CHAPTER II Economic Difficulties Are Not a Barrier To Achieving Goals

The story in this book began in 2010 at that time Dian had just graduated from MAN 3 Jakarta and had a dream to study at the University of Indonesia majoring in Medicine. But Dian's wish was crushed due to poverty. So, her family had little choice but to send Dian to a midwifery school. Dian also continued to the advanced Indonesian health science college which is a prestigious private university in the first D4 midwifery in Indonesia. However, Dian faced financial difficulties because at that time her parents' business was not going well and her father wanted to retire in the Indonesian National Army. Even his family had to borrow a scholarship fund of 200 million.

This fund must be repaid after Dian graduated from college and worked. Dian Damayanti had to go through her early life at the midwifery campus with full of struggles. Not only once did he have to desperately survive on very simple food. His mediocre financial condition made him have to survive in various ways. Every morning he has instant noodles for breakfast, then at noon he eats plain bread without jam. The most delicious food at that time was rice warteg in the form of tofu rice, vegetables and broth. While at night he usually does not eat. That was Dian's diet during her early days at the Midwifery School. However, the economic difficulties made Dian grow up as a strong woman. Dian believes that in fact every human being has extraordinary endurance, which will emerge when life's difficulties confront him.

At that time, papa was only in class 2c. At that time, my father's rank was sergeant major. I started school in midwifery. With my parents income at that time was very small to pay for my semester of college and take part in competitions that made money to increase my parents' income to pay for semesters and pay for transportation and internship fees. At that time I went to school where I was required to live on campus if all midwifery students had to live on campus. I study in the South Jakarta area close to Depok. Every time I go to and home from college, I take the bus or the economy train to save money because my parents provided me with only twenty thousand a day in 2010 for my pocket money. Even to ride a vehicle, I tried to share my hobby of singing with my best friend at that time who had the same fate. With me far away college with pocket money a little busking in a crowded bus.

Every morning and every evening after school. We are not ashamed to do that, it's okay if we get on the bus to take us to college, we can also channel our hobbies of singing and playing music. The bus was always full of people working and even we were close to the driver and conductor. We used to take the AC bus 84 Rawamangun Depok Department and also 134 AC Monday Depok. The problem is that my parents and some of my friends have entrusted us with even the initials of my friend P, he is a student at a state university in the Depok area and A is also the same as us going to college with Dian, a woman among the three. We went to college one way but we went to college at the expense of our parents to meet our needs, which we often sing on the bus we ride, we are not ashamed because the tuition fees for our majors are quite expensive, can be hundreds of millions, the results of busking on the bus entertained passengers with an impromptu concert on the ac bus, I was able to pay for food and the need to buy midwifery equipment and could buy obstetrics books which at that time were very expensive. Without burdening parents. The money collected can be used to pay for my internship in midwifery and a joint venture to buy medicines for free medical activities.

I started to study seriously and also started to take part in the competition for selecting student ambassadors from the mayoral level first and finally I won representing the South Jakarta area to become Finalists of the DKI Jakarta provincial youth ambassador (student) competition organized by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Agency for Community Empowerment and Women and Family Planning (BPMPKB). In 2011 from this I began to get convenience and make more friends. At that time I was a student ambassador for 1 year. Dian had the usual opportunity to meet great people in the government from Mr. Ir. H. Joko Widodo and mother, met with the Ministry of education and culture coordination of private universities region III Prof. Dr. Ilza mayuni. MA, Mr. Sutiyoso, Mr. Fauzi Bowo, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Also officials in DKI and the central government. Accompany in every inauguration and iftar or other major religious events. I am often invited with my parents.

I study hard to get a scholarship. And in my spare time I look for extra money that is lawful and fast. and also during semester 1 when all my friends felt my semester break instead of having to work at my lecturer's house taking care of a very sick mother and helping the midwifery clinic at that time I was paid seventy thousand a day and I had to be there 24 hours. Not go home. There is no holiday if you want to meet Dian's parents, you are only given half an hour. At the age of 18, you should be able to live independently and rarely spend time with family and friends who work and study. As long as I learned to care for people and met many people, I began to feel sorry for the midwifery clinic to check pregnancy and childbirth. At that time, the cost was very expensive. I was touched.

At that time, many underprivileged people had not received delivery assistance from the government in West Java and many gave birth at traditional birth attendants because the hospital fees at that time were very expensive. They could not afford many mothers and children who often came to the clinic in critical condition. My lecturer helped the mother to be referred to a big hospital in the middle of the night but unfortunately the patient died on the road. At that time I wanted to help save the lives of many people by setting up a clinic to help the underprivileged and also setting up free medical activities. Help the community at that time.

When I was in college in my second semester, I started undergoing training which required entering a dormitory and attending military training and coaching for six months before being sworn in and wearing the midwife's school uniform. We were nurtured physically as well as mentally at school and in the military during that time we had to get up early, and follow very strict rules and there if our semester grades dropped, we were immediately expelled. We study hard, there is no time to play, there is study and our parents can only meet us for 1 hour once a week.

We all worked hard but unfortunately one of our friends from West Kalimantan with the initials name N was kicked out because his grades were low and we were all sad and devastated that he had to leave with such disrespect. After that, I understood that a girls-only school like this was really strict and too strict in its upbringing. After being sworn in and wearing a midwifery school uniform. We have started to return to our respective homes and have started at 8.00 WIB in the morning to 15.00 WIB in the afternoon Dian is at school and from 16.00 WIB to 23.00 WIB has started working at the clinic Monday to Friday part time at the clinic. Every Saturday and Sunday I am full and even stay at the clinic.

In the third semester I started to practice not in a small clinic but started at Cijantung Hospital, a military hospital. I was chosen at the campus to practice there. I practiced there, I was not paid. All my labor was free. My internship there was sent to campus for 6 months. I prefer that the employees are better and more human. I am given a Saturday and Sunday off. Every time I come home from college, I go straight to the hospital. I can go home in the morning and I sleep in the hospital. because I came home too late to get home at 1 pm, so it's better for me to go home than stay there because Jakarta at that time was very prone to burglary and robbery as well as rape. When I was 19 years old, I mostly slept in the hospital, so when I was at home I met my parents, I was only like that for 2 days until semester 4.

When Dian Damayanti at the end of the fourth semester she took part in the student exchange selection to be able to study at Guangxi Medical University, China, Dian studied hard, not only studying Latin and English and Dutch but also learning Chinese. Quickly during the selection test

Dian's verloskundige school moest een beetje Nederlands kunnen spreken in die tijd waren er meerdere hoofddocenten die vaak Nederlands spraken bij het uitleggen van de namen van apparatuur en de geschiedenis van de verloskunde in Indonesië. dus ik moet latijn en nederlands beheersen. bijvoorbeeld zo als we in het labo zijn onze docenten meer Nederlands spreken:

1. Desinfectiemiddel chloorhexidine in alcohol 70% fles

2. Ontsmettingsbak met korven en dexel

3. Huntleigh batterijdeksel tbv dopplers

4. Sharpsafe naaldencontainer Sharpsafe naaldencontainer

5. Medipharchem irisschaar linkshandig spits spits recht a kwaliteit

6. Badmeester beademingsballon badmeester soort Spiraalslang tbv zuurstof set

7. Dokterstas moduletas tbv zuurstofdraagtas Medidis reduceerventiel los 0-25l

8. Katheterset zonder nacl voor verloskunde

9. Medipharchem baarmoederdilatator hegar rvs 4.0mm

10. Medipharchem baarmoederdilatator hegar rvs 4.5mm

11. Medipharchem baarmoederdilatator hegar rvs 5.0mm

Besides that, I also started to study Chinese in preparation after I received an opportunity from campus for an exchange student.