Lionfang Knight

Or simply Jean.

Her beauty was possibly unrivalled in the whole of Tevyat, but that depended on personal taste. Sai considered her one of the "Ten Heavenly Beauties", a group he invented just for fun to define the women in the game he found the prettiest.

Of course, Lisa was also on the list, although on the lower ranks. Jean was a solid third place, if not higher. Seeing her personally caused him great shock, and he struggled to think straight. Nonetheless, he put his plan into action and rapidly knelt down on one knee.

"Acting Grand Master of The Knights of Favonius, the Shining Star of Mondstadt, the great Dandelion Knight, Jean Gunnhildr. Your fame doesn't do you honour, Master Jean." He hoped none of her titles were in-game only.

"…" Jean was clearly flustered. She actually got red on the cheeks.

Kaeya started slowly clapping with a funny smile on his face.

"This little guy is good with praise, huh? How interesting…"

Lisa was simply staring at Sai's antics in a criticising manner. She actually took a blow to her confidence seeing the newcomer treat her and her friend in such different ways.

Jean eventually took hold of herself, clearing her throat and saying:

"Ahem. Please stand up, my position does not demand of anyone to kneel down. You may also speak normally." Sai slowly stood up. Signs of reverence lingered in his eyes, making Lisa frown and Jean slightly flinch.

She continued:

"Welcome to Mondstadt, Mr. Sai. I heard from Lisa that you were caught up in the incident with the Traveler as well. Do you feel alright? Do you need anything?"

Sai was caught off guard once again. She was genuinely worried! She was kind, just like in the game!

'She's the first to ask about my well-being aside from that greedy witch, and she genuinely wants to know! Is this love, that I'm feeling? Ahem.' He felt happy now that one of the obstacles he predicted were cleared.

"As much as I'd like to say I'm perfectly fine, I have unfortunately sustained heavy injuries from the battle. I'm exhausted and food-deprived." Sai's tone was dead-serious.

Jean was surprised. She glared at Lisa demanding an answer, while Lisa looked at Sai unblinkingly. She wasn't expecting that, either!

"I, uh—"

"Kaeya, take him to one of the guest rooms and have someone deliver him his meals." Jean instructed. She looked at Sai and continued: "Please rest for now, Sai. If there is anything we can do to help, I won't hold back. You can come talk to me tomorrow once you are well rested."

"Thank you, m—Master Jean." Sai almost called her 'milady' by mistake.

As he left the room with the almost laughing Kaeya, he could hear Jean's strict voice:

"Lisa, we need to have another word."