Dian Damayanti or who is often called Dian is a member of the editorial board/ member of the review board committee/ and international scientific and conference speaker world. Started on 12 May 2019 at the WORLD MUSLIM CONFERENCE PROGRAM APPROVED BY STUDEC INTERNATIONAL AND HALAL AWARENESS OF INHART INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA. Dian was born in Jakarta on September 21, 1992. The name of her parents is R. Sri widowati or she is often called TIwi.

Housewife work. My mother gave up her career as a teacher after giving birth to me. She wanted to focus on caring for and paying attention to the child's growth and development and also didn't really trust the services of a baby sister because near my house there was an incident of a pig sister molesting her employer's child. Therefore, my mother did not want her child to be treated badly, so my mother decided to leave her job as a teacher to take care of me. My father's name is Juandi, my father's occupation is the Indonesian National Army my father's last rank is Sergeant Major.

Besides that, both of my parents are currently working socially helping the environment, namely my father wants to be paid to work securing a place of worship for a mosque in my neighborhood and has also been a member for 34 years and has built a place for managing the Rukun Warga (RW 02) to build places such as building public facilities. To help the community in my neighborhood in RW 02. With a population of 2600 people. For 34 years, he and his friends, members of the RT and RW management, worked together to build public facilities at that time, even without the help of the government budget.

Personal funds ranging from 1 billion rupiah to build a joint venture of twenty people including my parents. In the Rawasari community, both of my parents are quite famous for their generous nature, every night they go around guarding the security of 2600 residents without being paid until this second and now they are infected with me. While my mother and I go out every day to distribute free coffee drinks to mosques and churches in the Rawasari and Cempaka Putih areas. On a regular basis especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, even once a week providing free food for the underprivileged.

At the age of my children, I attended State Elementary School 01 am in Central Jakarta and in the afternoon I also go to school to study religion and learn languages, write and read Arabic at Al Balaq At the age of 11, he was a finalist on healthy teeth in the DKI Jakarta province, which was held by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office in 2003. When I was a child, I looked tomboyish and I didn't look like a girl but like a boy. When I was in elementary school, I excelled not in the academy but in the field of skills. I began to participate in competitions, the selection was very strict and not only seen from appearance but also from academic ability as well.

I am a junior high school student at SMPN 47 Central Jakarta. Graduated in 2007. After that I went to Madrasah aliyah Negeri 3 Jakarta. Because my parents saw that at that time there were public schools in Jakarta, there were frequent fights between students, even though the school was the favorite, so I was sent to high school, not in public schools but special religious schools so that I would not be exposed to juvenile delinquency problems.

When I studied at Madrasah aliyah Negeri 3 Jakarta, the selection to enter the school was very strict, I was tested 1. Arabic and English, 2. Medical test 3. Science and Social Studies test the school at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jakarta is the only public religious school in the Central Jakarta area and when I was in school, it only accepted 200 of the best students. There it is not the grade of the diploma that is assessed but the value of the test results. At that time there were 100,000 people who took the test to enter the school there but only a few were accepted and there the division of classes based on the highest value. I'm in the top 30, so I'm in class. The school system where I used to be, the rules were. Very disciplined, different from other favorite public schools in Jakarta.

Students at the high school level are included in the middle age group towards adulthood. At this time, students are reaching the stage of development of formal operational thinking where they have a tendency to imitate and follow habits of the people and the environment around them. This development can have a positive or negative impact on him depending on who and the environment which is how it is formed. In the course of students at this time, of course, they face various problems kinds of problems, on the one hand they are required to perform as expected by the educational needs in which he was educated to follow learning well so as to achieve the minimum competencies required expected, on the other hand they also want to keep up with the times sometimes not in accordance with the demands of education.

However, for achieving that achievement is not an easy thing. There are various obstacles that arise from within students and from outside, such as differences in background family, unfavorable school environment, peers who bring negative influences, teachers who do not set an example, and so on. Moment currently, our education occupies the 108th position when viewed from the ranking system world education. This means that the quality of education in our country is still low, which caused by student achievement that has not been good. This happens because of various factors, one of which is loose student discipline, so students do not feel burdened when you don't have achievements, don't try to apply discipline because there is no reward that motivates, as well as less than the maximum the application of punishment that creates a deterrent effect so that students underestimate school rules and regulations. Phenomena like this happen a lot in various educational institutions the other is at MAN 03 Jakarta. Madrasah aliyah with the status of this country was established in the Central Jakarta area since 1991, which was previously a change status of State Religion Teacher Education 6 Pondok Pinang in 1978. In the current semester, the 2007 school year, MAN 03 Jakarta has 541 students and 41 educators. Unbalanced number of teachers The large number of students makes it difficult to participate in help manage student discipline because each teacher already has the main task load as a subject teacher, so that not a few teachers seem indifferent to the discipline of students at school.


1. Get used to the 5S Gold culture (Greetings, Smiles, Greetings, Polite, Polite) and kissing hands as a sense of Ta'dzim to Teachers and Education Personnel, family and people.

2. Get used to being disciplined when dressing in Islamic, Neat, clean according to the rules orderly students MAN 3 Jakarta.

3. Always read the Qur'an and pray the Sunnah Dhuha before starting the process learning and Fard prayer in congregation in the mosque and the Sunnah Rawatib prayer.

4. Follow the learning process both in class and outside the classroom carefully and full of responsibility.

5. Get used to the culture of shame, clean, orderly/queuing, honest, literacy, simple life and saving, and caring for the environment and others.

6. Participate in students' self-development activities according to their potential, interests and talents through extracurricular activities


1. Devoted to Religion, Nusa, and Nation and Love the Motherland.

2. Play an active role in guiding students to form Indonesian people religious spirit and good character.

3. Have a work ethic and discipline based on the 5 Values ​​of Work Culture of Integrity, Professionalism, Innovativeness, Responsibility and exemplary.

4. Become Uswatun Hasanah / role models for students, fellow teachers and staff Education and Society.

5. Maintain, foster, and improve the quality of MAN 3Jakarta as a means of dedication to improve professionalism.

6. Creating a harmonious and nurturing Madrasa life atmosphere relationships with students and parents/guardians to improve quality Learning.


Discipline of student aims to regulate students in following the process optimal learning. In addition, it aims to establish personal assessment criteria students which include: behavior, crafts, tidiness and cleanliness.


1. Mandatory to maintain the good name of the Madrasa

2. Obligation to maintain and preserve the Madrasah environment (cleanliness, security, order, beauty, kinship, health and shade).

3. Mandatory to realize the attitude of "CLEAN" behavior (Responsible, Educational, Neat, Healthy, Beautiful, and Green)


1. Get learning both intracurricular and extracurricular

2. Get the same treatment in the learning process.

3. Using the facilities/infrastructure available in the environment Madrasa.

4. Follow the activities carried out by the Madrasa.

5. Become an OSIS administrator or committee in student activities.

6. Get guidance from educators in achieving optimal performance.

7. Get counseling services from BK educators/counselors Madrasa.

8. Get services from library and laboratory staff.

9. Receive periodic learning outcomes assessment reports.

10. Received awards for outstanding students.

11. Get excellent service from education staff.


a. Behavior

1. Respect, appreciate and maintain the good name of the madrasa, madrasa principals, deputy madrasa heads, educators, staff education and fellow students both inside and outside outside the madrasa.

2. Speak and behave in a polite manner.

3. Maintain calm and order in the learning process.

4. Maintain and maintain the integrity of learning tools or other means.

5. Maintain and maintain cleanliness, security, order, beauty, family, health and shade (7 k) madrasa environment.

6. Follow the tadarus according to a predetermined schedule.

7. Perform the dzuhur and asr prayers in congregation.

8. arry out the Duha prayer according to the schedule that has been set determined.

b. Craft

1. Arrive at the madrasa 10 minutes before the entrance bell rings at 06:30 WIB.

2. Following the learning process of each subject

3. Carry out the duties of the educators in an orderly and on time.

4. Follow the assessment and remedial tests given by staff educators for unfinished subjects.

5. Participate in one of the extracurricular activities at madrasa.

c. Neatness

1.1 Clothing

a. Monday: White – white (applies to all participants educated), men wear ties.

b. Tuesday: White – gray (applies to all learners)

c. Wednesday: Scouts (applies to all students)

d. Thursday: Batik shirt – white pants (valid for all students)

e. Friday: MAN 3 Jakarta Muslim clothing – gray pants ash (applies to all students)

f. Saturday: White – gray (if there are school activities).

1.2 Shoes: Black color, when exercising Uses sneakers black.

1.3 Belt: Black color.

1.4 Socks: White color, when in Scout uniform wearing black socks.

1.5 How to dress:

a. Male students: Shirt is tucked into pants and tie (Monday and Tuesday) except for scout uniforms and uniforms Thursday and Friday.

b. Female students: The clothes are removed and veiled.

c. The size of the student's clothes is arranged according to the provisions dress at MAN 3 JAKARTA (clothing models are in the Cooperative MAN 3 JAKARTA).

1.6 Students' hair is neat and short.

1.7 Sports clothes are only worn during gym class hours body

d. Cleanliness

1. Dress clean, neat, polite and in accordance with the provisions.

2. Maintain personal hygiene and completeness of learning.

3. Maintain and maintain the cleanliness of the madrasa environment.


a. Behavior Students are prohibited from:

1. Engaged in criminal acts (stealing, looting other people's property).

2. Carrying / preparing / using Sharp weapons / weapons fire.

3. Carrying and or using drugs / alcohol.

4. Bring, view and or distribute pornographic media in any form.

5. Fighting / getting involved / triggering a fight (brawl).

6. Acting immoral

7. Persecuting / intimidating madrasa residents.

8. Smoking / carrying cigarettes inside or outside the environment madrasa.

9. Damaging madrasa infrastructure.

10. Forge signatures (parents, madrasa principals, representatives, educators, education staff).

11. Fake madrasa stamps.

12. Making false, false or false statements.

13. Breakthrough / jump the madrasa fence.

14. Interrupting the Learning Process (PB) and leaving the PB without permission.

15. Protecting a guilty friend. 16. Defame the madrasa and madrasa residents.

16. Take provocative actions. 18. Being in the canteen/cooperative during lessons without a worker's permission educator / picket.

17. Not submitting an invitation letter / circular to parents / Guardian.

18. Not performing the dzuhur and asr prayers in congregation

19. Talking and behaving impolitely to resident madrasa.

20. Throwing trash or spitting anywhere.

21. Disobeying the advice and warnings of the madrasa head, deputy principals, educators and education staff.

22. Activate / use HP during the learning process take place.

23. Carrying and using items that are not support the learning process.

24. Park the vehicle inappropriately.

25. Using toilets for educators and education staff.

26. Dating in the Madrasah environment.

27. Celebrating Birthdays in excess

b. Craft Students are prohibited from:

1. Do not enter without information/negligence.

2. Being late for class.

3. Do not collect assignments.

4. Not following the apple/flag ceremony

5. Not following matriculation, material deepening, extracurricular activities, and field observation.

6. Not following the lesson.

7. Returning without permission.

c. Neatness Students are prohibited from:

1. wear a uniform that does not comply with the provisions

2. Unkempt hair, long hair, painted (for male students)

3. Make hair as a headdress model

4. Wear jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, etc.) for male students.

5. Wearing excessive jewelry/makeup for students daughter

d. Cleanliness Students are prohibited from:

1. Dressed in a dirty, shabby, torn, torn, and school uniform dirty

2. Dirt/scratch walls, tables, chairs, floors, blackboards

3. Long nails/nails.

4. Throwing garbage and spitting carelessly.

The sanctions and assessment of student violations when I attended school for 3 years at Mardasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Jakarta from 2007 to 2010 were very strict. Very disciplined compared to public schools in DKI Jakarta at that time.

1. The most serious violations are if students are caught in a brawl between students, carry sharp weapons to school, drink alcohol, date, and smoke or use drugs, take or steal other people's goods, the sanctions imposed by the school are dishonorable.

2. Violations such as coming late to school, not doing homework, cheating at school and often not attending school, the punishment from the school is coaching from the student affairs department and parents are also called to school and are punished with suspension for 1 week and can also not go to class.


1. Students who reach a total of 20 violation points (A) will done :

a. Coaching by Development Coach Student Self

b. Homeroom Supervisor II.

2. Students who reach a total of 21-40 Violation points (B) will done :

a. Warning (remind)

b. Home visit for student self-development

c. Making the 1st (first) statement (agreement)

3. Students who reach a total of 41-60 Violation points (C) will done :

a. Calling parents (student self-development coaches, OSIS Advisor for Order, and BK)

b. Warning (remind with parents)

c. Make a statement (agreement) to the 2nd (two)

d. Suspension for 2 (two) consecutive days

4. Students who reach a total of 61-99 Violation points (D) will done :

a. Home visit (student self-development coach and BK)

b. Strict warning (Student representatives, OSIS coaches in the field of etiquette, Student Self-Development Coach and BK)

c. Make the 3rd (third) statement (agreement) with stamp duty Rp. 6000,-

d. Suspension for 2 (two) consecutive days

5. Students who reach a total of 100 points Violation points (E) will be done :

a. Special attention and supervision (Student Representative),

b. Supervisor Self-Development of Students, OSIS Trustees in the Field of Order and Counseling0 If in 1 month there is no change, it will be held plenary session (Heads of Madrasahs, Representatives, OSIS Supervisors Tatib, Student Self-Development Trustees and BK)

c. Will be returned to the parents of the students Head of MAN 3 Jakarta

For three years I attended a special religious school like this with a high level of discipline. I learned very valuable lessons when I was 15 to 17 years old to be more disciplined, firm and responsible honestly in behavioral actions in everyday life. At that time I received an award and started participating in a scientific writing competition with 15 people at the national level and thank God our team received an award and received training for 3 months from LIPI at the age of 17.