Rolling Snowball

Events happen without me. I understood that the moment that I heard the news about how there are two people making waves on Pacifica. Was in a bar somewhere in Karagi. Called Stedman's Pub that has a population of mercs and gangbangers mixing together.

Marion has been giving me weekly reports instead of daily. There wasn't much to do. It was like starting with a new game plus and you know how to handle most of them. I was not going to subject myself to the torture of negotiating with a bunch of degenerates. Not to mention that Marion, Nix, and Trixie's doing well without my input.

I feel like a spectator. Then again I was making it so that they do the work for me while I reap the benefits. Why do it yourself when you let others do it for you?

I stand by that philosophy and know what I know. If they do get greedy then I can just surprise them. Mario and Sai understood that well. Probably why they don't bother me. Nix's a pain in the ass sometimes, but he listens to Madam Trixie and he can see the benefits of complying. Sai, the Sentient Artificial Intelligence, is my backup and they know who Sai is loyal to. At least they know that I hold the key to the Information Network of Karagi and its subsystems.

Karagi is a treasure trove. Unfortunately due to the anomaly that is my body, I cannot take the technology that is unacceptable and incompatible with me. Augmentations don't work on me. I was like a maxed out character. All my perks and abilities are already unlocked. I already have the optimal gear that I have for me.

Meanwhile, this world is constantly evolving. And that we have limits. I do have a way, but I wasn't that interested in turning most of my body to metal. I didn't want to be like Marion who is nothing more than an imitation of a human.

Anyway, the reason why I'm in this bar is to avoid the following problems that are about to happen. The Governor of the Region, Raul Perez, had declared in his speech, last evening, that the state forces of this Region, from Pacifica to Karagi are going to do a cleaning operation. The order came from the President of this nation, the Usonian States, who had been wanting to clear the worrisome increase.

Of course this is only to clean up the traces of the failure of the previous administration. I think that the whole thing started because there was a need for the President of the Usonian States to wave their big dicks. Every bastard always wanted to make a target for them to clean up while also reaping benefits.

Had it checked with Sai. Told me that most of the Armament Companies who supply the States with guns and ammunitions have recently purchased Exoskeletons from well-known manufacturers. It's not a good thing when they buy them in bulk. Simple reason. Why is the government buying a lot of guns, then having it transferred by trucks and semi-trucks to departments?

I had a drone swarm and Sai dug up information. Logistics companies associated with police departments and convoys showed up at their location. It is quite amazing how much you can do when you have a digital ghost that could search up entire databases filled with schedules and profiles on who delivers who.

It also helps that Sai can dig up the tracking numbers that they have recently issued and in huge bulk. So it was easy to guess that they were making a move. Governor Raul Perez was simply letting his people know that they are coming-- like it's some half-assed transparency.

He was planning to reap benefits while doing less. We are like a kindred spirit in a way. The war with corporations and organized crime in every city will become a problem. A show of force and probably going to be the time where they pick up an organization that is likely to cooperate with the government instead of thriving without them.

It is a mess out there and if I had stayed in position instead of the shadows. I wouldn't be here drinking without a care in the world. Of course, I didn't visit this place because of the snacks that the bartender sells. I came here because not far from this bar, just across the street, down below, just to the side of an alley, there was a meetup occurring.

I had installed pin-cameras and inserted listening devices on the in-betweens of the loose bricks to pick up on what they were hearing. So far, what I'm hearing from them is how they are going to introduce a few friends to these employees and make them cooperate by bribing them with a very beautiful stack of cash that will allow them to 'make mistakes' which will allow the local officers to enter freely without causing much issues. Unfortunately for them, they made a mistake by placing them in unsecured containers where my drones scanned them and copied their plans. They had over five hundred documents with links attached to it. They even have access keys, passwords, and pin codes.

I only copied them, but that was enough to make Specter avoid any trouble from the local government. Sai is probably going to have a lot of good time sorting through all of this free access to secured networks and copy them to her database. Once she assimilates the information to our network then the government uprooting organized crime here in Karagi wouldn't be a problem to my associates who are still trying to strengthen their foundations as the top dogs of Karagi.

With the data copied. I threw away the letter and the piece of object that I used to deduce where they would meet and head to the next location. I still need to copy and then steal data from our local enemies.

Not every battle has to be fought physically.