To Help A Nihilist

Another month passed. It was also the moment that I heard news of the newcomer named Mino Naomi. I searched the sphere and managed to get a clue who she is and whose she is working for. Because I need the ability to do so, I have to rely on my tech-savvy skill to create and make use of a drone network that could allow me to scout.

Although finding the newcomer and looking at her made Jisoo stare at me as if she was waiting for an explanation. I told her. Never could lie to her when it comes to these things. And that she has gotten somewhat comfortable with our relationship. She leaned on my shoulder. Still wearing her baggy sweater and sweatpants.

Our life because of that 500k was rather recluse. We don't usually go out. She has little hobbies. She wasn't socially crippled, but her taste in some things are questionable. I wouldn't say that to her face, however. We do go out once in a while. She honestly thinks that the height of romance is wearing formal outfits, going out on a date to a restaurant, and spending some time in a room-scented candle. She's an Augmented, and knows what she wants so it has been fun.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned her chin on my shoulder. "She's a pretty one, isn't she?" Her arms tightened.

"She's a newcomer, look at her records," I showed her the recent tasks that she has done. It was clear that she was Augmented. That she has implants that allows her to do far better than her peers.

"So you've been watching her. She is good for a newcomer. Now the question is why?"

"I'm not attracted to her, if that's what you're asking. Merely interested in how someone can do this, and she's not the only one who has my interest."

I showed Jiji the other guy. Vincent Gaius who is less subtle than Mino Naomi and had the same data readings. It was easy to put one and two together. That they came from the same Doctor or had the same tech. They are making rounds all over and although they tried to be rather anonymous. Vincent and Mino were ridiculous in their approaches.

"That is quite the dossier," she vaulted over and sat next to me on the couch. "Are you planning on something?"

"Nope. Just watching."

"You really have become a black hat these days. What else are you hiding from me?"

"I'm a good traceur?"

"I figured that out when you were fighting me."

"Then I have nothing, Jiji."

"So these are the troublemakers. I've heard from Jules and Helena that they are active."

Jules and Helena were partners. Jules handles most of the tighter stuff while Helena filters the folks who have potential. We haven't been working for a month now.

"So you do know them."

"No, if anything you seem to have more information on them than I have. Planning to sell it?"

'Nope. Just observing them."

Jisoo leans forward. "Agua and Paxian City. They are making a name here and there. What do you think they want?"

"To be rich? They are mercs. And I am no merc myself, but it's clear that they are rather determined to earn so much money in a short time."

This wasn't a kind world. Knowing what may come in the future. I know that peaceful times like these are rare. Like how the coming of the heroes is also the signal that those who are truly vile will exist as well. I hated the thought of it. Jisoo and I rely on each other now. But there may be more that may happen in this world. Livyatan, that degenerate, will probably break the peace, and Pacifica City will be the City that will be truly lost.

In a way these guys are necessary for the survival of the cities. We are living in a husk of a world after all. These are the years dominated by the law and the criminal world. Which makes me wonder what will happen though, knowing that there is a single part of this world gone. I stole Jisoo away from all of this and has turned her into a bystander -- or at least I think I have.

"The world's going to be busy for the next few years then."

"You say that as if we aren't going to run out of dollars."

"A shame. I like being a recluse with my boyfriend."

"Am I a bad influence?"

"Shouldn't have taken a sad woman."

She was able to joke about what happened to her. It was three weeks ago when she started really drinking hard and stopped our usual date nights. She just bought an entire case and then spent at least a week shredding her heart out. I almost thought I was her therapist and in a way we did some mutual healing together. She's still not fine. How could she? But I think to myself that I am also a terrible person for manipulating her to some degree. We are using one another that's for sure. I just wish that this would last somehow. Companionship is a double-edged sword. It can protect you and at the same time hurt you.

I guess in some way we are benefiting from this.

"Yes, I am such a bastard."

"Well, you're my bastard now."

She left the couch and went to the kitchen to get something. I switched to the cameras and started watching the movements. Mino Naomi remained a low class mercenary, nonetheless, she was shining because of her successes in every type of job she's been doing. A smart woman who knows how to use her wits and natural strength to accomplish her jobs made her perfect and rather attractive to the mercenaries who like people who can do their jobs. Of course, from the looks of it, she's going to be meeting someone who rarely goes out.

I went out after speaking to Jisoo. I didn't take the car, instead I commuted to this street near Alba Street where Mino Naomi will be meeting a man called Prospector. Prospector was a fixer who was not under Jules or Helena. He was the guy you'd go to if you don't have the proper fixer yet. And it's this guy who fucks over Mino in her plot.

He was the sole reason that she had to skip directly to town and then have her start her career. Thing is that Vincent Gaius managed to do better than Mino since he had an eye for fuckers like Prospector.

So dressed like Morgan I sneaked in quietly to his ship in Alba Street. He had a store selling packs of cigarettes and electric ones. There were also modified breathers that solds very high. As expected Mino Naomi arrived with her motorbike that had a custom AI. Strapped on her waist was her auto-pistol that was connected to her AI. She entered the shop. I followed behind her while keeping my cloak blended with the shop's colors.

Prospector is a greedy piece of shit. He pays less than he owes people and only does real business. The thing is, that the only reason that I was here at all is because I want to make sure that this piece of shit doesn't lock us into a bad ending by making Mino Naomi bitter. She is nihilist, a girl who doesn't believe in anything, and because of that, she grows more jaded as she becomes part of the sinkhole called Pacifica. And all because this fucker right here stole the fucking memory holgram that contained her AI's source code - which is also a keepsafe of her mother. Everyone has a coping mechanism and that mechanism was hers.

"Here is what you wanted," Mino Naomi said.

"Good. Not bad at all. I'll keep this. The payment will be yours. Just in case, you did use that software right?"

"I did. Can I go now?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Mino Naomi left, not knowing that this fucker installed a data logger in her datalink while trying to steal her custom AI. He was about to do the fucking job when she left. But I was waiting for him. I cocked the hammer of my pistol, and then kissed the barrel on the back of his head.

"That software is made of memories, my friend," he saw the reflection on the front of his door. He widened his eyes at the sight of the mask. The pistol was familiar to Prospector. No Fixer would mistake the real dead and the fake, but in this case I know Morgan too well. The Dead Man using a Dead Man's mask. Prospector misunderstood something.

"I don't take lightly to fuckers who does this and I know this girl too well. You could say that I don't take kindly to those who steal memories. And you, my friend, pisses me off."

"Morgan, you are alive?"

"I am a ghost lately, Markie. If I hear you calling my name to others. We'd have two problems."

"No, no, but I already invested a lot in this."

"It's nothing more than a custom AI, friend. But that AI is filled with a construct of that child's mother. Think about it, you are trying to erase the memory of that girl only mechanism. She'd kill you and you know that she has a high chance of doing so. And if you really try. I'd kill you."

"I got no beef. This ain't worth it, then."

He pulled out his drive and then twisted it. I connected my cracker and then found the backup on his computer. I deleted every copy and left the spyware that will allow me to enter the backdoor.

"Good day, Markie. I hope you don't try to do this. But knowing what you have assigned to the girl? Good luck."

He couldn't stop the other request, and I can't as well. She was already working on it and despite knowing what may happen. I needed to do this at least. I don't want some nihilist trying to save a world she hated.