Frostwind Swordsman

"…" Kaeya kept staring down at Sai with a blank look.

Sai found this sight somewhat funny and decided on a makeshift bet, based on one important factor: Kaeya's personality is the same as in the game.

"You must be Sir Kaeya. It is an honour to meet you." Sai made a big gesture of putting his palm on his chest and bowing a little. All throughout this, a sly smile could be seen on his face.

Kaeya smiled, finally turning around, and yelled:

"Stop the search! He is still here." He then turned towards Sai. "Apologies for the unsightly behaviour, but it is my duty as a knight to protect Mondstadt from hidden dangers."

"There's no need to apologize, Sir Kaeya. I am fully aware of my position at the moment."

That made Kaeya's smile widen.

"Good! What did you say your name was?"

Sai's smile almost crumbled when he heard that. 'Don't pretend you forgot my name when I didn't even tell you in the first place…'

"My name is Sai, sir." His face turned serious before answering.

"Great, okay. Sai, follow me." Kaeya turned around and left the library.

Sai followed, forgetting about the old man on the floor, climbing the stairs and heading after the young man.

Kaeya was tall and had a tanned skin tone. His long dark blue hair tied to a ponytail floated in the wind as he walked ahead of Sai. One thing of notice was Kaeya's flamboyant dressing style. He was wearing a blue jacket with a fur collar, and tight jeans (or something like jeans) under knee-high boots. Strangely, he wore an eye-patch on his right eye, similar to a certain pirate he knew.

Outside the library were a few guards, rather particularly strong-looking, probably ordered to look for him by Kaeya. They eyed Sai suspiciously, as if he could make a run for it at any time. But Sai didn't pay them any heed.

The headquarters of the Knights of Favonius had three floors, and Kaeya led him to the last room on the top floor. Sai foresaw that it was probably the Grand Master's room or something like that.

Kaeya told him to wait outside for a moment as he entered without knocking. Some time passed, Sai's stomach grumbled again, and yet no one came out. A long time passed (in his perspective) and he was almost falling asleep on the spot.

He finally decided to go to them. So he steeled himself and knocked on the door. Who answered it was Kaeya, who had a slightly strained expression:

"Just wait for a moment, okay?"

'Slam!' He closed the door on his face.

Sai was irritated, but still he complied. He thought about barging in but that would probably be unwise given that he was still a total stranger to them. Sai decided to sit down and sleep on a wall, and that's what he did.

Kaeya eventually opened the door to find no one waiting for him. He wondered if Sai had actually made a run for it when he saw him sleeping soundly while leaning on the wall.

"Hahaha… this guy…" His mood improved significantly.

Kaeya's voice woke Sai up, as he groggily stood up and asked:

"Is it over now? Can I come in?" He was blinking hard.

"Yeah, come inside."

Sai slowly walked through the door while yawning. It was clear to anyone that he was very tired. He made sure of that.

But what he saw woke him up immediately.

Seated in the Grand Master's seat and looking at him was the Dandelion Knight, Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, Violet Ever— no, no.

Jean Gunnhildr.