Imelda's Eyes

Karagi's Wrath was written on every signboard and warning boards as their headline. The threads were filled with the lovely notice that every bastard who supported organized crimes and importantly druggies and drug lords are now subject for arrest with the red highlighted text that said:

"All those who resist will be neutralized."

It was quite controversial. Every media and clout-chasing journo is now reporting on it. Threads, forums, and even socials are being filtered to show support for Karagi's Wrath.

The face of this campaign was accompanied by a familiar name. A speech from the Governor himself telling that the time for 'peace' against organized crime and syndicates have come to an end. But I know better than to even think that they do this for the sake of peace.

I've gathered a lot of information lately. Sai is still useless, in some way, because of how infantile her intel network is. Nonetheless, most of the info points that this whole show is nothing more than a new method of testing. The Governor clearly wanted to kill two birds with stone and went with this kind of farce. It made sense at least.

They use these new weapons against them. There were a lot of benefits in making use of these new weapons to achieve the same effect and in a way they were getting rid of potential enemies and then placing their own. It's what you'd expect from assholes like them. Things like this usually don't happen unless the government here wants to save face and freshen their political image.

As for me I was looking out for any sign of Specter. The specters whose name we've been using when I'm not gathering intelligence. They were doing their stuff and from the looks of it. Everything was somewhat following the direction, but instead of Goro Takemura, the one leading them is his little girl. I guess fate made it align that she shares the same name. Difference is that she has Jisoo with her now.

Which means that she might just make it compared to the different world that I know. I have questions regarding why I have my abilities. But the more I think about them made me want to stop. It'll make me think of another existential crisis. Not to mention that it could be just a far advanced tech that somehow mixed with me.

I don't remember much before I came to this world. Not that it'd matter in the long run since I rather live on what I can see, feel, and hear. The days have been rather repetitive and it's not everyday that you'd find something exciting until you look for it.

And if you can order someone to do it. Why would you bother to do it yourself unless it required your personal attention? If anything, why would I have bothered to recover Marion, make allies with Trixie and Nix if I'd just do it myself? Information gathering was one of the things that I needed to personally attend to hence I'm here roaming around the city.

I wasn't wearing my Morgan outfit and I was under an old name. Course, I was just checking out for any micro-controllers on one of Karagi's supermarket when a gaze found me. The gaze didn't register as hostile so when I found the person who was looking at me. I froze.


"Now, this is something interesting," she grinned at me. "I heard that you got killed in Agua City. I even poured a drink for you, Nik. Is that even your name?"

"It's Harkov."

"Are you sure? Hmm, you really are alive."

She touched my chest and then pinched me in the biceps.

"Hmm, yes, you are alive. Wow, now what should I do with this information?"

"Depends on how you want to end up."

I held her arm and touched her bracelet. I saw the item description and smiled slyly.

"So you are part of Imelda's Eyes, eh?"

Her eyes went cold. The coldness would have frozen. I saw that she went orange, meaning she'd be hostile if I don't diffuse.

"We got secrets, Eliza. How about we keep them to ourselves? We work better that way, right?"

She glared at me. But I remain unshaken by whatever intimidation. Nonetheless, I was already in third-person if she tried anything. Then she exhaled, looking irritated before smiling. I let go of her wrist.

"I guess I can't use you. How long have you known?"

"Not long ago. Still, what brings you to Karagi, Eliza?"

"Work. You? Why fake your death? Ah, were hoping to get away from the Solomons? They are slave-drivers, so I'd understand if you do. My, it must be fate then?"

The minimap told me that she was friendly. One thing that I've learned over the past months was the use of my minimap. It detects valuable objects and people hostile to me. The problem was that it also detects grays who are around me and thus it makes it very easy to find anyone who is friendly and hostile among the crowd.

"Are you alone today?"

"That's a quick switch."

"Perhaps, but it's what makes me survive this profession of mine."

A professional informant who gets things done. Imelda's Eyes was mentioned all the time and they were part of an organization working for an international organization to gather intel and send them back home.

"You should be shutting me up. Not talking to me so casually."

"Oh, I'd want to. But seeing that you are agreeable. I'll allow it. Of course, if you do me favors, I'd be much more friendlier."

She held onto me. Her gaze went on someone. Eliza's face has that venomous look on it.

"I was looking for a date, thought of getting myself someone, but you'll do.

"What makes you think I'll agree?"

"Name your price."

I smiled. "I want info on whatever they are planning here."

"Be specific."

"Karagi's Wrath. What's it exactly?"

"I can do that. Of course, you'll have to play first."

"Got it."

"But first, you need to dress up."

She declared with that venomous smile of hers.