Chapter 1 When It All Started


Lifting his hand back to slam into the man's face one last time making blood spewed out from the man being held up by chains. Taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. Looking back down to the man. "You really think you could get away with stealing from me and trying to give away information you damn rat?" Xavier asked as he slammed his fist right back into the mans face so hard his cheek cracked open and his nose broke a second time. "Please. I didn't… I didn't give your information to the serpents. I didn't tell them anything." The man begged to get back handed against the face again.

"You think I give the worlds tiniest fuck about those damn pussies? We took them out with the fake warehouse you thought the guns were in. Nothing is left standing of the damn serpents not even their blood line. What we did find was fucking GUNNER"S MEN! You want to start telling the truth about how you were selling us out to FUCKING MORETTI?" Xavier asked grabbing the men by the collar. "You been sucking his dick the whole fucking time you been haven't you, you dirty fucking mole slut?" The man's eyes grew wide. "No. No I've been loyal to you Reaper." Axel cut the man off in the back round. "You really think lying to our face right now is a wise idea you sick cock sucker?" Axel roared at him as Ryder came and slammed into his face as well. Placing the jumping cables on his nipple rings and putting them on the battery. "Maybe this will jog your mind." Enzo told him with a laugh.

After twenty minutes and two fires that started on his chest. "That's enough. YOU ready to start telling me the truth." Xavier asked him. "Fuck… you." "See boss told you he was a sick cock sucker he already wants to get into your pants." "Yeah him and the rest of the thots in this town." Enzo chuckled. "Well that's a shame because we already have all the evidence your dumbass never got rid of, also we have someone here who already sold you out. You look a little lonely. Pyro why don't you have Hunter bring our special guest in. "Sure boss." She was smiling widely. Hunter came in walking Millie in who came happily thinking Xavier was finally going to be giving her the alone time she's been working for lifting the seductive blind fold from her smiling face looking around the room, her smile fell quickly as she went to back up to run Hunter blocked her way smirking down at her.

"Leaving so soon Millie? I thought you couldn't wait to get some time with me?" Xavier faked being hurt. She should have known this was a set-up. Xavier was known for not giving anytime to any female that wasn't friend or family. He has had sex before once but ended up killing her for being too clingy. Since then nothing has caught his eye, nor did he let any female touch him in any kind of way. He may have been king of the mafia's and gangs under him except a small few, but neither he or his other higher ups also his best friends believed in being a man slut. Hooking up every now and then was fine, but it wasn't an every night thing. They were raised around the men worshipping their chosen woman and the woman treating their men the same. However once you betray the family there was no hope for you no matter who you belonged to.

"What is this?" She called out in a tone that tried to fake courage but failed. "Well dearest Millie you were right about Billy here being a rat. He is getting just what he deserves. Don't you think?" Xavier asked her crossing his arms leaning on the table. "Yes I think any one who betrays the family deserves this and worse even. Everyone knows what happens when they mess with the king." She purred out looking at him with a smile. "So then you think he needs worse than this? Well boys it appears we are lacking imagination." Xavier said as they all let out a chuckle. "Alright than Mills what do you suggest we do. Paint us the picture if you would." Axel asked her in a sweet friendly voice. "I'm not sure really but I would make sure to drag it out for a few days. Let them beg for death and then after they have served their time obliging them in their requests. You guys have far more experience than I would to even try make a suggestion. Maybe take what their crime is and replay it them in another context." Millie answered back in a thinking tone.

"Ok since he's a rat and gave away information and stole from us, we should take away his ability to speak, and his hands from being able to take anything else. Since he basically fucked us over we should some how either get someone to fuck him or take away his pecker?" Ryder asked to clarify the other guys nodding along "Yes like along those lines." Millie agreed nodding to him. "Well than I do say we have our game plan tonight boys. I for one love that plan more than some of the things we were going to tonight." Enzo said with his hands up in surrender meaning every word. "I agree. That does sound so much better. So tell me Millie what should we do to you than for your crimes against the family?" Xavier asked taking a step to her as the rest of the men did. "What do you what crimes?" She argued back. "Now now come on Amara let's not deceive each other any longer. We know all about how you are nothing more than Moretti's little slut who came here to be someone else to get intel to send back to him. Tell me how well did he take the information?" Xavier said smiling.

"See we gave you all the wrong information to tell him, see since his men think they are going to be ambushing three of our warehouses. You actually just sent them into one of our classic bitch traps. It's like a bear trap for shady bitches. Two of them are programmed to blow up and one is filled with FBI guys and local police. We made sure to make sure the girls used you as the informant for them. In fact we even have the address straight to Gunner's place he is at for the next few days, we plan on making sure you get back to them later I'm sure they will be missing you. Especially after losing thousands of men tonight, under your helpful eye." Enzo said batting his eye lashings to her in a playful manner.

"Get her up boys." Xavier said with a smirk. After chaining her down. "You know what Millie you did give some helpful advice tonight and we are going to take it heart aren't we boys." Xavier said smiling looking around the room. "Now don't feel like we haven't gotten to know you in your short time here, Mills. We did not miss the little things say how you thought you could blind side us by giving us mixed information, also sending our men in blind on some assignments because you gave them the wrong blue prints. Now we don't want you to feel as blind as you made us so Pyro will you please make sure you sew her eyes lid open we don't want her to blink and miss anything special now do we?" Xavier asked in a playful voice. Hunter tightened the chain to keep her from moving. While Enzo held her head still while they added a rag to stop them from hearing her scream. "You're a sick man Reaper." Billy spat out, vision getting blurry.

"Billy love we almost forgot you were there how rude of us." Hunter told them as they had other men standing around waiting to get told what to do. "Since you love the idea of fucking us over so much we figured we would help you out with little kink. Drop his pants." Xavier told the guards in the room. Who cut them right off. "Draws too." Xavier said not taking his off of Billy. "Bring in the special gift." Axel told them. "Here you go Blade." "This is a very special gift from Reaper just for you we met up with the man you were selling us out to of Gunners crew. I have to say I'm impressed you caught the third in commands special attention to. We decided to keep a special piece of him just for you." Axel said unwrapping the towel to see the mans penis still erect standing true. "You should feel special he was a decent boy looks like a whole about nine inches here. You know where to put. No lube either, rub it in icy hot and that special hot sauce that put J in the E.R." Axel told the other guards in the room.

Billy started to squirm as they bent him forward a little bit to shove the hardened detached penis straight into his bum. With feeling burning every inch of the way. AS he screamed when the unwanted object was shoved into his tight hole tears spilled a little down his face. "Shove the pill down his throat." Enzo called out with a chuckle as he and Ryder were wiping their hands. "Now Millie the girls have noticed how you've been dressing. You know all your revealing clothes making you look like the desperate thirsty looking thot you are, however I told them to think about giving you the benefit of the doubt I like to remind people sometimes that sometimes some females just don't feel comfortable in their own skin so they dress in ways to fish for compliments. Now since you don't feel comfortable in your skin to much right now I figured I'd help you out with that." Xavier said smiling holding a sharpened special peeler.

"Reaper he's ready." Axel said smiling covered in blood. After drawing all over Billy's body with a knife they all noticed the Viagra they gave him had taken course as he now was in pain from the rough penis in his bum and his unwilling raging hard on. "I'm done anyway I'm only leaving the skin on her face so her own men know just who the traitor is when the men drop her off tonight at their front door. Go ahead and get her down roll her in the wax wrap so she doesn't get anything anywhere. Get her back to where you were told earlier." Xavier told another man walking up to Billy with a special machete smiling to him. Without warning or notice he swung it down cutting Billy's raging member completely off his body. Picking up as blood was now flowing and sprouting everywhere and shoving his own penis so far down his throat he was literally choking on it.

"Alright now who has money on he'll bleed out first, and who has choking to death." Pyro asked with a serious and playful tone as men all the way around started to laugh and throw money on the floor. Asking dumb questions like wondering if he could still piss his pants with his dick, or his pants. As he choked to death and you could her happiness and grunts all around the room. "Get this cleaned up." Xavier told one of the men who nodded and went to get the material him and others would need. "The girls want to go out tonight and go dancing and catch a drink." Axel said looking down at his phone. "Yeah well you have fun with that." Xavier said as they all walked out freshly changed and clean clothed in muscle tight black and dark grey shirts and dark washed jeans. "You want to call Leah and tell her no." Axel asked looking him in the eye in a daring tone. After a moment of silence. "I'll meet you there." Xavier said as he went to get in his car with a sigh he could go for a drink and he could never tell Ellie and Leah no they were like his little sisters. Fucking friends and their damn women he thought to himself driving away.

In the mafia only the higher ups they use nicknames any one with a special title would be given a nickname as not to lose their real identity from the law and other things to keep them covered especially when they retire once you go by only your real name you get left alone in peace in retirement. You are never fully out though you can always come back in under the same Identity you were using. Xavier 'Reaper' Medina. Only went by Reaper in front of others and when he was out in his business world of owning construction companies, as well as Welding and Mechanic shops he was doing well in the legitimate business using Leah and Ellie as his secretaries for all of the work so they never actually broke any law and would always be on the safe side.

Their men were another subject Axel 'Blade" Torres was his second in command and just celebrated two wonderful years with his fiancé Leah Morrison who was scary as hell when she was mad. Even Xavier hated to piss her off. Ryder 'Pyro' James was his third in command was also celebrated two wonderful years with his fiancé Ellie Jones. Ellie was the sweetest most innocent person anyone ever met. She was a saint among them no doubt, complete opposite of her intended. Enzo 'Tank' Damico and other Hunter 'Cujo' Hall was the other two missing pieces of the best friend puzzle. No one has ever seen their face as the head of the mafia, or at least have been able to live to tell, only those who are actively involved know who they are or what they look like and vice versa.

Walking straight up to the club they owned the most popular one in the city and they had many. He walked right in and made his way to the V.I.P part looking around to his little self-built family. They had no problem busting his nuts and driving him crazy but they knew when to draw the line for Xavier was the scariest man especially when he was angry the things he would do to people will leave the guys with nightmares after having seen it with their own eyes for the rest of their lives. Every where he looked men looked at him with Envy and women looked at him with lust. They all knew him as the successful business man. Standing just under 7ft tall, built as a mountain and dark as night skin he was what woman known as a walking wet dream. Sex on legs. He knew this an the effect he had among the opposite sex and hell even some men but no on ever caught his eye.

Well that was true until he looked down at the dance floor and saw her. His eyes widened and jaw dropped a little as he saw her the little burnet skin soft looking and creamy white with hints of red in her face. He could see the vibrate color eyes a mixture of green and mostly blue. Swaying her hips in the black halter dress that made her breast look like a dream and held them in a way he wish he could. Easily well past double D if not the exact same. She was short about 5'2, she was curvy with a perfect ass, his palms could easily cover and grip onto. She was not fat she was not skinny she was ideal. It's like someone went into his dreams and made her just for him. Taking a deep breath his whole jerked to catch. "It seems hell might have just froze over." Axel laughed out.

"How's that honey?" Leah asked with a kiss to his cheek sitting on his lap as she brought a bottle to the table. Ellie behind her with glasses. "Some beautiful little honey has finally captured Xavier's eye." Enzo teased him with a wink while Xavier looked at him with a glare. "REALLY WHERE?!" Ellie asked excited such a cheer leader on the love front Xavier could only smirk at her Leah looking around excited to. "Right there in the dress brunette with the colorful eyes. You see right there." Ryder said pointing out. "She's so gorgeous and cute look at her all small." Ellie said bouncing around all happy. "What are you still doing here? Go talk to her. If I was a guy I'd totally go hit that." Leah said looking at her earning herself a hard smack on her ass by Axel growling at her to watch it. All of the men had a possessiveness to them.

"You all are crazy you need more things to do with your time than worry about what I am looking at. Enzo and Hunter are single. Leah get em." Xavier said putting his hands in his lap throwing his best friends under the bus so hard he could have won a prize. "Don't put that evil on me you damn twat waffle." Enzo said in a voice that made everyone laugh. "I think I know her but I don't know from where?" Hunter said running his hand on his jaw. "Somewhere good or bad?" Axel asked. "No, no man nothing like that just like I think I seen her around before I never actually spoke to her. Eh can't be that important or I would know. GO for it bro." Hunter said tilting his drink to him in approval. "Her friend cute as hell." Enzo said looking at the group around her. "I'll catch you guys later." Enzo said as he got up and followed her ravened hair friend to the bathroom hoping to catch her when she got out.

"So are you really not going to go down there and make a move on the first and only girl who literally dropped your jaw?" Ryder teased him lifting his eyebrow to him. "I never thought I'd see the day when Xavier would be scared." Ellie said giggling to herself as everyone's heads snapped to look at her. Ryder holding her tighter hoping he would have to throw hands at his basically brother to save Ellie. "What the hell you just to me Ells?" Xavier snapped in a dangerous tone. "I'm sorry I thought I enunciated well, here let me try this again for you. I said I never thought I'd see the day when I would see you to scared to talk to a simple beautiful woman. I thought you weren't scared of everything. But here you stand in all your glory with your tongue immobile. It's strange." Ellie said he couldn't even get mad at her too much because she was generally trying to be nice in her honest shock, but she was right in her own way. He was nervous for the first time since his teen years. She was right here stood a twenty-eight-year-old mafia leader nervous to talk to a woman.

The whole group was silent watching him just stare at her. Getting up and walking away without a single word. "Where's he going?" Ellie asked not realizing what just happened. "No where baby. Let's go dance y'all." Ryder said kissing her cheek and helping her up as the rest of them walked down to the floor as well. Walking down to the bar starring ahead as he was watching his unknown angel with three other girls go to the bar laughing and smiling. Being lost in his way walking over to most people were smart enough to move out of his way except a big busty blonde in a dress about two sizes too small and tight with her make up caked on. "Hey handsome, I saw you watching me from up there, see you finally decided to come make a move?" She purred in her nasally voice with her hand on his arm. Growing angry instantly at the contact his skin felt like it burned when she touched him. Grabbing her hand off him so quick he snapped her wrist breaking it instantly making her cry out in pain. " Don't touch what isn't yours. Keep your fucking slutty hands to your self or next time you'll lose the whole fucking arm." She ran away quickly out the door. Luckily no one was paying to much attention as he did it skillfully looking as if it was all a dance move gone wrong.


This was the best night out I've had in such a long time. I finally got my promotion I've bleed sweated, and teared for. Life was finally good. My best friends were so excited for me they decided to take me out and celebrate seeing as two of them live a hours away this being there last night. I only came as longas we didn't talk about work for any of us. Chloe still hadn't come back from the bathroom she thought to herself. Looking at he dance floor she found Chloe dancing and having a good time with a tall well built man. Turning to look to her side and saw her friends engaged dancing with two other strangers. Guess they left me a lot earlier tonight. She expected it from Brooklyn and Aubrey they were major loose and cheap little whores she thought to herself. Not even sure why she was friends with them in the first place. If it wasn't something they could get something out of she could never depend on them. She is definitely cutting them loose this week. Didn't need people who couldn't really be there for her in her life anyway. Chloe was right she should have done it so much sooner. Chloe on the other hand was a nurse and like her never dated much attracting the wrong type of men usually, but it looks like she doing well for herself tonight. She deserves this I should just bow out. She said before turning around not wanting a drink anymore and slamming into a hard tall chest.

Looking up to the man who was starring down at her all she could think was wow. He's still starring at me. Oh right. "I'm so sorry. Please excuse me." She said steading herself as he helped her. "No problem I guess I was standing a little to much in your bubble for you to slam into me like that. So excuse me. Maybe I could buy you a drink to apologize properly?" He asked her looking down at her with a slight smile on his lips. "No that's ok. No drink for me thanks." She said waving him off. He nodded looking let down. "I'll take a dance if your giving those out?" She asked rubbing her arm up and down nervously. "Only for you." He leaned in whispered in her ear making her skin go up in goosebumps. "Ariah Alderman. It's nice to meet you." She held out her hand. "DO you seriously not know who I am?" He asked shocked and stunned. The one gift him and all the guys have are they are human lie detectors and know immediately when someone is lying to them. He was generally shocked he found the one person in the city who didn't know who he was.

"I work a lot, and don't follow the news to well, or watch tv much. In fact that's why I was here tonight before all my girls ditched me. I got promoted so all my free time was put into getting that position. I mean I hope you aren't to insulted. So unless you come through my department, or my bed I don't know it. Oh GOD I didn't mean that to come out like that. I'm so sorry. I." Ariah tried to explain rushing out hearing how the last part sounded. He cut her off laughing at her. He was actually laughing the guys watching form the distance stop with the girls even some of his men hidden around mouths dropped. He was talking to a woman and smiling without hurting anyone. "It's ok I get it work and sleep I can totally feel that. You know gotta work that grind get them bills paid right. Hard to leave a lot of free time when you good at what you do right? I'm not offended. Just call me Xavier." He said lifting her hand to kiss the back. "How about you let me spin you around that dance floor now. In fact that's my crew right there if you want to join us." He asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Well your boy is dancing with my best friend I don't see how we couldn't." She teased as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his friends and him as they stayed close for the rest of the night. They all toasted to her promotion and wishing her well. Laughing with each other like they have been friends and close for years. Xavier asked her all kinds of questions. Being more drawn in the ore he was learning. The guys smiling the whole night seeing a side of him they never seen before. Never even thought could exist. Axel already his men run her name in the system to check if she was working for anyone against them but she came up clean in the system. Showing Xavier everything they found on his phone in the rest room. Her work wasn't listed, but everything else was. She graduated top of her class in criminal administration but couldn't pick up her current job she got. She was clean. No family mother died of breast cancer, father died in car accident when she turned eighteen. She was twenty-seven only a year younger. No siblings, cousins, aunts, or uncles. No current boyfriends no long lasting relation ships besides maybe three. "Man she wasn't kidding when she said she had literally no life besides work and home. " Xavier said laughing to himself. They made their way back and stayed happy and dancing

They stayed until they shut the place down. When Chloe and Ariah went to cash out their tab. Xavier and Enzo waved them off telling them they paid it off awhile ago. Enzo help Chloe into a car with one of the men as a driver helping Chloe home who hugged Ariah one last time happy she was finally cutting strings with the slut squad. "I had such a great time tonight Xavier thank you. You're friends are a great crowd." She said as they stood next to the curb. "Oh yeah, man they a hoot. No really they are great. Crazy little family we got going on there, but you two really held your own there." He said proudly about her Chloe and the way they told Brooklyn and Aubrey to go to hell. Not sure what all that was about but hey not his place. "It's easy to do when you finally surround yourself with some good people." "Eh now don't go pushing that to far now." He eased in a playful manner not knowing how true it was though until it came out.

His driver pulled up next to them. "I'll see you around I guess." She said waving to him taking a step back half way turning. "Ariah. Can we give you a lift home? I mean it's two thirty in the morning. I'm not going to just leave you out here to wait for a ride with a bunch of drunk perverts starring at you and god knows what else. Please let me take you home." Xavier said holding her arm in a sweet way pulling her back to him. Making his men hidden mouth drop even lower he was touching another person. Another person was touching him and was still breathing with all their limbs still attached. "Are you sure I don't wan tot put you out." Opening the door for her holding out his hand to offer help in. "You are not putting me out. It's fine." He looked at her as she thought about it for a minute. "Well I'm not leaving you here where it's not safe. So should I toss that gorgeous ass in or will you honor me and help yourself. I got all night Angel." He teased her with a shrug.

Laughing at him looking down to her foot and walking up to him accepting his hand to help her in. "Thank you Xavier." She said as she settled herself in the car telling her address to the driver ahead of them. "I had a god time with you tonight Ariah. I don't think I 've that much honest fun in awhile." Xavier said smiling wide looking down at her. Even sitting down she's still so short to him. "You can call me Ari ." She said tilting her head to look hi in the eye to smiling sweetly back. "Go out with me?" He said real quick she wasn't quite sure if that's what he said. "I didn't catch that." The driver smirking to himself doing a quick brief look in the mirror and back to the road. "I'd like to take you on a date. I enjoyed tonight and it was all because your company made it so. I want to see you again. Go out with me." He said holding on to her hand.

"Are you sure? I mean your like ya know and I'm just." She mumbled looking away quickly. "I'm just what?" He asked getting nervous and curious. "You're so man pretty. You look like a hot damn model like sex on legs Greek god hot. I look like a toothless okie compared to you. Are you sure you want to take this out?" "What the hell you just say?" He started laughing hard even the driver was trying to control his body from shaking and silently laughing. "Trust me baby girl you are so far form a toothless damn okie. You are a true goddess in all her natural form. You didn't even notice how many men were dropping to their knees just to get close to you tonight. Hell I even got jealous of myself because you was staying close to me all night and I couldn't have felt more like the luckiest mother fucker standing in that club tonight. Please just at least one date. One shot that's all I'm asking for I swear you won't regret it." Xavier told her still holding her hand as they pulled up to her house.

"I would really like to see you again Xavier." She told him smiling down and pulling her hand to his lips placing a soft kiss to the back of it. Getting out of the car and helping her out he walked her to the door. She unlocked the door and went to turn to tell him goodnight but he couldn't hold himself back anymore. When she turned he grabbed her with one arm around her waist and the other hand cupping her jaw, throat, and back of the head area of her hair and kissed her deeply. She met his kiss with as much energy as he was putting into it. Feeling like they were getting dizzy almost as if they were getting drunk off each other. Pulling away both feeling like they were trying to find stable ground. Looking down at her he felt shocked. Shocked at what he just did. How this woman in front of him made him feel in just a few hours of meeting her. He got a taste of her and now there was no going back. This was going to be his woman no matter what he had to do to make it so.

"That was the best kiss of my life." He said looking her dead in the eye. "Best kiss so far." She said with a smirk. "You really going to quote the Simpsons right now." He laughed out. "Laugh all you want but you just as bad if you know the reference." "I am not going to get into the fights and struggle with watching T.V with my idiot brothers." He said laughing to her using the other arm to wrap on her hip as well. "Give me your phone." He told her in a voice that held authority. "Give me your phone please." She corrected him. "Give me your phone please baby." He told her resting his head to hers. Handing it over to him he typed somethings into it texting himself and handing it back. "You call me when you figure when you got some free time. Hell if you bored light me up any time." "I will. I'm more of an introvert and have this lovely little habit of not wanting to feel like I am bothering people so you may want to take your own advice and hit me up whenever. If I don't answer I'm most likely at work sometimes I get called in all hours of the night or day. So just leave a text message and I will get back to you." She said as he nodded. "Alright. I understand I actually have the same type of schedule so, just don't think I'm ignoring you or anything like that. Go ahead and lock up I'll bounce out of your hair." He said placing one more kiss to her sweetly letting her go.

After hearing the locks on her door get into place. He turned around and started walking back to the car where George was smirking to him. He's also been with Xavier for years. "You don't tell a damn soul." Xavier said to him a warning shaking his head. "I don't know if I had a drop dead gorgeous woman call me man pretty I think I would want to brag about it." "Watch it George." He teased as George held the door for him. "Yeah, yeah just watch your sex on legs so I can get the door." He teased him playfully. Watching him pull away after some playful banter she noticed she was getting ready for bed. What a perfect night she thought to herself as she got a ding on her phone. Checking it over it was a name she hasn't seen before.

~My Baby~: I'm laying down now. I'm glad I came out tonight. I can't wait to see you again. Try not to miss me too much. He texted her with a kissing winking emoji that made her smile. I'll try my best. Goodnight Xavier." She sent back with an eye rolling emoji and one that was laughing. Feeling exhausted she was still excited for tomorrow new position at a new station she couldn't be more blessed if she begged. Reaching over to turn off her light she placed her phone down right next to her new detective badge exhaling slowly and drifting off to sleep.