Heading To A Place (Tamaphachus)

Wherever You Are Pay Attention To Your Surroundings Carefully.


The journey the two of them took was not short, but it took quite a long time.

Aldo until now also does not know what the main cause is until he returns to his past. Where the period that Aldo is currently living can be said to have been ten years before he was finally sent to deliver Revelation to one of the enlighteners in the 'Intermediate World'.

And it could be said that he had also left Tamaphachus for a very long time because when he arrived at the 'Intermediate World' he was caught by the figure of an Indigo child who could not be named.

During the trip, all they did was talk about how life was on the other side of Aldo.

"Hmmm I guess you were stuck in the Intermediate World for a very long time!" said Ejh looking at Aldo who only focused on looking ahead.

He didn't answer but just nodded his head in agreement with what Ejh said.