dying, that they confessed all their crimes. Fortunately, my adopted son, Hong Siwoo, saved me just in time. He had returned from Australia for his vacations and found me."

Heejin's voice grew stronger. "We began searching for evidence about Hong Yushik, who had vanished after the case. We found him roaming like a maniac in a rural area of Busan. He had lost his mind, but not his memories."

Hong Siwoo wheeled Yushik closer to the stand, his face expressionless. "This man," Heejin continued, "was the one who killed my husband and framed my son. He was the one who committed the Damyang serial killings under the orders of Kang Chaewon and with the protection of Kang Minseok."

The prosecutor, Kwon Eunbi, stepped forward, displaying documents and recordings. "This is the recorded confession of Hong Yushik, detailing how he was manipulated by Kang Chaewon and protected by Kang Minseok. This evidence, combined with the personal diaries of Kim Hana and testimonies from other victims, paints a clear picture of the defendants' guilt."

The courtroom buzzed with tension as Eunbi presented the damning evidence. She turned to Kang Chaewon, whose face twisted in rage and desperation.

"Kang Chaewon, along with Dr. Danny Park, orchestrated the murder of Lee Daehan to seize control of Phoenix Group. They then used Moon Ji Hoon, an abused orphan, for their own twisted purposes. They also killed Kang Jurin, Minseok's daughter from a previous marriage, after she witnessed their human sacrifices."

Eunbi displayed photographs and medical records. "Dr. Park Danny conducted illegal and unethical experiments for years, severely harming the mental and emotional health of victims like Lee Hangyul and Moon Ji Hoon."

As the prosecutor laid bare the crimes, the courtroom grew more agitated. The weight of the evidence was undeniable. Minseok's lawyer attempted to object, but the judge silenced him.

"Mrs. Park Heejin," the judge addressed her, "your testimony, along with the presented evidence, is compelling. This court is adjourned till tomorrow to deliberate."

The judge's gavel struck, and the courtroom erupted in murmurs. Seong-ah looked at Hangyul, who was still in shock. "Your mother… she's alive," she whispered.

Hangyul nodded, tears welling in his eyes. "I can't believe it. After all these years…"

Park Heejin stepped down from the stand and approached her son. They embraced tightly, years of pain and separation melting away in that moment.

Hong Siwoo watched them from a distance as Seong-ah approached him. "So... you had your plans all along. I wasn't aware of your game."

He smirked at her cunningly. "I'll always be two steps ahead of you, Miss Journalist. You're a newcomer in a game where I've already gained pro status. Impressed? Want to give me a try then?"

"You'll always be a murderer's son in my eyes, Siwoo. You're no less of a psychopath than your father. It's just that you were adopted by the right woman, and she believes she raised you to be a decent human being. But you're just as twisted as your blood father," Seong-ah hissed at him.

"I won't deny that, darling. Leave me alone and get along with your future mother-in-law. Anyway, you wish to marry a loser like Lee Hangyul." Siwoo walked away, heading towards a bench to sit down.

Seong-ah watched him, a mixture of anger and pity in her eyes. She turned back to Hangyul, who was talking to his mother, Park Heejin. The truth had come out, and justice had been served, but the scars of the past would take time to heal.

As the sun set, casting long shadows across the courthouse steps, Seong-ah felt a sense of closure. The masquerade of lies and deceit had ended, and a new chapter was beginning for all of them. The darkness had lifted, and now it was time to embrace the light and rebuild their lives.